
(比较级: fresher; 最高级: freshest)
New; recent; unfaded; uninjured by time. 新的;新近的;未凋褪的;未旧损的。
- There is nothing fresh to tell. 没什么新奇的事可讲的。
In good condition. 良好的;新鲜的。
Not forgotten. 未忘的。
Healthy; strong and active; not wearied; lively; brisk. 健康的;有朝气的;不憔悴的;活泼的;轻快的。
- The troops were fresh now for action. 军队精神奕奕待战。
Pure and cool; refreshing. 清凉的;清爽的。
Not salt, as water. 淡的(如淡水)。
Forward; pert. 【俚】无顾忌的;没礼貌的;孟浪的。
Inexperienced. 无经验的。
fresh from 刚出道的。
fresh out of 缺乏;最近刚用完。
(as) fresh as a daisy 【口】精神焕发。
break fresh ground 开发新园地;着手新事业。
A spring; freshet. 泉;水流之泛滥。
The union of fresh and salt water in a river. 流入咸水中的淡水流。
fresh breeze 五级风(风速每小时17-21海里)。
adv. freshly. n. freshness.
vigorous, unused, sound.
stale, old, withered, trite.
- 英语>简体中文, 美语词典
1. [+ food] 新鲜的;刚做好的; [+ memory] 鲜活的
- locally caught fresh fish 当地捕获的新鲜鱼类
- My memories of that day are still quite fresh. 我对那天仍然记忆犹新。
- With the memory of the bombing fresh in her mind, Eleanor became increasingly agitated. 对轰炸记忆犹新的埃莉诺变得越来越焦躁不安。
2. (new) [+ cement, paint] 新的
- A puppy stepped in the fresh cement. 一只小狗踩在了刚抹好的水泥面上。
to make a fresh start 重新开始;改弦更张
- I need to make a fresh start. 我需要重新开始。
3. (original) 新颖的;新奇的;独创的
- She treats the subject in a fresh and exciting way. 她以一种新颖独特、激动人心的方式处理这个题材。
- These designers are full of fresh ideas. 这些设计师满脑子都是新点子。
4. (recently made) [+ prints, marks] 最新的;最近的
- I had seen the sharp fresh footprints in the snow. 我看到了雪地里那些新留下来的清晰脚印。
5. (further) 另外的;外加的;进一步的
- Rose had given him fresh instructions. 罗丝给予了他进一步的指导。
- Make fresh inquiries. 做进一步的调查。
6. [+ food] 新鲜的;非冷冻的;非罐装的;非腌制的
- fresh fruit 新鲜水果
7. [+ water] 淡的
8. (bright) 鲜艳的;鲜明的;明净的
a fresh image 鲜明的影像
9. (invigorating) 清新的;微寒的;凉爽的
- The air was fresh and for a moment she felt revived. 空气清新, 有那么一会儿她感觉恢复了活力。
- It was a fine, fresh summer morning. 那是一个晴朗而微凉的夏日清晨。
- Outside the breeze was fresh and from the north. 外面凉飕飕的微风从北面吹来。
10. (full of energy) [+ person] 不知疲倦的;充满活力的;精神抖擞的
- It's vital we are as fresh as possible for those matches. 在比赛中我们要尽可能保持旺盛的精力, 这点至关重要。
- I nearly always wake up fresh and rested. 我醒来时总是精力充沛, 精神焕发。
- He was not as fresh as he would have liked 他的精神状态不如他期待的那样好。
11. (not faded) 干净的;整洁的;未磨损的;未褪色的
- a semi-circular mosaic, its startling colours still fresh 一幅半圆形镶嵌画, 令人惊艳的色彩鲜艳如初
12. (having healthy appearance) 容光焕发的;气色好的
- His fresh complexion made him look younger than he was. 他气色很好, 看起来比实际年龄年轻。
13. (newly arrived) 新来的;刚到的
fresh arrivals 新来者
fresh from sth (from place) 刚从某地来
