輪廓 轮廓
outline; silhouette
⇒ 剪影 要略 大纲 概论 提纲 概要 轮廓线 略 凡 廓 纲 纲要 草稿 崖略 头绪 简述 勾勒 考纲 腹稿 端绪 梗概 概括 轮廓鲜明 大略 描金 峰峦 不可端倪 身影 侧影 胸靶
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
1 outline; contour; rough sketch:
- 先画个轮廓,再画细部。 Draw an outline before you fill in the details.
- 夜幕降临了,但厂房还能看见个轮廓。 The factory buildings were silhouetted against the growing darkness.
2 survey; general situation; rough idea:
- 听了汇报后,新任经理对公司的情况有了个轮廓。 After hearing the reports, the newly-appointed manager got a general picture of the situation in the company.
1 outline; contour; rough sketch:
- 先画个轮廓,再画细部。 Draw an outline before you fill in the details.
- 夜幕降临了,但厂房还能看见个轮廓。 The factory buildings were silhouetted against the growing darkness.
2 survey; general situation; rough idea:
- 听了汇报后,新任经理对公司的情况有了个轮廓。 After hearing the reports, the newly-appointed manager got a general picture of the situation in the company.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
- 简体中文>英语, 天文学名词数据库
【所属学科】 植物学→孢粉学
【所属学科】 植物学→孢粉学
- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语
【所属学科】 计算机科学技术→计算机辅助设计与图形学
【英文术语】profile;contour outline
【所属学科】 计算机科学技术→计算机辅助设计与图形学
【英文术语】profile;contour outline
- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语
【所属学科】 心理学→基础心理学→普通心理学与实验心理学
【又 称】 周线
【所属学科】 心理学→基础心理学→普通心理学与实验心理学
【又 称】 周线
- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语
1. 构成图形或物体的外缘的线条 {contour; rough sketch; profile; silhouette; outline of a figure or an object}:
- 他画了一个人体的~ {He drew an outline of a human figure.}
- 城楼在月光下面显出朦胧的~。 {The gate tower stood in vague silhouette against the moonlight.}
2. (事情的)概况 {survey; general situation}:
- 我只知道个~,详情并不清楚。 {I've got only a rough idea of the whole situation.}
1. 构成图形或物体的外缘的线条 {contour; rough sketch; profile; silhouette; outline of a figure or an object}:
- 他画了一个人体的~ {He drew an outline of a human figure.}
- 城楼在月光下面显出朦胧的~。 {The gate tower stood in vague silhouette against the moonlight.}
2. (事情的)概况 {survey; general situation}:
- 我只知道个~,详情并不清楚。 {I've got only a rough idea of the whole situation.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
名 outline; contour; rough sketch
- 轮廓清晰 clear outline; clear-cut contour
- 面部轮廓 outline/shape of a face
- 先勾勒个轮廓,再画上细节 draw/sketch an outline before filling in the details
- 黎明的天空下显现出大山的轮廓。 The silhouette of the great mountain could be seen against the dawn sky.
名 general/rough idea
- 这件事我只知道一些轮廓。 I've only had a rough idea about the matter.
名 outline; contour; rough sketch
- 轮廓清晰 clear outline; clear-cut contour
- 面部轮廓 outline/shape of a face
- 先勾勒个轮廓,再画上细节 draw/sketch an outline before filling in the details
- 黎明的天空下显现出大山的轮廓。 The silhouette of the great mountain could be seen against the dawn sky.
名 general/rough idea
- 这件事我只知道一些轮廓。 I've only had a rough idea about the matter.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
adumbration; contour; figure; lineament; outline; profile; schema; silhouette
adumbration; contour; figure; lineament; outline; profile; schema; silhouette
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
lún kuò
- 透过浓雾,他们勉强能看见一艘轮船驶过时的轮廓。 Through the thick fog they could barely see the outline of a passing ship.
- 在烛光下勉强看得见她脸部的轮廓。 The outline of her face was barely visible in the light of the candle.
- 先画轮廓,再画细部。 Draw first an outline before you fill in the details.
