(过去式: agreed; 过去完成式: agreed; 现在进行式: agreeing)
v.i. & v.t.
To harmonize physically, mentally, or morally. 相合;和谐。
- The brothers do not agree in temperament. 兄弟性情不相投。
To yield assent; consent; accede. 同意;准许;应允。
- He agreed not to come here again. 他同意不再来这儿。
To accord; come to one opinion. 一致;意见相同。
- There is one point in which they all agree. 有一点他们一致赞同。
To be similar; match. 一样;相称。
- The picture does not agree with the original. 此图与原图不符。
To be suitable as diet. 适宜(食物)。
- Strawberries do not agree with everybody. 草莓非人人皆宜。
- The medicine agrees with the patient. 此药与病人相宜。
To be healthful. 有益健康的。
- The climate agrees with me. 这气候有益于我。
To have an appropriate from or inflection, be alike in gender, number, case, or person. 【文法】一致;前后呼应。
agree in (意见)相合;(想法)一致。
agree on 同意;协议。
agree to 接受;同意于(某事)。
agree to differ (disagree) 意见虽不同,但同意不再争执。
agree with 与...相符或一致;同意;意见一致。
Agree is the general term expressing exact sameness of mind or feelings. Agree 系泛指思想或感觉之完全相同:
- He agrees with that statement. 他同意该陈述。
Accord implies resemblance, rather than identity. Accord 含有相似而非完全相同之意:
- The gloomy day accorded with my feelings. 阴暗的天仿如我的情绪。
concur, acquiesce.
- 英语>简体中文, 美语词典
/əˈɡriː/ (agrees, agreeing, agreed)
1. (have same opinion) 表示同意;表示赞同;持相同意见;持相同看法
- I quite agree. 我很同意。
- I don't agree at all. 我根本不同意。
to agree about sth 对于…意见一致
- We haven't agreed about where to go. 我们对于去哪里意见还不一致。
- We haven't agreed about the price. 我们对于价格的意见还不一致。
to agree with sb 同意某人的意见
- He entirely agrees with me. 他完全赞同我的意见。
- I can't agree with you there. 在这一点上我不能同意你的意见。
to agree with sth 同意…
- I agree with what you say. 我同意你所说的。
to agree with sb about sth 对于…与某人持相同意见
- Do you agree with him about this? 你在这件事上和他意见一致吗?
to agree on sth 对于…意见一致
- They'll never agree on how to proceed. 关于如何进行下去, 他们永远也不会意见一致。
to agree as to sth 对于…意见一致
- They agreed as to what it should cost. 对于它的价格应该是多少, 他们意见一致。
2. (consent) 应允;答应;同意
- My father would never agree. 我爸爸决不会答应的。
to agree to sth 同意…
- He has agreed to our proposal. 他同意了我们的提议。
- Donna agreed to both requests. 两项要求唐娜都同意了。
- I agree to your marrying her. 我同意你娶她。
3. (arrive at a settlement) 达成一致;商定
to agree on sth
[+ price, arrangement] 就…达成一致;就…商定
- They agreed on the main points. 他们把要点商量好了。
- Both sides have agreed on a ceasefire. 双方就停火达成了一致。
to agree on doing sth 就做某事达成一致
- They all agreed on leaving early. 他们一致同意早出发。
4. to agree with sth
(be in favour of) [+ plan, idea, proposal] 赞同;赞成
- The Prime Minister does not agree with this plan. 首相不赞同这个计划。
- You didn't ask anybody whether they agreed with what you were doing. 你没有问任何人是否赞成你做的事情。
not to agree with sb doing sth 不赞成某人做某事
- I don't agree with children smoking. 我不赞成孩子吸烟。
5. (tally) [statements, explanations +] 相符;一致
- The two statements just don't agree. 这两种说法就是不一致。
- The two totals agree. 两个总数相符。
to agree with sth 与…相符
- This bill doesn't agree with my calculations. 这个账单和我的计算结果不一致。
6. (have healthy effect) 适合;适宜;对胃口;有益处
to agree with sb
[food, place +] 适合某人;合某人的胃口
- Garlic doesn't agree with me. 大蒜不合我的胃口。
- You look great, Brian. The Bahamas certainly agree with you. 你看上去气色很好, 布赖恩。巴哈马群岛真是适合你。
7. 【语法】 [verb, adjective +] 一致
to agree with sth 与…一致
- The verb must agree with the subject. 动词必须与主语一致。
1. (have same opinion about) 同意(观点);赞同
to agree (that) 同意…
- So we both agree there's a problem? 这么说我们俩都同意存在问题了?
