(过去式: heaved, hove; 过去完成式: heaved, hove; 现在进行式: heaving)
To hoist or lift up with effort. 用力举起。
- The man heaved bales of hay into the truck. 那男人用力举起草捆放上卡车。
To force from the breast, as a sigh. 发出;自胸怀迫出(如长叹)。
- Joey heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that his brother was not hurt. 当乔伊看到他的弟弟没有受伤时,他大大松了一口气。
To cause to rise or swell. 使膨大(账起)。
To throw. 【口】投掷。
- The children have just heaved a brick through my window. 那些孩子刚刚才把一块砖头投进我的窗户。
On shipboard, to draw or haul into a certain position, as an anchor. 拖;使劲拉(如锚)。
To be lifted up. 举起。
To swell. 鼓胀。
- The pavement heaved and buckled in the heat. 路面因酷热而鼓胀起皱了。
To rise and fall alternately. 起伏;更迭。
- His chest heaved as he breathed deeply after the race. 跑步过后他呼吸剧烈,胸步起伏着。
To struggle or toil. 奋斗;劳苦。
To vomit. 呕吐。
On shipboard, to haul; push. 拉;曳。
(Of ships) to move in an indicated way. (指船)航行。
- As we came into harbor another ship hove alongside. 当我们进入港口时,另一艘船在一旁同行。
Heave away (ho)! 【航】用力拉!(水手拉锚索时的呼声)
heave down 【航】使(船)倾斜。
heave in (into) sight 【谐】【航】(陆地;船)出现视域内。
heave to (a)【航】迎风卷帆使船停驶。(b)【航】(船)停止。
heave up (a)拉起(锚等)。(b)呕吐。
An effort or exertion upward; lift. 力举;举起。
The act of throwing, or pulling. 投掷;拉。
Swell or rising. 胀大;起伏;上升。
Struggle. 努寸;奋斗。
An effort to vomit. 呕吐。
- 英语>简体中文, 美语词典
1. (lift or haul) (用力)举起, 提起, 拉起
- It took five strong men to heave the statue up a ramp and lower it into place. 五名壮汉合力才把雕像抬上斜坡, 然后在合适的位置把它放下。
to heave sth/sb into sth 将…提到(或抬到)…里
- Marek helped him heave the box into the boot. 马雷克帮他把箱子提到汽车后备厢里。
to heave sth/sb onto sth 将…拖到(或抬到)…上
- We heaved him onto the bank and he lay there gasping like a stranded fish. 我们把他拖到岸边, 他躺在那里, 像条搁浅的鱼一样大口喘气。
to heave sb/yourself up 费力地使站起来
- He heaved himself up off his stool. 他费力地从凳子上站起来。
2. (fling) (用力)投, 扔, 抛
- Reg picked up the sack and heaved it into the back of the truck. 雷吉拎起大袋子, 用力把它扔进了卡车后部。
- I wouldn't have thought that heaving your typewriter out of the window was a great help in finding inspiration. 我没想到把你的打字机扔出窗外这件事竟对找灵感这么有帮助。
3. (utter) 发出(声音、叹息等);喘(粗气)
to heave a sigh 叹一口气;舒一口气
- Mr Collier heaved a sigh and got to his feet. 科利尔先生叹了口气, 站了起来。
to heave a sigh of relief 如释重负地舒一口气;松一口气
- We can all heave a big sigh of relief now that she's gone. 既然她已经走了, 我们都可以松口气了。
4. 【地质】 (displace horizontally) [+ strata] 使发生平错
1. (move up and down) [chest +] (剧烈)起伏; [stomach +] 翻腾; [sea +] 波涛起伏
- Her chest started to heave as though she was about to cry. 她的胸部剧烈起伏, 仿佛要哭了。
- My stomach heaved and I felt sick. 我的胃一阵翻腾, 感觉要吐了。
- the grey, heaving seas 灰色的、波涛汹涌的大海
2. (pitch or roll) (船)上下颠簸, 左右摇晃
- I had difficulty keeping my balance on the heaving deck. 在颠簸的甲板上, 我发现很难保持平衡。
