(比较级: earlier; 最高级: earliest)
Being near the beginning, as of a day. 早的。
- The subject demands an early settlement. 此事切须早日解决。
Before the usual time. 提早的。
- I shall take an early opportunity of calling on you. 我会尽早拜访你。
In good time. 适时的。
At or near the beginning; soon; seasonably. 旱地;初地;即将地;及时地。
early on 【英】初时;在较早阶段。
The early bird catches [gets] the worm. 【谚】早到达者,将会成功;早起的鸟儿有虫吃;捷足先登。
early bird (a)早起者。(b)抢先者。
early warning system 侦察敌机和飞弹以及时应变的雷达网。
n. earliness
- 英语>简体中文, 美语词典
adj. (earlier, earliest)
1. (ahead of time) [+ arrival, departure] 提前的;提早的; [+ death] 早的; [bus, train, plane +] 提前抵达的
- Because of the early arrival of our flight, we had to wait a while at the airport before we were collected. 因为我们的航班提前到达了, 我们只得在机场等了一会儿才有人接我们。
- We decided to have an early lunch. 我们决定早点儿吃午餐。
to be early
[person +] 早到;提前;提早
- You're ten minutes early. 你提早了10分钟。
to be early for sth 提前去…;提早去…
- She was half an hour early for her next appointment. 她提前了半个小时赶到了下一场约会的地点。
2. (during the day) 早班的;早的
to take an early train or to catch an early train 坐早班火车
- I caught an early train this morning. 我今天早上坐了一列早班车。
early morning/afternoon/evening 清早/午后/傍晚
- an early morning phone call 清早的一通电话
- The service takes place in the early afternoon. 礼拜仪式在午后举行。
at an early hour 在很早的时候
- The shops put up their metal gratings at an early hour. 商店早早地就挂上金属栅板打烊了。
- Even at such an early hour the place was busy. 还这么早, 这个地方就开始繁忙了。
the early hours of the morning 清晨
- They didn't come home until the early hours of the morning. 他们直到清晨才回到了家。
to have an early night 早睡
- There was nothing on the television, so I decided to have an early night. 电视节目没什么可看的, 所以我决定早睡。
an early start 早起
- John's idea of an early start is being up by half past ten. 约翰所谓的早起就是在10点半起床。
to make an early start 早点儿动身;尽早出发
- I wanted to make an early start to avoid the morning rush hour. 我想早点儿动身, 以避开早高峰。
3. (first, close to the beginning) [+ stage, sign, work, film, Christians, settlers] 早期的;初期的
the early stages of pregnancy 妊娠初期
- a few weeks in early summer 初夏的几周
- Shakespeare's early works 莎士比亚的早期作品
- the book's early chapters 这本书的前几章
- He spent his early career in the army. 他职业生涯的早期是在军队度过的。
- the problems faced by early settlers 早期定居者所面临的问题
- in the early 1980s 在20世纪80年代早期
- She's in her early forties. 她40岁出头。
sb's early years 某人的早年
- Ryder spent her early years living on a commune without electricity. 赖德在一个没有电的公社里度过了她的早年。
the early years 最初的几年
- We struggled in the early years and were left behind a little bit. 我们在最初的几年很吃力, 有点落后。
the early days 早期;初期
in the early days 在早期;在最初
in the early days of sth 在…早期;在…初期
- in the early days of his retirement 在他退休伊始
4. (prompt) [+ reply] 不久的;很快的
- We look forward to your early reply. 我们盼望早日得到您的答复。
5. 【植】 早熟的;早开花的
6. it is early days<非正式> 言之过早;为时尚早
- We think we see signs of an upturn, but it's early days yet, of course. 我们认为我们看到了好转的迹象, 但当然现在还言之过早。
adj. (earlier, earliest)
1. (ahead of time) [+ arrival, departure] 提前的;提早的; [+ death] 早的; [bus, train, plane +] 提前抵达的
- Because of the early arrival of our flight, we had to wait a while at the airport before we were collected. 因为我们的航班提前到达了, 我们只得在机场等了一会儿才有人接我们。
- We decided to have an early lunch. 我们决定早点儿吃午餐。
to be early
[person +] 早到;提前;提早
- You're ten minutes early. 你提早了10分钟。
to be early for sth 提前去…;提早去…
- She was half an hour early for her next appointment. 她提前了半个小时赶到了下一场约会的地点。
2. (during the day) 早班的;早的
to take an early train or to catch an early train 坐早班火车
- I caught an early train this morning. 我今天早上坐了一列早班车。
early morning/afternoon/evening 清早/午后/傍晚
- an early morning phone call 清早的一通电话
