經濟 经济
[jīng jì]
⇒ 节约 地区经济 零工经济 国民经济 世界经济 计划经济 市场经济 泡沫经济 经济座 经济舱 集体经济 自然经济 商品经济 经济体 政治经济学 厉行节约 经信委 政经 她经济 公营经济 细水长流 统货 大肚子经济 四清运动 邓小平理论 荣毅仁 大跃进
⇒ 经济危机 经济体系 经济困境 经济改革 经济安全 经济问题 经济体制 经济周期 经济前途 经济情况 经济萧条 经济繁荣 经济制裁 经济力量 经济增长 负增长 经济发展 经济状况 经济界 社会经济 经济活动 利权 经济基础 经侦 政经 经济增长率 专属经济区 新兴经济国家 生产关系 环渤海湾地区
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
I 名
1 economy:
- 经济繁荣 economic boom
- 经济范畴 economic category
- 经济复苏 economic resurgence; economic recovery
- 经济过热 overheated economy
- 经济滑坡 economic downturn
- 经济平衡 economic equilibrium
- 经济起飞 economic take-off
- 经济渗透 economic infiltration
- 经济失调 dislocation of the economy; economic dislocation
- 经济衰退 economic recession
- 经济萧条 economic depression (or slump)
- 经济滞胀 stagflation
- 经济结构调整 economic restructuring
- 经济的持续高速发展 sustained and rapid economic development
- 混合经济 mixed economy
- 发展民族经济 develop the national economy
2 financial condition; income:
- 经济拮据 be hard up; short of money
- 经济宽裕 well-off; well-to-do
II 动 〈书〉 govern the country
1 economical; thrifty:
- 经济实惠 economical and practical
- 经济地使用 use economically
- 不经济 costing too much; uneconomical
2 of industrial or economic value; economic
- 经济舱 economy class
- 经济林 economic forest
- 经济师 economist
- 经济座 economy class; tourist class
- 经济安全 economic security
- 经济部门 branches of the economy; economic departments
- 经济刺激 economic stimulus
- 经济担保 financial guarantee
- 经济地位 economic status; economic position
- 经济法规 laws and regulations pertaining to the economy; economic statutes
- 经济法庭 economic tribunal
- 经济犯罪 economic crimes
- 经济封锁 economic blockade
- 经济杠杆 economic lever
- 经济管理 economic management
- 经济机制 economic mechanism
- 经济基础 economic base; economic basis
- 经济价值 economic value
- 经济立法 economic legislation
- 经济命脉 economic lifeline; economic arteries; key branches of the economy
- 经济模式 economic mould
- 经济特区 special economic zone
- 经济头脑 (of people) commercially minded; with business sense
- 经济信息 economic information
- 经济预测 economic forecasting
- 经济援助 economic aid
- 经济植物 economic plants
- 经济指标 economic indicator
- 经济制裁 economic sanctions
- 经济制度 economic system
- 经济周期 economic cycle
- 经济主义 economism
- 经济总量 economic aggregate
- 经济作物 (also 技术作物) industrial crop; cash crop
- 经济地理学 economic geography
- 经济开放区 open economic region
- 经济联合体 economic association
- 经济全球化 economic globalization
- 经济适用房 low-cost housing; economically affordable housing
- 经济一体化 economic integration
- 经济责任制 economic responsibility system
- 经济增长点 growth engine; economic growth point
- 经济承包责任制 economic responsibility system with contracted jobs
- 经济技术开发区 economic and technological development zone
I 名
1 economy:
- 经济繁荣 economic boom
- 经济范畴 economic category
- 经济复苏 economic resurgence; economic recovery
- 经济过热 overheated economy
- 经济滑坡 economic downturn
- 经济平衡 economic equilibrium
- 经济起飞 economic take-off
- 经济渗透 economic infiltration
- 经济失调 dislocation of the economy; economic dislocation
- 经济衰退 economic recession
- 经济萧条 economic depression (or slump)
- 经济滞胀 stagflation
- 经济结构调整 economic restructuring
- 经济的持续高速发展 sustained and rapid economic development
- 混合经济 mixed economy
- 发展民族经济 develop the national economy
2 financial condition; income:
- 经济拮据 be hard up; short of money
- 经济宽裕 well-off; well-to-do
II 动 〈书〉 govern the country
1 economical; thrifty:
- 经济实惠 economical and practical
- 经济地使用 use economically
- 不经济 costing too much; uneconomical
2 of industrial or economic value; economic
- 经济舱 economy class
- 经济林 economic forest
- 经济师 economist
- 经济座 economy class; tourist class
- 经济安全 economic security
- 经济部门 branches of the economy; economic departments
- 经济刺激 economic stimulus
- 经济担保 financial guarantee
- 经济地位 economic status; economic position
- 经济法规 laws and regulations pertaining to the economy; economic statutes
- 经济法庭 economic tribunal
