迎風 迎风
[yíng fēng]
in the wind
⇒ 飘摇 飐 一叶知秋 迎风招展 风中之烛 飘举 飘荡 飘蓬 迎风飘舞 风吹草动 依依 听风就是雨 撒网捕风 风雨同舟 春江水暖鸭先知 风中烛,瓦上霜 马耳东风 栉风沐雨 胡笙 簧舌 竽
facing the wind
⇒ 下风
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
I 动 (-//-) face (or against) the wind:
- 迎风飞翔 fly against the wind
- 迎风的一面 the windward side
- 坐在这里正迎风,特别凉爽。 It's nice and cool to sit here against the wind.
II 副 down the wind; with the wind:
- 彩旗迎风招展。 Coloured flags fluttered in the breeze.
I 动 (-//-) face (or against) the wind:
- 迎风飞翔 fly against the wind
- 迎风的一面 the windward side
- 坐在这里正迎风,特别凉爽。 It's nice and cool to sit here against the wind.
II 副 down the wind; with the wind:
- 彩旗迎风招展。 Coloured flags fluttered in the breeze.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 对着风 {against the wind}:
- 这里坐着正~,很凉爽。 {It's nice and cool to sit here against the wind.}
2. 随风 {downwind; with the wind}:
- 红旗~招展。 {Red flags fluttered in the breeze.}
1. 对着风 {against the wind}:
- 这里坐着正~,很凉爽。 {It's nice and cool to sit here against the wind.}
2. 随风 {downwind; with the wind}:
- 红旗~招展。 {Red flags fluttered in the breeze.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 face the wind; go against the wind
- 迎风飞翔 fly against the wind; cleave the air; ride on the wind
- 迎风航行 sail close to the wind; sail near the wind
- 迎风挥舞旗帜 fling the banner to the wind
- 迎风使舵 luff the helm
- 迎风的一侧 windward side of
- 那只海鸥迎风拍动翅膀。 The seagull beat its wings against the air.
动 go down/with the wind
- 迎风飞舞 be dancing in the wind
- 迎风飘舞 whirl about in the wind
- 迎风摇曳 bend before the wind; sway/dance in the wind
- 迎风招展 flutter in the wind; ripple in the wind; stream out in the wind
- 歌声迎风飘荡。 The singing wafts on the breeze.
名 <气象> windward
动 face the wind; go against the wind
- 迎风飞翔 fly against the wind; cleave the air; ride on the wind
- 迎风航行 sail close to the wind; sail near the wind
- 迎风挥舞旗帜 fling the banner to the wind
- 迎风使舵 luff the helm
- 迎风的一侧 windward side of
- 那只海鸥迎风拍动翅膀。 The seagull beat its wings against the air.
动 go down/with the wind
- 迎风飞舞 be dancing in the wind
- 迎风飘舞 whirl about in the wind
- 迎风摇曳 bend before the wind; sway/dance in the wind
- 迎风招展 flutter in the wind; ripple in the wind; stream out in the wind
- 歌声迎风飘荡。 The singing wafts on the breeze.
名 <气象> windward
名 windward side
名 <气象> weather side
名 windward side
名 <气象> weather side
yíngfēng miànjī
名 <力学> frontal area; characteristic cross-section
yíngfēng miànjī
名 <力学> frontal area; characteristic cross-section
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
aweather; into the wind; windward
aweather; into the wind; windward
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典