An apparatus for weighing, consisting in its simplest from a beam pivoted near its middle, with hooks, platform, or pans at the end. 天平。
- be weighed in the balance 被用天平称重量。
Equal poise of the two side of a scale; hence, equal poise of any opposing forces; equilibrium or steadiness. (天平两端之)平衡;(任何相对势力之)均衡;均衡或稳定。
Mental poise; steadiness of mind. 精神上之平衡。
- the balance of mind 心理平衡。
An equality between the totals of two sides of an account; also, the excess shown on either side. 帐簿上借贷双方总数之相等(常用单数);借贷差额;结余?。
In a watch, the wheel which regulates the rate of running; the balance wheel. (钟表的)平衡。
Act of weighing, as by mental comparison or estimate. 斟酌;估量。
Certain movement in dancing. 舞步的一种。
Amount remaining. (常用单数)余额。
- I have still a balance at my bank. 我在银行中尚有余款。
Harmony. 调和(尤指艺术的谐和)。
The amount owed after a part payment. 尾款。
hang in the balance 处于危险状态或紧要关头。
hold the balance 握有决定权。
keep (lose) sb's balance 保持(失去)身体平衡;保持(失去)镇静。
off balance 不稳定(地);失去镇静的(地);颠倒的(地)。
on (the) balance (全部)结算起来;结果;最后。
strike a balance 结算帐目。
strike a balance between 使...之间保持平衡。
throw (sb) off his balance 使(某人)失去身体平衡;(摔倒)使(某人)失去平静。
(过去式: balanced; 过去完成式: balanced; 现在进行式: balancing)
To weigh by means of a balance. 以天平称。
To weigh by means of the mind; hence, to compare or estimate. 衡量轻重;斟酌;估计。
- We should balance the two proposals. 我们应该衡量一下者两个建议。
To set off, as one thing against another. 使相抵。
- The expenses balance the receipts. 收支平衡。
To find out the difference between the debits and credits of, or to bring about an equality between. 求借贷两方之差;使借贷两方数目相等。
- to balance an account 结帐。
To cause to be steady or in equilibrium. 使平稳;使平衡。
To be of equal weight, force, or amount. 平衡;均衡;相称。
- The penalty does not balance with the offense. 刑不抵罪。
To keep one's poise or equilibrium. 保持身体平衡。
To waver. 犹豫不决;踌躇。
balance beam 【体】平衡木。
balanced diet (营养均衡的)健康餐;均衡饮食。
balance of payments 【经】国际收支差额
balance of power 国际列强之均势。
balance of terror 恐惧平衡(因美、苏之间对于核子毁灭有相同的恐惧,所造成的均衡状态)。
balance sheet 【商】资产负债表(一定时期内的财务状况报告表)。
balance wheel 【机】(钟表的)平衡轮。
the Balance 【天】天平宫(黄道十二宫之第七宫)。
n. balancer.
- 英语>简体中文, 美语词典
1. (steadiness) [+of person, object] 均衡;平衡
- The medicines you are taking could be affecting your balance. 你在服用的药可能在影响你身体机能的平衡。
to keep your balance 保持平衡
- She was holding onto the rail to keep her balance. 她手抓着栏杆保持平衡。
to lose your balance 失去平衡
- He lost his balance as his foot slipped on the ice. 他脚在冰上打滑, 失去了平衡。
- He swung around, almost losing his balance. 他一转身, 差点失去平衡。
to knock sb off balance 使某人失去平衡
- A gust of wind knocked him off balance. 一阵狂风吹得他失去了平衡。
2. (stability, equilibrium) [+of system, relationship, nature, situation] 平衡;均衡;均势
- It upset the ecological balance of the forest. 这破坏了森林的生态平衡。
- ways to restore the balance of nature 恢复自然界平衡的方法
- There was no other way to ensure that people would get the right balance of foods. 没有什么别的方法来保证人们饮食合理均衡。
the balance of forces 力量的均势
- Today, the balance of forces has clearly shifted. 现在, 力量均势的格局显然发生了改变。
- a shift in the balance of forces within the organization 这个组织内部力量均衡状态的改变
the balance between sth and sth 某物和某物之间的平衡
- Their marriage is a delicate balance between traditional and contemporary values. 他们的婚姻是传统观念与当代价值观的微妙平衡。
3. (thing bringing equilibrium) 平衡物;起平衡作用的因素
- The agreement acted as a balance within the government coalition between the various parties. 这份协议在联合政府内部各党派之间起着平衡作用。
4. (calmness) 镇定;镇静;沉着
- The course teaches women ways to restore balance, calm, and harmony. 该课程教给女性恢复镇定、平静与和谐的方法。
5. (evaluation of factors) 比较;衡量;权衡
on balance 一番权衡以后;总的说来
- On balance, he felt he could wait for another month. 一番权衡之后, 他觉得他可以再等一个月。
- It was definitely a bit of a struggle, but on balance, I think it was worth it. 这肯定有点困难, 但是总的说来, 我觉得是值得的。
- Parents have been convinced by doctors that, on balance, vaccination protects their child. 家长们已经被医生说服了, 认为总的说来接种疫苗可以保护孩子。
on a/the balance of probabilities【律】 依据或然性权衡的原则;根据盖然性占优势的原则
- The panel could not say, on a balance of probabilities, that the patient would have survived given appropriate therapy. 依据或然性权衡的原则, 陪审团不能说患者如果得到了恰当的医治, 本来可以活下来。
- My decision that reasonable grounds existed to believe he was complicit in war crimes, was reached on the balance of probabilities. 有充分的理由去相信他是战争罪的同谋, 我的这一裁决是依据或然性权衡的原则作出的。