- The service takes place in the early afternoon. 礼拜仪式在午后举行。
at an early hour 在很早的时候
- The shops put up their metal gratings at an early hour. 商店早早地就挂上金属栅板打烊了。
- Even at such an early hour the place was busy. 还这么早, 这个地方就开始繁忙了。
the early hours of the morning 清晨
- They didn't come home until the early hours of the morning. 他们直到清晨才回到了家。
to have an early night 早睡
- There was nothing on the television, so I decided to have an early night. 电视节目没什么可看的, 所以我决定早睡。
an early start 早起
- John's idea of an early start is being up by half past ten. 约翰所谓的早起就是在10点半起床。
to make an early start 早点儿动身;尽早出发
- I wanted to make an early start to avoid the morning rush hour. 我想早点儿动身, 以避开早高峰。
3. (first, close to the beginning) [+ stage, sign, work, film, Christians, settlers] 早期的;初期的
the early stages of pregnancy 妊娠初期
- a few weeks in early summer 初夏的几周
- Shakespeare's early works 莎士比亚的早期作品
- the book's early chapters 这本书的前几章
- He spent his early career in the army. 他职业生涯的早期是在军队度过的。
- the problems faced by early settlers 早期定居者所面临的问题
- in the early 1980s 在20世纪80年代早期
- She's in her early forties. 她40岁出头。
sb's early years 某人的早年
- Ryder spent her early years living on a commune without electricity. 赖德在一个没有电的公社里度过了她的早年。
the early years 最初的几年
- We struggled in the early years and were left behind a little bit. 我们在最初的几年很吃力, 有点落后。
the early days 早期;初期
in the early days 在早期;在最初
in the early days of sth 在…早期;在…初期
- in the early days of his retirement 在他退休伊始
4. (prompt) [+ reply] 不久的;很快的
- We look forward to your early reply. 我们盼望早日得到您的答复。
5. 【植】 早熟的;早开花的
6. it is early days<非正式> 言之过早;为时尚早
- We think we see signs of an upturn, but it's early days yet, of course. 我们认为我们看到了好转的迹象, 但当然现在还言之过早。
adv. (earlier, earliest)
1. (ahead of time) [arrive, come +] 提早;提前
- The first snow came a month earlier than usual. 第一场雪比以往提前了一个月。
- I came early to get a good seat. 我提早来以便占一个好位置。
- The Smartts arrived thirty minutes early. 斯马特一家人提前半个小时抵达了。
to go to bed early 早睡
- Why do we have to go to bed so early? 我们为什么得这么早上床睡觉呢?
2. (at an early hour) 早一些;早地
- The milk is delivered early. 牛奶很早就送到了。
- early flowering shrubs 早花灌木
- I have to get up early. 我得早点起床。
early this morning 今天清晨
- The incident happened early this morning before most people were awake. 这次事件发生在今天清晨, 大多数人还没醒来。
early in the morning 清晨
- They get up early in the morning, before it gets hot. 他们在清晨天还不热的时候就起床了。
early next week 下周初
- We'll hope to see you some time early next week. 我们盼望能在下周初见到你。
early in sth
(at the start of) [+ season, game, year] …之初;…刚开始时
- an incident which occurred early in the game 比赛刚开始时发生的一件事
- early in the season 季节之初
- early in the spring 初春
- early in the 19th century 19世纪早期
early on
(at an early stage) 初期;早期
- Liverpool scored early on and never looked like being beaten. 利物浦队早早取得了进球, 看起来胜券在握。
early on in sth 在…刚开始不久
- He was injured early on in the match. 他在比赛开始不久就受了伤。
- Early on in the book, it becomes apparent that John Devenish is not all he seems to be. 在这本书的开始部分, 约翰•德夫尼什显然与他平时的形象判若两人。
3. (soon) 不久;很快地
- Live music at weekends. Book early. 周末有现场音乐表演。请及早订票。
it's too early to do sth 做…为时尚早
- It's too early to declare his efforts a success. 现在宣布他的工作取得成功还为时尚早。
as early as sth 最早在…
- Inflation could fall back to single figures as early as this week. 通货膨胀率最早有可能在本周就回落至个位数。
adv. (earlier, earliest)
1. (ahead of time) [arrive, come +] 提早;提前
- The first snow came a month earlier than usual. 第一场雪比以往提前了一个月。
- I came early to get a good seat. 我提早来以便占一个好位置。
- The Smartts arrived thirty minutes early. 斯马特一家人提前半个小时抵达了。
to go to bed early 早睡
- Why do we have to go to bed so early? 我们为什么得这么早上床睡觉呢?
