to imagine; to envision
⇒ 设想 假想 思议 幻想 脑补 想象 虚拟 推想 涉想 想不到 异想天开 自作多情 预见
⇒ 想象力 想像力 想象 畅想 幻觉 浮想联翩 贫限想 胡思乱想 想入非非 子虚乌有 佳话
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 心理学上指在知觉材料的基础上,经过新的配合而创造出新形象的心理过程。 {imagination; psychological process of creating mental images through the recombination of available perceived material}
2. 对于不在眼前的事物想出它的具体形象;设想 {imagine; visualize; conceive; form a mental and visual image of sth. not present}:
- 不难~ {not hard to imagine}
- ~不出。 {cannot imagine}‖
也作 also: 想象 {xiǎngxiàng}。
1. 心理学上指在知觉材料的基础上,经过新的配合而创造出新形象的心理过程。 {imagination; psychological process of creating mental images through the recombination of available perceived material}
2. 对于不在眼前的事物想出它的具体形象;设想 {imagine; visualize; conceive; form a mental and visual image of sth. not present}:
- 不难~ {not hard to imagine}
- ~不出。 {cannot imagine}‖
也作 also: 想象 {xiǎngxiàng}。
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
in one's mind's eye; mind's eye
in one's mind's eye; mind's eye
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
xiǎng xiàng
- 他与她的关系可能要比我们想象的深得多。 He must have got in deeper with her than we thought.
- 我无法想像粮食的亩产量怎么会提高得那么快。 I can't think how the yield of grain per mu can be raised so rapidly.
- 你无法想像她见到你会有多高兴。 You can't think how glad she is to see you.
conceive of, 原意指设想,因此可作“想象”解。想象的图像显然要比think形成的明晰得多,但由于该词强调的仍然是想,因此想像的轮廓依然是模糊的,而且一般也多用于否定句或准否定句。
- 古时候,地球被想像成扁乎的。 In ancient times the earth was conceived of as flat.
- 大多数人都无法想像生活中没有电话。 Most people couldn't conceive of living without telephone.
- 我无法想像可能的失败。 I can't conceive of the possibility of failure.
- 我不想想像这样解决问题的办法。 I refuse to conceive of such a solution to our problem.
- 现代的孩子难以想像没有电视的时代。 The modern child finds it difficult to conceive of a time when there was no TV.
imagine, imagination, imaginary, imaginative,指想像出来的,imaginative,指有想像力的,均指在想像中形成的图像,暗示其图像鲜明、完整。
- 你可以想像他们回家后发现屋子里空空如也后的惊讶。 You may imagine their astonishment at finding the room empty when they returned to their home.
- 你能想像月球上的生活吗? Can you imagine life on the moon?
- 只有在人们的想像里才有完美无缺的人。 A flawless person exists only in imagination.
- 顷刻间,她想像的全部幸福化为泡影。 All her imaginary happiness disappeared like a bubble.
- 能想像的作家追求效果;求实的科学家追求真实。 The imaginative writer is after effects while the realistic scientist is after truth.
- 他把自己想像成了一贯正确的伟大领袖。 He fancied himself as an infallible great leader.
- 我黑洞洞地蹲在那儿,十分害怕。想象着那块大石头是头蹲着的狼,会随时朝我扑过来。 I squatted there in the dark with horror. I fancied that the rock was a crouching wolf that would spring on me at any moment.
visualize, vision, 也指幻想中产生的想象,但强调见得到的图像。
- 尽量想像你在腾云驾雾,驰过天空。 Try to visualize your sailing through the sky on a cloud.
- 她想像着上帝似乎来到了她的跟前。 She had a vision in which God seemed to appear before her.
- 他想像着一个没有压迫,没有战争的世界。 He has a vision of a world without oppression or war.但如果用于否定句,则也可指事实上的想象。
- 尽管他已把那地方讲得很仔细,但我还是无法想象。因为那地方与我熟悉的地方完全不同。 Though he described the place carefully, I couldn't visualize it because it was entirely different from anything I had known.
xiǎng xiàng
- 他与她的关系可能要比我们想象的深得多。 He must have got in deeper with her than we thought.
- 我无法想像粮食的亩产量怎么会提高得那么快。 I can't think how the yield of grain per mu can be raised so rapidly.
- 你无法想像她见到你会有多高兴。 You can't think how glad she is to see you.
conceive of, 原意指设想,因此可作“想象”解。想象的图像显然要比think形成的明晰得多,但由于该词强调的仍然是想,因此想像的轮廓依然是模糊的,而且一般也多用于否定句或准否定句。
- 古时候,地球被想像成扁乎的。 In ancient times the earth was conceived of as flat.
- 大多数人都无法想像生活中没有电话。 Most people couldn't conceive of living without telephone.
- 我无法想像可能的失败。 I can't conceive of the possibility of failure.
- 我不想想像这样解决问题的办法。 I refuse to conceive of such a solution to our problem.
- 现代的孩子难以想像没有电视的时代。 The modern child finds it difficult to conceive of a time when there was no TV.
imagine, imagination, imaginary, imaginative,指想像出来的,imaginative,指有想像力的,均指在想像中形成的图像,暗示其图像鲜明、完整。
- 你可以想像他们回家后发现屋子里空空如也后的惊讶。 You may imagine their astonishment at finding the room empty when they returned to their home.
- 你能想像月球上的生活吗? Can you imagine life on the moon?
- 只有在人们的想像里才有完美无缺的人。 A flawless person exists only in imagination.
- 顷刻间,她想像的全部幸福化为泡影。 All her imaginary happiness disappeared like a bubble.
- 能想像的作家追求效果;求实的科学家追求真实。 The imaginative writer is after effects while the realistic scientist is after truth.
- 他把自己想像成了一贯正确的伟大领袖。 He fancied himself as an infallible great leader.
- 我黑洞洞地蹲在那儿,十分害怕。想象着那块大石头是头蹲着的狼,会随时朝我扑过来。 I squatted there in the dark with horror. I fancied that the rock was a crouching wolf that would spring on me at any moment.
visualize, vision, 也指幻想中产生的想象,但强调见得到的图像。
- 尽量想像你在腾云驾雾,驰过天空。 Try to visualize your sailing through the sky on a cloud.
- 她想像着上帝似乎来到了她的跟前。 She had a vision in which God seemed to appear before her.
- 他想像着一个没有压迫,没有战争的世界。 He has a vision of a world without oppression or war.但如果用于否定句,则也可指事实上的想象。
- 尽管他已把那地方讲得很仔细,但我还是无法想象。因为那地方与我熟悉的地方完全不同。 Though he described the place carefully, I couldn't visualize it because it was entirely different from anything I had known.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典