[cōng máng]
⇒ 急匆匆 匆 促 孟浪 匆猝 率 操切 跮 趮 轻口薄舌 轻嘴薄舌 忙忙叨叨 临时抱佛脚 平时不烧香,临时抱佛脚 心急吃不了热豆腐
⇒ 匆猝 匆遽 造次 匆 慌乱 偬 遑遑 急速 急拍拍 急匆匆 行色匆匆 卞 急 急促 猖猖狂狂 急如星火
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
形 hasty; in a hurry:
- 匆忙作出决定 make a hasty decision
- 临行匆忙,未能向你告别。 I left in such a hurry that I didn't have time to say good-bye to you.
- 他匆匆忙忙吃了几口东西,又回实验室去了。 He bolted down a few mouthfuls of food and hurried back to the lab.
形 hasty; in a hurry:
- 匆忙作出决定 make a hasty decision
- 临行匆忙,未能向你告别。 I left in such a hurry that I didn't have time to say good-bye to you.
- 他匆匆忙忙吃了几口东西,又回实验室去了。 He bolted down a few mouthfuls of food and hurried back to the lab.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
急急忙忙 {in haste; in a hurry}:
- 临行~,没能来看你 {I left in such a hurry that I didn't have time to visit you.}
- 他刚放下饭碗,又匆匆忙忙地回到车间去了。 {Immediately after he finished eating, he hurried back to the workshop.}
急急忙忙 {in haste; in a hurry}:
- 临行~,没能来看你 {I left in such a hurry that I didn't have time to visit you.}
- 他刚放下饭碗,又匆匆忙忙地回到车间去了。 {Immediately after he finished eating, he hurried back to the workshop.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
形 hurried; hasty; in a rush/hurry; in/with haste
- 匆忙办事 hurry on the business
- 匆忙成交 snap up a bargain
- 匆忙出版/发表 rush into print
- 匆忙穿上衣服 hurry/fling one's clothes on; rush/huddle/slip on one's clothes
- 匆忙回答 reply in a rush
- 匆忙回家 hasten/hurry/speed home
- 匆忙决定 make a hasty decision; rush into a decision
- 匆忙跑掉 make off; rush off
- 匆忙去赴约/开会 hasten/rush to one's appointment/a meeting
- 匆忙脱衣 hurry one's clothes off; slip/rush off one's clothes
- 匆忙下结论 jump/hasten/rush to a conclusion; be hasty in drawing conclusions
- 匆忙行事 do things in a hurry/with haste; be hasty in doing sth; act with precipitation; hurry on the business
- 匆忙应试 cram for exams
- 匆忙作判断 be hasty in one's judgements
- 匆忙之中 in one's hurry/haste
- 不必这么匆忙。 There is no hurry about it. / There is no need to hurry/haste.
- 处理问题不要过于匆忙。 Don't treat matters with undue haste.
- 为什么这样匆忙? Why all this haste/hurry? / What's the hurry?
形 hurried; hasty; in a rush/hurry; in/with haste
- 匆忙办事 hurry on the business
- 匆忙成交 snap up a bargain
- 匆忙出版/发表 rush into print
- 匆忙穿上衣服 hurry/fling one's clothes on; rush/huddle/slip on one's clothes
- 匆忙回答 reply in a rush
- 匆忙回家 hasten/hurry/speed home
- 匆忙决定 make a hasty decision; rush into a decision
- 匆忙跑掉 make off; rush off
- 匆忙去赴约/开会 hasten/rush to one's appointment/a meeting
- 匆忙脱衣 hurry one's clothes off; slip/rush off one's clothes
- 匆忙下结论 jump/hasten/rush to a conclusion; be hasty in drawing conclusions
- 匆忙行事 do things in a hurry/with haste; be hasty in doing sth; act with precipitation; hurry on the business
- 匆忙应试 cram for exams
- 匆忙作判断 be hasty in one's judgements
- 匆忙之中 in one's hurry/haste
- 不必这么匆忙。 There is no hurry about it. / There is no need to hurry/haste.
- 处理问题不要过于匆忙。 Don't treat matters with undue haste.
- 为什么这样匆忙? Why all this haste/hurry? / What's the hurry?
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
haste; hurry; in a hurry; scramble
haste; hurry; in a hurry; scramble
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典