- I returned to the office, fresh from Heathrow. 我从希思罗机场出来径直返回了办公室。
fresh out of university
[graduate +] 大学刚毕业
- She joined the company fresh out of university. 她一毕业就进了这家公司。
14. (young, inexperienced) 年轻的;缺乏经验的
thirty untrained fresh recruits 30名未经训练的新兵
- I remember when I was a fresh undergraduate. 我记得我还是个青涩的大学毕业生的时候。
15. 【牧】 <美> (雌性牲畜, 尤指母牛)刚产犊的
16. <非正式> (cheeky) 冒失的;无礼的
- He was being a brat, a fresh kid. 他曾是个小顽童, 小冒失鬼。
- even as a boy, running all over being fresh with the older folk 还是孩子时就到处乱跑冲撞长辈
17. <英格兰北部> (tipsy) 醉醺醺的
18. to be as fresh as a daisy 精神饱满;精神抖擞;精力充沛
- He's played less than 10 games this season and he's as fresh as a daisy. 他本赛季才打了不到10场比赛, 所以现在精力充沛。
19. to be fresh out of sth<非正式> 刚用完…
- We're fresh out of bread. 我们的面包刚吃完。
20. to have sth fresh in your mind 对…记忆犹新
- I still have the details fresh in my mind. 我依然对那些细节记忆犹新。
1. (fresh part or time) 开端;开始;新的时期
2. 【地理】 淡水泉;淡水河;淡水池
<废> 使变得清新;使变得鲜艳
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉大词典
a.fresher, freshest
- 英语>简体中文, 高中课标词汇
n. 新鲜的,清新的,凉爽的
- 英语>简体中文, 中医大词典
adj.(形容词), fresh.est
1. New to one's experience; not encountered before. 新鲜的,未经历过的:对某人经历而言是新的;以前没遇到过的
2. Novel; different: 奇特的;不同的:
- a fresh slant on the problem.See Synonyms at &b{new} 对此问题的新观点参见 new
3. Recently made, produced, or harvested; not stale or spoiled: 刚做的:新做的、刚生产的或收获的;非陈旧的或非腐烂的:
- fresh bread. 新做的面包
4. Not preserved, as by canning, smoking, or freezing: 新鲜的:不是通过罐装、烟熏或冷藏而保存的:
- fresh vegetables. 新鲜蔬菜
5. Not saline or salty: 不是咸的或盐渍的:
- fresh water. 淡水
6. Not yet used or soiled; clean: 没用过的;干净的:
- a fresh sheet of paper. 一张干净纸
7. Free from impurity or pollution; pure: 未用过的,干净的:没污染过的或非不清洁的;纯净的:
- fresh air. 清新的空气
8. Additional; new: 附加的;新的:
- fresh evidence. 附加证据
9. Bright and clear; not dull or faded: 鲜明的,清楚的:明亮的或干净的;不暗淡或不褪色的:
- a fresh memory. 清晰的记忆
10. Having the glowing, unspoiled appearance of youth: 年轻的,容光焕发的:具有年轻人有光泽且未受破坏的容貌:
- a fresh complexion. 容光焕发的肤色
11. Untried; inexperienced: 没经验的;不熟练的:
- fresh recruits. 新兵
12. Having just arrived; straight: 刚到的;直接的:
- fashions fresh from Paris. 直接来自巴黎的时装
13. Revived or reinvigorated; refreshed: 恢复精神的或重新振作的;精神的:
- I was fresh as a daisy after the nap. 小睡后我的精神为之一振
14. Fairly strong; brisk: 非常强壮的;精力旺盛的:
- a fresh wind. 强劲的风
15. Informal Bold and saucy; impudent. 【非正式用语】 鲁莽的:率直的和鲁莽的;厚颜无耻的
16. Having recently calved and therefore with milk. Used of a cow. 刚生小牛的:刚生过小牛因此有奶的。用于奶牛
Recently; newly: 近来地;新近地:
