pop 1
A short, sharp, quick sound. 短促尖锐的声音。
The shot form a small firearm. 手枪之射击。
A bubbling, nonintoxicating drink. 【俚】会冒泡不含酒精之饮料;汽水。
in pop 【英】【俚】典当。
(过去式: popped; 过去完成式: popped; 现在进行式: popping)
To thrust suddenly. 忽然插入。
- He popped his head in at the door. 他忽然把头探进门来。
To burst open by heat. 使因热而爆裂。
- Don't forget to pop the corn. 不要忘记爆玉米。
To fire, as a gun. 射击;开枪。
To hit. 【俚】打击。
To make a short, sharp, quick sound. 发短促尖锐之声。
- We could hear the guns pop. 我们听到枪响声。
To move quickly; dart. 急动;射出。
- An idea popped into his head. 一个想法突然浮现在他的脑海中。
To come suddenly into view. 突现。
- He popped around the corner of the street. 他突然从街角冒出来。
To burst open with a sound. 爆裂。
- Corn pops over the fire. 玉蜀黍因熟透而爆裂。
To shoot with a fun. 用枪射击。
- He's popping at the rabbits in the field. 他在田野里开枪猎野兔。
pop across to 匆促前往。
pop in 突然进入;拜访。
pop off (a)急速离去。(b)【俚】死。(c)【俚】大声而轻率地表示己见。
pop off the hooks 【俚】死。
pop out 【体】(棒球)因击高飞球而被接杀出局。
pop over 突然造访。
pop the question (非正式用法)求婚。
pop up 【体】(棒球)击出高飞球者;突然出现。
Suddenly; unexpectedly. 忽然;骤然。
- go pop 砰地一声响。
pop art 普普艺术。
pop concert 流行音乐会。
pop fly 【体】(棒球)内野高飞球。
pop wine 水果酒(甜酒,尤指水果酒或果汁酒)。
pop 2
Father. 【口】爸。
Popular. 【口】通俗的;大众的。
(过去式: popped; 过去完成式: popped; 现在进行式: popping)
To take (drugs) orally or by injection. 【俚】慢性地吞服药丸或注射药剂。
pop 3
Pop music; pop song. 流行音乐;流行歌曲。
Pop art. 普普艺术。
- 英语>简体中文, 美语词典
1. (sound) 砰的一声;啪的一声
- Each corn kernel will make a loud pop when cooked. 烹调时, 每个玉米粒都会发出很响的砰的声音。
- The cork came out with a pop. 软木塞砰的一声弹了出来。
2. (genre) 流行音乐
- a combination of Caribbean rhythms and European pop 加勒比海节奏和欧洲流行音乐的结合体
- I prefer pop to jazz. 比起爵士乐, 我更喜欢流行音乐。
3. <非正式> (fizzy drink) 含气饮料;汽水
- He still visits the village shop for buns and fizzy pop. 他还是去村里的商店买小圆面包和汽水。
- a bottle of pop 一瓶汽水
4. <主美,非正式> (father) 爸爸
- I looked at Pop and he had big tears in his eyes. 我看了看爸爸, 他满眼含泪。
5. <主美,非正式> (form of address) 大伯(用于称呼老年或中年男子)
6. 【音】 (piece) 流行乐曲
to have a pop at sb/sth<非正式> 批评某人/某事物
- an easy way in which people can have a pop at the US government 人们批评美国政府的一种简单途径
to have a pop at sth<非正式> 尝试…
- I just thought I would have a pop at the posts with the outside of my boot. 我只是想我可以试着用靴子外侧踢门柱。
- He had a pop at goal. 他试着射门。
a pop<非正式> 一次;每个
- 30 million shares at 7 dollars a pop 3, 000万股, 每股7美元
1. (sound) 砰的一声;啪的一声
- Each corn kernel will make a loud pop when cooked. 烹调时, 每个玉米粒都会发出很响的砰的声音。
- The cork came out with a pop. 软木塞砰的一声弹了出来。
2. (genre) 流行音乐
- a combination of Caribbean rhythms and European pop 加勒比海节奏和欧洲流行音乐的结合体
- I prefer pop to jazz. 比起爵士乐, 我更喜欢流行音乐。
3. <非正式> (fizzy drink) 含气饮料;汽水
- He still visits the village shop for buns and fizzy pop. 他还是去村里的商店买小圆面包和汽水。
- a bottle of pop 一瓶汽水