- I am satisfied on the balance of probabilities it is appropriate for me to return a verdict of accidental death. 我确信根据盖然性占优势的原则, 我宣告陪审团的意外死亡裁定是恰当的。
6. (scales) 天平
7. (figurative scales) (喻)天平
- a powerful new gun which could tip the balance of the war in their favour 可能会使战争胜利的天平摆向对他们这边的一种有威力的新式枪械
to hang in the balance 未定;悬而未决
- The fate of the project hangs in the balance. 此项目的命运仍未可知。
8. to be in balance【会计,金融】 收支平衡
- Reviewing your bank account regularly allows you to check that your account is in balance. 定期查看银行账户可以使你了解账户是否收支平衡。
9. (difference between debit and credit; in bank account) 结存;结欠;收支差额
- I'd like to check the balance in my account. 我想查看我账户的收支差额。
balance carried forward 余额承前;余额结转下期(或下页、下栏)
balance brought forward 余额承前;上期结转
- Include balance brought forward from the previous bill. 把上一个账单的上期结转包括在内。
See also: bank balance
10. (remainder to be paid) 余额;剩余部分
- They will pay the balance on delivery. 他们会在收到货物时给付余额。
11. (harmony) 协调;和谐
balance in an artistic composition 艺术构图的协调
- how to bring calm and balance to your living spaces 如何为你的居住空间带来宁静和谐
12. See balance of power
13. 【化】 (反应式的)平衡
14. 【体操】 平衡动作
- The gymnast performed a series of balances. 这名体操运动员做了一系列平衡动作。
off balance 慌张;不知所措
- She was trying to behave as if his visit hadn't thrown her off balance. 她在极力表现出他的来访并没有让她不知所措的样子。
strike a balance 妥协;折中;取得平衡
- People need to strike a balance between rights and responsibilities. 人们需要在权利和责任之间取得平衡。
1. (steadiness) [+of person, object] 均衡;平衡
- The medicines you are taking could be affecting your balance. 你在服用的药可能在影响你身体机能的平衡。
to keep your balance 保持平衡
- She was holding onto the rail to keep her balance. 她手抓着栏杆保持平衡。
to lose your balance 失去平衡
- He lost his balance as his foot slipped on the ice. 他脚在冰上打滑, 失去了平衡。
- He swung around, almost losing his balance. 他一转身, 差点失去平衡。
to knock sb off balance 使某人失去平衡
- A gust of wind knocked him off balance. 一阵狂风吹得他失去了平衡。
2. (stability, equilibrium) [+of system, relationship, nature, situation] 平衡;均衡;均势
- It upset the ecological balance of the forest. 这破坏了森林的生态平衡。
- ways to restore the balance of nature 恢复自然界平衡的方法
- There was no other way to ensure that people would get the right balance of foods. 没有什么别的方法来保证人们饮食合理均衡。
the balance of forces 力量的均势
- Today, the balance of forces has clearly shifted. 现在, 力量均势的格局显然发生了改变。
- a shift in the balance of forces within the organization 这个组织内部力量均衡状态的改变
the balance between sth and sth 某物和某物之间的平衡
- Their marriage is a delicate balance between traditional and contemporary values. 他们的婚姻是传统观念与当代价值观的微妙平衡。
3. (thing bringing equilibrium) 平衡物;起平衡作用的因素
- The agreement acted as a balance within the government coalition between the various parties. 这份协议在联合政府内部各党派之间起着平衡作用。
4. (calmness) 镇定;镇静;沉着
- The course teaches women ways to restore balance, calm, and harmony. 该课程教给女性恢复镇定、平静与和谐的方法。
5. (evaluation of factors) 比较;衡量;权衡
on balance 一番权衡以后;总的说来
- On balance, he felt he could wait for another month. 一番权衡之后, 他觉得他可以再等一个月。
- It was definitely a bit of a struggle, but on balance, I think it was worth it. 这肯定有点困难, 但是总的说来, 我觉得是值得的。
- Parents have been convinced by doctors that, on balance, vaccination protects their child. 家长们已经被医生说服了, 认为总的说来接种疫苗可以保护孩子。
on a/the balance of probabilities【律】 依据或然性权衡的原则;根据盖然性占优势的原则
- The panel could not say, on a balance of probabilities, that the patient would have survived given appropriate therapy. 依据或然性权衡的原则, 陪审团不能说患者如果得到了恰当的医治, 本来可以活下来。
- My decision that reasonable grounds existed to believe he was complicit in war crimes, was reached on the balance of probabilities. 有充分的理由去相信他是战争罪的同谋, 我的这一裁决是依据或然性权衡的原则作出的。
- I am satisfied on the balance of probabilities it is appropriate for me to return a verdict of accidental death. 我确信根据盖然性占优势的原则, 我宣告陪审团的意外死亡裁定是恰当的。
6. (scales) 天平
7. (figurative scales) (喻)天平
- a powerful new gun which could tip the balance of the war in their favour 可能会使战争胜利的天平摆向对他们这边的一种有威力的新式枪械
to hang in the balance 未定;悬而未决
- The fate of the project hangs in the balance. 此项目的命运仍未可知。
8. to be in balance【会计,金融】 收支平衡
- Reviewing your bank account regularly allows you to check that your account is in balance. 定期查看银行账户可以使你了解账户是否收支平衡。
9. (difference between debit and credit; in bank account) 结存;结欠;收支差额