- 我们是根据下巴的形状、眼睛的神情、嘴巴的轮廓得出结论的。 We draw our conclusions from the shape of the jaw, the look of the eyes, the contour of the mouth.
- 在她心里,灰姑娘模糊的轮廓正在丰满起来,成为有血有肉的姑娘了。 In her mind, the vague contour of Cinderella was filling out to a lifelike girl.
- 第10个五年计划已开始有了轮廓。 The contour of the tenth Five-Year Plan is beginning to emerge.
- 他能用几句简洁的话语把那人的神情和态度勾勒出一个轮廓。 He can sketch the look and attitude of the man in few pithy sentences.
- 我们发现他把整个背景的轮廓那么快地勾勒出来都大吃一惊。 We were shocked to find that he had sketched the backgrounds so rapidly.
- 这次讲座是一次尝试,想把中国教育的发展勾勒出一个轮廓来。 This lecture was an attempt to sketch out the development of education in China.
- 夜幕降临了,但厂房还能从暮色衬托中看见个轮廓。 The factory buildings were silhouetted against the glowing evening.
- 远处山峦的轮廓映照在夕阳之中。 The mountains in distance silhouetted against the setting sun.
- 潜艇幽灵般的轮廓正在铁路桥下滑行。 The ghostly silhouette of a submarine was gliding under the railway bridge.
general picture,指大致的印象形成的轮廓。
- 听了下级的汇报,新上任的经理对公司的情况有了一个大致的轮廓。 After hearing the report from below, the newly-appointed manager got a general picture of the situation in the company.
- 统计和计量已提供了今后发展的轮廓。 The statistics and measures have given a general picture of development in future.
- 这幅草图表达了该设计的大体轮廓。 This sketch conveyed some idea of the design.
- 我们对环岛旅行有了一个轮廓。 We've got an idea of how to make a tour round the island.
lún kuò
- 透过浓雾,他们勉强能看见一艘轮船驶过时的轮廓。 Through the thick fog they could barely see the outline of a passing ship.
- 在烛光下勉强看得见她脸部的轮廓。 The outline of her face was barely visible in the light of the candle.
- 先画轮廓,再画细部。 Draw first an outline before you fill in the details.
- 我们是根据下巴的形状、眼睛的神情、嘴巴的轮廓得出结论的。 We draw our conclusions from the shape of the jaw, the look of the eyes, the contour of the mouth.
- 在她心里,灰姑娘模糊的轮廓正在丰满起来,成为有血有肉的姑娘了。 In her mind, the vague contour of Cinderella was filling out to a lifelike girl.
- 第10个五年计划已开始有了轮廓。 The contour of the tenth Five-Year Plan is beginning to emerge.
- 他能用几句简洁的话语把那人的神情和态度勾勒出一个轮廓。 He can sketch the look and attitude of the man in few pithy sentences.
- 我们发现他把整个背景的轮廓那么快地勾勒出来都大吃一惊。 We were shocked to find that he had sketched the backgrounds so rapidly.
- 这次讲座是一次尝试,想把中国教育的发展勾勒出一个轮廓来。 This lecture was an attempt to sketch out the development of education in China.
- 夜幕降临了,但厂房还能从暮色衬托中看见个轮廓。 The factory buildings were silhouetted against the glowing evening.
- 远处山峦的轮廓映照在夕阳之中。 The mountains in distance silhouetted against the setting sun.
- 潜艇幽灵般的轮廓正在铁路桥下滑行。 The ghostly silhouette of a submarine was gliding under the railway bridge.
general picture,指大致的印象形成的轮廓。
- 听了下级的汇报,新上任的经理对公司的情况有了一个大致的轮廓。 After hearing the report from below, the newly-appointed manager got a general picture of the situation in the company.
- 统计和计量已提供了今后发展的轮廓。 The statistics and measures have given a general picture of development in future.
- 这幅草图表达了该设计的大体轮廓。 This sketch conveyed some idea of the design.
- 我们对环岛旅行有了一个轮廓。 We've got an idea of how to make a tour round the island.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典