- I agree that the demise of London zoo would be terrible. 我也认为如果伦敦动物园不复存在将是非常糟糕的事情。
to agree with sb that 与某人一致认为…
- She agrees with me that the system is unfair. 她和我意见一样, 认为这个体制不公平。
2. (consent to) 同意(做某事);答应
to agree to do sth 同意做某事
- Do you think she'll agree to come? 你认为她会同意来吗?
- He agreed to go and pick her up. 他答应去接她。
it was agreed that 大家一致同意…
- It was agreed that the contract would start in March. 大家一致同意将合同起始时间定在三月。
3. <英> (settle on) [+ price, time, date] 就…取得一致意见;就…达成协议
- We finally agreed a price. 我们最终商定了一个价格。
- We never agreed a date. 我们从未商定日期。
- The court had given the unions until September 14 to agree terms with a buyer. 法院已经限定工会在9月14日之前与一个买家谈好条件。
4. (admit) 承认
to agree (that) 承认…
- I agree that it's difficult. 我承认这很难。
5. (make consistent) 使一致;使相符
to agree sth with sth 使…与…相符
- Next you must agree the balance sheet with the records by making adjustments, writing off, etc. 接下来, 你必须通过调整、冲销等办法使资产负债表与记录相吻合。
to agree to disagreeorto agree to differ 同意各自保留不同意见
- You and I are going to have to agree to disagree, then. 那么, 你和我将不得不同意各自保留不同意见了。
/əˈɡriː/ (agrees, agreeing, agreed)
1. (have same opinion) 表示同意;表示赞同;持相同意见;持相同看法
- I quite agree. 我很同意。
- I don't agree at all. 我根本不同意。
to agree about sth 对于…意见一致
- We haven't agreed about where to go. 我们对于去哪里意见还不一致。
- We haven't agreed about the price. 我们对于价格的意见还不一致。
to agree with sb 同意某人的意见
- He entirely agrees with me. 他完全赞同我的意见。
- I can't agree with you there. 在这一点上我不能同意你的意见。
to agree with sth 同意…
- I agree with what you say. 我同意你所说的。
to agree with sb about sth 对于…与某人持相同意见
- Do you agree with him about this? 你在这件事上和他意见一致吗?
to agree on sth 对于…意见一致
- They'll never agree on how to proceed. 关于如何进行下去, 他们永远也不会意见一致。
to agree as to sth 对于…意见一致
- They agreed as to what it should cost. 对于它的价格应该是多少, 他们意见一致。
2. (consent) 应允;答应;同意
- My father would never agree. 我爸爸决不会答应的。
to agree to sth 同意…
- He has agreed to our proposal. 他同意了我们的提议。
- Donna agreed to both requests. 两项要求唐娜都同意了。
- I agree to your marrying her. 我同意你娶她。
3. (arrive at a settlement) 达成一致;商定
to agree on sth
[+ price, arrangement] 就…达成一致;就…商定
- They agreed on the main points. 他们把要点商量好了。
- Both sides have agreed on a ceasefire. 双方就停火达成了一致。
to agree on doing sth 就做某事达成一致
- They all agreed on leaving early. 他们一致同意早出发。
4. to agree with sth
(be in favour of) [+ plan, idea, proposal] 赞同;赞成
- The Prime Minister does not agree with this plan. 首相不赞同这个计划。
- You didn't ask anybody whether they agreed with what you were doing. 你没有问任何人是否赞成你做的事情。
not to agree with sb doing sth 不赞成某人做某事
- I don't agree with children smoking. 我不赞成孩子吸烟。
5. (tally) [statements, explanations +] 相符;一致
- The two statements just don't agree. 这两种说法就是不一致。
- The two totals agree. 两个总数相符。
to agree with sth 与…相符
- This bill doesn't agree with my calculations. 这个账单和我的计算结果不一致。
6. (have healthy effect) 适合;适宜;对胃口;有益处
to agree with sb
[food, place +] 适合某人;合某人的胃口
- Garlic doesn't agree with me. 大蒜不合我的胃口。
- You look great, Brian. The Bahamas certainly agree with you. 你看上去气色很好, 布赖恩。巴哈马群岛真是适合你。
7. 【语法】 [verb, adjective +] 一致
to agree with sth 与…一致
- The verb must agree with the subject. 动词必须与主语一致。
1. (have same opinion about) 同意(观点);赞同
to agree (that) 同意…
- So we both agree there's a problem? 这么说我们俩都同意存在问题了?
