
A human being as distinguished from a thing or an animal; an individual. 人;个人。
- I thought him a pleasant person. 我觉得他是个和悦可亲的人。
One's actual self; personality. 本身;人格。
- I like her person. 我喜欢她的为人。
The body of a human being; bodily appearance. (常用单数)人体;外貌。
A certain relation existing between a verb and its subject, called first, second or third person according as the subject is the speaker, the person spoken to, or the person or thing spoken of, seen in English esp. in the personal pronouns, as I, you, he, and the corresponding verbal inflections. 【文法】人称(如第一人称[说话者]、第二人称[谈话的对象]、第三人称[谈及的人或事])。
Mode of being in the Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. 【神】(圣父、圣子及圣灵三位一体的)位。
be no respecter of persons 一视同仁。
in (one's own) person (a)本人地;亲自地。(b)身体上;外貌上。
in the person of 以...的资料[身份];代表。
offences against the person 人身攻击。
the first person 【文法】第一人称。
the second person 【文法】第二人称。
the third person 【文法】第三人称。
the three persons of the Godhead (神的)三位(圣父、圣子、圣灵)。
artificial [legal] person 【法律】法人。
natural person 【法律】自然人。
- 英语>简体中文, 美语词典
n. (复persons or people)
1. (human being) 人;个人
- At least one person died and several others were injured. 至少1人死亡, 数人受伤。
- Everyone knows he's the only person who can do the job. 大家都知道他是唯一能做这份工作的人。
- My great-grandfather was a person of some importance here. 我曾祖父曾经是这里的一位重要人物。
- The amount of sleep we need varies from person to person. 我们需要的睡眠时间因人而异。
- There was far too much meat for one person. 肉太多了, 一个人吃不完。
- She's a very nice person. 她是一个非常好的人。
as a person 就性格来说
- Robin didn't feel good about herself as a person. 罗宾觉得自己的性格不好。
See also: persons
2. <口> (type) 某种类型的人
- I am not a country person at all. I prefer the city. 我根本就不是热爱乡村的那种人, 我更喜欢城市。
3. <正式> (body) 人体;身体
about your person or on your person 身上带着;身上有
- The accused was found to have an offensive weapon concealed about his person. 经发现被告身上藏有攻击性武器。
- The suspect had refused to give any details of his identity and had carried no documents on his person. 嫌犯拒绝透露任何有关其身份的详情, 身上也没有携带任何证件。
4. 【语法】 人称
5. 【律】 人(法律上指权利和义务的主体, 包括自然人和法人)
- A fetus is not a person in law. 胎儿不是法律意义上的人。
6. 【哲】 人(由身体和心灵或灵魂组成的人, 具有知觉、理性和道德观)
7. (guise) 人物;角色;假面具
- We had a knowledgeable guide in the person of George Adams. 我们找了一个知识渊博的人当向导, 此人名叫乔治·亚当斯。
in person
(in the flesh) 本人
- The author will be there in person. 作者本人会到场。
- It was the first time she had seen him in person. 那是她第一次见到他本人。
- She wanted to hear him sing in person. 她想听他现场演唱。
(yourself) 亲自
- You must collect the mail in person. 你必须亲自收邮件。
to appear in person 在现场露面
- The composer appeared in person at the end of the performance. 作曲家在表演快结束时出现在演出现场。
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉大词典
/ˈpɜːsən/, US: /ˈpɜːrsən/
- 英语>简体中文, 高中课标词汇
n. 人
- 英语>简体中文, 中医大词典
n. 人,身体,容貌,[语法] 人称
- 英语>简体中文, 计算机词典
n.Abbr. per., pers.(名词)缩写 per., pers.
1. A living human being. Often used in combination: 人:一活着的个人。常用于合成词中:
- chairperson; spokesperson; salesperson. 主席;发言人;销售员
2. An individual of specified character: 个人:有特定性格的人:
- a person of importance.See Usage Note at &b{man} 重要人物参见 man
3. The composite of characteristics that make up an individual personality; the self. 本性:组成个人的性格特征总和;本性
4. The living body of a human being: 身体,躯体:人的活着的身体:
- searched the prisoner's person. 搜身
5. Physique and general appearance. 形体,外貌:体格或总体上的外表
6. Law A human being or an organization with legal rights and duties. 【法律】 自然人;法人:具有法律权利和义务的自然人和组织
7. Theology The separate individualities of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as distinguished from the essence of the Godhead that unites them. 【神学】 三位一体的位:圣父、圣子和圣灵的独立的位,以区别于统一他们的上帝的实体
8. Grammar 【语法】
9. Any of three groups of pronoun forms with corresponding verb inflections that distinguish the speaker (first person), the individual addressed (second person), and the individual or thing spoken of (third person). 人称:指关系到谓语动词变化的三类人称形式,用以区别说话人(第一人称)、与之交谈的人(第二人称)和提及的人或东西(第三人称)
10. Any of the different forms or inflections expressing these distinctions. 表示某人称的词形:表示这些区别的不同的形式或变化
11. A character or role, as in a play; a guise: 角色,身份:戏剧中的角色;装扮:
- “Well, in her person, I say I will not have you”(&b{Shakespeare}) “好啦,对于她的角色,我说我不会让你来演”(莎士比亚)

in person
In one's physical presence; personally: 亲自:亲身出现地;亲自地:
- applied for the job in person. 亲自应聘这项工作
- 英语>简体中文, 美国传统词典
n. 人员,家伙,个体
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉化学大词典
n. 法人,法人单位,人
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉法学大辞典