- I'd like to check the balance in my account. 我想查看我账户的收支差额。
balance carried forward 余额承前;余额结转下期(或下页、下栏)
balance brought forward 余额承前;上期结转
- Include balance brought forward from the previous bill. 把上一个账单的上期结转包括在内。
See also: bank balance
10. (remainder to be paid) 余额;剩余部分
- They will pay the balance on delivery. 他们会在收到货物时给付余额。
11. (harmony) 协调;和谐
balance in an artistic composition 艺术构图的协调
- how to bring calm and balance to your living spaces 如何为你的居住空间带来宁静和谐
12. See balance of power
13. 【化】 (反应式的)平衡
14. 【体操】 平衡动作
- The gymnast performed a series of balances. 这名体操运动员做了一系列平衡动作。
off balance 慌张;不知所措
- She was trying to behave as if his visit hadn't thrown her off balance. 她在极力表现出他的来访并没有让她不知所措的样子。
strike a balance 妥协;折中;取得平衡
- People need to strike a balance between rights and responsibilities. 人们需要在权利和责任之间取得平衡。
1. (keep stable) 使平衡;使均衡
- A waiter came by, balancing a tray of wineglasses. 一个侍者稳稳地端着一托盘葡萄酒杯走过来。
to balance sth on sth 使某物在某物上保持平衡
- He balanced a football on his head. 他把一个足球顶在头上, 让它保持平衡不掉下来。
2. (give equal weight to) [+ demands, needs] 同等重视;使相等;使相称
- The state has to find a way to balance these two needs. 该州需要找到一种办法使这两个需求得到同等重视。
to balance sth with sth 兼顾某物和某物;使某物与某物相称
- He tried to balance his career with the demands of his marriage. 他努力兼顾事业和婚姻的需求。
- Balance spicy dishes with mild ones. 把辛辣的菜和清淡的菜搭配起来。
3. (weigh up) [+ interests, advantages] 斟酌; [+ pros and cons] 权衡;对比;比较
- You have to balance the pros and cons here. Neither option is perfect. 对此你得权衡利弊, 两种选择都不完美。
to balance sth against sth 权衡某物与某物
- The Chancellor has to balance economic realism against political expediency. 总理必须对经济现实性和政治合宜性进行权衡。
- The NHS has to find a way of balancing everyday expenses against lifesaving drugs and other medical expenses. 国民医疗服务必须找到一种方法来权衡日常开支与救生药物及其他医疗开支。
4. (compensate for) 抵消;减少;和…相抵;补偿
- A touch of sugar balances the crisp acidity of this wine. 少量的糖可以淡化这种葡萄酒杀口的酸味。
5. 【会计】 (calculate difference between debits and credits of) 计算收支差额
6. 【会计】 (settle outstanding debt of) 结清;清账
7. 【会计】 (equalize credits and debits of) [+ budget] 使平衡;销账
- He balanced his budget by rigid control over public expenditure. 他通过严格控制公共开支平衡了预算。
to balance the books 结清账目
- He taught us to balance the books. 他教我们结平账目。
8. (arrange harmoniously) 使协调;使和谐
- If you can't find the right colour, this makes trying to balance a painting complicated. 如果找不到合适的颜色, 想要使油画产生和谐的视觉效果就困难了。
9. 【数,化】 使(等式)平衡;配平
- We can balance the equation by multiplying the different atoms and molecules. 我们可以通过增加不同原子和分子的个数来配平等式。
10. 【舞】 和(舞伴)相对互进互退
1. (keep steady) [person +] 保持平衡; [object +] 处于平衡状态
- He balanced on the edge of the chair. 他用椅子的边沿支撑整个身体的重量, 使自己保持平衡不掉下来。
- In the small kitchen sink two saucepans balanced on top of a pile of dirty plates. 在厨房的小洗碗池里, 一堆脏盘子上摞着两个深平底锅。
to balance on one leg 单腿站立保持平衡
- Try to balance on one leg. 试试单腿站立保持平衡。
2. (become equal) (在数量、价值、影响上)相等, 相称
- Supply and demand on the currency market will generally balance. 货币市场上的供需总的来说会是对等的。
3. 【会计】 [account, balance sheet +] 收支平衡
Phrasal Verb:
balance out
1. (keep stable) 使平衡;使均衡
- A waiter came by, balancing a tray of wineglasses. 一个侍者稳稳地端着一托盘葡萄酒杯走过来。
to balance sth on sth 使某物在某物上保持平衡
- He balanced a football on his head. 他把一个足球顶在头上, 让它保持平衡不掉下来。
2. (give equal weight to) [+ demands, needs] 同等重视;使相等;使相称
- The state has to find a way to balance these two needs. 该州需要找到一种办法使这两个需求得到同等重视。
to balance sth with sth 兼顾某物和某物;使某物与某物相称
- He tried to balance his career with the demands of his marriage. 他努力兼顾事业和婚姻的需求。
- Balance spicy dishes with mild ones. 把辛辣的菜和清淡的菜搭配起来。
3. (weigh up) [+ interests, advantages] 斟酌; [+ pros and cons] 权衡;对比;比较
- You have to balance the pros and cons here. Neither option is perfect. 对此你得权衡利弊, 两种选择都不完美。
to balance sth against sth 权衡某物与某物
- The Chancellor has to balance economic realism against political expediency. 总理必须对经济现实性和政治合宜性进行权衡。
- The NHS has to find a way of balancing everyday expenses against lifesaving drugs and other medical expenses. 国民医疗服务必须找到一种方法来权衡日常开支与救生药物及其他医疗开支。
4. (compensate for) 抵消;减少;和…相抵;补偿
- A touch of sugar balances the crisp acidity of this wine. 少量的糖可以淡化这种葡萄酒杀口的酸味。
5. 【会计】 (calculate difference between debits and credits of) 计算收支差额