- I agree that the demise of London zoo would be terrible. 我也认为如果伦敦动物园不复存在将是非常糟糕的事情。
to agree with sb that 与某人一致认为…
- She agrees with me that the system is unfair. 她和我意见一样, 认为这个体制不公平。
2. (consent to) 同意(做某事);答应
to agree to do sth 同意做某事
- Do you think she'll agree to come? 你认为她会同意来吗?
- He agreed to go and pick her up. 他答应去接她。
it was agreed that 大家一致同意…
- It was agreed that the contract would start in March. 大家一致同意将合同起始时间定在三月。
3. <英> (settle on) [+ price, time, date] 就…取得一致意见;就…达成协议
- We finally agreed a price. 我们最终商定了一个价格。
- We never agreed a date. 我们从未商定日期。
- The court had given the unions until September 14 to agree terms with a buyer. 法院已经限定工会在9月14日之前与一个买家谈好条件。
4. (admit) 承认
to agree (that) 承认…
- I agree that it's difficult. 我承认这很难。
5. (make consistent) 使一致;使相符
to agree sth with sth 使…与…相符
- Next you must agree the balance sheet with the records by making adjustments, writing off, etc. 接下来, 你必须通过调整、冲销等办法使资产负债表与记录相吻合。
to agree to disagreeorto agree to differ 同意各自保留不同意见
- You and I are going to have to agree to disagree, then. 那么, 你和我将不得不同意各自保留不同意见了。
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉大词典
v. agrees, agreeing, agreed
v. agrees, agreeing, agreed
- 英语>简体中文, 高中课标词汇
vi. 同意,赞成...的意见,与...一致,承认,适合;vt. 同意
【根】grat=to please(喜好)
vi. 同意,赞成...的意见,与...一致,承认,适合;vt. 同意
【根】grat=to please(喜好)
- 英语>简体中文, 英文字根词典
v.(动词) a.greed,, a.grees
1. To grant consent; accede. 同意;赞同
2. To come into or be in accord, as of opinion. 投合,一致:达到或处于一致的状态,如意见看法
3. To be of one opinion; concur. 意见一致;应允
4. To come to an understanding or to terms. 商定,达成协议
5. To be compatible or in correspondence: 相符,相同:
- The copy agrees with the original. 复印件和原件一致
6. To be suitable, appropriate, pleasing, or healthful: 适合,相宜,令人满意,有益:
- Spicy food does not agree with me. 辛辣食物不合我的胃口
7. Grammar To correspond in gender, number, case, or person. 【语法】 呼应,一致:在性、数、格或人称方面彼此呼应,一致及物动词)
To grant or concede: 同意,赞同:
- My parents agreed that we should go. 我的父母亲同意我们去
v.(动词) a.greed,, a.grees
1. To grant consent; accede. 同意;赞同
2. To come into or be in accord, as of opinion. 投合,一致:达到或处于一致的状态,如意见看法
3. To be of one opinion; concur. 意见一致;应允
4. To come to an understanding or to terms. 商定,达成协议
5. To be compatible or in correspondence: 相符,相同:
- The copy agrees with the original. 复印件和原件一致
6. To be suitable, appropriate, pleasing, or healthful: 适合,相宜,令人满意,有益:
- Spicy food does not agree with me. 辛辣食物不合我的胃口
7. Grammar To correspond in gender, number, case, or person. 【语法】 呼应,一致:在性、数、格或人称方面彼此呼应,一致及物动词)
To grant or concede: 同意,赞同:
- My parents agreed that we should go. 我的父母亲同意我们去
- 英语>简体中文, 美国传统词典
vi. 同意,意见一致,赞成
vi. 同意,意见一致,赞成
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉化学大词典
v. 答应,合办
v. 答应,合办
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉法学大辞典
(1) 同意;赞同;持相同意见
(2) 商定;交互承诺;达成协议;合意;意思表示一致
(3) 许可;允许;答应(→agreement; contract)
(1) 同意;赞同;持相同意见
(2) 商定;交互承诺;达成协议;合意;意思表示一致
(3) 许可;允许;答应(→agreement; contract)
- 英语>简体中文, 英美法词典
n. 一致
n. 一致
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉机械大词典
vt. & vi.