2. (at an early hour) 早一些;早地
- The milk is delivered early. 牛奶很早就送到了。
- early flowering shrubs 早花灌木
- I have to get up early. 我得早点起床。
early this morning 今天清晨
- The incident happened early this morning before most people were awake. 这次事件发生在今天清晨, 大多数人还没醒来。
early in the morning 清晨
- They get up early in the morning, before it gets hot. 他们在清晨天还不热的时候就起床了。
early next week 下周初
- We'll hope to see you some time early next week. 我们盼望能在下周初见到你。
early in sth
(at the start of) [+ season, game, year] …之初;…刚开始时
- an incident which occurred early in the game 比赛刚开始时发生的一件事
- early in the season 季节之初
- early in the spring 初春
- early in the 19th century 19世纪早期
early on
(at an early stage) 初期;早期
- Liverpool scored early on and never looked like being beaten. 利物浦队早早取得了进球, 看起来胜券在握。
early on in sth 在…刚开始不久
- He was injured early on in the match. 他在比赛开始不久就受了伤。
- Early on in the book, it becomes apparent that John Devenish is not all he seems to be. 在这本书的开始部分, 约翰•德夫尼什显然与他平时的形象判若两人。
3. (soon) 不久;很快地
- Live music at weekends. Book early. 周末有现场音乐表演。请及早订票。
it's too early to do sth 做…为时尚早
- It's too early to declare his efforts a success. 现在宣布他的工作取得成功还为时尚早。
as early as sth 最早在…
- Inflation could fall back to single figures as early as this week. 通货膨胀率最早有可能在本周就回落至个位数。
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉大词典
/ˈɜːlɪ/, US: /ˈɜːrlɪ/
a.earlier, earliest
/ˈɜːlɪ/, US: /ˈɜːrlɪ/
a.earlier, earliest
- 英语>简体中文, 高中课标词汇
adj.(形容词) ear.li.er, ear.li.est
1. Of or occurring near the beginning of a given series, period of time, or course of events: 早先的,早的:发生在一个系列、一段时间或事件过程之中的靠近初始阶段的:
- in the early morning; scored two runs in the early innings. 清晨;在前几个回合中就得了两分
2. Of or belonging to a previous or remote period of time: 初期的,早期的:属于时间的早期或初期的部分:
- the early inhabitants of the British Isles. 不列颠岛上的早期居民
3. Of or belonging to an initial stage of development: 初级阶段:处于发展阶段的早期部分:
- an early form of life; an early computer. 早期的生活方式;早期的电脑
4. Occurring, developing, or appearing before the expected or usual time: 提早的,早来的:比原定时间或平常习惯时间早些发生、出现或发展:
- an early spring; an early retirement. 早到的春天;提前退休
5. Maturing or developing relatively soon: 早熟的:相对来说较快地发育成熟:
- an early variety of tomato. 早熟的西红柿品种
6. Occurring in the near future: 很快的:在近日就发生的:
- Observers predicted an early end to the negotiations. 观察家预言谈判不久将结束
adv.(副词) ear.lier, ear.liest
1. Near the beginning of a given series, period of time, or course of events: 早期地:发生在一系列事件、一段时间或事件过程中初始或靠近初始的阶段:
- departed early in the day; scored important victories early in the campaign. 大清早离开;战役初期就获得重大胜利
2. At or during a remote or initial period: 初期地,古代地:属于时间的早期或初期阶段:
- decided very early to go into medicine. 很早就决定从事医务工作