4. <主美,非正式> (father) 爸爸
- I looked at Pop and he had big tears in his eyes. 我看了看爸爸, 他满眼含泪。
5. <主美,非正式> (form of address) 大伯(用于称呼老年或中年男子)
6. 【音】 (piece) 流行乐曲
to have a pop at sb/sth<非正式> 批评某人/某事物
- an easy way in which people can have a pop at the US government 人们批评美国政府的一种简单途径
to have a pop at sth<非正式> 尝试…
- I just thought I would have a pop at the posts with the outside of my boot. 我只是想我可以试着用靴子外侧踢门柱。
- He had a pop at goal. 他试着射门。
a pop<非正式> 一次;每个
- 30 million shares at 7 dollars a pop 3, 000万股, 每股7美元
1. 【音】 流行音乐的
- the pop scene 流行乐坛
- pop records 流行音乐唱片
2. <非正式> (popular) 通俗的;流行的
- pop philosophy 通俗哲学
3. <非正式> (for pop) 含气饮料的;汽水的
- a pop bottle 一个汽水瓶
1. 【音】 流行音乐的
- the pop scene 流行乐坛
- pop records 流行音乐唱片
2. <非正式> (popular) 通俗的;流行的
- pop philosophy 通俗哲学
3. <非正式> (for pop) 含气饮料的;汽水的
- a pop bottle 一个汽水瓶
/pɒp/ (pops, popping, popped)
1. <英,非正式> (put) 突然放置
- He plucked a grape from the bunch and popped it in his mouth. 他从葡萄串上摘下一颗葡萄, 一下子放进嘴里。
- Marianne got a couple of mugs and popped a tea bag into each one. 玛丽安娜拿来几个大杯子, 麻利地在每个杯子里放入一个茶包。
- He popped a piece of gum into his mouth. 他把一片口香糖丢进嘴里。
2. (open) 使砰的一声打开
- Viktor popped the boot on the Renault. 维克托啪的一下打开了雷诺汽车的后备箱。
- He pulled a Coke from the fridge and popped the tab. 他从冰箱里拿出一罐可乐, 砰的一声拉开拉环。
- The waiter popped the corks on the champagne. 侍者砰的一声拔出了香槟酒瓶的软木塞。
to pop a blister 啪的一声弄破气泡
3. [+ target] 朝(目标)射击
4. <俚> [+ pills] 服用;注射
5. <非正式,过时> (pawn) 典当;抵押
1. [balloon +] 爆裂
- The balloon popped, startling the child. 气球爆了, 吓了孩子一跳。
2. [cork +] 发出砰砰声;发出啪啪声
- The cork popped and shot to the ceiling. 软木塞砰的一响, 飞向天花板。
3. (burst open) 砰(或啪)的一声打开
- You will soon hear the seeds start to pop. 你很快会听到种子开始啪地裂开的声音。
4. [eyes +] 凸出;瞪出
- My eyes popped at the sight of the rich variety of food on show. 看到展示的种类丰富的食物, 我眼睛都瞪圆了。
- Frankie's eyes were popping with amazement. 弗朗基吃惊地瞪大了双眼。
5. <英,非正式> (go) 突然(或快速)地来(或去);出人意料地短暂拜访
- He does pop down to the pub, but he seldom stays longer than an hour. 他确实会跑去酒吧坐坐, 但停留时间很少超过一小时。
- I've got to pop to the depot to pick up some parts. 我得去趟仓库拿些零件。
to pop your clogs
See: clog
to pop the question<非正式> 求婚
Phrasal Verbs:
pop back, pop in, pop into, pop off, pop on, pop out, pop out to, pop round, pop up
/pɒp/ (pops, popping, popped)
1. <英,非正式> (put) 突然放置
- He plucked a grape from the bunch and popped it in his mouth. 他从葡萄串上摘下一颗葡萄, 一下子放进嘴里。
- Marianne got a couple of mugs and popped a tea bag into each one. 玛丽安娜拿来几个大杯子, 麻利地在每个杯子里放入一个茶包。
- He popped a piece of gum into his mouth. 他把一片口香糖丢进嘴里。
2. (open) 使砰的一声打开
- Viktor popped the boot on the Renault. 维克托啪的一下打开了雷诺汽车的后备箱。
- He pulled a Coke from the fridge and popped the tab. 他从冰箱里拿出一罐可乐, 砰的一声拉开拉环。
