to approve; to ratify
⇒ 准予 允准 认证 同意 审定 赞成 可 认可 赞扬 赞同 批假 认同 批转 狂顶 审批 批办 可决率 批汇 画稿 点头咂嘴 加盖 追认 核准 核定
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
动 ratify; approve; sanction:
- 批准条约 ratify a treaty
- 计划须经批准。 The plan is subject to ratification (or approval).
- 大会批准了他的报告。 The congress approved his report.
- 批准书 instrument of ratification; certificate of approval
- 批准文件 approval document
- 批准预算 approved budget
动 ratify; approve; sanction:
- 批准条约 ratify a treaty
- 计划须经批准。 The plan is subject to ratification (or approval).
- 大会批准了他的报告。 The congress approved his report.
- 批准书 instrument of ratification; certificate of approval
- 批准文件 approval document
- 批准预算 approved budget
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
【所属学科】 药学→药事管理
【所属学科】 药学→药事管理
- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语
pī∥zhǔn上级对下级的意见、建议或请求表示同意 {approve, endorse; ratify}:
- ~他休假一个月。 {His request for a one-month absence of leave has been granted.}€�
pī∥zhǔn上级对下级的意见、建议或请求表示同意 {approve, endorse; ratify}:
- ~他休假一个月。 {His request for a one-month absence of leave has been granted.}€�
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 ratify; approve; authorize; validate; confirm; sanction; agree to licence
- 批准拨款 approve/grant the appropriation (for); make an appropriation (for)
- 批准逮捕 approve an arrest
- 批准方案 approve a project
- 批准公约/条约 confirm/ratify a convention/treaty
- 批准计划 give one's approval to a plan
- 批准建议 give sanction to the proposals
- 批准申请 grant an application
- 批准实施 be approved for enforcement
- 批准议案 give approval to a bill; ratify a bill
- 呈请批准 forward/submit for approval/confirmation
- 得到批准 win sb's approval; meet with/get/obtain approval; be given the ratification
- 请求批准 request for permission
- 正式批准 give formal ratification; give formal/official approval (to)
- 参议院拒绝批准这项总统提名。 The Senate refused to confirm the President's nomination.
- 提案已被批准。 The motion has been approved. / The motion has been given the ratification. / The motion has met with approval.
- 公约需经各自的政府批准。 The convention require ratification by the respective governments.
- 总理批准了这项计划。 The Premier has placed his cachet upon the project.
动 ratify; approve; authorize; validate; confirm; sanction; agree to licence
- 批准拨款 approve/grant the appropriation (for); make an appropriation (for)
- 批准逮捕 approve an arrest
- 批准方案 approve a project
- 批准公约/条约 confirm/ratify a convention/treaty
- 批准计划 give one's approval to a plan
- 批准建议 give sanction to the proposals
- 批准申请 grant an application
- 批准实施 be approved for enforcement
- 批准议案 give approval to a bill; ratify a bill
- 呈请批准 forward/submit for approval/confirmation
- 得到批准 win sb's approval; meet with/get/obtain approval; be given the ratification
- 请求批准 request for permission
- 正式批准 give formal ratification; give formal/official approval (to)
- 参议院拒绝批准这项总统提名。 The Senate refused to confirm the President's nomination.
- 提案已被批准。 The motion has been approved. / The motion has been given the ratification. / The motion has met with approval.
- 公约需经各自的政府批准。 The convention require ratification by the respective governments.
- 总理批准了这项计划。 The Premier has placed his cachet upon the project.
