[jiào tíng]
(sports) to call a time-out
to halt; to put a stop to; to put on hold
⇒ 打住 歇 站 停止 住脚 停顿 停住 停 驻 驻足 止步 立定 熔断 刹停 敛步 停摆 刹住 钲 黄泛区 制止 插播
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
动 〈口〉 stop; halt; put a stop to:
- 政府紧急叫停大型工程项目。 The government put emergency brakes on mega-projects.
动 〈口〉 stop; halt; put a stop to:
- 政府紧急叫停大型工程项目。 The government put emergency brakes on mega-projects.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
动 <体育> call a time-out
- 教练叫停讨论战术。 The coach called a time-out to discuss strategy.
动 <喻> halt; stop; put a halt/stop (to sth); put the brakes on sth; call for an end (to sth)
- 叫停第三套房贷 announce suspension of loan lending for third home purchases
- 叫停收费站 stop/close a tollbooth
- 叫停大型项目 call for an end to a mega-project; put the brakes on a mega-project
动 <体育> call a time-out
- 教练叫停讨论战术。 The coach called a time-out to discuss strategy.
动 <喻> halt; stop; put a halt/stop (to sth); put the brakes on sth; call for an end (to sth)
- 叫停第三套房贷 announce suspension of loan lending for third home purchases
- 叫停收费站 stop/close a tollbooth
- 叫停大型项目 call for an end to a mega-project; put the brakes on a mega-project
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典