[āi jìn]
to approach
⇒ 靠近 上来 接近 即 濒 趋 昵 趋近 侵 迫近 拢 凑近 就 迫临 莅止 逼近 垂 来临 凌 走近 莅 难于接近 渐近 叩关 进场 薄 旁敲侧击 迫 别出心裁 另辟蹊径 附耳 临阵
to get close to
⇒ 接近 一亲芳泽 亲近
to sneak up on
⇒ 潜近
near to
⇒ 濒于 遒 即 逼近 靠近 拢 靠 走近 近前 薄 徒有虚名 徒有其名 河姆渡 小康 河姆渡遗址 法隆寺
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
动 get close to; near to:
- 悄悄地挨近 sneak up to
- 我们村挨近火车站。 Our village is close to the railway station.
- 别挨近我! 离我远点儿! Don't come near me! Keep your distance! (or Keep back! )
- 我近视,要挨得很近才看得清。 I'm near-sighted and have to get close up in order to see clearly.
动 get close to; near to:
- 悄悄地挨近 sneak up to
- 我们村挨近火车站。 Our village is close to the railway station.
- 别挨近我! 离我远点儿! Don't come near me! Keep your distance! (or Keep back! )
- 我近视,要挨得很近才看得清。 I'm near-sighted and have to get close up in order to see clearly.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
āi∥jìn靠近 {get close to; sneak up to}:
- 你~我一点ㄦ {Move over and get closer to me.}
- 两家挨得很近。 {The two families are close to each other.}
āi∥jìn靠近 {get close to; sneak up to}:
- 你~我一点ㄦ {Move over and get closer to me.}
- 两家挨得很近。 {The two families are close to each other.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 get close to; be near to
- 挨得很近 be very close to
- 她家挨近机场。 Her home is close to the airport.
- 挨近我一点儿。 Get a bit closer to me, please.
动 get close to; be near to
- 挨得很近 be very close to
- 她家挨近机场。 Her home is close to the airport.
- 挨近我一点儿。 Get a bit closer to me, please.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典