習慣 习惯
[xí guàn]
⇒ 嗜好 忕 癖 习 恶俗 老谱 痼习 旧习 恶心 恶习 小动作 恶癖 积习 陈套 习惯成自然 习惯自然 惯性 习惯若自然 上瘾 习性 穴居 戒毒 折节读书
⇒ 俗 礼俗 老例 戛 向例 自定义 习俗 风 习 习气 风俗 旧习 颓风 旧俗 特制 恶俗 民俗 订制 积习 古风 定制 新风 风尚 婚俗 随俗 造型蛋糕 积习成俗 时俗 未能免俗
usual practice
⇒ 定例 向例 惯例 例行公事
to be used to
⇒ 用来 做 丧失殆尽 通用 看惯 指代 吃不服 泛指 今不如昔 被 金针菇 衍声复词
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
I 名 habit; custom; usual practice:
- 从小培养劳动习惯 cultivate from childhood the habit of working with one's own hands
- 破除旧习惯,树立新风尚 discard outmoded customs and establish new ones
- 别养成抽烟的习惯。 Don't get into the habit of smoking.
II 动 accustomed to; used to; inured to:
- 他习惯早起。 He is used to getting up early.
- 我已经习惯了北方的气候。 I've become accustomed to the northern climate.
- 这样潮湿的天气我实在不习惯。 I just can't get used to this damp weather.
- 习惯法 【法】 common law; customary law
- 习惯势力 force of habit
I 名 habit; custom; usual practice:
- 从小培养劳动习惯 cultivate from childhood the habit of working with one's own hands
- 破除旧习惯,树立新风尚 discard outmoded customs and establish new ones
- 别养成抽烟的习惯。 Don't get into the habit of smoking.
II 动 accustomed to; used to; inured to:
- 他习惯早起。 He is used to getting up early.
- 我已经习惯了北方的气候。 I've become accustomed to the northern climate.
- 这样潮湿的天气我实在不习惯。 I just can't get used to this damp weather.
- 习惯法 【法】 common law; customary law
- 习惯势力 force of habit
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
【所属学科】 心理学→基础心理学→普通心理学与实验心理学
【所属学科】 心理学→基础心理学→普通心理学与实验心理学
- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语
1. 常常接触某种新的情况而逐渐适应 {be accustomed to; be used to; be inured to}:
- ~成自然 {habit becomes second nature}
- 对这里的生活还不~。 {I am yet to get used to life in this part of the world.}
2. 在长时期里逐渐养成的、一时不容易改变的行为、倾向或社会风尚。 {habit; custom; long-time practice, trend, or fashion that cannot be changed overnight}
1. 常常接触某种新的情况而逐渐适应 {be accustomed to; be used to; be inured to}:
- ~成自然 {habit becomes second nature}
- 对这里的生活还不~。 {I am yet to get used to life in this part of the world.}
2. 在长时期里逐渐养成的、一时不容易改变的行为、倾向或社会风尚。 {habit; custom; long-time practice, trend, or fashion that cannot be changed overnight}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 be accustomed to; get/become/be used to; be inured to
- 习惯寒冷 be inured to cold
- 习惯艰苦生活 inure oneself to hardships
- 习惯简单饮食 be accustomed to a spare diet
- 习惯早起 be used to getting up early
- 习惯自然环境 acclimatize oneself to the natural conditions
- 他习惯于看电视到半夜。 He has habituated himself to watching TV till midnight.
- “你怎么还用手洗啊!” “唉,没办法,习惯了!” 'Why do you still wash everything by hand?' 'It's just the force of habit, I suppose.'
- 我习惯于开夜车。 It is a habit with me to work late into the night.
- 公司里有些事情你永远也习惯不了。 There are some things in the company you will never get used to.