- The boat was heaving in the swell. 小船在起伏的波浪间摇晃。
3. (retch) 作呕;恶心
- He gasped and heaved and vomited again. 他喘了口气, 一阵恶心, 又吐了。
4. past participle hove【海】 (move) (以某种方式或向某个方向)移动
- The schooner hove alongside us and threw us a line. 纵帆船与我们并排行驶, 向我们抛来一条绳子。
- A massive tanker hove over the horizon. 一艘大型油轮缓缓驶过海平线。
5. <非正式> (be full)
to be heaving 充满;挤满
- The Happy Bunny club was heaving. “快乐兔子”俱乐部里挤满了人。
- It's heaving in there. 那里挤得水泄不通。
to heave with sth/sb 充满…;挤满…
- The enclosure was heaving with press and spectators. 看台坐满了媒体记者和观众。
6. heave into vieworheave into sight 出现;进入视线
- The train that now hove into view was clearly of a much older vintage. 现在进入视线的火车显然是一种古老得多的车型。
- My aunt hove into sight peering about as if searching for something or someone. 我的姑姑出现了, 眯着眼睛到处看, 好像在找什么东西或什么人。
Phrasal Verbs:
heave down, heave to, heave up
1. (lift or haul) (用力)举起, 提起, 拉起
- It took five strong men to heave the statue up a ramp and lower it into place. 五名壮汉合力才把雕像抬上斜坡, 然后在合适的位置把它放下。
to heave sth/sb into sth 将…提到(或抬到)…里
- Marek helped him heave the box into the boot. 马雷克帮他把箱子提到汽车后备厢里。
to heave sth/sb onto sth 将…拖到(或抬到)…上
- We heaved him onto the bank and he lay there gasping like a stranded fish. 我们把他拖到岸边, 他躺在那里, 像条搁浅的鱼一样大口喘气。
to heave sb/yourself up 费力地使站起来
- He heaved himself up off his stool. 他费力地从凳子上站起来。
2. (fling) (用力)投, 扔, 抛
- Reg picked up the sack and heaved it into the back of the truck. 雷吉拎起大袋子, 用力把它扔进了卡车后部。
- I wouldn't have thought that heaving your typewriter out of the window was a great help in finding inspiration. 我没想到把你的打字机扔出窗外这件事竟对找灵感这么有帮助。
3. (utter) 发出(声音、叹息等);喘(粗气)
to heave a sigh 叹一口气;舒一口气
- Mr Collier heaved a sigh and got to his feet. 科利尔先生叹了口气, 站了起来。
to heave a sigh of relief 如释重负地舒一口气;松一口气
- We can all heave a big sigh of relief now that she's gone. 既然她已经走了, 我们都可以松口气了。
4. 【地质】 (displace horizontally) [+ strata] 使发生平错
1. (move up and down) [chest +] (剧烈)起伏; [stomach +] 翻腾; [sea +] 波涛起伏
- Her chest started to heave as though she was about to cry. 她的胸部剧烈起伏, 仿佛要哭了。
- My stomach heaved and I felt sick. 我的胃一阵翻腾, 感觉要吐了。
- the grey, heaving seas 灰色的、波涛汹涌的大海
2. (pitch or roll) (船)上下颠簸, 左右摇晃
- I had difficulty keeping my balance on the heaving deck. 在颠簸的甲板上, 我发现很难保持平衡。
- The boat was heaving in the swell. 小船在起伏的波浪间摇晃。
3. (retch) 作呕;恶心
- He gasped and heaved and vomited again. 他喘了口气, 一阵恶心, 又吐了。
4. past participle hove【海】 (move) (以某种方式或向某个方向)移动
- The schooner hove alongside us and threw us a line. 纵帆船与我们并排行驶, 向我们抛来一条绳子。
- A massive tanker hove over the horizon. 一艘大型油轮缓缓驶过海平线。
5. <非正式> (be full)
to be heaving 充满;挤满
- The Happy Bunny club was heaving. “快乐兔子”俱乐部里挤满了人。
- It's heaving in there. 那里挤得水泄不通。
to heave with sth/sb 充满…;挤满…