- The waiter popped the corks on the champagne. 侍者砰的一声拔出了香槟酒瓶的软木塞。
to pop a blister 啪的一声弄破气泡
3. [+ target] 朝(目标)射击
4. <俚> [+ pills] 服用;注射
5. <非正式,过时> (pawn) 典当;抵押
1. [balloon +] 爆裂
- The balloon popped, startling the child. 气球爆了, 吓了孩子一跳。
2. [cork +] 发出砰砰声;发出啪啪声
- The cork popped and shot to the ceiling. 软木塞砰的一响, 飞向天花板。
3. (burst open) 砰(或啪)的一声打开
- You will soon hear the seeds start to pop. 你很快会听到种子开始啪地裂开的声音。
4. [eyes +] 凸出;瞪出
- My eyes popped at the sight of the rich variety of food on show. 看到展示的种类丰富的食物, 我眼睛都瞪圆了。
- Frankie's eyes were popping with amazement. 弗朗基吃惊地瞪大了双眼。
5. <英,非正式> (go) 突然(或快速)地来(或去);出人意料地短暂拜访
- He does pop down to the pub, but he seldom stays longer than an hour. 他确实会跑去酒吧坐坐, 但停留时间很少超过一小时。
- I've got to pop to the depot to pick up some parts. 我得去趟仓库拿些零件。
to pop your clogs
See: clog
to pop the question<非正式> 求婚
Phrasal Verbs:
pop back, pop in, pop into, pop off, pop on, pop out, pop out to, pop round, pop up
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉大词典
v. pops, popping, popped
popular (pop)流行的,大众的,受欢迎的
v. pops, popping, popped
popular (pop)流行的,大众的,受欢迎的
- 英语>简体中文, 高中课标词汇
n. 取出,砰然声,枪击,流行乐曲,流行艺术
adj. 流行的,热门的,通俗的
vt. 开枪打,抛出,取出,突然伸出,突然行动
adv. 突然,砰地
vi. 发出爆裂声,爆开,射击,突然出现,瞪大
n. <口>汽水
abbr.Post Office Protocol, 邮局协议,用于电子邮件的接收
n. 取出,砰然声,枪击,流行乐曲,流行艺术
adj. 流行的,热门的,通俗的
vt. 开枪打,抛出,取出,突然伸出,突然行动
adv. 突然,砰地
vi. 发出爆裂声,爆开,射击,突然出现,瞪大
n. <口>汽水
abbr.Post Office Protocol, 邮局协议,用于电子邮件的接收
- 英语>简体中文, 计算机词典
v.(动词) popped, pop.ping, pops
1. To make a short, sharp, explosive sound. 发出砰的一声:发出短促、尖利的爆裂声
2. To burst open with a short, sharp, explosive sound. 砰的一声爆开:伴随短促、尖利的爆炸声炸开
3. To move quickly or unexpectedly; appear abruptly: 突然出现,出其不意地移动:迅速或出人意料地移动;突然出现:
- At last the cottage popped into view. 最后村舍终于闯入眼帘
4. To open wide suddenly: 突然地张大:
- The child's eyes popped with astonishment. 孩子惊奇地睁大眼睛
5. Baseball To hit a short high fly ball, especially one that can be caught by an infielder: 【棒球】 击出短程高飞的球:击出一短程高飞的球,尤指击出内场队员可以接住的球:
- popped out to shortstop. 击出落向游记手的高飞球
6. To shoot a firearm, such as a pistol. 开枪:开枪,如开手枪
1. To cause to make a sharp bursting sound. 使发出砰的一声:使发出尖利的爆裂声
2. To cause to explode with a sharp bursting sound: 爆裂:使发出尖利的爆炸声:
- popped the balloon. 使气球爆裂
3. To put or thrust suddenly or unexpectedly: 突然放入,突然推撞:突然或出乎意料地放或插入:
- “popping a crisp plump shrimp into her mouth”(&b{Kathleen Winsor}) “将一只脆虾突然放进她嘴里”(卡斯林·温泽)
4. To discharge (a firearm). 发射(武器),开火
5. To fire at; shoot. 向…射击;开枪
6. To hit or strike: 击或打:
- popped me on the head. 在头上打了一下
7. Baseball To hit (a ball) high in the air but not far. 【棒球】 击小腾空球:在空中击出高且近的(一球)
8. Slang 【俚语】