名 habit; custom; usual practice; routine
- 保持习惯 keep/maintain a habit
- 成为习惯 become a habit
- 出于习惯 do sth from/out of habit; it is from habit (that)
- 丢掉习惯 lose the habit (of)
- 改变习惯 alter/change a habit
- 改掉习惯 get rid of a habit; break a habit; get out of a routine
- 根除习惯 uproot a habit
- 固守习惯 adhere to a habit
- 戒掉习惯 break (off) a propensity (of doing sth); get out of a propensity (of doing sth)
- 纠正不良习惯 correct a bad habit/mannerism
- 克服习惯 overcome a habit
- 培养习惯 build up/cultivate/acquire/develop a habit
- 染上习惯 contract a habit
- 形成习惯 establish/form/foster a habit; get/fall into a habit (of)
- 养成习惯 acquire/form/develop/cultivate/foster a habit
- 当地风俗习惯 local custom
- 根深蒂固的习惯 deeply ingrained habit
- 讲话的习惯 trick of speech
- 民族/个人/节俭/奢侈的习惯 national/personal/economical/luxurious habit
- 生活习惯 way of life; life/living habit
- 那是他的习惯,不必大惊小怪。 That's a quirk of his. It's nothing to make a fuss about.
- 人受习惯的支配。 A habit has a hold on you.
- 他有午休的习惯。 He is in the habit of taking a nap after lunch.
动 be accustomed to; get/become/be used to; be inured to
- 习惯寒冷 be inured to cold
- 习惯艰苦生活 inure oneself to hardships
- 习惯简单饮食 be accustomed to a spare diet
- 习惯早起 be used to getting up early
- 习惯自然环境 acclimatize oneself to the natural conditions
- 他习惯于看电视到半夜。 He has habituated himself to watching TV till midnight.
- “你怎么还用手洗啊!” “唉,没办法,习惯了!” 'Why do you still wash everything by hand?' 'It's just the force of habit, I suppose.'
- 我习惯于开夜车。 It is a habit with me to work late into the night.
- 公司里有些事情你永远也习惯不了。 There are some things in the company you will never get used to.
名 habit; custom; usual practice; routine
- 保持习惯 keep/maintain a habit
- 成为习惯 become a habit
- 出于习惯 do sth from/out of habit; it is from habit (that)
- 丢掉习惯 lose the habit (of)
- 改变习惯 alter/change a habit
- 改掉习惯 get rid of a habit; break a habit; get out of a routine
- 根除习惯 uproot a habit
- 固守习惯 adhere to a habit
- 戒掉习惯 break (off) a propensity (of doing sth); get out of a propensity (of doing sth)
- 纠正不良习惯 correct a bad habit/mannerism
- 克服习惯 overcome a habit
- 培养习惯 build up/cultivate/acquire/develop a habit
- 染上习惯 contract a habit
- 形成习惯 establish/form/foster a habit; get/fall into a habit (of)
- 养成习惯 acquire/form/develop/cultivate/foster a habit
- 当地风俗习惯 local custom
- 根深蒂固的习惯 deeply ingrained habit
- 讲话的习惯 trick of speech
- 民族/个人/节俭/奢侈的习惯 national/personal/economical/luxurious habit
- 生活习惯 way of life; life/living habit
- 那是他的习惯,不必大惊小怪。 That's a quirk of his. It's nothing to make a fuss about.
- 人受习惯的支配。 A habit has a hold on you.
- 他有午休的习惯。 He is in the habit of taking a nap after lunch.
xíguàn chéng zìrán
<熟> habit makes things natural—once a use, forever a custom; habit is second nature
xíguàn chéng zìrán
<熟> habit makes things natural—once a use, forever a custom; habit is second nature
名 common law; customary law
- 习惯法要求人们先结婚后生子。 Custom demands that people get married before having children.
名 common law; customary law
- 习惯法要求人们先结婚后生子。 Custom demands that people get married before having children.
