飛 飞
to fly
驾乘 飘扬 飞行 航行 单飞 上天 飞扬 飞过 飞来飞去 飞越 黑飞 飞出 直飞 飞升 飞转 飘舞 放飞 驾机 飞腾
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT

I 动
1   (of birds or insects) fly; flit:
- 飞鸟 flying bird
- 老鹰飞得高。 Eagles fly high.
- 小鸟飞 (走)了。 The bird flew away.
- 蜜蜂在花丛中飞来飞去。 Bees are flitting from flower to flower.
2   (of an aircraft or its occupants) fly; travel by plane:
- 我明天飞上海。 I'm flying to Shanghai tomorrow.
- 那架飞机从北京直飞广州。 That plane flies nonstop from Beijing to Guangzhou.
3   hover or flutter in the air:
- 飞絮 willow catkins fluttering in the air
- 飞鸢 a hovering kite
- 飞雪花了。 It's snowing.
4   〈口〉 disappear through volatilization:
- 樟脑丸放久了会飞净的。 Camphor balls will disappear as time goes on.
II 副 (move) swiftly 飞奔 
III 形 unexpected; accidental; unfounded; groundless:
- 飞祸 unexpected disaster 流言飞语
IV 名 〈方〉 free wheel (of a bicycle)
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. (鸟、虫等)鼓动翅膀在空中活动 {fly; flit; (of birds, insects, etc.) move through the air by flapping wings}:
- ~蝗 {flying locust}
- 鸟~了。 {The bird flew away.}
2. 利用动力机械在空中行动 {fly; aviate; move in the air by using mechanical equipment}:
- ~行 {flight; aviation}
- 明天有飞机~上海。 {There is a flight to Shanghai tomorrow.}
3. 在空中飘浮游动 {hover or flutter in the air}:
- ~云 {scudding clouds}
- ~沙走石 {flying sands and rolling pebbles}
- ~雪花了。 {Snowflakes flew about. or It was snowing.}
4. 形容极快 {swift; fast}:
- ~奔 {run at full speed}
- ~跑 {race}
- ~涨。 {soar}
5. 〈方 dial.〉非常;极 {very}:
- ~快 {very quick}
- ~灵。 {very effective}
6. 挥发 {disappear through evaporation}:
- 盖上瓶子吧,免得香味ㄦ~了 {Close the bottle or the fragrance will vaporize.}
- 樟脑放久了,都~净了。 {The camphor balls have all evaporated with time.}
7. 意外的;凭空而来的 {unexpected; accidental; unfounded; groundless}:
- ~灾 {unexpected disaster}
- ~祸 {unexpected disaster}
- 流言~语。 {rumour and slander}
8. 〈方 dial.〉same as 飞轮 {fēilún}②。
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典

(of birds, etc) fly; flit
- 飞得看不见了 fly out of sight
- 在花丛中飞来飞去 flit (about) from flower to flower
- 小麻雀在树枝间飞来飞去。 Little sparrows fluttered among the branches.
- 赛车高速行驶时有可能飞离路面。 Racing cars may lift off the road at high speed.
(of objects) drift; flutter; float (in the air)
- 飞云 floating/scudding clouds
(of aircraft) fly
- 那飞机从纽约飞往巴黎。 The plane headed from New York to Paris.
- 那架飞机飞得很低。 The plane flew low.
- 我明天直飞伦敦。 I will fly nonstop to London tomorrow.
- 宇宙飞船飞向火星。 The spacecraft was flying towards Mars.
act/move swiftly
- 飞身扑球 dive at full tilt to take the ball
- 火车从她眼前飞过。 The train flew past her.
- 她飞也似的奔进办公室。 She came flying into the office.
unexpected; accidental
groundless; unfounded
disappear through volatilization; volatilize
<方> extremely; very
<方> free wheel (of a bicycle)
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典

fly; swiftly
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典