- The enclosure was heaving with press and spectators. 看台坐满了媒体记者和观众。
6. heave into vieworheave into sight 出现;进入视线
- The train that now hove into view was clearly of a much older vintage. 现在进入视线的火车显然是一种古老得多的车型。
- My aunt hove into sight peering about as if searching for something or someone. 我的姑姑出现了, 眯着眼睛到处看, 好像在找什么东西或什么人。
Phrasal Verbs:
heave down, heave to, heave up
1. (effort) (用力的)举, 提, 拉
- We gave one final heave and the object emerged dripping from the pond. 我们最后用力一拉, 那个东西从水塘里出来了, 滴着水。
- With a mighty heave he picked up the box. 他猛一使劲, 拎起了箱子。
2. (fling) (用力的)投, 扔, 抛
- With one enormous heave he sent the sack flying through the air. 他用力一抛, 袋子飞向空中。
- It took only one heave to hurl him into the river. 只一下, 他就被推到了河里。
3. 【地质】 (of rock strata) 平错
1. (effort) (用力的)举, 提, 拉
- We gave one final heave and the object emerged dripping from the pond. 我们最后用力一拉, 那个东西从水塘里出来了, 滴着水。
- With a mighty heave he picked up the box. 他猛一使劲, 拎起了箱子。
2. (fling) (用力的)投, 扔, 抛
- With one enormous heave he sent the sack flying through the air. 他用力一抛, 袋子飞向空中。
- It took only one heave to hurl him into the river. 只一下, 他就被推到了河里。
3. 【地质】 (of rock strata) 平错
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉大词典
n. 举起,使鼓起,使胀起
n. 举起,使鼓起,使胀起
- 英语>简体中文, 中医大词典
v.(动词) heaved, heav.ing, heaves
1. To raise or lift, especially with great effort or force: 举起,升起:提起或提高,尤指努力地或使劲地:
- heaved the box of books onto the table.See Synonyms at &b{lift} 把装有书的箱子提起放到桌子上参见 lift
2. To throw (a heavy object) with great effort; hurl: 投,掷:用力投掷(某一沉重物体);用力投掷:
- heave the shot; heaved a brick through the window. 推掷铅球;掷砖块穿窗而过
3. To throw or toss: 扔,抛:
- heaved his backpack into the corner. 他把背包往角落里一扔
4. To utter with effort or pain: 发出(叹息,呻吟等):努力或痛苦地说出:
- heaved a groan of despair. 发出绝望的呻吟
5. To vomit (something). 呕吐(某种物质)
6. past tense and past participle hove[h½v] Nautical 【过去时态与过去分词】 hove[h½v] 【航海】
7. To raise or haul up by means of a rope, line, or cable: 拉起:通过绳索、锚链、缆线等方式拉起或拖:
- hove the anchor up and set sail. 起锚启航
8. To move a ship in a certain direction or into a certain position by hauling: 拖拉:通过拖拉使船朝某一方向移动或使之到达某一位置:
- hove the ship astern. 使船后退
9. To make rise or swell: 使升起或隆起:
- the wind heaving huge waves; an exhausted dog heaving its chest. 风吹起巨浪;疲惫的狗鼓起胸部
10. Geology To displace or move (a vein, lode, or stratum, for example). 【地质学】 (地层,矿脉等)转位,滑动:置换或移动(例如水脉、矿脉、地层等)
1. To rise up or swell, as if pushed up; bulge: 鼓起:升起或鼓起,如同被推上一样;膨胀凸出:
- The sidewalk froze and heaved. 人行道冻得凸起来
2. To rise and fall in turn, as waves. 起伏:如海浪般上下起伏
3. To gag or vomit. 使作呕或呕吐
4. past tense and past participle hove Nautical 【过去时态与过去分词】 hove 【航海】