名 ratifying state
名 ratifying state
pīzhǔn hánjiàn
名 letter of ratification
pīzhǔn hánjiàn
名 letter of ratification
pīzhǔn jīguān
名 approving authority
pīzhǔn jīguān
名 approving authority
名 approval jurisdiction; jurisdiction to approve; right of ratification; right to approve
名 approval jurisdiction; jurisdiction to approve; right of ratification; right to approve
pīzhǔn shǒuxù
名 ratification procedure
pīzhǔn shǒuxù
名 ratification procedure
名 permission; ratification; act/instrument/letter of ratification; note of allowance
名 permission; ratification; act/instrument/letter of ratification; note of allowance
pīzhǔn wénjiàn
名 approval document
pīzhǔn wénjiàn
名 approval document
pīzhǔn yùsuàn
名 approved budget
pīzhǔn yùsuàn
名 approved budget
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
approve; authorize; endorse; homologate; indorse; pass; ratify; sanction; approval; authentication; endorsement; homologation; indorsement; ratification; sanction;approve;criterion; norm; standard
approve; authorize; endorse; homologate; indorse; pass; ratify; sanction; approval; authentication; endorsement; homologation; indorsement; ratification; sanction;approve;criterion; norm; standard
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英法学大词典
approve; authorize; confirm; pass; ratify; sanction; seal; warrant
approve; authorize; confirm; pass; ratify; sanction; seal; warrant
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
pī zhǔn
- 17国政府首脑在上海聚会并批准了该条约。 The heads of the seven governments met in Shanghai and ratified the treaty.
- 教育部已批准他出国深造。 The Ministry of Education has ratified his going abroad for advanced study.
- 美国宪法于1787年起草,1788年由11个州批准生效。 The Constitution of the United States was drafted in 1787 and went into effect in 1788 after it had been ratified by eleven states.
- 部长提议的代表团提名已由国务院批准。 The nomination of the delegation submitted by the minister was confirmed by the State Council.
- 国会批准他出任政府总理。 The Parliament confirmed him as Prime Minister.
- 和平友好条约是经过全国人民代表大会批准的。 The Treaty of Peace and Friendship was confirmed by the National People's Congress.
- 大会批准了朱总理的报告。 The Congress approved the report by Premier Zhu Rongji.
- 党委成员由党员民主选举产生并由上级党组织批准。 The members of the Party committee were democratically elected by the Party members and approved by the next higher Party organization.
- 学校领导批准了建造新图书馆的计划。 The school authorities approved the scheme for the erection of a new library.
- 党委批准了他们的要求。 The Party committee granted their request.
- 到目前为止只批准了几份租约,而90%的申请都消失在官僚主义的汪洋大海里。 Only a few leases have been granted so far, with ninety percent of the applications lost in bureaucratic limbo.
- 教廷不愿意批准英格兰亨利八世的第二次婚姻。 The Vatican would not sanction the second marriage of HenryⅧof England.
- 上级党委批准了本学期的工作方案。 The Party committee at the higher level has sanctioned the scheme for the term's work.
- 他的会员申请已由俱乐部批准。 His application for membership was endorsed by the club.
- 党中央批准了新的政治纲领。 The Central Party Committee endorsed a new political program.
pī zhǔn
- 17国政府首脑在上海聚会并批准了该条约。 The heads of the seven governments met in Shanghai and ratified the treaty.
- 教育部已批准他出国深造。 The Ministry of Education has ratified his going abroad for advanced study.
- 美国宪法于1787年起草,1788年由11个州批准生效。 The Constitution of the United States was drafted in 1787 and went into effect in 1788 after it had been ratified by eleven states.
- 部长提议的代表团提名已由国务院批准。 The nomination of the delegation submitted by the minister was confirmed by the State Council.
- 国会批准他出任政府总理。 The Parliament confirmed him as Prime Minister.
- 和平友好条约是经过全国人民代表大会批准的。 The Treaty of Peace and Friendship was confirmed by the National People's Congress.
- 大会批准了朱总理的报告。 The Congress approved the report by Premier Zhu Rongji.
- 党委成员由党员民主选举产生并由上级党组织批准。 The members of the Party committee were democratically elected by the Party members and approved by the next higher Party organization.
- 学校领导批准了建造新图书馆的计划。 The school authorities approved the scheme for the erection of a new library.
- 党委批准了他们的要求。 The Party committee granted their request.
- 到目前为止只批准了几份租约,而90%的申请都消失在官僚主义的汪洋大海里。 Only a few leases have been granted so far, with ninety percent of the applications lost in bureaucratic limbo.
- 教廷不愿意批准英格兰亨利八世的第二次婚姻。 The Vatican would not sanction the second marriage of HenryⅧof England.
- 上级党委批准了本学期的工作方案。 The Party committee at the higher level has sanctioned the scheme for the term's work.
- 他的会员申请已由俱乐部批准。 His application for membership was endorsed by the club.
- 党中央批准了新的政治纲领。 The Central Party Committee endorsed a new political program.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典