同意, 赞同
- I asked him to come with me and he agreed. 我请他和我一起来, 他同意了。
- We must agree the arrangements for this. 我们必须接受为此所作的安排。
- They agreed to reserve four tickets for us. 他们答应给我们留四张票。
相同, 相符, 一致
- The essential thing is that the two of you ought to agree. 根本的问题是你们俩应意见一致。
(气候、食物等)适宜, 相和
- These two shades do not agree. 这两种色调不协调。
vt. & vi.
同意, 赞同
- I asked him to come with me and he agreed. 我请他和我一起来, 他同意了。
- We must agree the arrangements for this. 我们必须接受为此所作的安排。
- They agreed to reserve four tickets for us. 他们答应给我们留四张票。
相同, 相符, 一致
- The essential thing is that the two of you ought to agree. 根本的问题是你们俩应意见一致。
(气候、食物等)适宜, 相和
- These two shades do not agree. 这两种色调不协调。
- 英语>简体中文, 简明英汉词典
(verb 动词)
I agree to pay my share. 我同意付我的一份。
He agreed to my proposal. 他同意我的建议。
SYNONYM 同义词:accede (to),accept, acknowledge, acquiesce (in), admit,allow, assent (to), be willing, concede, consent(to), [formal庄重语] covenant, grant, make acontract, pledge yourself, promise, undertake.
I’m glad that we agree. 我们意见一致,叫我高兴。
We both added the figures up, but our answers didn’t agree. 我们都加了这些数字, 可是彼此的答案不一致。
SYNONYM 同义词:accord, beunanimous, be united, coincide, concur, conform,correspond, fit, get on, harmonize, match,[informal日常用语] see eye to eye, suit (each other)互相适应.
OPPOSITES: SEE 反义词参阅disagree.
to agree on 商定
We agreed on a price. 我们商定了价格。
SYNONYM 同义词:choose, decide, establish, fix, settle.
to agree with 赞成
I don’t agree with capital punishment. 我不赞成死刑。
SYNONYM 同义词:advocate, arguefor, [informal日常用语] back, defend, support.
(verb 动词)
I agree to pay my share. 我同意付我的一份。
He agreed to my proposal. 他同意我的建议。
SYNONYM 同义词:accede (to),accept, acknowledge, acquiesce (in), admit,allow, assent (to), be willing, concede, consent(to), [formal庄重语] covenant, grant, make acontract, pledge yourself, promise, undertake.
I’m glad that we agree. 我们意见一致,叫我高兴。
We both added the figures up, but our answers didn’t agree. 我们都加了这些数字, 可是彼此的答案不一致。
SYNONYM 同义词:accord, beunanimous, be united, coincide, concur, conform,correspond, fit, get on, harmonize, match,[informal日常用语] see eye to eye, suit (each other)互相适应.
OPPOSITES: SEE 反义词参阅disagree.
to agree on 商定
We agreed on a price. 我们商定了价格。
SYNONYM 同义词:choose, decide, establish, fix, settle.
to agree with 赞成
I don’t agree with capital punishment. 我不赞成死刑。
SYNONYM 同义词:advocate, arguefor, [informal日常用语] back, defend, support.