- 经济犯罪 economic crimes
- 经济封锁 economic blockade
- 经济杠杆 economic lever
- 经济管理 economic management
- 经济机制 economic mechanism
- 经济基础 economic base; economic basis
- 经济价值 economic value
- 经济立法 economic legislation
- 经济命脉 economic lifeline; economic arteries; key branches of the economy
- 经济模式 economic mould
- 经济特区 special economic zone
- 经济头脑 (of people) commercially minded; with business sense
- 经济信息 economic information
- 经济预测 economic forecasting
- 经济援助 economic aid
- 经济植物 economic plants
- 经济指标 economic indicator
- 经济制裁 economic sanctions
- 经济制度 economic system
- 经济周期 economic cycle
- 经济主义 economism
- 经济总量 economic aggregate
- 经济作物 (also 技术作物) industrial crop; cash crop
- 经济地理学 economic geography
- 经济开放区 open economic region
- 经济联合体 economic association
- 经济全球化 economic globalization
- 经济适用房 low-cost housing; economically affordable housing
- 经济一体化 economic integration
- 经济责任制 economic responsibility system
- 经济增长点 growth engine; economic growth point
- 经济承包责任制 economic responsibility system with contracted jobs
- 经济技术开发区 economic and technological development zone
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 经济学上指社会物质生产和再生产的活动。 {economy; term in economics denoting the activities of material production and reproduction of a society}
2. 对国民经济有利或有害的 {being good or bad for the national economy}:
- ~作物 {cash crop; industrial crop}
- ~昆虫。 {insect that affects economic production}
3. 个人生活用度 {personal finances; income}:
- 他家~比较宽裕。 {His family is relatively well-off.}
4. 用较少的人力、物力、时间获得较大的成果 {economical; thrifty; getting more results with less labour, material and time}:
- 作者用非常~的笔墨写出了这一场复杂的斗争。 {The writer wrote about the complicated struggle with an unusual economy of words.}
5. 〈书 fml.〉治理国家 {govern the country; run or manage a country}:
- ~之才。 {ability to run a country}�
1. 经济学上指社会物质生产和再生产的活动。 {economy; term in economics denoting the activities of material production and reproduction of a society}
2. 对国民经济有利或有害的 {being good or bad for the national economy}:
- ~作物 {cash crop; industrial crop}
- ~昆虫。 {insect that affects economic production}
3. 个人生活用度 {personal finances; income}:
- 他家~比较宽裕。 {His family is relatively well-off.}
4. 用较少的人力、物力、时间获得较大的成果 {economical; thrifty; getting more results with less labour, material and time}:
- 作者用非常~的笔墨写出了这一场复杂的斗争。 {The writer wrote about the complicated struggle with an unusual economy of words.}
5. 〈书 fml.〉治理国家 {govern the country; run or manage a country}:
- ~之才。 {ability to run a country}�
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
名 economy
- 重建经济 rebuild the economy
- 刺激经济 stimulate/spur the economy
- 促进经济 boost/promote the economy
- 发展经济 develop/expand the economy
- 繁荣经济 boom the economy; promote economic prosperity
- 改善/稳定/整顿经济 improve/stabilize/fix the economy
- 鼓励多样化经济 encourage diversified economy
- 混合经济 mixed economy
- 使经济复苏/瘫痪 revive/paralyse the economy
- 调整国营经济 regulate the state-owned economy
- 削弱经济 debilitate/weaken the economy
- 振兴经济 revitalize/reactivate the economy
- 经济繁荣 booming economy
- 经济滑坡 economic downturn/slip/slide/decline
- 经济衰退/腾飞 economic slump/takeoff
- 经济萎缩 economic contraction; the economy is contracting/shrinking
- 经济规划/趋势 economic planning/trend
- 经济活动/奇迹 economic activity/miracle
- 经济收益 economic returns
- 经济协作 economic cooperation/collaboration
- 经济发达地区 economically developed region
- 经济活跃地区 economically active/invigorating region
- 经济困难时期 tough economic times
- 地区经济 regional economy
- 工业/农业经济 industrial/agricultural economy
- 以经济建设为中心 keep economic development as the central task
- 经济不景气。 The economy is slack/sluggish.
- 经济疲软。 The economy is suffering.
- 经济在蓬勃发展。 The economy is thriving.
- 经济在继续稳定健康地增长。 The economy continues to grow steady and sound.
- 经济正在热起来。 The economy is heating up.
- 我没有经济头脑。 I have no economic sense.
