
[xiǎo xīn]
to be careful
仔细 留心 留神 来者不善,善者不来
to take care
当心 关照 走心 留神 张罗 料持 爱护 处置 打理 操神 办好 调养 照应 照顾 招呼 调理 顾惜 保重 自理 呵护 理事 照料 收养 过来 点到即止 顾家 带娃 留守
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
I 动 take care; be careful; be cautious:
- 小心火烛! Guard against fire!
- 小心轻放! Handle with care!
- 小心油漆! Mind the wet paint!
- 过马路要小心。 Be careful when crossing the street.
- 路滑,小心摔倒。 The road is slippery. Be careful not to slip and fall.
II 形 mindful; careful; heedful:
- 他说话很小心。 He's very careful about his speech.
- 她用钱很小心。 She's frugal of her money. 赔小心
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
xiǎo·xīn注意;留神;谨慎 {be careful; be cautious; take care}:
- ~火烛 {Mind the fire!}
- 路上很滑,一不~就会跌跤。 {The road is slippery. Be careful or you'll slip and fall.}�
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
take care; be careful/cautious
- 小心别撒了奶 be careful not to spill the milk
- 小心说错话 be careful (about) what one says
- 小心小偷 watch out for thieves
- 多加小心 take great care; be more careful
- 特别小心 be extremely careful
- 小心点,他们老是欺骗游客。 Be on your guard―they always try to cheat tourists.
- 小心!你差点撞到墙上。 Look out! You nearly hit that wall!
- 小心碰头! Mind your head!
- 小心台阶。 Mind the step. / Mind you don't trip over the step.
- 搭陌生人的车要小心。 You must be careful about accepting rides from strangers.
- 以后你可得小心点儿! You've got to watch your step in future.
careful; cautious
- 十分小心 with painstaking care
- 小心轻放! Handle with care. / Handle gently.
- 她开车很小心。 She is a careful driver. / She takes great care when driving.
<熟> be careful/cautious/discreet/prudent
- 极为小心谨慎地处理某事 handle sth with the utmost discretion
- 强调小心谨慎的必要性 stress the need for caution
xiǎoxīn shǐ de wànnián chuán
<熟> caution is the parent of safety
<熟> with the greatest care; very cautiously; discreetly
- 小心翼翼地开车 drive very carefully
- 小心翼翼地去掉绷带 remove the bandage gingerly
- 小心翼翼地张望 peer round cautiously
- 小心翼翼地做手术 carry out the operation with the utmost care
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
be careful; be cautious; take care
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英法学大词典
be careful in; be careful of; beware; caginess; caution; keep off the grass
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
xiǎo xīn
care, careful,指小心谨慎,强调小心,常与take, give, have等动词连用。
- 小心别弄断了。 Take care not to break it,或:Take care you don't break it.
- 你对你做的事要分外小心。 You should give more care to what you are doing.
- 你说话要小心,要不然你会后悔的。 Have a care what you say or you may regret it.care 还可与with连用。
- 玻璃制品,小心轻放! Glass, handle with care!
- 这活他干得分外小心。 He did the work with redoubled care.careful,常用作表语,大多用于祈使句。
- 这是你要小心的地方。 It's what you have to be careful about.
- 过马路要小心。 Be careful when crossing the street.
- 路滑,小心摔倒。 The road is slippery. Be careful not to slip and fall.
- 在钱的问题上要小心。 Be careful in money matters.
caution, cautious,指谨慎小心,强调谨慎。常与use, urge, exercise连用。
- 过马路要小心。 Use caution in crossing streets.
- 他劝我做生意要小心。 He urged caution on me in business.
- 我们在处理炸药时向来十分小心。 We have been exercising extreme caution in dealing with explosive.
- 他用剃刀刮脸向来十分小心。 He has been very cautious with his razor whenever he shaves.
- 我劝他在给病人安排x光时要小心。 I urged him to be cautious in ordering X-ray for patients.同样,caution也可与with连用。
- 使用这些词时要小心。 These words should be used with caution.
- 他告诉我们在结了冰的坡地上行走要十分小心。 He told us to walk with great caution on the icy slope.
- 小心油漆! Mind the wet paint!
- 你小心别得罪他。 Mind you don't offend him.
guard against,指要人小心防着点。
- 小心火烛! Guard against fire!
- 你要小心着凉。 You must guard against a cold.
beware of,指要小心提防,也多用于标语中的祈使句。
- 小心扒手! Beware of pickpockets!
- 小心恶犬! Beware of dogs!此外,beware还可与must, should等情态动词连用。
- 你处理危险物资时要小心。 You must beware of what you do with dangerous substance.由于beware of有“要人提防的意思”,因此有时正好与汉语中的否定式“小心别”重合。
- 你小心别把书丢了。 You should beware of losing your books.
- 小心,不要太靠近悬崖。 Beware of going too near the edge of the cliff.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典