6. 【会计】 (settle outstanding debt of) 结清;清账
7. 【会计】 (equalize credits and debits of) [+ budget] 使平衡;销账
- He balanced his budget by rigid control over public expenditure. 他通过严格控制公共开支平衡了预算。
to balance the books 结清账目
- He taught us to balance the books. 他教我们结平账目。
8. (arrange harmoniously) 使协调;使和谐
- If you can't find the right colour, this makes trying to balance a painting complicated. 如果找不到合适的颜色, 想要使油画产生和谐的视觉效果就困难了。
9. 【数,化】 使(等式)平衡;配平
- We can balance the equation by multiplying the different atoms and molecules. 我们可以通过增加不同原子和分子的个数来配平等式。
10. 【舞】 和(舞伴)相对互进互退
1. (keep steady) [person +] 保持平衡; [object +] 处于平衡状态
- He balanced on the edge of the chair. 他用椅子的边沿支撑整个身体的重量, 使自己保持平衡不掉下来。
- In the small kitchen sink two saucepans balanced on top of a pile of dirty plates. 在厨房的小洗碗池里, 一堆脏盘子上摞着两个深平底锅。
to balance on one leg 单腿站立保持平衡
- Try to balance on one leg. 试试单腿站立保持平衡。
2. (become equal) (在数量、价值、影响上)相等, 相称
- Supply and demand on the currency market will generally balance. 货币市场上的供需总的来说会是对等的。
3. 【会计】 [account, balance sheet +] 收支平衡
Phrasal Verb:
balance out
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉大词典
vt. balances balancing balanced
n. balances 0
vt. balances balancing balanced
n. balances 0
- 英语>简体中文, 高中课标词汇
参见:hang in the balance, off balance.
参见:hang in the balance, off balance.
- 英语>简体中文, 美国习语词典
n. 平衡,均衡,使平衡
n. 平衡,均衡,使平衡
- 英语>简体中文, 中医大词典
- 英语>简体中文, 财经词汇手册
1. A weighing device, especially one consisting of a rigid beam horizontally suspended by a low-friction support at its center, with identical weighing pans hung at either end, one of which holds an unknown weight while the effective weight in the other is increased by known amounts until the beam is level and motionless. 天平,秤:一种称重量的器具,特别指那种中间有一个低摩擦支撑物水平悬吊在一根坚硬横杆上的秤,两个重量完全相等的秤盘挂在两头,一头盛未知的重物,另一头放有效砝码,用已知的数量抬高,直到横杆呈水平状态并且停止运动
2. A state of equilibrium or parity characterized by cancellation of all forces by equal opposing forces. 平衡:平衡或均等的状态,具有所有力量被相反的力量所抵消的特点
3. The power or means to decide. 决定的力量或方法
4. A state of bodily equilibrium. 身体的平衡状态
5. A stable mental or psychological state; emotional stability. 平静:稳定的精神或心理状态;情绪稳定
6. A harmonious or satisfying arrangement or proportion of parts or elements, as in a design. 调和;和谐:协调的,令人满意的各部分或各因素之间的安排或比例,如在一个图案中
7. An influence or force tending to produce equilibrium; counterpoise. 平衡力:趋向于产生平衡的影响或力量;平衡、均衡
8. The difference in magnitude between opposing forces or influences. 制衡:两种相对立的力量或影响在大小上的差距
9. Accounting 【会计学】
10. Equality of totals in the debit and credit sides of an account. 收支平衡:在帐目中借方和贷方总数相等
11. The difference between such totals, either on the credit or the debit side. 收支差额:无论是贷方还是借方在总数上的差额
12. Something that is left over; a remainder. 余额:剩下的某物;余数
13. Chemistry Equality of mass and net electric charge of reacting species on each side of an equation. 【化学】 化学平衡:反应式两边在质量或起反应的纯净电荷方面的均等
14. Mathematics Equality with respect to the net number of reduced symbolic quantities on each side of an equation. 【数学】 平衡式:在等式两边有关约减符号数量的净值均等
15. A balance wheel. 摆轮
v.(动词) bal.anced,,及物动词)
1. To determine the weight of (something) in or as if in a weighing device. 称重量:在或好象在称重量的器具中称(某物)的重量
2. To compare by or as if by turning over in the mind: 衡量:(好象)在脑子中反复地来回比较:
- balanced the pros and cons before making a final decision. 在做出最后决定前权衡赞成和反对两方面的意见
3. To bring into or maintain in a state of equilibrium. 使平衡:进入或保持一种平衡状态
4. To act as an equalizing weight or force to; counterbalance. 使抵消:以相等的重量或力量做…;使平衡
5. Accounting 【会计学】
6. To compute the difference between the debits and credits of (an account). 计算收支差额:计算借方和贷方(在总数上)的差额
7. To reconcile or equalize the sums of the debits and credits of (an account). 使收支平衡:使借方和贷方的总额数相符或相等
8. To settle (an account, for example) by paying what is owed. 使帐目平衡:以支付所欠款来结算(例如,帐目)
9. To bring into or keep in equal or satisfying proportion or harmony. 使和谐,使谐调:进入或保持相等的或令人满意的比例或和谐状态
10. Mathematics To bring (an equation) into balance. 【数学】 使(方程式)平衡
11. Chemistry To bring (an equation) into balance. 【化学】 使(反应式)平衡
12. To move toward and then away from (a dance partner). 前后交替移动:向前移动然后再离开(舞伴)
1. To be in or come into equilibrium. 平衡:在或进入平衡状态
2. To be equal or equivalent. 均衡:相等或相当
3. To sway or waver as if losing or regaining equilibrium. 犹豫不决:摇摆或晃动,好象失去或恢复平衡