3. Before the expected or usual time: 提早地,早来地:比原定时间或平常时间早地:
- arrived at the meeting a few minutes early. 提早几分钟到达会场
4. Soon in relation to others of its kind: 早熟地,较快地:比同类品种相对早地:
- a rose that was cultivated to bloom early. 经过培育而早开的玫瑰
adj.(形容词) ear.li.er, ear.li.est
1. Of or occurring near the beginning of a given series, period of time, or course of events: 早先的,早的:发生在一个系列、一段时间或事件过程之中的靠近初始阶段的:
- in the early morning; scored two runs in the early innings. 清晨;在前几个回合中就得了两分
2. Of or belonging to a previous or remote period of time: 初期的,早期的:属于时间的早期或初期的部分:
- the early inhabitants of the British Isles. 不列颠岛上的早期居民
3. Of or belonging to an initial stage of development: 初级阶段:处于发展阶段的早期部分:
- an early form of life; an early computer. 早期的生活方式;早期的电脑
4. Occurring, developing, or appearing before the expected or usual time: 提早的,早来的:比原定时间或平常习惯时间早些发生、出现或发展:
- an early spring; an early retirement. 早到的春天;提前退休
5. Maturing or developing relatively soon: 早熟的:相对来说较快地发育成熟:
- an early variety of tomato. 早熟的西红柿品种
6. Occurring in the near future: 很快的:在近日就发生的:
- Observers predicted an early end to the negotiations. 观察家预言谈判不久将结束
adv.(副词) ear.lier, ear.liest
1. Near the beginning of a given series, period of time, or course of events: 早期地:发生在一系列事件、一段时间或事件过程中初始或靠近初始的阶段:
- departed early in the day; scored important victories early in the campaign. 大清早离开;战役初期就获得重大胜利
2. At or during a remote or initial period: 初期地,古代地:属于时间的早期或初期阶段:
- decided very early to go into medicine. 很早就决定从事医务工作
3. Before the expected or usual time: 提早地,早来地:比原定时间或平常时间早地:
- arrived at the meeting a few minutes early. 提早几分钟到达会场
4. Soon in relation to others of its kind: 早熟地,较快地:比同类品种相对早地:
- a rose that was cultivated to bloom early. 经过培育而早开的玫瑰
- 英语>简体中文, 美国传统词典
adj. 早,早期,初期;adv. 早,原始,及早
adj. 早,早期,初期;adv. 早,原始,及早
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉化学大词典
adj. 早
adj. 早
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉法学大辞典
早的, 提早的
- He is an early riser. 他惯于早起。
早期的; 清早的; 早年的
早日的, 及早的
- Please reply at your earliest convenience. 请在您方便时尽早答复。
早; 先
- Sorry, I can't be here so early. 对不起, 我不能那么早到这里。
在初期, 在早期
- Man early discovered the use of fire. 古时候人们就发现了火的用途。
早的, 提早的
- He is an early riser. 他惯于早起。
早期的; 清早的; 早年的
早日的, 及早的
- Please reply at your earliest convenience. 请在您方便时尽早答复。
早; 先
- Sorry, I can't be here so early. 对不起, 我不能那么早到这里。
在初期, 在早期
- Man early discovered the use of fire. 古时候人们就发现了火的用途。
- 英语>简体中文, 简明英汉词典
(adjective 形容词)
early flowers. 早开的花。
SYNONYM 同义词:advanced, first, forward.
OPPOSITES: SEE 反义词参閲late.
COMPARE 比较:punctual.
an early baby. 早产的婴孩。
SYNONYM 同义词:premature.
OPPOSITES: SEE 反义词参閲overdue.
early civilizations. 早期的文明。
an early computer. 早期的电脑。
SYNONYM 同义词:ancient, antiquated, SEE参阅old, primitive.
