take a chance
take a chance 冒险;碰运气
- I took a chance and asked him directly if he was looking for an assistant. 我抱着侥幸心理直接问他是否在找一名助手。
- You're taking a chance if you don't cross the road at the pedestrian crossing. 如果过马路不走人行横道线, 就是在拿自己的生命冒险。
- Dennis was not a man to take chances. 丹尼斯不是那种会去冒险的人。
- We may lose a lot of support, but that's a chance we'll have to take. 我们也许会失去许多支持, 但那是我们不得不冒的风险。
- Jeremy refuses to take chances so he is always at the airport hours before the flight time. 杰里米不愿冒险, 因此他总是在起飞之前几个小时就到达机场。
to take no chances 不冒险
- Sheila was taking no chances. She double-locked every door and window. 希拉不想有任何风险。她把每扇门窗都上了两道锁。
to take a chance on sth/sb 就…碰运气
- You take a chance on the weather if you holiday in the UK. 如果你去英国度假, 天气的好坏就看运气了。
- He didn't seem an ideal candidate for the position, but the firm decided to take a chance on him nevertheless. 他看起来不是这个职位的理想候选人, 但公司还是决定在他身上赌一把。
See: chance
take a chance
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉大词典
take a chance
v. phr.
To accept the risk of failure or loss 冒险;碰运气。
- We will take a chance on the weather and have the party outdoors. 我们将冒着天气变糟的危险在户外举行聚会。
v. phr.
To accept the risk of failure or loss 冒险;碰运气。
- We will take a chance on the weather and have the party outdoors. 我们将冒着天气变糟的危险在户外举行聚会。
- 英语>简体中文, 美国习语词典
take a chance
vi. 冒险,投机
vi. 冒险,投机
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉化学大词典
take a chance
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉法学大辞典
take a chance
- We will take a chance to have the party outdoor. 我们将冒险举行露天聚会。
- I won't take a chance on a July holiday in Britain—it always rains. 我不会冒险在7月份去英国度假——那时天老是下雨!
- We may take a chance on her being at home. 也许碰巧她在家。
- We will take a chance to have the party outdoor. 我们将冒险举行露天聚会。
- I won't take a chance on a July holiday in Britain—it always rains. 我不会冒险在7月份去英国度假——那时天老是下雨!
- We may take a chance on her being at home. 也许碰巧她在家。
- 英语>简体中文, 简明英汉词典