4. To move toward and then away from a dance partner. 前后交替移动:向前移动然后又远离舞伴
in the balance
In an undetermined and often critical position: 悬而未决;紧要关头:处于未确定的或经常是关键性的位置:
- Our plans were left hanging in the balance. Resolution of these matters is still in the balance. 我们的计划被搁置下来处于悬而未决的状态。这些事情的结果尚未可知on balance
Taking everything into consideration; all in all. 总而言之:将一切事情考虑在内;包括一切地
1. A weighing device, especially one consisting of a rigid beam horizontally suspended by a low-friction support at its center, with identical weighing pans hung at either end, one of which holds an unknown weight while the effective weight in the other is increased by known amounts until the beam is level and motionless. 天平,秤:一种称重量的器具,特别指那种中间有一个低摩擦支撑物水平悬吊在一根坚硬横杆上的秤,两个重量完全相等的秤盘挂在两头,一头盛未知的重物,另一头放有效砝码,用已知的数量抬高,直到横杆呈水平状态并且停止运动
2. A state of equilibrium or parity characterized by cancellation of all forces by equal opposing forces. 平衡:平衡或均等的状态,具有所有力量被相反的力量所抵消的特点
3. The power or means to decide. 决定的力量或方法
4. A state of bodily equilibrium. 身体的平衡状态
5. A stable mental or psychological state; emotional stability. 平静:稳定的精神或心理状态;情绪稳定
6. A harmonious or satisfying arrangement or proportion of parts or elements, as in a design. 调和;和谐:协调的,令人满意的各部分或各因素之间的安排或比例,如在一个图案中
7. An influence or force tending to produce equilibrium; counterpoise. 平衡力:趋向于产生平衡的影响或力量;平衡、均衡
8. The difference in magnitude between opposing forces or influences. 制衡:两种相对立的力量或影响在大小上的差距
9. Accounting 【会计学】
10. Equality of totals in the debit and credit sides of an account. 收支平衡:在帐目中借方和贷方总数相等
11. The difference between such totals, either on the credit or the debit side. 收支差额:无论是贷方还是借方在总数上的差额
12. Something that is left over; a remainder. 余额:剩下的某物;余数
13. Chemistry Equality of mass and net electric charge of reacting species on each side of an equation. 【化学】 化学平衡:反应式两边在质量或起反应的纯净电荷方面的均等
14. Mathematics Equality with respect to the net number of reduced symbolic quantities on each side of an equation. 【数学】 平衡式:在等式两边有关约减符号数量的净值均等
15. A balance wheel. 摆轮
v.(动词) bal.anced,,及物动词)
1. To determine the weight of (something) in or as if in a weighing device. 称重量:在或好象在称重量的器具中称(某物)的重量
2. To compare by or as if by turning over in the mind: 衡量:(好象)在脑子中反复地来回比较:
- balanced the pros and cons before making a final decision. 在做出最后决定前权衡赞成和反对两方面的意见
3. To bring into or maintain in a state of equilibrium. 使平衡:进入或保持一种平衡状态
4. To act as an equalizing weight or force to; counterbalance. 使抵消:以相等的重量或力量做…;使平衡
5. Accounting 【会计学】
6. To compute the difference between the debits and credits of (an account). 计算收支差额:计算借方和贷方(在总数上)的差额
7. To reconcile or equalize the sums of the debits and credits of (an account). 使收支平衡:使借方和贷方的总额数相符或相等
8. To settle (an account, for example) by paying what is owed. 使帐目平衡:以支付所欠款来结算(例如,帐目)
9. To bring into or keep in equal or satisfying proportion or harmony. 使和谐,使谐调:进入或保持相等的或令人满意的比例或和谐状态
10. Mathematics To bring (an equation) into balance. 【数学】 使(方程式)平衡
11. Chemistry To bring (an equation) into balance. 【化学】 使(反应式)平衡
12. To move toward and then away from (a dance partner). 前后交替移动:向前移动然后再离开(舞伴)
1. To be in or come into equilibrium. 平衡:在或进入平衡状态
2. To be equal or equivalent. 均衡:相等或相当
3. To sway or waver as if losing or regaining equilibrium. 犹豫不决:摇摆或晃动,好象失去或恢复平衡
4. To move toward and then away from a dance partner. 前后交替移动:向前移动然后又远离舞伴
in the balance
In an undetermined and often critical position: 悬而未决;紧要关头:处于未确定的或经常是关键性的位置:
- Our plans were left hanging in the balance. Resolution of these matters is still in the balance. 我们的计划被搁置下来处于悬而未决的状态。这些事情的结果尚未可知on balance
Taking everything into consideration; all in all. 总而言之:将一切事情考虑在内;包括一切地
- 英语>简体中文, 美国传统词典
- 英语>简体中文, 会计词汇手册
n. 秤,天平,平衡,[商] 收支差额,结余,余额
v. 平衡,称,权衡,对比,结算
n. 资产平稳表
n. 秤,天平,平衡,[商] 收支差额,结余,余额
v. 平衡,称,权衡,对比,结算
n. 资产平稳表
- 英语>简体中文, 计算机词典
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉地理大词典
n. 平衡,天平,配重,平衡力,差额,平衡表;vt. 用天平秤
n. 平衡,天平,配重,平衡力,差额,平衡表;vt. 用天平秤
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉化学大词典
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉计算机词汇
- 英语>简体中文, 英中医学辞海
n. 差额,均势,平衡,权衡,相抵,余额
n. 差额,均势,平衡,权衡,相抵,余额
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉法学大辞典
(1) 结余;余额
(2) 剩余;剩余物 v.
