to jump; to bounce; to hop
⇒ 跳跃 跃升 赸 躜 蹦高 踊跃 趯 跳 趒 弹跳 跃 蹦跳 跳转 跳出 乱跳 逃狱 弃保潜逃 跳动 跳进 蹦跶 逾 跳过 腾越 跳绳 蹿蹦 喜跃 加塞儿 抢跑 乱搞 跳级 脱轨 一跃而起 退票 反弹 回弹 反冲 独脚跳 单脚跳 跳一只脚 跳脚
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
动 leap; jump; spring:
- 他使劲一蹦就过了沟。 With one powerful leap he crossed the ditch.
- 这件事还没处理完,那件事又蹦出来了。 One problem had scarcely been solved when another cropped up.
动 leap; jump; spring:
- 他使劲一蹦就过了沟。 With one powerful leap he crossed the ditch.
- 这件事还没处理完,那件事又蹦出来了。 One problem had scarcely been solved when another cropped up.
动 〈口〉 jump about; last throes:
- 别看他现在这么嚣张,蹦不了几天了。 He might seem arrogant now, but he's on his last legs (or his days are numbered).
动 〈口〉 jump about; last throes:
- 别看他现在这么嚣张,蹦不了几天了。 He might seem arrogant now, but he's on his last legs (or his days are numbered).
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
跳 {leap; jump; spring}:
- 欢~乱跳 {alive and kicking}
- 皮球一拍~得老高 {A mere tap is enough to send the ball bouncing high.}
- 他蹲下身子,用力一~,就~了六七尺远 {Squatting on his heels, he sprang with all his might to a distance of six or seven feet.}◇他嘴里不时~出一些新词ㄦ来。 {He would come up with a few new terms every now and then.}
跳 {leap; jump; spring}:
- 欢~乱跳 {alive and kicking}
- 皮球一拍~得老高 {A mere tap is enough to send the ball bouncing high.}
- 他蹲下身子,用力一~,就~了六七尺远 {Squatting on his heels, he sprang with all his might to a distance of six or seven feet.}◇他嘴里不时~出一些新词ㄦ来。 {He would come up with a few new terms every now and then.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 jump; leap; hop; skip; spring
- 蹦下床 jump/spring out of bed
- 东蹦西跳 skip/bounce around
- 一路连蹦带跳 skip and hop all the way
- 鲤鱼蹦了一下。 The carp gave a leap.
动 pop up; appear suddenly
- 好长时间不见,他突然在兰州蹦了出来。 He popped up in Lanzhou after all that time.
- 工程刚一开始就蹦出了一个棘手的问题。 A thorny problem cropped up just when we were starting the project.
动 jump; leap; hop; skip; spring
- 蹦下床 jump/spring out of bed
- 东蹦西跳 skip/bounce around
- 一路连蹦带跳 skip and hop all the way
- 鲤鱼蹦了一下。 The carp gave a leap.
动 pop up; appear suddenly
- 好长时间不见,他突然在兰州蹦了出来。 He popped up in Lanzhou after all that time.
- 工程刚一开始就蹦出了一个棘手的问题。 A thorny problem cropped up just when we were starting the project.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
jump; leap; skip
jump; leap; skip
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典