[fàn shǎ]
to be foolish
to play dumb
⇒ 揣着明白装糊涂 装蒜 打马虎眼
to gaze absentmindedly
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
动 〈口〉
1 pretend to be naive (or ignorant, stupid):
- 你心里很清楚,别犯傻啦。 You know perfectly well. Don't pretend not to know.
2 do a foolish thing:
- 我真犯傻,竟信了她的话! What a fool I was to believe what she said!
3 be in a daze; stare blankly
动 〈口〉
1 pretend to be naive (or ignorant, stupid):
- 你心里很清楚,别犯傻啦。 You know perfectly well. Don't pretend not to know.
2 do a foolish thing:
- 我真犯傻,竟信了她的话! What a fool I was to believe what she said!
3 be in a daze; stare blankly
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
fàn∥shǎ〈方 dial.〉
1. 装糊涂;装傻 {pretend not to know; feign ignorance; pretend to be naive or stupid}:
- 这事情很清楚,你别~啦。 {Things are perfectly clear, so don't pretend you don't know.}
2. 做傻事 {act foolishly}:
- 你怎么又~了,忘了上次的教训了? {Why are you so stupid? Have you forgotten what happened last time?}
3. 发呆 {be in a daze (or trance); stare blankly}:
- 别人都走了,他还坐在那ㄦ~呢。 {Everyone had left, but he still sat there staring blankly.}
fàn∥shǎ〈方 dial.〉
1. 装糊涂;装傻 {pretend not to know; feign ignorance; pretend to be naive or stupid}:
- 这事情很清楚,你别~啦。 {Things are perfectly clear, so don't pretend you don't know.}
2. 做傻事 {act foolishly}:
- 你怎么又~了,忘了上次的教训了? {Why are you so stupid? Have you forgotten what happened last time?}
3. 发呆 {be in a daze (or trance); stare blankly}:
- 别人都走了,他还坐在那ㄦ~呢。 {Everyone had left, but he still sat there staring blankly.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 pretend to be ignorant/naive/stupid; play the fool
- 其实他啥都知道,他是在犯傻呢。 Actually, he knows everything. He is only being ignorant.
动 do sth foolish; blunder
- 你说那样的话,准是犯傻了。 You must be mad to say so.
- 我不会犯傻忘了以前的教训。 I'm wise enough not to forget the lessons of the past. / I'm wise enough not to forget the lessons I've learned.
- 他才不会犯傻干那样的蠢事呢。 He knows better than to make such a blunder.
动 be in a daze/trance; stare blankly
- 大家都走了,他还坐那儿犯傻。 He was still sitting there in a daze when everybody had left.
动 pretend to be ignorant/naive/stupid; play the fool
- 其实他啥都知道,他是在犯傻呢。 Actually, he knows everything. He is only being ignorant.
动 do sth foolish; blunder
- 你说那样的话,准是犯傻了。 You must be mad to say so.
- 我不会犯傻忘了以前的教训。 I'm wise enough not to forget the lessons of the past. / I'm wise enough not to forget the lessons I've learned.
- 他才不会犯傻干那样的蠢事呢。 He knows better than to make such a blunder.
动 be in a daze/trance; stare blankly
- 大家都走了,他还坐那儿犯傻。 He was still sitting there in a daze when everybody had left.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典