(3) 结算账户;使(账户的借方与贷方)平衡
(4) 使相称;使协调
(5) 使平衡;权衡;比较
(1) 结余;余额
(2) 剩余;剩余物 v.
(3) 结算账户;使(账户的借方与贷方)平衡
(4) 使相称;使协调
(5) 使平衡;权衡;比较
- 英语>简体中文, 英美法词典
平衡 Bal.
平衡 Bal.
- 英语>简体中文, 计算机电子速查小字典
- 英语>简体中文, 计算机电子速查小字典
In printing, the appropriate placement of the various units of composition, illustration and ornamentation so that the appearance of the whole does not look disproportionate.
In printing, the appropriate placement of the various units of composition, illustration and ornamentation so that the appearance of the whole does not look disproportionate.
- 英语>简体中文, 计算机英汉双解词典
n. 扭力计,扭力天平;n.天平,秤
n. 扭力计,扭力天平;n.天平,秤
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉机械大词典
n. 平衡
n. 平衡
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉汽车词典
- 英语>简体中文, 证券期货和金融术语
平衡, 均衡
- I found it hard to keep my balance on the icy path. 我觉得在冰滑小道上走路要保持身体平衡是相当困难的。
- We try to strike a balance between justice and mercy. 我们设法做到宽严并济, 恩威兼施。
- She temporarily lost her balance during the long months of solitude. 在与外界隔绝的漫长岁月中, 她一度失去心态的平衡。
天平, 秤
- Weigh that loaf of bread on the balance, please. 把那块面包放在秤上称一称。
结存, 结余, 余额
- My bank balance isn't very large. 我银行存款不多。
vt. & vi.
(使)平衡, (使)均衡
- When you learn to ride a bicycle you must learn to balance. 你学骑脚踏车时必须学会保持平衡。
(使)相抵, (使)相等
权衡, 比较
平衡, 均衡
- I found it hard to keep my balance on the icy path. 我觉得在冰滑小道上走路要保持身体平衡是相当困难的。
- We try to strike a balance between justice and mercy. 我们设法做到宽严并济, 恩威兼施。
- She temporarily lost her balance during the long months of solitude. 在与外界隔绝的漫长岁月中, 她一度失去心态的平衡。
天平, 秤
- Weigh that loaf of bread on the balance, please. 把那块面包放在秤上称一称。
结存, 结余, 余额
- My bank balance isn't very large. 我银行存款不多。
vt. & vi.
(使)平衡, (使)均衡
- When you learn to ride a bicycle you must learn to balance. 你学骑脚踏车时必须学会保持平衡。
(使)相抵, (使)相等
权衡, 比较
- 英语>简体中文, 简明英汉词典
(noun 名词)
weighed in the balance. 在秤上称一称。
SYNONYM 同义词:scales,weighing-machine.
to lose your balance. 摔倒。
SYNONYM 同义词:equilibrium, equipoise, poise, stability,steadiness.
We want to get a balance of girls and boys. 我们要女孩男孩的人数均衡。
SYNONYM 同义词:correspondence,equality, equivalence, evenness, parity,symmetry.
I spend half my wages and put the balance in the bank. 我花了工资的一半,把余额存进银行。
SYNONYM 同义词:difference, remainder, residue, rest,surplus.
(noun 名词)
weighed in the balance. 在秤上称一称。
SYNONYM 同义词:scales,weighing-machine.
to lose your balance. 摔倒。
SYNONYM 同义词:equilibrium, equipoise, poise, stability,steadiness.
We want to get a balance of girls and boys. 我们要女孩男孩的人数均衡。
SYNONYM 同义词:correspondence,equality, equivalence, evenness, parity,symmetry.
I spend half my wages and put the balance in the bank. 我花了工资的一半,把余额存进银行。
SYNONYM 同义词:difference, remainder, residue, rest,surplus.
(verb 动词)
If I carry one bag in each hand, they balance each other. 如果我每只手拿一只口袋,两只口袋的重量就互相抵消。
SYNONYM 同义词:counteract, counterbalance, counterpoise,equalize, even up, level, make steady,match, neutralize, offset, parallel, stabilize,steady.