- 英语>简体中文, 英美法词典

- He is a person to be shunned. 他是一个谁见着谁就躲避的人。
- “He” is the third person. “他”是第三人称。
- 英语>简体中文, 简明英汉词典
(noun 名词)

SYNONYM 同义词:adolescent,adult, baby, being, [informal日常用语] body,character, SEE参阅 child, [joking戏嚯语] customer (a difficult customer难对付的傢伙),figure, human, human being, individual, infant,SEE参阅 man noun 名词, personage, soul,[informal日常用语] type, SEE参阅 woman.
SEEALSO 另参阅people noun 名词.
- 英语>简体中文, 英语同义词词典
about/on your 'person (formal)
carried with you, for example in a pocket or bag 身上有; 身上带着:
The defendant had 100 grams of cocaine on his person. 被告身上携有100克可卡因。
in 'person
personally; physically present 亲自; 亲身:
I’m sorry, I won’t be able to come in person, but I’ll send my assistant. 非常抱歉我不能亲自来,不过我会派我的助手来。
in the person of sb (formal)
in the form or shape of sb 即某人;乃某人;通过某人体现:
Help arrived in the person of his mother.来帮忙的是他的母亲。
as good, well, etc. as the next person 另见next
英语>简体中文, 英语习语词典
人; [贬]家伙
外貌, 风格, 人格
(小说或戏剧中的)角色, 人物
【宗】(圣父, 圣子, 圣灵三位一体的)位
- a person of importance 重要人物
- young person 青年人(常指女子)
- He has no money on his person. 他身边没有钱。
- He has a fine person. 他容貌很好。
a person of color
有色人(特指黑人), 有黑人血统的人
a person of few words
沉默寡言的人, 没有多少话的人
a man of few words
沉默寡言的人, 没有多少话的人
a person of figure
有声望的人, 名人, 有地位的人物
a man of figure
有声望的人, 名人, 有地位的人物
a person of many words
a man of many words
a very matter-of-fact person
accept persons
徇私, 偏袒
artificial person
conventional person
fictitious person
juridical person
juristic person
displaced person [D.P.]
first person
(First Person )基督教三位一体中的圣父
have on one's person (=have sth. on one)
in person
(=in one's own person)亲自, 亲身
身体上, 外貌上
in the person of
代表...; 以...的资格
体现于...; 叫做...的人
legal person (=legal man)
【律】(根据英国的法律)享有完全法律权利的人; 受法律保护的人; 有资格出庭作证或充当陪审员的人
natural person
no less a person than
身分(或级别等)不低于, 正是
no respecter of persons
play one person off against another
play one person off against the other
respect of persons
偏袒; 徇私; 讲人情
respect of the person
偏袒; 徇私; 讲人情
second person
(Second Person )基督教三位一体中的圣子
the third person
(Third Person )基督教三位一体中的圣灵
英语>简体中文, 现代英汉综合大辞典
- 英语>繁体中文(香港), 英汉法律词汇
- 英语>繁体中文(香港), 英汉法律词汇
- 英语>繁体中文(香港), 英汉法律词汇
- 英语>繁体中文(香港), 英汉法律词汇
- 英语>繁体中文(香港), 英汉法律词汇
- 英语>繁体中文(香港), 英汉法律词汇
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 社会学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 资料科学名词
1. 可数名词 A person is a man, woman, or child. 人
- At least one person died and several others were injured. 至少一人死亡,另有几人受伤。
- They were both lovely, friendly people. 他们俩都是可爱、友好的人。
2. 复数型名词 Persons is used as the plural of person in formal, legal, and technical writing. (person)的复数形式,用于正式、法律和技术文体中
- ...removal of the right of accused persons to remain silent. …对被告人沉默权的剥夺。
3. 可数名词 If you talk about someone as a person, you are considering them from the point of view of their real nature. (从其真正本质出发而言的) 人
- Robin didn't feel good about herself as a person. 罗宾对她自己的为人感觉不佳。
4. 习语 If you do something in person, you do it yourself rather than letting someone else do it for you. 亲自
- You must collect the mail in person and take along some form of identification. 你必须亲自去取邮件,并带上某种身份证明。
5. 习语 If you meet, hear, or see someone in person, you are in the same place as them, rather than, for example, speaking to them on the telephone, writing to them, or seeing them on television. 当面; 本人
- It was the first time she had seen him in person. 这是她第一次见到他本人。
6. 可数名词 Your person is your body. 身体 [正式]
- The suspect had refused to give any details of his identity and had carried no documents on his person. 嫌疑犯拒绝交代任何有关他身份的细节,身上也没带任何证件。
7. 可数名词 In grammar, we use the term first person when referring to "I" and "we," second person when referring to "you," and third person when referring to "he," "she," "it," "they," and all other noun groups. Person is also used like this when referring to the verb forms that go with these pronouns and noun groups. (语法中的) 人称
英语>简体中文, 高级英汉双解词典