形 habitual
- 习惯性错误 habitual errors
- 习惯性痉挛 habitual spasm
- 习惯性流产 habitual abortion
- 习惯性微笑 habitual smile
形 habitual
- 习惯性错误 habitual errors
- 习惯性痉挛 habitual spasm
- 习惯性流产 habitual abortion
- 习惯性微笑 habitual smile
xíguàn yòngyù
名 idiomatic expression; idiom
xíguàn yòngyù
名 idiomatic expression; idiom
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
be used to; custom; habit; practice; usage; use and wont
be used to; custom; habit; practice; usage; use and wont
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
xí guàn
habit, habitude, habituate,指不断重复而形成的习惯。
- 他思考时有抓头皮的习惯。 He has a habit of scratching his head when thinking.
- 工作的习惯一旦养成,我认为任何工作都是令人愉快的。 I think any work is pleasant when the habit of working is formed.habitude是habit的同根词,但不同处是habit指具体的习惯,而habitude不指具体的行为,而指习惯的心态。
- 这种感觉是从她多年艺术实践的习惯中得到的。 The sense comes from years of habitude in her practice of the art.habituate 是habit的动词。
- 指挥的职责使他习惯于当机立断。 The responsibility of command habituated him to making a quick decision.
- 他已习惯于离群索居。 He has habituated himself to the solitary life.
accustom oneself to,指经常应用或体验而变得习惯。
- 我得习惯北方的冷天。 I have to accustom myself to the cold weather of the north.
- 要是你参军,一定要习惯于早起。 You must accustom yourself to getting up early if you join the army.不过要注意habituate oneself to和accustom oneself to的细微差别。如:
- 我已养成了长时间工作的习惯。 I've habituated myself to working long hours.(重点在养成习惯上)
- 我习惯于长时间工作。 I've accustomed myself to working long hours.(重点在习惯于长时间工作)又如:
- 我已养成了唠叨的习惯。 I've habituated myself to nagging.
- 我已习惯了她的唠叨。 I've accustomed myself to her nagging.此外,be (get) accustomed to 的意思与be (get) used to相同。
- 他显然还不习惯这类事情。 He was evidently not accustomed to this kind of thing.
- 你会很快习惯与他们那样的人打交道的。 You'll soon get accustomed to dealing with people like them.
- 每逢星期六晚上,我们都要回顾一下上周的工作, 这已是我们的习惯。 Every Saturday evening it is our custom (habit) to review the previous week's work.
- 他在工作时有哼小曲的习惯。 He has the custom (habit) of humming while he works.但在更多的情况下是指具有某种约束力的习俗。
- 我们要努力破除旧习惯,树立新风尚。 We must strive to break down outmoded customs and establish new ones.
- 感恩节吃火鸡是美国人的习惯。 Eating turkey on Thanksgiving is an American custom.
- 这一次,钱我可以借给你,但我不想养成这种习惯。 I'll lend you the money this time, but I don't intend to make a practice of it.
- 黎明撞钟是该寺的习惯。 It is the practice in the temple to toll bells at dawn.
- 西方国家的毕业生戴学士帽、穿学士袍,通常是一种习惯。 It is a common usage for graduates to wear caps and gowns in the Western countries.
- 每逢生日、毕业日都要送礼,这是一种习惯。 It is the common usage to give presents on birthdays and on graduation.
- 早起是他的习惯。 It was his use to get up early.
- 你看,我已习惯如此,而习惯就是一切。 You see, I'm used to it, and use is everything.use在古英语里还可用做动词来表示习惯,但在现代英语里只保留有be used to, get used to, used to这几个固定词组。
- 我长在农村,艰苦的劳动早已习惯了。 I've been grown up in the countryside and has been used to hard labor.
- 我可能会睡过头,因为不习惯起这么早。 I can probably oversleep, as I'm not used to getting up so early.
- 你做夜班习惯了吗? Have you got used to the night shift?
- 我过去习惯走路。 I used to walk.
- 天一亮我就起床,习惯了。 I'm wont to rise at dawn.
- 他一反往常的习惯,常来教堂了。 He comes oftener to church than was his wont.有时,use和wont可以合用,表示强调。
- 生活是属于习惯与习俗范畴内的事。 Life is an affair of use and wont.be wont to为美语,等于be used to。
- 羊群已习惯于圈养。 The sheep are wont (used) to the fold.