5. To move in a certain direction or to a specified position: 移动:朝某一方向或某一特定位置移动:
- The frigate hove alongside. 大型驱逐舰向岸边移动
6. To pull at or haul a rope or cable: 拉起,升起:拖拉绳索或缆线:
- The brig is heaving around on the anchor. 双桅横帆船围着锚转圈
7. To push at a capstan bar or lever. 卷起(纹盘等):推纹盘棒或杠杆
1. The effort of heaving. 用力举
2. An act of hurling; a throw, especially when considered in terms of distance: 投掷:掷投的动作;一次投掷,尤指从距离衡量:
- a heave of 63 feet. 六十三英尺的一掷
3. Geology A horizontal dislocation, as of a rock stratum, at a fault. 【地质学】 水平断层:不正常的岩层水平变位或断错
4. An upward movement. 向上运动
5. The act or an instance of gagging or vomiting. 窒息,呕吐:窒息或呕吐的行动或实例
6. heaves (used with a sing. or pl. verb)A pulmonary disease of horses that is characterized by respiratory irregularities, such as coughing, and is noticeable especially after exercise or in cold weather. heaves (与单数或复数动词连用)肺气肿:马所患的肺部疾病,其症状是呼吸系统不正常,例如咳嗽,在奔跑之后或是寒冷季节尤为明显
heave to
1. Nautical 【航海】
2. To turn a sailing ship so that its bow heads into the wind and the ship lies motionless except for drifting, in order to meet a storm: 将帆船顶风停船:转动正在航行的船只使船头迎风,船除了漂泊外一动也不动地停在水中,以便迎接暴风:
- The brig hove to. 双桅横帆船顶风停下
3. To turn an engine-powered vessel in a similar situation so that its bow heads into the seas while proceeding at low speed. 将引擎动力船向风停位:在与上条类似的境况中转动机动船,以便船首吃进水中同时以低速向前航行
4. Nautical To turn a sailing ship so that its bow heads into the wind and the ship lies motionless except for drifting, in order to meet a storm: 【航海】 将帆船顶风停船:转动正在航行的船只使船头迎风,船除了漂泊外一动也不动地停在水中,以便迎接暴风:
- The brig hove to. 双桅横帆船顶风停下
5. To turn an engine-powered vessel in a similar situation so that its bow heads into the seas while proceeding at low speed. 将引擎动力船向风停位:在与上条类似的境况中转动机动船,以便船首吃进水中同时以低速向前航行
heave into sight 或
heave into view
v.(动词) heaved, heav.ing, heaves
1. To raise or lift, especially with great effort or force: 举起,升起:提起或提高,尤指努力地或使劲地:
- heaved the box of books onto the table.See Synonyms at &b{lift} 把装有书的箱子提起放到桌子上参见 lift
2. To throw (a heavy object) with great effort; hurl: 投,掷:用力投掷(某一沉重物体);用力投掷:
- heave the shot; heaved a brick through the window. 推掷铅球;掷砖块穿窗而过
3. To throw or toss: 扔,抛:
- heaved his backpack into the corner. 他把背包往角落里一扔
4. To utter with effort or pain: 发出(叹息,呻吟等):努力或痛苦地说出:
- heaved a groan of despair. 发出绝望的呻吟
5. To vomit (something). 呕吐(某种物质)
6. past tense and past participle hove[h½v] Nautical 【过去时态与过去分词】 hove[h½v] 【航海】
7. To raise or haul up by means of a rope, line, or cable: 拉起:通过绳索、锚链、缆线等方式拉起或拖:
- hove the anchor up and set sail. 起锚启航
8. To move a ship in a certain direction or into a certain position by hauling: 拖拉:通过拖拉使船朝某一方向移动或使之到达某一位置:
- hove the ship astern. 使船后退
9. To make rise or swell: 使升起或隆起:
