
surname Song

the Song dynasty (960-1279)
两宋 北宋 南宋 传奇 开封府 吴自牧 宋祁 王安石 百家姓 武经总要 陈桥兵变 曾巩 五代 说岳全传 元史 郭茂倩 宋史 茶马互市 过庭录 太平御览 太极图说 刘义庆 脱脱 霓裳 新唐书 苏轼 宋四大书 北宋四大部书 古今韵会举要 新五代史
Song of the Southern Dynasties (420-479) 南朝宋[Náncháo Sòng]
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT


1  Song (a vassal state of the Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BC), covering the present-day Shangqiu (商丘) area in Henan Province)
2   Song Dynasty (420-479), one of the Southern Dynasties
3   Song Dynasty (960- 1279) 附录一
4   a surname
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典

- 简体中文>英语, 天文学名词数据库
响度单位。1宋等于1,000毫宋,约相当于人耳刚能听到的声音响度的一千倍。 {sone; equal to 1,000 millisones; subjective unit of loudness for an average listener, equal to the volume of one kilohertz at 40 decibels above the listener's own threshold of hearing;}旧作 {written as}。 {in old times}[英 sone]
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
1. 周朝国名,在今河南商丘一带。 {Song, a state in the Zhou Dynasty, located in the present-day Shangqiu area in Henan Province}
2. 朝代 {Song Dynasty}:
- <biaoqian>a)</biaoqian>南朝之一,公元420—479,刘裕所建。 {Song Dynasty (420-479), one of the Southern Dynasties, founded by Liu Yu;}参看 see 【南北朝】 {Nán-Běi Cháo}。<biaoqian>b)</biaoqian>公元960—1279,赵匡胤所建。 {Song Dynasty (960-1279), founded by Zhao Kuangyin;}参看 see 【北宋】 {Běi Sòng},【南宋】 {Nán Sòng}。
3. 姓。 {a surname}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典

Song [name of a state in the Zhou Dynasty]
Song Dynasty [420-479, one of the Southern Dynasties]
Song Dynasty [960-1279]

sone [a unit of subjective loudness]
- 1宋等于1,000毫宋。 One sone equals to 1,000 millisones.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典