名 income; financial condition
- 经济刺激计划 economic stimulus package
- 经济拮据 be in a financial embarrassment; be in reduced/straitened circumstances; be stretched economically
- 经济宽裕 be well-off; be well-to-do
- 改善经济状况 improve the financial circumstances/economic status
- 减轻经济负担 reduce/ease the financial burden
- 遇到经济困难 be in financial straits/difficultiesmanager (of an actor, a musician, a singer, etc)
形 of industrial or economic value
另见:经济林经济作物economical; thrifty
名 economy
- 重建经济 rebuild the economy
- 刺激经济 stimulate/spur the economy
- 促进经济 boost/promote the economy
- 发展经济 develop/expand the economy
- 繁荣经济 boom the economy; promote economic prosperity
- 改善/稳定/整顿经济 improve/stabilize/fix the economy
- 鼓励多样化经济 encourage diversified economy
- 混合经济 mixed economy
- 使经济复苏/瘫痪 revive/paralyse the economy
- 调整国营经济 regulate the state-owned economy
- 削弱经济 debilitate/weaken the economy
- 振兴经济 revitalize/reactivate the economy
- 经济繁荣 booming economy
- 经济滑坡 economic downturn/slip/slide/decline
- 经济衰退/腾飞 economic slump/takeoff
- 经济萎缩 economic contraction; the economy is contracting/shrinking
- 经济规划/趋势 economic planning/trend
- 经济活动/奇迹 economic activity/miracle
- 经济收益 economic returns
- 经济协作 economic cooperation/collaboration
- 经济发达地区 economically developed region
- 经济活跃地区 economically active/invigorating region
- 经济困难时期 tough economic times
- 地区经济 regional economy
- 工业/农业经济 industrial/agricultural economy
- 以经济建设为中心 keep economic development as the central task
- 经济不景气。 The economy is slack/sluggish.
- 经济疲软。 The economy is suffering.
- 经济在蓬勃发展。 The economy is thriving.
- 经济在继续稳定健康地增长。 The economy continues to grow steady and sound.
- 经济正在热起来。 The economy is heating up.
- 我没有经济头脑。 I have no economic sense.
名 income; financial condition
- 经济刺激计划 economic stimulus package
- 经济拮据 be in a financial embarrassment; be in reduced/straitened circumstances; be stretched economically
- 经济宽裕 be well-off; be well-to-do
- 改善经济状况 improve the financial circumstances/economic status
- 减轻经济负担 reduce/ease the financial burden
- 遇到经济困难 be in financial straits/difficultiesmanager (of an actor, a musician, a singer, etc)
形 of industrial or economic value
另见:经济林经济作物economical; thrifty
jīnɡjì ànjiàn
名 economic case
- 调查经济案件 investigate an economic case
- 他卷入了一桩经济案件。 He was involved in a case of economic wrongdoing.
jīnɡjì ànjiàn
名 economic case
- 调查经济案件 investigate an economic case
- 他卷入了一桩经济案件。 He was involved in a case of economic wrongdoing.
jīnɡjì bēnɡkuì
名 economic bankruptcy/collapse/disintegration
- 加速经济崩溃 speed up an economic collapse
jīnɡjì bēnɡkuì
名 economic bankruptcy/collapse/disintegration
- 加速经济崩溃 speed up an economic collapse
jīnɡjì bùjú
名 economic layout
- 合理的经济布局 proper economic layout
jīnɡjì bùjú
名 economic layout
- 合理的经济布局 proper economic layout
jīnɡjì bùmén
名 sector of economy
jīnɡjì bùmén
名 sector of economy
名 budget meal
名 budget meal
名 economy class/cabin
- 经济舱票价 economy fare
名 economy class/cabin
- 经济舱票价 economy fare
jīnɡjì chénɡfèn
名 economic sector
- 发展多种经济成分 develop diverse sectors of the economy
jīnɡjì chénɡfèn
名 economic sector
- 发展多种经济成分 develop diverse sectors of the economy
jīnɡjì chénɡbāo zérènzhì
名 economic responsibility system with contracted jobs
- 企业的多种形式经济承包责任制 various forms of economic responsibility in enterprises
jīnɡjì chénɡbāo zérènzhì
名 economic responsibility system with contracted jobs
- 企业的多种形式经济承包责任制 various forms of economic responsibility in enterprises
jīnɡjì dàɡuó
名 economic giant; economic power
jīnɡjì dàɡuó
名 economic giant; economic power
jīnɡjì dānbǎoshū
名 financial guarantee; affidavit of support
jīnɡjì dānbǎoshū
名 financial guarantee; affidavit of support
jīnɡjì dǐzhì
名 economic boycott
- 遇到多国的经济抵制 meet an economic boycott from many nations
jīnɡjì dǐzhì
名 economic boycott
- 遇到多国的经济抵制 meet an economic boycott from many nations
jīnɡjì dìlǐ