- the wind heaving huge waves; an exhausted dog heaving its chest. 风吹起巨浪;疲惫的狗鼓起胸部
10. Geology To displace or move (a vein, lode, or stratum, for example). 【地质学】 (地层,矿脉等)转位,滑动:置换或移动(例如水脉、矿脉、地层等)
1. To rise up or swell, as if pushed up; bulge: 鼓起:升起或鼓起,如同被推上一样;膨胀凸出:
- The sidewalk froze and heaved. 人行道冻得凸起来
2. To rise and fall in turn, as waves. 起伏:如海浪般上下起伏
3. To gag or vomit. 使作呕或呕吐
4. past tense and past participle hove Nautical 【过去时态与过去分词】 hove 【航海】
5. To move in a certain direction or to a specified position: 移动:朝某一方向或某一特定位置移动:
- The frigate hove alongside. 大型驱逐舰向岸边移动
6. To pull at or haul a rope or cable: 拉起,升起:拖拉绳索或缆线:
- The brig is heaving around on the anchor. 双桅横帆船围着锚转圈
7. To push at a capstan bar or lever. 卷起(纹盘等):推纹盘棒或杠杆
1. The effort of heaving. 用力举
2. An act of hurling; a throw, especially when considered in terms of distance: 投掷:掷投的动作;一次投掷,尤指从距离衡量:
- a heave of 63 feet. 六十三英尺的一掷
3. Geology A horizontal dislocation, as of a rock stratum, at a fault. 【地质学】 水平断层:不正常的岩层水平变位或断错
4. An upward movement. 向上运动
5. The act or an instance of gagging or vomiting. 窒息,呕吐:窒息或呕吐的行动或实例
6. heaves (used with a sing. or pl. verb)A pulmonary disease of horses that is characterized by respiratory irregularities, such as coughing, and is noticeable especially after exercise or in cold weather. heaves (与单数或复数动词连用)肺气肿:马所患的肺部疾病,其症状是呼吸系统不正常,例如咳嗽,在奔跑之后或是寒冷季节尤为明显
heave to
1. Nautical 【航海】
2. To turn a sailing ship so that its bow heads into the wind and the ship lies motionless except for drifting, in order to meet a storm: 将帆船顶风停船:转动正在航行的船只使船头迎风,船除了漂泊外一动也不动地停在水中,以便迎接暴风:
- The brig hove to. 双桅横帆船顶风停下
3. To turn an engine-powered vessel in a similar situation so that its bow heads into the seas while proceeding at low speed. 将引擎动力船向风停位:在与上条类似的境况中转动机动船,以便船首吃进水中同时以低速向前航行
4. Nautical To turn a sailing ship so that its bow heads into the wind and the ship lies motionless except for drifting, in order to meet a storm: 【航海】 将帆船顶风停船:转动正在航行的船只使船头迎风,船除了漂泊外一动也不动地停在水中,以便迎接暴风:
- The brig hove to. 双桅横帆船顶风停下
5. To turn an engine-powered vessel in a similar situation so that its bow heads into the seas while proceeding at low speed. 将引擎动力船向风停位:在与上条类似的境况中转动机动船,以便船首吃进水中同时以低速向前航行
heave into sight 或
heave into view
To rise or seem to rise over the horizon into view, as a ship. 看见,出现:出现或看上去要出现在地平线进入视野,如一条船
- 英语>简体中文, 美国传统词典
vt. 举起,抛,使...起伏;n. 升降
vt. 举起,抛,使...起伏;n. 升降
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉化学大词典
n. 举起,凸起
n. 举起,凸起
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉机械大词典
n. 举起,凸起,抛
n. 举起,凸起,抛
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉汽车词典
举; 拉; 扔, 抛
- The wave heaved the boat on land. 海浪把船推举到岸边。
vt. & vi.