9. To take (drugs), especially orally: 服(药),尤指口服:
- “To calm a case of the jitters . . . the bride popped Valium”(&b{People}) “为了使恐慌的心情平静下来,新娘吞服了几粒安定”(民族)
10. To have (a drink): 喝(饮料):
- popped a few beers after work. 工作结束后喝了几瓶啤酒
1. A sudden sharp, explosive sound. 砰的一声:突然尖利的爆炸声
2. A shot with a firearm. 开火:武器的一次发射
3. Chiefly Midwestern U.S. See soft drink See Regional Note at tonic 【多用于美国中西部】 参见 soft drink参见 tonic
4. Baseball A pop fly. 【棒球】 小腾空球
1. With a popping sound. 砰地一声地:伴随有爆裂声地
2. Abruptly or unexpectedly. 突然地,意外地:突然地或出乎意料地
3. Slang Apiece; each: 【俚语】 每张地;每个地:
- Tickets to the benefit were $50 a pop. 义演的入场券每张是五十美元
pop off 【非正式用语】
1. To leave abruptly or hurriedly. 突然离开:突然或匆忙地离开
2. To die suddenly. 暴毙:突然死亡
3. To speak thoughtlessly in a burst of released anger. 说气话:在一阵愤怒的突然爆发中不经考虑地脱口说出
pop the question 【非正式用语】
To propose marriage. 求婚
v.(动词) popped, pop.ping, pops
1. To make a short, sharp, explosive sound. 发出砰的一声:发出短促、尖利的爆裂声
2. To burst open with a short, sharp, explosive sound. 砰的一声爆开:伴随短促、尖利的爆炸声炸开
3. To move quickly or unexpectedly; appear abruptly: 突然出现,出其不意地移动:迅速或出人意料地移动;突然出现:
- At last the cottage popped into view. 最后村舍终于闯入眼帘
4. To open wide suddenly: 突然地张大:
- The child's eyes popped with astonishment. 孩子惊奇地睁大眼睛
5. Baseball To hit a short high fly ball, especially one that can be caught by an infielder: 【棒球】 击出短程高飞的球:击出一短程高飞的球,尤指击出内场队员可以接住的球:
- popped out to shortstop. 击出落向游记手的高飞球
6. To shoot a firearm, such as a pistol. 开枪:开枪,如开手枪
1. To cause to make a sharp bursting sound. 使发出砰的一声:使发出尖利的爆裂声
2. To cause to explode with a sharp bursting sound: 爆裂:使发出尖利的爆炸声:
- popped the balloon. 使气球爆裂
3. To put or thrust suddenly or unexpectedly: 突然放入,突然推撞:突然或出乎意料地放或插入:
- “popping a crisp plump shrimp into her mouth”(&b{Kathleen Winsor}) “将一只脆虾突然放进她嘴里”(卡斯林·温泽)
4. To discharge (a firearm). 发射(武器),开火
5. To fire at; shoot. 向…射击;开枪
6. To hit or strike: 击或打:
- popped me on the head. 在头上打了一下
7. Baseball To hit (a ball) high in the air but not far. 【棒球】 击小腾空球:在空中击出高且近的(一球)
8. Slang 【俚语】
9. To take (drugs), especially orally: 服(药),尤指口服:
- “To calm a case of the jitters . . . the bride popped Valium”(&b{People}) “为了使恐慌的心情平静下来,新娘吞服了几粒安定”(民族)
10. To have (a drink): 喝(饮料):
- popped a few beers after work. 工作结束后喝了几瓶啤酒
1. A sudden sharp, explosive sound. 砰的一声:突然尖利的爆炸声
2. A shot with a firearm. 开火:武器的一次发射
3. Chiefly Midwestern U.S. See soft drink See Regional Note at tonic 【多用于美国中西部】 参见 soft drink参见 tonic
4. Baseball A pop fly. 【棒球】 小腾空球
1. With a popping sound. 砰地一声地:伴随有爆裂声地
2. Abruptly or unexpectedly. 突然地,意外地:突然地或出乎意料地
3. Slang Apiece; each: 【俚语】 每张地;每个地:
- Tickets to the benefit were $50 a pop. 义演的入场券每张是五十美元
pop off 【非正式用语】