名 economic geography
- 经济地理学 economic geography
jīnɡjì dìlǐ
名 economic geography
- 经济地理学 economic geography
jīnɡjì dìwèi
名 economic position/status
- 提高经济地位 elevate one's economic status
jīnɡjì dìwèi
名 economic position/status
- 提高经济地位 elevate one's economic status
jīnɡjì dìzhìxué
名 economic geology
jīnɡjì dìzhìxué
名 economic geology
jīnɡjì dònɡwù
名 economic animal
jīnɡjì dònɡwù
名 economic animal
jīnɡjì dúlì
名 economic independence
- 取得/要求经济独立 obtain/require economic independence
jīnɡjì dúlì
名 economic independence
- 取得/要求经济独立 obtain/require economic independence
jīnɡjì fāzhǎn
名 economic development/expansion/growth
- 促进经济发展 promote economic development/growth
jīnɡjì fāzhǎn
名 economic development/expansion/growth
- 促进经济发展 promote economic development/growth
名 economic law/constitution
名 economic law/constitution
jīnɡjì fǎdiǎn
名 economic code
jīnɡjì fǎdiǎn
名 economic code
jīnɡjì fǎɡuī
名 economic legislation/statutes; economic laws and decrees; canon of economy
jīnɡjì fǎɡuī
名 economic legislation/statutes; economic laws and decrees; canon of economy
jīnɡjì fǎtínɡ
名 economic court/tribunal
jīnɡjì fǎtínɡ
名 economic court/tribunal
jīnɡjì fànzuì
名 economic crime/offence
- 打击经济犯罪活动 crack down on economic crimes
- 加大对重大经济犯罪分子的打击力度 institute a hard-core crack-down on serious economic offenders/criminals
jīnɡjì fànzuì
名 economic crime/offence
- 打击经济犯罪活动 crack down on economic crimes
- 加大对重大经济犯罪分子的打击力度 institute a hard-core crack-down on serious economic offenders/criminals
jīnɡjì fēnɡsuǒ
名 economic blockade
- 打破经济封锁 break the economic blockade
- 实行经济封锁 impose/enforce an economic blockade (on/against)
jīnɡjì fēnɡsuǒ
名 economic blockade
- 打破经济封锁 break the economic blockade
- 实行经济封锁 impose/enforce an economic blockade (on/against)
jīnɡjì fùsū
名 economic revival/recovery/resurgence
- 延缓经济复苏 retard an economic resurgence
jīnɡjì fùsū
名 economic revival/recovery/resurgence
- 延缓经济复苏 retard an economic resurgence
jīnɡjì ɡǎiɡé
名 economic reform
- 加快经济改革 speed up/accelerate the economic reform
- 进行/实施/深化经济改革 launch/implement/deepen economic reforms
jīnɡjì ɡǎiɡé
名 economic reform
- 加快经济改革 speed up/accelerate the economic reform
- 进行/实施/深化经济改革 launch/implement/deepen economic reforms
jīnɡjì ɡànɡɡǎn
名 economic lever
- 利用经济杠杆,确保经济稳定健康地发展 use economic levers to ensure a steady and healthy development of the economy
jīnɡjì ɡànɡɡǎn
名 economic lever
- 利用经济杠杆,确保经济稳定健康地发展 use economic levers to ensure a steady and healthy development of the economy
jīnɡjì ɡōnɡkāi
动 make the accounts public
- 实行经济公开,阻止经济犯罪 prevent economic crimes by making the accounts public
jīnɡjì ɡōnɡkāi
动 make the accounts public
- 实行经济公开,阻止经济犯罪 prevent economic crimes by making the accounts public
jīnɡjì ɡònɡtónɡtǐ
名 economic community
jīnɡjì ɡònɡtónɡtǐ
名 economic community
jīnɡjì ɡuǎnlǐ
名 economic management; business administration
- 学习经济管理 study business administration/management
- 经济管理硕士 Master of Business Administration (MBA)
- 以经济管理为专业 major/specialize in economic management
jīnɡjì ɡuǎnlǐ
名 economic management; business administration
- 学习经济管理 study business administration/management
- 经济管理硕士 Master of Business Administration (MBA)
- 以经济管理为专业 major/specialize in economic management
jīnɡjì ɡuīlǜ
名 law of economy; economic law
jīnɡjì ɡuīlǜ
名 law of economy; economic law
jīnɡjì ɡuòrè
名 economic overheating; overheated economy; overheated economic growth
- 抑制重复建设,防止经济过热 check indiscriminate repetition in construction and prevent the economy from overheating
jīnɡjì ɡuòrè
名 economic overheating; overheated economy; overheated economic growth
- 抑制重复建设,防止经济过热 check indiscriminate repetition in construction and prevent the economy from overheating
jīnɡjì hétonɡ
名 economic contract
- 履行/解除/签订经济合同 fulfil/terminate/sign an economic contract
jīnɡjì hétonɡ
名 economic contract
- 履行/解除/签订经济合同 fulfil/terminate/sign an economic contract
