愛護 爱护
[ài hù]
to cherish
⇒ 珍爱 怀抱 稀罕 爱惜 抱 胸怀 珍惜 惜 呵护 疼惜 心怀 善财 念旧 爱才 惜寸阴 念想 怀念 自爱 思慕 襟 横刀夺爱 戒奢崇俭 怀古 养虎遗患 养痈遗患 养虎伤身 养痈贻患 抱残守缺 善财难舍
to treasure
⇒ 钟爱 宝贵 珍视 爱惜 珍惜 献宝 敬惜字纸 深藏若虚
to take care of
⇒ 搞 看 张罗 料持 处置 打理 操神 办好 调养 照应 照顾 招呼 调理 顾惜 保重 自理 呵护 理事 照料 过来 顾家 带娃 留守 保养 自爱 分心 一手包办 养病 颐性养寿 上有老下有小 月嫂
to love and protect
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
动 cherish; treasure; take good care of:
- 爱护儿童 attend to children; take loving care of children
- 爱护公物 look after public property
- 备受爱护 receive tender attention
- 互相爱护 care for each other
- 需要特别爱护 need special care
动 cherish; treasure; take good care of:
- 爱护儿童 attend to children; take loving care of children
- 爱护公物 look after public property
- 备受爱护 receive tender attention
- 互相爱护 care for each other
- 需要特别爱护 need special care
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
爱惜并保护 {cherish; treasure; take good care of}:
- ~公物 {take good care of public property}
- ~年轻一代。 {care for the younger generation}
爱惜并保护 {cherish; treasure; take good care of}:
- ~公物 {take good care of public property}
- ~年轻一代。 {care for the younger generation}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 cherish; treasure; care for; take good care of
- 爱护儿童 cherish children; give loving care for children; be attentive to children; take good care of children
- 爱护公物 care for public property; take good care of public property; show respect for public property
- 爱护国家财产 take good care of state property
- 爱护国家文物 treasure the nation's cultural/historical relics
- 爱护劳动果实 cherish the fruits of labour
- 爱护年轻一代 care for the young generation
- 爱护群众的积极性 protect the enthusiasm/initiative of the masses
- 爱护视力 take good care of one's eyesight
- 爱护眼睛 protect one's eyes
- 爱护备至 give every attention to (sb/sth)
- 备受爱护 be well taken care of
- 相互关心,相互爱护 be concerned with and take care of each other/one another
动 cherish; treasure; care for; take good care of
- 爱护儿童 cherish children; give loving care for children; be attentive to children; take good care of children
- 爱护公物 care for public property; take good care of public property; show respect for public property
- 爱护国家财产 take good care of state property
- 爱护国家文物 treasure the nation's cultural/historical relics
- 爱护劳动果实 cherish the fruits of labour
- 爱护年轻一代 care for the young generation
- 爱护群众的积极性 protect the enthusiasm/initiative of the masses
- 爱护视力 take good care of one's eyesight
- 爱护眼睛 protect one's eyes
- 爱护备至 give every attention to (sb/sth)
- 备受爱护 be well taken care of
- 相互关心,相互爱护 be concerned with and take care of each other/one another
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
cherish; treasure
cherish; treasure
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
ài hù
cherish, treasure,指珍爱,两词一般可以互换。但前者在感情色彩上要比后者强烈。
- 我们决心互相爱护,患难与共。 We are determined to cherish each other and stick together through thick and thin.
- 老山的解放军战士爱护前线的一草一木。 The P.L.A. men in Laoshan cherish every tree and every blade of grass at the front.
- 这位女教师爱护这些孩子犹如己出。 The governess cherishes the children as if they were her own.
- 她爱护这些书,因为那是她亡夫的遗物。 She treasures those books because they were left behind by her husband.
- 儿童是祖国的花朵,应该受到爱护。 Children are the flowers of our country and should be treasured.
- 他十分爱护父亲给他的表。 He treasures very much the watch his father gave him.
care for,指保护,照料。
- 每个公民都应该爱护公物。 Every citizen ought to care for public property.
- 新中国要爱护青年,要关怀青年一代的成长。 New China must care for her youth and show concern for the growth of the younger generation.
have an affection for,指钟爱。
- 她对我向来真心爱护。 She has always had a genuine affection for me.
- 他对这些孩子的爱护是对别人所没有过的。 He had for the children an affection, which he had for no one else.
ài hù
cherish, treasure,指珍爱,两词一般可以互换。但前者在感情色彩上要比后者强烈。
- 我们决心互相爱护,患难与共。 We are determined to cherish each other and stick together through thick and thin.
- 老山的解放军战士爱护前线的一草一木。 The P.L.A. men in Laoshan cherish every tree and every blade of grass at the front.
- 这位女教师爱护这些孩子犹如己出。 The governess cherishes the children as if they were her own.
- 她爱护这些书,因为那是她亡夫的遗物。 She treasures those books because they were left behind by her husband.
- 儿童是祖国的花朵,应该受到爱护。 Children are the flowers of our country and should be treasured.
- 他十分爱护父亲给他的表。 He treasures very much the watch his father gave him.
care for,指保护,照料。
- 每个公民都应该爱护公物。 Every citizen ought to care for public property.
- 新中国要爱护青年,要关怀青年一代的成长。 New China must care for her youth and show concern for the growth of the younger generation.
have an affection for,指钟爱。
- 她对我向来真心爱护。 She has always had a genuine affection for me.
- 他对这些孩子的爱护是对别人所没有过的。 He had for the children an affection, which he had for no one else.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典