1. To leave abruptly or hurriedly. 突然离开:突然或匆忙地离开
2. To die suddenly. 暴毙:突然死亡
3. To speak thoughtlessly in a burst of released anger. 说气话:在一阵愤怒的突然爆发中不经考虑地脱口说出
pop the question 【非正式用语】
To propose marriage. 求婚
- 英语>简体中文, 美国传统词典
邮电亭通讯协定(=Post Office Protocol)
个人电脑传到电子邮件伺服器(Mail Server)端要送取信件时必须拥有相同的语言才能沟通,而这个共通的语言就是POP。POP是一种网际网路通讯协定,它主要的功能是用来传送电子邮件。
↑ pop
邮电亭通讯协定(=Post Office Protocol)
个人电脑传到电子邮件伺服器(Mail Server)端要送取信件时必须拥有相同的语言才能沟通,而这个共通的语言就是POP。POP是一种网际网路通讯协定,它主要的功能是用来传送电子邮件。
↑ pop
- 英语>简体中文, 计算机词典
vt. 发出爆裂声,突然行动,发射;n. 爆裂声,汽水,人口,总体
vt. 发出爆裂声,突然行动,发射;n. 爆裂声,汽水,人口,总体
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉化学大词典
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉计算机词汇
- 英语>简体中文, 计算机电子速查小字典
A command which removes a word from the top of the stack.
参阅pull, push, stack。
A command which removes a word from the top of the stack.
参阅pull, push, stack。
- 英语>简体中文, 计算机英汉双解词典
- The balloon will pop if you put a pin in it. 如果扎进一颗大头钉, 气球就会突然爆开。
- He could pop off any day now. 他哪一天都有可能突然死去。
使破裂, 发出短促清脆的声音
- He popped the balloon with a pin. 他用针戳破了气球。
- We heard the pop of a cork. 我们听见瓶塞砰的一声打开。
- The pop music added to our enjoyment of the film. 片中的流行音乐使我们对这部电影更加喜爱。
- The balloon will pop if you put a pin in it. 如果扎进一颗大头钉, 气球就会突然爆开。
- He could pop off any day now. 他哪一天都有可能突然死去。
使破裂, 发出短促清脆的声音
- He popped the balloon with a pin. 他用针戳破了气球。
- We heard the pop of a cork. 我们听见瓶塞砰的一声打开。
- The pop music added to our enjoyment of the film. 片中的流行音乐使我们对这部电影更加喜爱。
- 英语>简体中文, 简明英汉词典
(verb 动词)
The cork popped. 软木塞砰一声响。
(verb 动词)
The cork popped. 软木塞砰一声响。
- 英语>简体中文, 英语同义词词典
pop your 'clogs (BrE, humorous)
die 翘辫子;上西天;一命呜呼
pop the 'question (informal)
ask sb to marry you 开口求婚:
Where were you when he popped the question? 他在哪里向你求婚的?
your eyes nearly pop out of your head 另见eyes
pop your 'clogs (BrE, humorous)
die 翘辫子;上西天;一命呜呼
pop the 'question (informal)
ask sb to marry you 开口求婚:
Where were you when he popped the question? 他在哪里向你求婚的?
your eyes nearly pop out of your head 另见eyes
英语>简体中文, 英语习语词典
通俗的, 大众的, 流行的
- a pop concert 通俗音乐会
通俗的, 大众的, 流行的
- a pop concert 通俗音乐会
(=pop music)流行音乐, 流行歌曲; 流行艺术
(=pop music)流行音乐, 流行歌曲; 流行艺术
英语>简体中文, 现代英汉综合大辞典
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 电子计算机名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 核能名词
To fetch the top (most recently added) element of a stack, removing that element from the stack in the process.
To fetch the top (most recently added) element of a stack, removing that element from the stack in the process.
- 英语>简体中文, IT术语集
To fetch the top (most recently added) element of a stack, removing that element from the stack in the process.