jīnɡjì hézuò
名 economic cooperation
- 促进/加强经济合作 promote/strengthen economic cooperation
- 经济合作与发展组织 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
jīnɡjì hézuò
名 economic cooperation
- 促进/加强经济合作 promote/strengthen economic cooperation
- 经济合作与发展组织 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
jīnɡjì hésuàn
名 economic/business accounting
- 经济核算单位 business accounting unit
jīnɡjì hésuàn
名 economic/business accounting
- 经济核算单位 business accounting unit
jīnɡjì huánjìnɡ
名 economic environment/climate
- 治理经济环境 improve economic environment
jīnɡjì huánjìnɡ
名 economic environment/climate
- 治理经济环境 improve economic environment
jīnɡjì huíshēnɡ
名 business upturn/uptrend/upswing
jīnɡjì huíshēnɡ
名 business upturn/uptrend/upswing
jīnɡjì jīɡòu
名 economic institution
jīnɡjì jīɡòu
名 economic institution
jīnɡjì jīzhì
名 economic mechanism/regime
jīnɡjì jīzhì
名 economic mechanism/regime
jīnɡjì jīchǔ
名 economic base/foundation
- 经济基础牢固/薄弱 solid/weak economic base
- 经济基础和上层建筑 the economic base and the superstructure
jīnɡjì jīchǔ
名 economic base/foundation
- 经济基础牢固/薄弱 solid/weak economic base
- 经济基础和上层建筑 the economic base and the superstructure
jīnɡjì jīchǔ shèshī
名 economic infrastructure
jīnɡjì jīchǔ shèshī
名 economic infrastructure
jīnɡjì jítuán
名 economic bloc
jīnɡjì jítuán
名 economic bloc
jīnɡjì jìliànɡxué
名 econometrics
jīnɡjì jìliànɡxué
名 econometrics
jīnɡjì jìshù kāifāqū
名 economic and technological development zone
jīnɡjì jìshù kāifāqū
名 economic and technological development zone
jīnɡjì jiànshè
名 economic construction
- 以经济建设为中心 make the economic construction the central task; focus on economic development
- 社会主义精神文明建设必须以经济建设为中心。 The socialist cultural and ideological progress must be closely linked to the central task of economic development.
jīnɡjì jiànshè
名 economic construction
- 以经济建设为中心 make the economic construction the central task; focus on economic development
- 社会主义精神文明建设必须以经济建设为中心。 The socialist cultural and ideological progress must be closely linked to the central task of economic development.
jīnɡjì jiéɡòu
名 economic structure
- 调整经济结构 regulate the economic structure
jīnɡjì jiéɡòu
名 economic structure
- 调整经济结构 regulate the economic structure
jīnɡjì jǐnsuō
名 economic contraction
jīnɡjì jǐnsuō
名 economic contraction
jīnɡjì kāifànɡqū
名 open economic zone
jīnɡjì kāifànɡqū
名 open economic zone
jīnɡjì kǒnɡhuānɡ
名 economic panic
jīnɡjì kǒnɡhuānɡ
名 economic panic
jīnɡjì kūnchónɡ
名 economic insects
jīnɡjì kūnchónɡ
名 economic insects
jīnɡjì kùnnan
名 economic woes; financial straits/difficulties
jīnɡjì kùnnan
名 economic woes; financial straits/difficulties
jīnɡjì lǐlùn
名 economic theory
jīnɡjì lǐlùn
名 economic theory
jīnɡjì lìfǎ
名 economic legislation
jīnɡjì lìfǎ
名 economic legislation
jīnɡjì liánhétǐ
名 economic association; conglomeration; conglomerate
jīnɡjì liánhétǐ
名 economic association; conglomeration; conglomerate
名 economic forest; cash tree
名 economic forest; cash tree
jīnɡjì lǚguǎn
名 budget hotel; economy hotel
jīnɡjì lǚguǎn
名 budget hotel; economy hotel
jīnɡjì luóji
名 economic logic
jīnɡjì luóji
名 economic logic
jīnɡjì màoyì wěiyuánhuì
名 economic and trade commission
jīnɡjì màoyì wěiyuánhuì
名 economic and trade commission
jīnɡjì mìnɡmài
名 economic lifeline/arteries; key branches of the economy
- 国家的经济命脉 economic lifeline of a country
jīnɡjì mìnɡmài
名 economic lifeline/arteries; key branches of the economy
- 国家的经济命脉 economic lifeline of a country
jīnɡjì móshì
名 economic mould
jīnɡjì móshì
名 economic mould
jīnɡjì mùbiāo
名 economic target
jīnɡjì mùbiāo
名 economic target
jīnɡjì péichánɡ
名 economic compensation
- 拒绝/要求经济赔偿 refuse/require economic compensation
jīnɡjì péichánɡ
名 economic compensation
- 拒绝/要求经济赔偿 refuse/require economic compensation
jīnɡjì qiánjǐnɡ
名 economic outlook/prospect
- 经济前景不容乐观。 Economic outlook is grim.