- fresh out of milk; muffins baked fresh daily. 刚从牛奶中提取的;每天新烤的小松饼
1. The early part: 前面部分:
- the fresh of the day. 清晨
2. A freshet. 淡水溪流
- 英语>简体中文, 美国传统词典
adj. 新鲜的,不同的,淡的
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉化学大词典
adj. 新
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉法学大辞典
新鲜的, 鲜嫩的
- You can buy fresh fruit and vegetables in the market. 在这个市场你可以买到新鲜的水果和蔬菜。
- This meat is not very fresh. 这肉不太新鲜。
新的, 新到的, 新近的
- A fresh man does nothing to the problem. 一个新手对这个问题的解决毫无帮助。
- Please make me a fresh pot of tea. 请给我沏一壶新茶。
- This bread's fresh from the oven. 这面包是新出炉的。
精神饱满的, 生气勃勃的
- The old man looks as fresh as a young man. 这老年人看上去像年轻人一样生气勃勃。
另外的, 外加的; 重新的
- When he came out of prison, he decided to make a fresh start. 他出狱后, 决心重新做人。
(水)淡的, 无盐味的
- Rivers are fresh water. 河流通常是淡水。
- 英语>简体中文, 简明英汉词典
(adjective 形容词)
fresh evidence. 新证据。
fresh ideas. 新想法。
fresh bread. 新鲜湐包。
SYNONYM 同义词:additional, different, extra, justarrived, new, recent, unfamiliar, up-to-date.
OPPOSITES: SEE 反义词参閲stale.
fresh water. 淡水。
SYNONYM 同义词:clear, drinkable,potable, pure, refreshing, sweet, uncontaminated.
OPPOSITES: SEE 反义词参閲salty.
fresh air. 清新空气。
a fresh atmosphere. 清新的空气。
SYNONYM 同义词:airy, bracing, breezy, circulating,clean, cool, draughty, invigorating, unpolluted,ventilated.
OPPOSITES: SEE 反义词参閲stuffy.
fresh food. 新鲜的食物。
SYNONYM 同义词:healthy, natural,newly gathered, raw, unprocessed, untreated,wholesome.
OPPOSITES: SEE 反义词参閲preserved.
fresh sheets on the bed. 铺在宝上的清洁的宝单。
SYNONYM 同义词:clean, crisp, laundered, untouched,unused, washed-and-ironed.
OPPOSITES: SEE 反义词参閲dirty adjective 形容词.
fresh colours. 鲜艷的颜色。
fresh paint. 新涂的油漆。
SYNONYM 同义词:bright, clean, glowing, justpainted, renewed, restored, sparkling, unfaded,vivid.
OPPOSITES: SEE 反义词参閲dingy.
fresh after a shower. 淋浴后精神饱满。
SYNONYM 同义词:alert, energetic, healthy, invigorated, lively,[informal日常用语] perky, rested, revived,sprightly, spry, tingling, vigorous, vital.
OPPOSITES: SEE 反义词参閲weary adjective 形容词.
- 英语>简体中文, 英语同义词词典
(as) fresh as a 'daisy
lively or clean and neat 精神饱满;乾净整洁:
Even when it’s so hot, she looks as fresh as a daisy. How does she do it? 即使这样热的天气,她看上去还是充满青春活力。她怎么办到的?
fresh out of sth (informal,especially AmE)
having recently finished a supply of sth 刚刚卖完﹙或用完﹚:
Sorry, we’re fresh out of milk. 对不起,我们的牛奶刚刚卖完。
get 'fresh (with sb) (informal)
rude and too confident in a way that shows a lack of respect for sb or a sexual interest in sb ﹙对某人﹚无礼;﹙对异性﹚放肆:
Don’t get fresh with me! 少跟我放肆!