OPPOSITES: SEE 反义词参閲advanced,recent.
(adjective 形容词)
early flowers. 早开的花。
SYNONYM 同义词:advanced, first, forward.
OPPOSITES: SEE 反义词参閲late.
COMPARE 比较:punctual.
an early baby. 早产的婴孩。
SYNONYM 同义词:premature.
OPPOSITES: SEE 反义词参閲overdue.
early civilizations. 早期的文明。
an early computer. 早期的电脑。
SYNONYM 同义词:ancient, antiquated, SEE参阅old, primitive.
OPPOSITES: SEE 反义词参閲advanced,recent.
- 英语>简体中文, 英语同义词词典
the ,early bird catches the 'worm(saying)
you have to get up early or do sth before others in order to be successful 捷足先登;早到早得
an 'early bird noun (humorous)
a person who gets up,arrives, etc. very early 早起者; 早到者; 早行动者
early 'on
at an early stage of a situation, relationship,period of time, etc. 在早期;早先:
I knew quite early on that I wanted to marry her. 我刚开始就知道我想娶她。
it’s early 'days (yet) (BrE)
it is too soon to be certain about (the results of) sth作出结论还为时过早;时机未到:
We look forward to the time when Europe will operate as a single economic unit, though of course it’s early days yet.我们盼望欧洲能够经济一体化, 虽然现在还为时尚早。
bright and early 另见bright
have an early/a late night 另见night
the small/early hours 另见hours
the ,early bird catches the 'worm(saying)
you have to get up early or do sth before others in order to be successful 捷足先登;早到早得
an 'early bird noun (humorous)
a person who gets up,arrives, etc. very early 早起者; 早到者; 早行动者
early 'on
at an early stage of a situation, relationship,period of time, etc. 在早期;早先:
I knew quite early on that I wanted to marry her. 我刚开始就知道我想娶她。
it’s early 'days (yet) (BrE)
it is too soon to be certain about (the results of) sth作出结论还为时过早;时机未到:
We look forward to the time when Europe will operate as a single economic unit, though of course it’s early days yet.我们盼望欧洲能够经济一体化, 虽然现在还为时尚早。
bright and early 另见bright
have an early/a late night 另见night
the small/early hours 另见hours
英语>简体中文, 英语习语词典
早[初](期)的, 早熟的
及早的, 早日的; 近日的
早先的, 古代的
- in the early summer [spring] 在初夏[春]季节
- early rice 早稻
- in one's early life 在某人的早年
- early Chinese architecture 古代的中国建筑
- It is still too early to tell who will win. 要说出谁将赢为时太早。
- The early bird catches the worm. [谚]捷足先登。
早[初](期)的, 早熟的
及早的, 早日的; 近日的
早先的, 古代的
- in the early summer [spring] 在初夏[春]季节
- early rice 早稻
- in one's early life 在某人的早年
- early Chinese architecture 古代的中国建筑
- It is still too early to tell who will win. 要说出谁将赢为时太早。
- The early bird catches the worm. [谚]捷足先登。
早; 在初期; 开始
不久, 最近, 即将
很久以前; 古代
- Call me early. 早一点叫我。
- Don't come too early. 不要来得太早。
as early as
bright and early
[early] on 稍早的时候, 刚才
early and late
early or late
迟早, 早晚
早; 在初期; 开始
不久, 最近, 即将
很久以前; 古代
- Call me early. 早一点叫我。
- Don't come too early. 不要来得太早。
as early as
bright and early
[early] on 稍早的时候, 刚才
early and late
early or late
迟早, 早晚
英语>简体中文, 现代英汉综合大辞典
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 电机工程名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 电力工程名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 兽医学名词
1. 副词 Early means before the usual time that a particular event or activity happens. 早 [ADV after v]
- I knew I had to get up early. 我知道我得早起。
2. 形容词 Early is also an adjective. 早的 [ADJ n]
- I decided that I was going to take early retirement. 我决定了我将提早退休。
3. 形容词 Early means near the beginning of a day, week, year, or other period of time. 早期的 [ADJ n]
- ...in the 1970s and the early 1980s. …在20世纪70年代和20世纪80年代初期。
- She was in her early teens. 她有十三四岁了。
4. 副词 Early is also an adverb. 在早期