He balanced ten baskets on his head. 他把十只篮子在头上放稳。
SYNONYM 同义词:keep, keepbalanced, keep in equilibrium, poise, steady,support.
(verb 动词)
If I carry one bag in each hand, they balance each other. 如果我每只手拿一只口袋,两只口袋的重量就互相抵消。
SYNONYM 同义词:counteract, counterbalance, counterpoise,equalize, even up, level, make steady,match, neutralize, offset, parallel, stabilize,steady.
He balanced ten baskets on his head. 他把十只篮子在头上放稳。
SYNONYM 同义词:keep, keepbalanced, keep in equilibrium, poise, steady,support.
- 英语>简体中文, 英语同义词词典
(be/hang) in the 'balance
(be) at a point where sth could either develop well or badly; be uncertain﹙是好是坏﹚尚未决定;悬而未决;不能确定:
With the election results due to be announced this afternoon, the future of the party still hangs very much in the balance. 按计划今天下午宣布选举结果,所以该党的未来仍然悬而未决。
(catch/throw sb) off 'balance
make sb/sth unsteady and in danger of falling使站立不稳;使失去平衡:
I was thrown off balance by the sudden gust of wind. 突如其来的一阵风差点把我吹倒。
make sb surprised and no longer calm 使不知所措:
The senator was clearly caught off balance by the unexpected question. 参议员显然被这个意想不到的问题弄得不知所措。
on 'balance
when advantages and disadvantages, successes and failures, etc. have been compared 权衡利弊之后;总的看来:
It has been decided that, on balance, she is the best person for the job despite her lack of experience. 大家觉得尽管她缺乏经验,但总的来说还是这项工作最合适的人选。
redress the balance 另见redress
strike a balance (between A and B) 另见strike
swing the balance=tip the balance/scales 另见tip
(be/hang) in the 'balance
(be) at a point where sth could either develop well or badly; be uncertain﹙是好是坏﹚尚未决定;悬而未决;不能确定:
With the election results due to be announced this afternoon, the future of the party still hangs very much in the balance. 按计划今天下午宣布选举结果,所以该党的未来仍然悬而未决。
(catch/throw sb) off 'balance
make sb/sth unsteady and in danger of falling使站立不稳;使失去平衡:
I was thrown off balance by the sudden gust of wind. 突如其来的一阵风差点把我吹倒。
make sb surprised and no longer calm 使不知所措:
The senator was clearly caught off balance by the unexpected question. 参议员显然被这个意想不到的问题弄得不知所措。
on 'balance
when advantages and disadvantages, successes and failures, etc. have been compared 权衡利弊之后;总的看来:
It has been decided that, on balance, she is the best person for the job despite her lack of experience. 大家觉得尽管她缺乏经验,但总的来说还是这项工作最合适的人选。
redress the balance 另见redress
strike a balance (between A and B) 另见strike
swing the balance=tip the balance/scales 另见tip
英语>简体中文, 英语习语词典
- 英语>繁体中文(香港), 英汉法律词汇
- 英语>繁体中文(香港), 英汉法律词汇
- 英语>繁体中文(香港), 英汉法律词汇
- 英语>繁体中文(香港), 英汉法律词汇
- 英语>繁体中文(香港), 英汉法律词汇
- 英语>繁体中文(香港), 证券、期货及财务用语
- 英语>繁体中文(香港), 化学术语
- 英语>繁体中文(香港), 科学术语
- 英语>繁体中文(香港), 社会术语
- 英语>繁体中文(香港), 物理术语
- 英语>简体/繁体中文, 两岸学术名词
- 英语>简体/繁体中文, 两岸学术名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 材料科学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 畜牧学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 地球科学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 电机工程名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 电力工程名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 电子工程名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 电子计算机名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 海事名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 海洋科学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 核能名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 会计学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 机构与机器原理名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 机械工程名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 计量学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 教育学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 矿冶工程名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 气象学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 力学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 设计学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 兽医学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 土木工程名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 仪器设备名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 物理学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 医学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 造船工程名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 铸造学名词
The amount of economic resource required to bring opposite economic resource flows to a state of equilibrium.
The amount of economic resource required to bring opposite economic resource flows to a state of equilibrium.
- 英语>简体中文, IT术语集
An amount that is the difference between the sum of debit entries and the sum of credit entries entered into an account during a financial period.
An amount that is the difference between the sum of debit entries and the sum of credit entries entered into an account during a financial period.