break fresh/new ground 另见break
a breath of fresh air 另见breath
fresh/new/young blood 另见blood
英语>简体中文, 英语习语词典
新的; 新近的; 新到的; 以前未见到的
新鲜的, 生的; (水)淡的
(空气、气候)清新的; 凉爽的; (风)强劲的
(颜色)鲜艳的; 鲜明的; 有生气的; 气色好的; 年轻的; 健壮的
无经验的; 不熟练的
[俚]微醉的; [美俚]莽撞的; 放肆的; 无礼的(尤指对异性)
(谈话等)有创见的; 有启发性的
外加的, 另外的, 进一步的
(母牛)开始有奶的; 新近产犊的
- fresh flowers 鲜花
- fresh fish 鲜[鱼, 生鱼
- feel fresh 觉得清新爽快
- fresh breeze 【气】清劲风(五级风)
- fresh gale 【气】强风(八级风)
- fresh colours 鲜艳的色彩
- as fresh as paint 精神饱满的
- green and fresh 生的; 不熟练的; 幼稚的
- a fresh hand 新手
- make a fresh start 重新开始
刚, 才, 新近
①(一天、一年等的)开始 ②(河水的)暴涨; 泛滥 ③(流入咸水中的)淡水流 ④新(学)生 ⑤[苏]严冬终止后的无冰期 dewy freshes 清鲜香气sea fresh 海鲜fresh-air a.户外的; 户外生活的 fresh-blown a. (花)刚开的fresh-caught a. 刚捕获的 fresh-coined a. (硬币)新铸造的 fresh-cut n.割痕(生皮缺陷)freshman n.大学新生, 一年级生; 新手, 生手 fresh-run a. (鲑鱼等)刚从海里游到淡水中的 freshwater a. ①淡水的 ②只习惯于淡水航行的; 无经验的, 不熟练的 ③[美俚]内地的, 不知名的
①精神饱满地; 容光换发地; 气味清新地 ②刚才
fresh out of
[口]刚卖完...; 刚用完...
英语>简体中文, 现代英汉综合大辞典
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 电机工程名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 电力工程名词
1. 形容词 A fresh thing or amount replaces or is added to a previous thing or amount. 新加的 [ADJ n]
- He asked the police, who carried out the original investigation, to make fresh inquiries. 他要求原先进行调查的警方做一轮新的调查。
2. 形容词 Something that is fresh has been done, made, or experienced recently. 新近的
- There were no fresh car tracks or footprints in the snow. 雪地里没有新的车辙或脚印。
- A puppy stepped in the fresh cement. 一只小狗走到新铺的水泥路面上。
3. 形容词 Fresh food has been picked or produced recently, and has not been preserved, for example, by being frozen or put in a can. 新鲜的
- ...locally caught fresh fish. …当地捕获的鲜鱼。
4. 形容词 If you describe something as fresh, you like it because it is new and exciting. 新颖的
- These designers are full of fresh ideas. 这些设计师满是新颖的想法。
5. 形容词 If you describe something as fresh, you mean that it is pleasant, bright, and clean in appearance. 鲜艳的
- Gingham fabrics always look fresh and pretty. 方格花布看起来总是鲜艳而美丽。
6. 形容词 If something smells, tastes, or feels fresh, it is clean or cool. 清新的
- The air was fresh and for a moment she felt revived. 空气清新,一会儿她就感到精力恢复了。
7. 形容词 If you feel fresh, you feel full of energy and enthusiasm. 精力充沛的
- It's vital we are as fresh as possible for those games. 至关重要的是,我们要尽可能精力充沛地去打那些比赛。
8. 形容词 Fresh paint is not yet dry. (油漆) 未干的 [美国英语]
- There was fresh paint on the walls. 墙上有未干的油漆。
9. 形容词 If you are fresh from a particular place or experience, you have just come from that place or you have just had that experience. You can also say that someone is fresh out of a place. 刚从…来的; 刚经历过…的 [v-link ADJ 'from/out of' n]
- I returned to the office, fresh from the airport. 我刚从机场回到办公室。
英语>简体中文, 高级英汉双解词典