- 经济前景良好。 The outlook for the economy is good.
jīnɡjì qiánjǐnɡ
名 economic outlook/prospect
- 经济前景不容乐观。 Economic outlook is grim.
- 经济前景良好。 The outlook for the economy is good.
jīnɡjì qínɡkuànɡ
名 economic condition
jīnɡjì qínɡkuànɡ
名 economic condition
jīnɡjì quánqiúhuà
名 economic globalization
- 经济全球化局势是当今世界经济和科技发展的产物。 Economic globalization has become a trend as a result of the economic, scientific and technological development in the present-day world.
jīnɡjì quánqiúhuà
名 economic globalization
- 经济全球化局势是当今世界经济和科技发展的产物。 Economic globalization has become a trend as a result of the economic, scientific and technological development in the present-day world.
名 economic man
名 economic man
jīnɡjì shèntòu
名 economic infiltration/penetration
- 抵御经济渗透 resist an economic infiltration
jīnɡjì shèntòu
名 economic infiltration/penetration
- 抵御经济渗透 resist an economic infiltration
jīnɡjì shītiáo
名 economic disproportions; dislocation of the economy
jīnɡjì shītiáo
名 economic disproportions; dislocation of the economy
名 [used in professional ranking] economic administrator
名 [used in professional ranking] economic administrator
jīnɡjì shíhuì
<熟> economical but practical
- 经济实惠的饭菜 inexpensive but substantial meal
jīnɡjì shíhuì
<熟> economical but practical
- 经济实惠的饭菜 inexpensive but substantial meal
jīnɡjì shílì
名 economic strength/power
- 大大加强自己的经济实力 considerably/greatly strengthen one's financial/economic position
- 这个国家的经济实力在最近几年有了显著的增长。 The economic strength of the country has achieved a remarkable increase in recent years.
jīnɡjì shílì
名 economic strength/power
- 大大加强自己的经济实力 considerably/greatly strengthen one's financial/economic position
- 这个国家的经济实力在最近几年有了显著的增长。 The economic strength of the country has achieved a remarkable increase in recent years.
jīnɡjì shítǐ
名 economic entity
jīnɡjì shítǐ
名 economic entity
jīnɡjì shìyònɡfánɡ
名 economical housing
- 建设经济适用房 build economical housing
- 为中低收入家庭提供经济适用房 provide economical housing for low and medium income families
jīnɡjì shìyònɡfánɡ
名 economical housing
- 建设经济适用房 build economical housing
- 为中低收入家庭提供经济适用房 provide economical housing for low and medium income families
jīnɡjì shǒuduàn
名 economic means
jīnɡjì shǒuduàn
名 economic means
jīnɡjì shǒudū
名 economic capital
jīnɡjì shǒudū
名 economic capital
jīnɡjì shuāituì
名 economic recession
jīnɡjì shuāituì
名 economic recession
jīnɡjì sǔnshī
名 economic loss
- 减少经济损失 reduce the economic loss
- 挽回经济损失 retrieve economic losses
- 造成五万元的经济损失 cause an economic loss of ¥50,000
- 经济损失高达100万美元。 The economic loss amounted to $1,000,000.
jīnɡjì sǔnshī
名 economic loss
- 减少经济损失 reduce the economic loss
- 挽回经济损失 retrieve economic losses
- 造成五万元的经济损失 cause an economic loss of ¥50,000
- 经济损失高达100万美元。 The economic loss amounted to $1,000,000.
jīnɡjì tèqū
名 special economic zone
- 设立经济特区 establish a special economic zone
- 深圳和珠海在20世纪80年代被定为经济特区。 Shenzhen and Zhuhai were made into special economic zones in the 1980s.
jīnɡjì tèqū
名 special economic zone
- 设立经济特区 establish a special economic zone
- 深圳和珠海在20世纪80年代被定为经济特区。 Shenzhen and Zhuhai were made into special economic zones in the 1980s.
名 economy
- 最大的经济体 largest economy
名 economy
- 最大的经济体 largest economy
jīnɡjì tǐzhì
名 economic structure/regime
- 加快经济体制改革 speed up the restructuring of economic systems
jīnɡjì tǐzhì
名 economic structure/regime
- 加快经济体制改革 speed up the restructuring of economic systems
jīnɡjì tínɡzhì
名 economic stagnation; business slack
jīnɡjì tínɡzhì
名 economic stagnation; business slack
jīnɡjì wàijiāo
名 economic diplomacy
jīnɡjì wàijiāo
名 economic diplomacy
jīnɡjì wēijī
名 economic crisis
- 渡过经济危机 survive an economic crisis
- 经济危机周期 economic crisis cycle
jīnɡjì wēijī
名 economic crisis
- 渡过经济危机 survive an economic crisis
- 经济危机周期 economic crisis cycle
jīnɡjì xiāotiáo
名 economic depression/slump
jīnɡjì xiāotiáo
名 economic depression/slump
jīnɡjì xiàoɡuǒ
名 economic results/effectiveness/effects
jīnɡjì xiàoɡuǒ
名 economic results/effectiveness/effects
jīnɡjì xiàoyì
名 economic returns/benefits/efficiency/performance
- 讲究经济效益 take into consideration the economic benefits; stress economic effects/benefits
- 提高经济效益 improve economic performance; increase economic returns
- 以最少的消耗取得最大的经济效益 obtain the maximum economic results at the minimum costs
- 直接/间接经济效益 direct/indirect economic benefit
- 经济效益显著提高。 The economic efficiency has greatly improved.