喘息; 发出
- His stomach heaved at sight of the mess. 他一见到食物就呕吐。
凸起; 起伏
- The ship heaves with wave. 这艘船随着波浪颠簸。
举, 提, 拖, 拉, 扔, 起伏, 升起
举; 拉; 扔, 抛
- The wave heaved the boat on land. 海浪把船推举到岸边。
vt. & vi.
喘息; 发出
- His stomach heaved at sight of the mess. 他一见到食物就呕吐。
凸起; 起伏
- The ship heaves with wave. 这艘船随着波浪颠簸。
举, 提, 拖, 拉, 扔, 起伏, 升起
- 英语>简体中文, 简明英汉词典
(verb 动词)
to heave sacks onto a lorry. 把一袋袋东西搬上货车。
SYNONYM 同义词:drag, draw, haul, hoist, lift, lug, pull, raise, SEE参阅throw, tow, tug.
to heave into sight 进入视野
SEE参阅 appear.
to heave up 呕吐
SEE参阅 vomit.
(verb 动词)
to heave sacks onto a lorry. 把一袋袋东西搬上货车。
SYNONYM 同义词:drag, draw, haul, hoist, lift, lug, pull, raise, SEE参阅throw, tow, tug.
to heave into sight 进入视野
SEE参阅 appear.
to heave up 呕吐
SEE参阅 vomit.
- 英语>简体中文, 英语同义词词典
使胀起, 使鼓起
(费劲地) 发出(叹息、呻吟等)
抛; 投; 掷; 拉
【航海】(用绳)卷起; 拉起; 使(船)开动
【地质】使平错, 使隆起
- heave the anchor 起锚
- heave a sigh [groan] 发出叹息[呻吟]
- heave their luggage into the car 把他们的行李扔进轿车
- The wind heaves the waves. 风吹起浪。
使胀起, 使鼓起
(费劲地) 发出(叹息、呻吟等)
抛; 投; 掷; 拉
【航海】(用绳)卷起; 拉起; 使(船)开动
【地质】使平错, 使隆起
- heave the anchor 起锚
- heave a sigh [groan] 发出叹息[呻吟]
- heave their luggage into the car 把他们的行李扔进轿车
- The wind heaves the waves. 风吹起浪。
拖; 拉; 曳(on, at)
(胸部, 波涛等)起伏
移动; 向一个方向前行
努力, 操劳
- His chest heaves with every breath. 他的胸部随着呼吸而起伏。
拖; 拉; 曳(on, at)
(胸部, 波涛等)起伏
移动; 向一个方向前行
努力, 操劳
- His chest heaves with every breath. 他的胸部随着呼吸而起伏。
举起; 拉起
胀起, 鼓起; 起伏, (船在水中的) 升沉
【地质】平错, 隆起
- the heave of the sea 海涛的起伏
- Heaves is difficult to cure. 马的喘息症难治。
Heave away!
【航海】用力拉哟! (水手在起锚时的劳动号子)
heave down
【航海】(为了维修等)使(船)倾 倒于一侧
heave ho
(Heave ho!)【航海】用 力拉哟! (水手在起锚时的劳动号子)
(=heave-ho)[俚]冷冰冰的拒绝; 解雇
heave out
heave to
使(船)顶风停航; (船)停航
heave up
举起; 拉起
胀起, 鼓起; 起伏, (船在水中的) 升沉
【地质】平错, 隆起
- the heave of the sea 海涛的起伏
- Heaves is difficult to cure. 马的喘息症难治。
Heave away!