To fetch the top (most recently added) element of a stack, removing that element from the stack in the process.
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), IT术语集
(popping, popped,pops)
1. 不可数名词 Pop is modern music that usually has a strong rhythm and uses electronic equipment. 流行乐
- ...the perfect combination of Caribbean rhythms, European pop, and American soul. …加勒比旋律、欧洲流行乐及美国灵乐的完美结合。
- ...a life-size poster of a pop star. …一张如真人大小的流行歌星海报。
2. 不可数名词 You can refer to carbonated drinks such as cola as pop. 碳酸饮料 [英国英语] [非正式]
- ...a can of pop. …一听碳酸饮料。
3. N-COUNT/SOUND Pop is used to represent a short sharp sound such as the sound made by bursting a balloon or by pulling a cork out of a bottle. 爆裂声
- Each corn kernel will make a loud pop when cooked. 每颗玉米粒炒熟的时候都会发出很响的爆裂声。
4. 不及物动词 If something pops, it makes a short sharp sound. 发爆裂声
- He untwisted the wire off the champagne bottle, and the cork popped and shot to the ceiling. 他拧开香槟瓶子上的铁丝,瓶塞砰的一声冲到了天花板上。
5. 副词 with a popping sound 砰的一声地; 啪的一声地
6. INTERJ an exclamation denoting a sharp explosive sound (感叹词,表示)砰的爆炸声
7. 不及物动词 If your eyes pop, you look very surprised or excited when you see something. (因惊讶或兴奋而)睁大眼 [非正式]
- My eyes popped at the sight of the rich variety of food on show. 我瞪大眼睛看着各色各样的食物展品。
8. 及物动词 If you pop something somewhere, you put it there quickly. 迅速放置 [非正式]
- Marianne got a couple of mugs from the cupboard and popped a teabag into each of them. 玛丽安娜从碗柜中拿出了几个杯子,把茶袋迅速地放入每个杯子中。
9. 家庭成员名词 Some people call their father pop. 爸爸 [美国英语] [非正式]
- I looked at Pop and he had big tears in his eyes. 我看了看爸爸,他眼里噙着大滴的泪珠。
10. to pop the question → see question
(popping, popped,pops)
1. 不可数名词 Pop is modern music that usually has a strong rhythm and uses electronic equipment. 流行乐
- ...the perfect combination of Caribbean rhythms, European pop, and American soul. …加勒比旋律、欧洲流行乐及美国灵乐的完美结合。
- ...a life-size poster of a pop star. …一张如真人大小的流行歌星海报。
2. 不可数名词 You can refer to carbonated drinks such as cola as pop. 碳酸饮料 [英国英语] [非正式]
- ...a can of pop. …一听碳酸饮料。
3. N-COUNT/SOUND Pop is used to represent a short sharp sound such as the sound made by bursting a balloon or by pulling a cork out of a bottle. 爆裂声
- Each corn kernel will make a loud pop when cooked. 每颗玉米粒炒熟的时候都会发出很响的爆裂声。
4. 不及物动词 If something pops, it makes a short sharp sound. 发爆裂声
- He untwisted the wire off the champagne bottle, and the cork popped and shot to the ceiling. 他拧开香槟瓶子上的铁丝,瓶塞砰的一声冲到了天花板上。
5. 副词 with a popping sound 砰的一声地; 啪的一声地
6. INTERJ an exclamation denoting a sharp explosive sound (感叹词,表示)砰的爆炸声
7. 不及物动词 If your eyes pop, you look very surprised or excited when you see something. (因惊讶或兴奋而)睁大眼 [非正式]
- My eyes popped at the sight of the rich variety of food on show. 我瞪大眼睛看着各色各样的食物展品。
8. 及物动词 If you pop something somewhere, you put it there quickly. 迅速放置 [非正式]
- Marianne got a couple of mugs from the cupboard and popped a teabag into each of them. 玛丽安娜从碗柜中拿出了几个杯子,把茶袋迅速地放入每个杯子中。
9. 家庭成员名词 Some people call their father pop. 爸爸 [美国英语] [非正式]
- I looked at Pop and he had big tears in his eyes. 我看了看爸爸,他眼里噙着大滴的泪珠。
10. to pop the question → see question
英语>简体中文, 高级英汉双解词典