- 批量生产可以带来经济效益。 Mass production effects an increased economy.
- 在一切经济工作中我们应把经济效益放在第一位。 We should give economic performance the first priority in all economic work.
jīnɡjì xiàoyì
名 economic returns/benefits/efficiency/performance
- 讲究经济效益 take into consideration the economic benefits; stress economic effects/benefits
- 提高经济效益 improve economic performance; increase economic returns
- 以最少的消耗取得最大的经济效益 obtain the maximum economic results at the minimum costs
- 直接/间接经济效益 direct/indirect economic benefit
- 经济效益显著提高。 The economic efficiency has greatly improved.
- 批量生产可以带来经济效益。 Mass production effects an increased economy.
- 在一切经济工作中我们应把经济效益放在第一位。 We should give economic performance the first priority in all economic work.
jīnɡjì xínɡshì
名 economic situation
- 经济形势很不好。 Things are very bad economically.
- 经济形势很严峻。 The economic situation is grave.
- 经济形势在好转。 The economy is improving/doing better/picking up. / Economic performance is improving.
jīnɡjì xínɡshì
名 economic situation
- 经济形势很不好。 Things are very bad economically.
- 经济形势很严峻。 The economic situation is grave.
- 经济形势在好转。 The economy is improving/doing better/picking up. / Economic performance is improving.
名 economics
- 经济学家 economist
- 宏观经济学 macro-economics
- 社会经济学 social economics
- 微观经济学 micro-economics
名 economics
- 经济学家 economist
- 宏观经济学 macro-economics
- 社会经济学 social economics
- 微观经济学 micro-economics
jīnɡjì yītǐhuà
名 economic integration
jīnɡjì yītǐhuà
名 economic integration
jīnɡjì yímín
名 economic migrant
jīnɡjì yímín
名 economic migrant
jīnɡjì yōushì
名 economic superiority
- 保持经济优势 maintain the economic superiority
jīnɡjì yōushì
名 economic superiority
- 保持经济优势 maintain the economic superiority
jīnɡjì yùcè
名 economic forecast/prediction
jīnɡjì yùcè
名 economic forecast/prediction
jīnɡjì yuánzhù
名 economic assistance/aid
- 提供经济援助 provide economic assistance
jīnɡjì yuánzhù
名 economic assistance/aid
- 提供经济援助 provide economic assistance
jīnɡjì zájiāo
名 <畜牧> commercial crossbreeding
jīnɡjì zájiāo
名 <畜牧> commercial crossbreeding
jīnɡjì zérènzhì
名 economic responsibility system
jīnɡjì zérènzhì
名 economic responsibility system
jīnɡjì zēnɡzhǎnɡ
名 economic growth
- 刺激/促进经济增长 promote/fuel/spur economic growth
- 经济增长模式 economic growth mode
- 经济增长率 economic growth rate
- 经济增长速度放慢。 The economy is slowing.
jīnɡjì zēnɡzhǎnɡ
名 economic growth
- 刺激/促进经济增长 promote/fuel/spur economic growth
- 经济增长模式 economic growth mode
- 经济增长率 economic growth rate
- 经济增长速度放慢。 The economy is slowing.
jīnɡjì zēnɡzhǎnɡdiǎn
名 economic growth engine; economic growth point; area of economic growth
- 培育新的经济增长点 cultivate new economic growth points
jīnɡjì zēnɡzhǎnɡdiǎn
名 economic growth engine; economic growth point; area of economic growth
- 培育新的经济增长点 cultivate new economic growth points
名 economic warfare
名 economic warfare
jīnɡjì zhīzhù
名 economic kingpin; pillar of the economy
- 旅游业是该省的一大经济支柱。 Tourism is the economic kingpin of this province.
jīnɡjì zhīzhù
名 economic kingpin; pillar of the economy
- 旅游业是该省的一大经济支柱。 Tourism is the economic kingpin of this province.
jīnɡjì zhíwù
名 economic plants
jīnɡjì zhíwù
名 economic plants
jīnɡjì zhǐbiāo
名 economic indicator
- 主要经济指标 main economic indicator
- 本季度经济指标有所上升。 The economic indicators are up this quarter.
jīnɡjì zhǐbiāo
名 economic indicator
- 主要经济指标 main economic indicator
- 本季度经济指标有所上升。 The economic indicators are up this quarter.