- 英语>简体中文, IT术语集
(balancing, balanced,balances)
1. 及物动词/不及物动词 If you balance something somewhere, or if it balances there, it remains steady and does not fall. 使平衡; 平衡
- I balanced on the ledge. 我在岩脊上站稳。
2. 不可数名词Balance is the ability to remain steady when you are standing up. 平衡能力
- The medicines you are currently taking could be affecting your balance. 你现在吃的药可能会影响你的平衡能力。
3. 相互动词 If you balance one thing with something different, each of the things has the same strength or importance. 使均衡
- Balance spicy dishes with mild ones. 使辛辣的菜和清淡的菜均衡。
- The government has to find some way to balance these two needs. 政府得找到某种方法来平衡这两种需求。
- Supply and demand on the currency market will generally balance. 货币市场上的供需关系将会大致平衡。
4. balanced 形容词 均衡的
- This book is a well balanced biography. 这是一本很公正的传记。
5. 单数型名词 A balance is a situation in which all the different parts are equal in strength or importance. 均衡
- ...the ecological balance of the forest. …森林的生态平衡。
6. 单数型名词 If you say that the balance tips in your favour, you start winning or succeeding, especially in a conflict or contest. (表示冲突中的形势) 天平
- ...a powerful new gun which could tip the balance of the war in their favour. …可能会使战争的天平向他们那边倾斜的一种威力强大的新型炮。
7. 及物动词 If you balance one thing against another, you consider its importance in relation to the other one. 权衡; 使协调
- She carefully tried to balance religious sensitivities against democratic freedom. 她小心翼翼地试着协调宗教敏感性与民主自由。
8. 及物动词 If someone balances their budget or if a government balances the economy of a country, they make sure that the amount of money that is spent is not greater than the amount that is received. 使 (收支) 平衡
- He balanced his budgets by rigid control over public expenditure. 他通过严格控制公共开支来平衡预算。
9. 及物动词/不及物动词 If you balance your books or make them balance, you prove by calculation that the amount of money you have received is equal to the amount that you have spent. 使 (账目) 平衡; (账目) 平衡
- ...teaching them to balance the books. …教他们平衡账目。
10. 可数名词 The balance in your bank account is the amount of money you have in it. (账户上的) 余额
- I'd like to check the balance in my account please. 我想查一下我账户的余额。
11. 单数型名词Thebalance of an amount of money is what remains to be paid for something or what remains when part of the amount has been spent. 余款; 结余
- They were due to pay the balance on delivery. 他们定在货到时支付余款。
12. → see also bank balance
13. 习语 If you keep your balance, for example, when standing in a moving vehicle, you remain steady and do not fall over. If you lose your balance, you become unsteady and fall over. 保持/失去平衡
- She was holding onto the rail to keep her balance. 她抓着栏杆来保持身体平衡。
14. 习语 If you are off balance, you are in an unsteady position and about to fall. 失去平衡
- A gust of wind knocked him off balance and he fell face down in the mud. 一阵大风吹得他失去了平衡,脸朝下摔在了泥里。
15. 习语 You can say on balance to indicate that you are stating an opinion after considering all the relevant facts or arguments. 总的说来
- On balance he agreed with Christine. 总的说来,他同意克里斯蒂娜的看法。
(balancing, balanced,balances)
1. 及物动词/不及物动词 If you balance something somewhere, or if it balances there, it remains steady and does not fall. 使平衡; 平衡
- I balanced on the ledge. 我在岩脊上站稳。
2. 不可数名词Balance is the ability to remain steady when you are standing up. 平衡能力
- The medicines you are currently taking could be affecting your balance. 你现在吃的药可能会影响你的平衡能力。
3. 相互动词 If you balance one thing with something different, each of the things has the same strength or importance. 使均衡
- Balance spicy dishes with mild ones. 使辛辣的菜和清淡的菜均衡。
- The government has to find some way to balance these two needs. 政府得找到某种方法来平衡这两种需求。
- Supply and demand on the currency market will generally balance. 货币市场上的供需关系将会大致平衡。
4. balanced 形容词 均衡的
- This book is a well balanced biography. 这是一本很公正的传记。
5. 单数型名词 A balance is a situation in which all the different parts are equal in strength or importance. 均衡
- ...the ecological balance of the forest. …森林的生态平衡。
6. 单数型名词 If you say that the balance tips in your favour, you start winning or succeeding, especially in a conflict or contest. (表示冲突中的形势) 天平
- ...a powerful new gun which could tip the balance of the war in their favour. …可能会使战争的天平向他们那边倾斜的一种威力强大的新型炮。
7. 及物动词 If you balance one thing against another, you consider its importance in relation to the other one. 权衡; 使协调
- She carefully tried to balance religious sensitivities against democratic freedom. 她小心翼翼地试着协调宗教敏感性与民主自由。
8. 及物动词 If someone balances their budget or if a government balances the economy of a country, they make sure that the amount of money that is spent is not greater than the amount that is received. 使 (收支) 平衡
- He balanced his budgets by rigid control over public expenditure. 他通过严格控制公共开支来平衡预算。
9. 及物动词/不及物动词 If you balance your books or make them balance, you prove by calculation that the amount of money you have received is equal to the amount that you have spent. 使 (账目) 平衡; (账目) 平衡
- ...teaching them to balance the books. …教他们平衡账目。
10. 可数名词 The balance in your bank account is the amount of money you have in it. (账户上的) 余额
- I'd like to check the balance in my account please. 我想查一下我账户的余额。
11. 单数型名词Thebalance of an amount of money is what remains to be paid for something or what remains when part of the amount has been spent. 余款; 结余
- They were due to pay the balance on delivery. 他们定在货到时支付余款。
12. → see also bank balance
13. 习语 If you keep your balance, for example, when standing in a moving vehicle, you remain steady and do not fall over. If you lose your balance, you become unsteady and fall over. 保持/失去平衡
- She was holding onto the rail to keep her balance. 她抓着栏杆来保持身体平衡。
14. 习语 If you are off balance, you are in an unsteady position and about to fall. 失去平衡
- A gust of wind knocked him off balance and he fell face down in the mud. 一阵大风吹得他失去了平衡,脸朝下摔在了泥里。
15. 习语 You can say on balance to indicate that you are stating an opinion after considering all the relevant facts or arguments. 总的说来
- On balance he agreed with Christine. 总的说来,他同意克里斯蒂娜的看法。
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