- a priori probability
- abnormality
- absolute deviation
- absolute difference
- absolute efficiency
- absolute error
- absolute frequency
- absolute measure
- absolute threshold
- absorbing state
- absorption coefficient
- absorption law
- accelerated life test
- accelerated test
- acceptable quality level
- acceptable reliability level
- acceptance
- acceptance control chart
- acceptance inspection
- acceptance line
- acceptance number
- acceptance region
- acceptance sampling
- acceptance sampling plan
- acceptance testing
- access time
- accessibility
- accident insurance
- accident proneness
- accident rate
- accident statistics
- accidental error
- accuracy
- acidification
- acquisition cost
- action
- action space
- active learning
- actual evapotranspiration
- actual frequency
- actual value
- actuary
- adaptability
- adaptive control
- adaptive optimization
- adaptive sampling
- additive effect
- additive genetic variance
- additive process
- additivity
- adjacency matrix
- adjoint matrix
- adjusted mean
- adjusted value
- adjustment factor
- admissibility
- admissible hypothesis
- adverse selection
- affiliate
- affine deformation
- affine transformation
- affinity
- age composition
- age distribution
- age group
- aggregate
- aggregation
- aging process
- agreement
- air pollution
- algebraic differential equation
- algorithm
- alias
- aliasing
- alienation
- alignment chart
- allele
- allocation
- allometry
- almost sure convergence
- alphabet
- alternative hypothesis
- amount of information
- amplitude
- amplitude ratio
- amplitude separation
- analogue computer
- analogy
- analysis of covariance
- analysis of variance
- analytical error
- angular transformation
- annuity
- antagonism
- anthropometry
- application program interface
- approximate error
- approximation
- approximation theory
- arbitrariness
- arbitrary origin
- arbitrary scale
- area chart
- arithmetic average
- arithmetic mean
- array
- artificial intelligence
- artificial neural network
- artificial neuron
- artificial variable
- ascending order
- ascertainment
- assay
- assessed value
- assignable cause
- assignment problem
- association
- association analysis
- association coefficient
- assumed mean
- assumption
- astrophysics
- asymmetry
- asymptote
- asymptotic distribution
- asymptotic expansion
- asymptotic theory
- at factor cost
- atom
- attenuation
- attitude scale
- attribute
- attribute data
- attribute value
- attrition
- audit trail
- autocorrelation
- autocorrelation coefficient
- autocorrelation function
- autocovariance
- autocovariance function
- autoregression
- availability
- average
- average deviation
- average error
- average of relatives
- average outgoing quality
- average outgoing quality limit
- average propensity to consume
- average run length
- average sample number
- average value
- axial vector
- axis of abscissa
- axis of ordinate
- axonometry
- B-spline
- background information
- backward difference
- backward difference operator
- backward shift operator
- bagging
- balance of trade
- balanced budget
- balanced design
- balanced error
- balanced incomplete block design
- bandwidth
- bar chart
- base
- base line
- base period
- base price
- base year
- basic dimension
- basic failure rate
- basic feasible solution
- basic variable
- basic wage
- batch
- batch process
- batch size
- bathtub curve
- bathymetric chart
- Bayes' theorem
- Bayesian inference
- Bayesian network
- Bayesian statistics
- bell-shaped curve
- benchmark
- benchmarking
- Bernoulli distribution
- Bernoulli process
- Bernoulli's theorem
- best fit
- best linear unbiased estimator
- beta function
- bias