- We'll hope to see you some time early next week. 我们希望在下周初的某个时候见你。
5. 副词 Early means before the time that was arranged or expected. 提前 [ADV after v]
- She arrived early to get a place at the front. 她提前到达,好在前排找个位置。
6. 形容词 Early is also an adjective. 提前的
- I'm always early. 我总是提早。
7. 形容词 Early means near the beginning of a period in history, or in the history of something such as the world, a society, or an activity. 早期的; 初期的 [ADJ n]
- ...the early stages of pregnancy. …怀孕初期。
- ...Fassbinder's early films. …法斯宾德的早期电影。
8. 形容词 Early means near the beginning of something such as a piece of work or a process. 开始的 [ADJ n]
- ...the book's early chapters. …该书开头几章。
9. 副词 Early is also an adverb. 在开始阶段
- ...an incident that occurred much earlier in the game. …一个在比赛刚开始时发生的事件。
10. 形容词 Early refers to plants that flower or crop before or at the beginning of the main season. 早开花的; 早熟的 [ADJ n]
- ...these early cabbages and cauliflowers. …这些早熟的卷心菜和花椰菜。
11. 副词 Early is also an adverb. 早开花地 [ADV with v]
- This early flowering gladiolus is not very hardy. 这株开花早的剑兰不是很耐寒。
12. 形容词 Early reports or indications of something are the first reports or indications about it. 初期的 [正式] [ADJ n]
- The early indications look encouraging. 初期的迹象看起来鼓舞人心。
13. 习语 You can use as early as to emphasize that a particular time or period is surprisingly early. 早在 [强调]
- Inflation could fall back into single figures as early as this month. 通货膨胀最早在本月就能回落到一位数。
1. 副词 Early means before the usual time that a particular event or activity happens. 早 [ADV after v]
- I knew I had to get up early. 我知道我得早起。
2. 形容词 Early is also an adjective. 早的 [ADJ n]
- I decided that I was going to take early retirement. 我决定了我将提早退休。
3. 形容词 Early means near the beginning of a day, week, year, or other period of time. 早期的 [ADJ n]
- ...in the 1970s and the early 1980s. …在20世纪70年代和20世纪80年代初期。
- She was in her early teens. 她有十三四岁了。
4. 副词 Early is also an adverb. 在早期
- We'll hope to see you some time early next week. 我们希望在下周初的某个时候见你。
5. 副词 Early means before the time that was arranged or expected. 提前 [ADV after v]
- She arrived early to get a place at the front. 她提前到达,好在前排找个位置。
6. 形容词 Early is also an adjective. 提前的
- I'm always early. 我总是提早。
7. 形容词 Early means near the beginning of a period in history, or in the history of something such as the world, a society, or an activity. 早期的; 初期的 [ADJ n]
- ...the early stages of pregnancy. …怀孕初期。
- ...Fassbinder's early films. …法斯宾德的早期电影。
8. 形容词 Early means near the beginning of something such as a piece of work or a process. 开始的 [ADJ n]
- ...the book's early chapters. …该书开头几章。
9. 副词 Early is also an adverb. 在开始阶段
- ...an incident that occurred much earlier in the game. …一个在比赛刚开始时发生的事件。
10. 形容词 Early refers to plants that flower or crop before or at the beginning of the main season. 早开花的; 早熟的 [ADJ n]
- ...these early cabbages and cauliflowers. …这些早熟的卷心菜和花椰菜。
11. 副词 Early is also an adverb. 早开花地 [ADV with v]
- This early flowering gladiolus is not very hardy. 这株开花早的剑兰不是很耐寒。
12. 形容词 Early reports or indications of something are the first reports or indications about it. 初期的 [正式] [ADJ n]
- The early indications look encouraging. 初期的迹象看起来鼓舞人心。
13. 习语 You can use as early as to emphasize that a particular time or period is surprisingly early. 早在 [强调]
- Inflation could fall back into single figures as early as this month. 通货膨胀最早在本月就能回落到一位数。
英语>简体中文, 高级英汉双解词典