貶值 贬值
[biǎn zhí]
to become devaluated
to devaluate
⇒ 货币贬值 贬
to depreciate
⇒ 贬 看贬 毛
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
动 【经】 (opp. 升值)
1 devalue a currency:
- 英国政府刚宣布英镑贬值。 The British government has just devalued the pound.
2 depreciate:
- 由于恶性通货膨胀,该国货币大幅贬值。 Runaway inflation caused that country's currency to depreciate badly.
动 【经】 (opp. 升值)
1 devalue a currency:
- 英国政府刚宣布英镑贬值。 The British government has just devalued the pound.
2 depreciate:
- 由于恶性通货膨胀,该国货币大幅贬值。 Runaway inflation caused that country's currency to depreciate badly.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 货币购买力下降。 {(of the purchasing value of a currency) decrease}
2. 降低本国单位货币的含金量或降低本国货币对外币的比价,叫做贬值。 {depreciate; devalue; devaluate; reduce the value of national currency or lower the exchange rate of national currency against other currencies}
3. 泛指价值降低 {lessen the value or price of}:
- 商品~。 {Goods have diminished in value.}
1. 货币购买力下降。 {(of the purchasing value of a currency) decrease}
2. 降低本国单位货币的含金量或降低本国货币对外币的比价,叫做贬值。 {depreciate; devalue; devaluate; reduce the value of national currency or lower the exchange rate of national currency against other currencies}
3. 泛指价值降低 {lessen the value or price of}:
- 商品~。 {Goods have diminished in value.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 (of a currency) devalue; devaluate; depreciate
- 将货币贬值 depreciate the currency
- 使美元贬值 debase the value of the US dollar; devaluate the US dollar
- 货币贬值 currency devaluation
动 drop/diminish/fall in value; depreciate
- 贬值商品 depreciated goods
- 这笔投资肯定要贬值。 The investment was certain to diminish/fall in value.
动 (of a currency) devalue; devaluate; depreciate
- 将货币贬值 depreciate the currency
- 使美元贬值 debase the value of the US dollar; devaluate the US dollar
- 货币贬值 currency devaluation
动 drop/diminish/fall in value; depreciate
- 贬值商品 depreciated goods
- 这笔投资肯定要贬值。 The investment was certain to diminish/fall in value.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
debase; depreciate; devalue; write-off; debasement; depreciation; devaluation
debase; depreciate; devalue; write-off; debasement; depreciation; devaluation
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英法学大词典
depreciate; depreciation; devaluate
depreciate; depreciation; devaluate
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典