- 我已习惯吃素了。 I've been wont (used) to a vegetable diet.
xí guàn
habit, habitude, habituate,指不断重复而形成的习惯。
- 他思考时有抓头皮的习惯。 He has a habit of scratching his head when thinking.
- 工作的习惯一旦养成,我认为任何工作都是令人愉快的。 I think any work is pleasant when the habit of working is formed.habitude是habit的同根词,但不同处是habit指具体的习惯,而habitude不指具体的行为,而指习惯的心态。
- 这种感觉是从她多年艺术实践的习惯中得到的。 The sense comes from years of habitude in her practice of the art.habituate 是habit的动词。
- 指挥的职责使他习惯于当机立断。 The responsibility of command habituated him to making a quick decision.
- 他已习惯于离群索居。 He has habituated himself to the solitary life.
accustom oneself to,指经常应用或体验而变得习惯。
- 我得习惯北方的冷天。 I have to accustom myself to the cold weather of the north.
- 要是你参军,一定要习惯于早起。 You must accustom yourself to getting up early if you join the army.不过要注意habituate oneself to和accustom oneself to的细微差别。如:
- 我已养成了长时间工作的习惯。 I've habituated myself to working long hours.(重点在养成习惯上)
- 我习惯于长时间工作。 I've accustomed myself to working long hours.(重点在习惯于长时间工作)又如:
- 我已养成了唠叨的习惯。 I've habituated myself to nagging.
- 我已习惯了她的唠叨。 I've accustomed myself to her nagging.此外,be (get) accustomed to 的意思与be (get) used to相同。
- 他显然还不习惯这类事情。 He was evidently not accustomed to this kind of thing.
- 你会很快习惯与他们那样的人打交道的。 You'll soon get accustomed to dealing with people like them.
- 每逢星期六晚上,我们都要回顾一下上周的工作, 这已是我们的习惯。 Every Saturday evening it is our custom (habit) to review the previous week's work.
- 他在工作时有哼小曲的习惯。 He has the custom (habit) of humming while he works.但在更多的情况下是指具有某种约束力的习俗。
- 我们要努力破除旧习惯,树立新风尚。 We must strive to break down outmoded customs and establish new ones.
- 感恩节吃火鸡是美国人的习惯。 Eating turkey on Thanksgiving is an American custom.
- 这一次,钱我可以借给你,但我不想养成这种习惯。 I'll lend you the money this time, but I don't intend to make a practice of it.
- 黎明撞钟是该寺的习惯。 It is the practice in the temple to toll bells at dawn.
- 西方国家的毕业生戴学士帽、穿学士袍,通常是一种习惯。 It is a common usage for graduates to wear caps and gowns in the Western countries.
- 每逢生日、毕业日都要送礼,这是一种习惯。 It is the common usage to give presents on birthdays and on graduation.
- 早起是他的习惯。 It was his use to get up early.
- 你看,我已习惯如此,而习惯就是一切。 You see, I'm used to it, and use is everything.use在古英语里还可用做动词来表示习惯,但在现代英语里只保留有be used to, get used to, used to这几个固定词组。
- 我长在农村,艰苦的劳动早已习惯了。 I've been grown up in the countryside and has been used to hard labor.
- 我可能会睡过头,因为不习惯起这么早。 I can probably oversleep, as I'm not used to getting up so early.
- 你做夜班习惯了吗? Have you got used to the night shift?
- 我过去习惯走路。 I used to walk.
- 天一亮我就起床,习惯了。 I'm wont to rise at dawn.
- 他一反往常的习惯,常来教堂了。 He comes oftener to church than was his wont.有时,use和wont可以合用,表示强调。
- 生活是属于习惯与习俗范畴内的事。 Life is an affair of use and wont.be wont to为美语,等于be used to。
- 羊群已习惯于圈养。 The sheep are wont (used) to the fold.
- 我已习惯吃素了。 I've been wont (used) to a vegetable diet.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典