[jiě fàng]
to liberate
⇒ 放走 释出 释放
to emancipate
⇒ 解 翻身
⇒ 解放后 解放运动 解放日 解放区 巴勒斯坦解放组织 农奴解放日 巴解 巴解组织 西藏百万农奴解放纪念日 人民解放军 解放军 桑地诺民族解放阵线 解放日报 泰米尔伊拉姆猛虎解放组织 中国人民解放军 中国人民解放军空军 中国人民解放军海军 东突厥斯坦解放组织 解放巴勒斯坦人民阵线 东突 光复 宋任穷 陈再道 朱德 耕者有其田 东突组织 边币 张学良 平津战役 辽沈战役 解放战争
refers to the Communists' victory over the Nationalists in 1949
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
1 liberate; emancipate:
- 解放思想 emancipate the mind; free oneself from old ideas
- 解放生产力 emancipate the productive forces
- 妇女解放 the emancipation of women
- 和平解放北平 the peaceful liberation of Beiping
- 民族解放运动 the national liberation movement
2 Liberation (signifying the end of Kuomintang rule in the mainland of China in 1949):
- 故事描写解放前四川农村的社会状况。 The story depicts the social conditions in pre-Liberation rural Sichuan.
- 解放区 liberated area
1 liberate; emancipate:
- 解放思想 emancipate the mind; free oneself from old ideas
- 解放生产力 emancipate the productive forces
- 妇女解放 the emancipation of women
- 和平解放北平 the peaceful liberation of Beiping
- 民族解放运动 the national liberation movement
2 Liberation (signifying the end of Kuomintang rule in the mainland of China in 1949):
- 故事描写解放前四川农村的社会状况。 The story depicts the social conditions in pre-Liberation rural Sichuan.
- 解放区 liberated area
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 解除束缚,得到自由或发展 {liberate; emancipate}:
- ~思想 {emancipate thinking}
- ~生产力。 {liberate the productive forces}
2. 推翻反动统治,在我国特指1949年推翻国民党统治 {liberation, esp. referring to China's liberation from the rule of the Kuomintang in 1949}:
- ~前 {before liberation}
- ~那年我才15岁。 {In the year of liberation, I was only 15 years old.}�
1. 解除束缚,得到自由或发展 {liberate; emancipate}:
- ~思想 {emancipate thinking}
- ~生产力。 {liberate the productive forces}
2. 推翻反动统治,在我国特指1949年推翻国民党统治 {liberation, esp. referring to China's liberation from the rule of the Kuomintang in 1949}:
- ~前 {before liberation}
- ~那年我才15岁。 {In the year of liberation, I was only 15 years old.}�
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 liberate; emancipate; set free
- 解放奴隶 liberate slaves
- 解放生产力 emancipate/liberate the productive forces
- 获得最后解放 achieve final emancipation
- 把学生从繁重的作业中解放出来 relieve students of heavy school assignment
- 解放后 after liberation; post-liberation
- 解放前 before liberation; pre-liberation
- 彻底解放 thorough liberation
- 妇女解放 women's liberation; emancipation of women
- 民族解放运动 national liberation movement
- 全人类的解放 emancipation of all mankind
名 Liberation [especially referring to the overthrow of the Kuomintang rule in China in 1949]
动 liberate; emancipate; set free
- 解放奴隶 liberate slaves
- 解放生产力 emancipate/liberate the productive forces
- 获得最后解放 achieve final emancipation
- 把学生从繁重的作业中解放出来 relieve students of heavy school assignment
- 解放后 after liberation; post-liberation
- 解放前 before liberation; pre-liberation
- 彻底解放 thorough liberation
- 妇女解放 women's liberation; emancipation of women
- 民族解放运动 national liberation movement
- 全人类的解放 emancipation of all mankind
名 Liberation [especially referring to the overthrow of the Kuomintang rule in China in 1949]
名 liberated feet―half-bound feet; bound-feet unbound
名 liberated feet―half-bound feet; bound-feet unbound
名 liberated area
名 liberated area
jiěfànɡ sīxiǎnɡ
动 emancipate/liberate one's mind; free oneself from old ideas
- 我们必须解放思想,开动脑筋。 We must emancipate our minds and use our heads.
jiěfànɡ sīxiǎnɡ
动 emancipate/liberate one's mind; free oneself from old ideas
- 我们必须解放思想,开动脑筋。 We must emancipate our minds and use our heads.
jiěfànɡ zhànzhēnɡ
名 war of liberation
名 China's War of Liberation (1946-1949)
jiěfànɡ zhànzhēnɡ
名 war of liberation
名 China's War of Liberation (1946-1949)
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
emancipate; exonerate; liberate; release; turn loose; unbind; emancipation; liberation
emancipate; exonerate; liberate; release; turn loose; unbind; emancipation; liberation
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英法学大词典
disengage; disenthral; emancipate; liberate; release; unbind
disengage; disenthral; emancipate; liberate; release; unbind
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
jiě fàng
- 南京解放后不久,上海也得到了解放。 Shanghai was liberated soon after the liberation of Nanjing.
- 革命就是解放生产力。 Revolution means liberating the productive forces.
- 无产阶级只有解放全人类,才能最后解放自己。 Only by emancipating all mankind can the proletariat achieve its own final emancipation.
- 有些家庭主妇并不希望得到解放。 Some housewives do not wish to be emancipated.
- 我们必须大胆解放思想。 We must emancipate our thinking in a bold way.
- 这一运动推翻了农奴制度并使数百万农奴得到解放。 This movement overthrew the serf system and freed millions of serfs.
- 我最喜欢林肯的地方是他解放了黑奴。 What I like best about Abraham Lincoln is that he freed the black slaves.
- 你应当从旧思想中解放出来。 You should free yourself from old ideas.
- 第二天,一支装甲部队从南边突破过来,解放了该市。 The next day an armored force broke through from the south and relieved the city.
- 簿记、会计人员都可以从枯燥的誊写工作中解放出来,因为编制、审查数字表格的任务完全可以由机器来完成。 Book-keepers and accountants could be relieved of dull clerical work, for the task of compiling and checking lists of figures could be done entirely by machines.
jiě fàng
- 南京解放后不久,上海也得到了解放。 Shanghai was liberated soon after the liberation of Nanjing.
- 革命就是解放生产力。 Revolution means liberating the productive forces.
- 无产阶级只有解放全人类,才能最后解放自己。 Only by emancipating all mankind can the proletariat achieve its own final emancipation.
- 有些家庭主妇并不希望得到解放。 Some housewives do not wish to be emancipated.
- 我们必须大胆解放思想。 We must emancipate our thinking in a bold way.
- 这一运动推翻了农奴制度并使数百万农奴得到解放。 This movement overthrew the serf system and freed millions of serfs.
- 我最喜欢林肯的地方是他解放了黑奴。 What I like best about Abraham Lincoln is that he freed the black slaves.
- 你应当从旧思想中解放出来。 You should free yourself from old ideas.
- 第二天,一支装甲部队从南边突破过来,解放了该市。 The next day an armored force broke through from the south and relieved the city.
- 簿记、会计人员都可以从枯燥的誊写工作中解放出来,因为编制、审查数字表格的任务完全可以由机器来完成。 Book-keepers and accountants could be relieved of dull clerical work, for the task of compiling and checking lists of figures could be done entirely by machines.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典