jīnɡjì zhìcái
名 economic sanctions
- 放宽/解除/强化经济制裁 ease/lift/toughen economic sanctions
- 实行经济制裁 apply/impose/place/enforce economic sanctions (on/against)
jīnɡjì zhìcái
名 economic sanctions
- 放宽/解除/强化经济制裁 ease/lift/toughen economic sanctions
- 实行经济制裁 apply/impose/place/enforce economic sanctions (on/against)
jīnɡjì zhìdù
名 economic system
jīnɡjì zhìdù
名 economic system
jīnɡjì zhìxù
名 economic order
- 整顿经济秩序 rectify the economic order
- 建立新的国际经济秩序 establish a new international economic order
jīnɡjì zhìxù
名 economic order
- 整顿经济秩序 rectify the economic order
- 建立新的国际经济秩序 establish a new international economic order
jīnɡjì zhōnɡxīn
名 economic centre/hub
jīnɡjì zhōnɡxīn
名 economic centre/hub
jīnɡjì zhōuqī
名 economic cycle
jīnɡjì zhōuqī
名 economic cycle
名 economism
名 economism
jīnɡjì zhuànɡkuànɡ
名 economic conditions
- 改善经济状况 improve the economy
- 第一季度经济状况良好。 Economy did very well in the first quarter.
- 经济状况很糟。 The economic picture is far from good.
- 家庭经济状况不允许他上大学。 Family finances prohibited his going to college.
jīnɡjì zhuànɡkuànɡ
名 economic conditions
- 改善经济状况 improve the economy
- 第一季度经济状况良好。 Economy did very well in the first quarter.
- 经济状况很糟。 The economic picture is far from good.
- 家庭经济状况不允许他上大学。 Family finances prohibited his going to college.
jīnɡjì zìzú
名 economic self-sufficiency
jīnɡjì zìzú
名 economic self-sufficiency
jīnɡjì zuòwù
名 money/cash/industrial crop
- 种植经济作物 plant cash crops
jīnɡjì zuòwù
名 money/cash/industrial crop
- 种植经济作物 plant cash crops
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英法学大词典
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
jīng jì
economy,指社会物质生产和再生产的活动,与之相应的形容词与副词为economic, economically。
- 我们不久前发现的石油必然会改善经济形势。 The oil we found not long ago will certainly improve the state of economy.
- 这些年来,我们村发展起了多种经济。 Diversified economies have been developed in our village these years.
- 出于经济上的考虑,我们放弃了这一打算。 We gave up the plan because of economic consideration.
- 如果我们能把生产总水平提高到经济发达国家20世纪70年代或80年代初的水平就很不错了。 It would be not bad if we could raise the general level of production to the level reached by the economically developed countries in the 1970's or early 1980's.
economy,指经济上节约,与之相应的形容词及副词为economical, economically。
- 每天上馆子不经济。 It would be bad economy to go to restaurant every day.
- 买旧汽车,即使价格便宜也不经济。 There is no economy in buying old cars, even if they are cheap.
- 这次到南方旅游既经济又实惠。 The tour to the South was both economical and practical.
- 这些房间的使用既不合理又不经济。 The rooms are used neither rationally nor economically.
well off, hard up,指经济上的宽裕或困难。
- 他们的经济并不宽裕,但仍想尽办法送孩子留洋。 They are far from being well off but they try every possible way to send their child for study abroad.
- 他上大学时经济也跟我们一样困难。 When he was at college he was as hard up as any of us.
jīng jì
economy,指社会物质生产和再生产的活动,与之相应的形容词与副词为economic, economically。
- 我们不久前发现的石油必然会改善经济形势。 The oil we found not long ago will certainly improve the state of economy.
- 这些年来,我们村发展起了多种经济。 Diversified economies have been developed in our village these years.
- 出于经济上的考虑,我们放弃了这一打算。 We gave up the plan because of economic consideration.
- 如果我们能把生产总水平提高到经济发达国家20世纪70年代或80年代初的水平就很不错了。 It would be not bad if we could raise the general level of production to the level reached by the economically developed countries in the 1970's or early 1980's.
economy,指经济上节约,与之相应的形容词及副词为economical, economically。
- 每天上馆子不经济。 It would be bad economy to go to restaurant every day.
- 买旧汽车,即使价格便宜也不经济。 There is no economy in buying old cars, even if they are cheap.
- 这次到南方旅游既经济又实惠。 The tour to the South was both economical and practical.
- 这些房间的使用既不合理又不经济。 The rooms are used neither rationally nor economically.
well off, hard up,指经济上的宽裕或困难。
- 他们的经济并不宽裕,但仍想尽办法送孩子留洋。 They are far from being well off but they try every possible way to send their child for study abroad.
- 他上大学时经济也跟我们一样困难。 When he was at college he was as hard up as any of us.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典