[lǎo hǔ]
⇒ 伯都 大虫 泰格尔 虎 猛虎 虎符 俗辣 虎骨 老虎凳 虎纹伯劳 甝 彪 白虎 卧虎 鼬鲨 虎牌 东北虎 虎子 纸老虎 华南虎 虎斑蝶 刺桐 虎口 剑齿虎 虖 唬 虎年 䝙 虍 伏虎 虓
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
1 tiger:
- 雌老虎 tigress
2 facilities that consume a great amount of energy or raw materials, or that lead to serious waste or damage:
- 电老虎 electricity tiger
- 煤老虎 coal tiger
3 very greedy person; person who commits graft, theft, or tax evasion in a big way:
- 投机倒把的粮老虎 opportunistic grain profiteer
- 老虎车 〈方〉 hand cart
- 老虎窗 〈方〉 roof dormer; dormer window; luthern
- 老虎凳 rack (an instrument of torture)
- 老虎机 (also 角子机) slot machine; computerized gambling machine
- 老虎钳 vise; pincer; pliers
- 老虎鞋 baby's shoes with tiger decorations
- 老虎灶 〈旧〉 large kitchen range for boiling water; special store that sells boiling water
1 tiger:
- 雌老虎 tigress
2 facilities that consume a great amount of energy or raw materials, or that lead to serious waste or damage:
- 电老虎 electricity tiger
- 煤老虎 coal tiger
3 very greedy person; person who commits graft, theft, or tax evasion in a big way:
- 投机倒把的粮老虎 opportunistic grain profiteer
- 老虎车 〈方〉 hand cart
- 老虎窗 〈方〉 roof dormer; dormer window; luthern
- 老虎凳 rack (an instrument of torture)
- 老虎机 (also 角子机) slot machine; computerized gambling machine
- 老虎钳 vise; pincer; pliers
- 老虎鞋 baby's shoes with tiger decorations
- 老虎灶 〈旧〉 large kitchen range for boiling water; special store that sells boiling water
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 虎的通称。 {general term for 虎hǔ}
2. 指大量耗费能源或原材料的设备 {equipment that consumes an unusually large amount of energy or raw material}:
- 煤~ {coal-consuming machine}
- 电~。 {power-guzzling equipment}
3. 指有大量贪污、盗窃或偷漏税行为的人。 {person who has committed embezzlement, theft or tax evasion on a large scale}
4. 〈比喻 fig.〉凶恶的人 {bad-tempered person}:
- 母~。 {hell-cat; shrew}�
1. 虎的通称。 {general term for 虎hǔ}
2. 指大量耗费能源或原材料的设备 {equipment that consumes an unusually large amount of energy or raw material}:
- 煤~ {coal-consuming machine}
- 电~。 {power-guzzling equipment}
3. 指有大量贪污、盗窃或偷漏税行为的人。 {person who has committed embezzlement, theft or tax evasion on a large scale}
4. 〈比喻 fig.〉凶恶的人 {bad-tempered person}:
- 母~。 {hell-cat; shrew}�
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
名 <通称> tiger
- 一只/头老虎 a tiger
- 吃人的老虎 man-eating tiger
- 被老虎咬死 be mauled to death by a tiger
- 猎杀老虎是违法的。 It is illegal to hunt and kill tigers.
- 老虎、苍蝇一起打。 Bring all corrupt officials to justice, be they big shots or small potatoes.
- 老虎在吼叫。 The tiger is growling/roaring.
名 energy-consuming machine/enterprise
名 person who works against the interests of the people by large scale embezzlement, stealing or tax evasion
名 ferocious/vicious person
名 <通称> tiger
- 一只/头老虎 a tiger
- 吃人的老虎 man-eating tiger
- 被老虎咬死 be mauled to death by a tiger
- 猎杀老虎是违法的。 It is illegal to hunt and kill tigers.
- 老虎、苍蝇一起打。 Bring all corrupt officials to justice, be they big shots or small potatoes.
- 老虎在吼叫。 The tiger is growling/roaring.
名 energy-consuming machine/enterprise
名 person who works against the interests of the people by large scale embezzlement, stealing or tax evasion
名 ferocious/vicious person
lǎohǔ pìgu mōbude
<熟> like a tiger whose backside no one dares to touch―not to be provoked
lǎohǔ pìgu mōbude
<熟> like a tiger whose backside no one dares to touch―not to be provoked
lǎohǔ tóu shang cèngyǎng
<熟> scratch one's itchy back against a tiger's head―court/invite trouble, danger or disaster
lǎohǔ tóu shang cèngyǎng
<熟> scratch one's itchy back against a tiger's head―court/invite trouble, danger or disaster
lǎohǔ tóu shang pāi cāngying
<熟> swat flies on a tiger's head―foolish and dangerous action
lǎohǔ tóu shang pāi cāngying
<熟> swat flies on a tiger's head―foolish and dangerous action
名 baby's shoes with tiger decorations
名 baby's shoes with tiger decorations
lǎohǔ zuǐli báyá
<熟> pull a tooth from a tiger's mouth―dare the greatest danger; beard the lion in his den
lǎohǔ zuǐli báyá
<熟> pull a tooth from a tiger's mouth―dare the greatest danger; beard the lion in his den
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典