【航海】用力拉哟! (水手在起锚时的劳动号子)
heave down
【航海】(为了维修等)使(船)倾 倒于一侧
heave ho
(Heave ho!)【航海】用 力拉哟! (水手在起锚时的劳动号子)
(=heave-ho)[俚]冷冰冰的拒绝; 解雇
heave out
heave to
使(船)顶风停航; (船)停航
heave up
英语>简体中文, 现代英汉综合大辞典
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 地质学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 地球科学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 地球科学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 海事名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 海洋科学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 海洋地质学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 矿冶工程名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 气象学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 土木工程名词
v (努力地、使勁地)用力舉起=raise=lift
【記】大力士能夠heave那個heaven(n 天;天堂)
v (努力地、使勁地)用力舉起=raise=lift
【記】大力士能夠heave那個heaven(n 天;天堂)
英语>繁体中文, GRE词汇精选
(heaving, heaved,heaves)
1. 及物动词 If you heave something heavy or difficult to move somewhere, you push, pull, or lift it using a lot of effort. (用力地) 推; 拉; 举起
- It took five strong men to heave it up a ramp and lower it into place. 用了5个壮汉把它拉上斜坡并向下放置到位。
2. 可数名词 Heave is also a noun. 推; 拉; 举
- It took only one heave to hurl him into the river. 只是一推,就把他推进了河里。
3. 不及物动词 If something heaves, it moves up and down with large regular movements. (强烈而有节奏地) 起伏
- His chest heaved, and he took a deep breath. 他的胸膛上下起伏,然后他深深地吸了一口气。
4. 不及物动词 If you heave, or if your stomach heaves, you vomit or feel as if you are about to vomit. 呕吐; 恶心
- He gasped and heaved again. 他喘口气,然后又呕吐了。
- The greasy food made her stomach heave. 油腻腻的食物让她胃里恶心。
5. 及物动词 If you heave a sigh, you give a big sigh. 深深发出 (叹息)
- Mr. Collier heaved a sigh and got to his feet. 科利尔先生深深叹了一口气,然后站起身。
6. 不及物动词 If a place is heaving or if it is heaving with people, it is full of people. 挤满 [英国英语] [非正式] [usu cont]
- The Happy Bunny club was heaving. 快乐兔子夜总会里挤满了人。
- Father Auberon's Academy Club positively heaved with dashing young men. 奥伯龙神父学院俱乐部里实实在在满是风度翩翩的年轻男子。
7. to heave a sigh of relief → see sigh
(heaving, heaved,heaves)
1. 及物动词 If you heave something heavy or difficult to move somewhere, you push, pull, or lift it using a lot of effort. (用力地) 推; 拉; 举起
- It took five strong men to heave it up a ramp and lower it into place. 用了5个壮汉把它拉上斜坡并向下放置到位。
2. 可数名词 Heave is also a noun. 推; 拉; 举
- It took only one heave to hurl him into the river. 只是一推,就把他推进了河里。
3. 不及物动词 If something heaves, it moves up and down with large regular movements. (强烈而有节奏地) 起伏
- His chest heaved, and he took a deep breath. 他的胸膛上下起伏,然后他深深地吸了一口气。
4. 不及物动词 If you heave, or if your stomach heaves, you vomit or feel as if you are about to vomit. 呕吐; 恶心
- He gasped and heaved again. 他喘口气,然后又呕吐了。
- The greasy food made her stomach heave. 油腻腻的食物让她胃里恶心。
5. 及物动词 If you heave a sigh, you give a big sigh. 深深发出 (叹息)
- Mr. Collier heaved a sigh and got to his feet. 科利尔先生深深叹了一口气,然后站起身。
6. 不及物动词 If a place is heaving or if it is heaving with people, it is full of people. 挤满 [英国英语] [非正式] [usu cont]
- The Happy Bunny club was heaving. 快乐兔子夜总会里挤满了人。
- Father Auberon's Academy Club positively heaved with dashing young men. 奥伯龙神父学院俱乐部里实实在在满是风度翩翩的年轻男子。
7. to heave a sigh of relief → see sigh
英语>简体中文, 高级英汉双解词典