- 英语>简体中文, 英语同义词词典
a,gree to 'differ
(of two or more people 两个或两个以上的人) allow each other to have different opinions about sth,especially in order to avoid more argument﹙为避免争论﹚承认有分歧,同意各自保留不同意见:
Our views on this matter are so different—I think we’ll just have to agree to differ. 我们在这一问题上的看法分歧很大—我想我们只能保留不同意见了。
I ,couldn’t agree (with you) 'more
I completely agree (with you) 我完全同意﹙你的意见﹚:
I couldn’t agree with you more about the need to hire extra staff. 在需要雇用更多员工的问题上,我与你的意见完全一致。
a,gree to 'differ
(of two or more people 两个或两个以上的人) allow each other to have different opinions about sth,especially in order to avoid more argument﹙为避免争论﹚承认有分歧,同意各自保留不同意见:
Our views on this matter are so different—I think we’ll just have to agree to differ. 我们在这一问题上的看法分歧很大—我想我们只能保留不同意见了。
I ,couldn’t agree (with you) 'more
I completely agree (with you) 我完全同意﹙你的意见﹚:
I couldn’t agree with you more about the need to hire extra staff. 在需要雇用更多员工的问题上,我与你的意见完全一致。
英语>简体中文, 英语习语词典
一致; 相合
同意, 赞成
约定, 允诺, 答应
相宜, 调和, 符合
【语】(人称, 数, 格, 性及前后对应)一致
- I'll never agree. 我永远也不会同意。
一致; 相合
同意, 赞成
约定, 允诺, 答应
相宜, 调和, 符合
【语】(人称, 数, 格, 性及前后对应)一致
- I'll never agree. 我永远也不会同意。
承认, 同意; 认为(帐目)正确无误; 使...达到一致
- I agree that your plan is better. 我承认你的计划较好。
agree like cats and dogs
agree like pickpockets in a fair
agree on
对...达成协议; 对...取得一致意见
agree upon
对...达成协议; 对...取得一致意见
agree to sth.
agree to differ
agree with
同意...的意见; 与...一致; 对...适合
<a href="bword://agree">agree</a>;<a href="bword://correspond">correspond</a>;<a href="bword://coincide">coincide</a>;
agree 指原来有过分歧, 经协商后“达到意见一致”, 如:
- The views of the two leaders agree. 两位领导的意见取得一致。
correspond 指各主要部分或就整体而言是一致的, 尽管还存在不一致的地方, 如:
- These goods do not correspond with the list. 这货物与货单不符。
coincide 指“完全一致, 甚至可达到重合”, 如:
- Their interests coincide. 他们的利益完全一致。
<a href="bword://differ">differ</a>;<a href="bword://disagree">disagree</a>;
承认, 同意; 认为(帐目)正确无误; 使...达到一致
- I agree that your plan is better. 我承认你的计划较好。
agree like cats and dogs
agree like pickpockets in a fair
agree on
对...达成协议; 对...取得一致意见
agree upon
对...达成协议; 对...取得一致意见
agree to sth.
agree to differ
agree with
同意...的意见; 与...一致; 对...适合
<a href="bword://agree">agree</a>;<a href="bword://correspond">correspond</a>;<a href="bword://coincide">coincide</a>;
agree 指原来有过分歧, 经协商后“达到意见一致”, 如:
- The views of the two leaders agree. 两位领导的意见取得一致。
correspond 指各主要部分或就整体而言是一致的, 尽管还存在不一致的地方, 如:
- These goods do not correspond with the list. 这货物与货单不符。
coincide 指“完全一致, 甚至可达到重合”, 如:
- Their interests coincide. 他们的利益完全一致。
<a href="bword://differ">differ</a>;<a href="bword://disagree">disagree</a>;
英语>简体中文, 现代英汉综合大辞典
- 英语>繁体中文(香港), 英汉法律词汇
- 英语>繁体中文(香港), 英汉法律词汇
- 英语>繁体中文(香港), 英汉法律词汇
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 电机工程名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 电子计算机名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 机械工程名词
(agreeing, agreed,agrees)
1. 相互动词 If people agree with each other about something, they have the same opinion about it or say that they have the same opinion. 同意
- Both have agreed on the need for the money. 双方都同意需要那笔钱。
- So we both agree there's a problem? 那么我们两个人都同意是有一个问题啦?
- I agree with you that the open system is by far the best. 我同意你的观点,开放的系统是目前最好的。
- "It's appalling."—"It is. I agree." “这糟透了。”—“对。我同意。”
- I agree with every word you've just said. 我同意你刚刚说的每个字。
2. 相互动词 If people agree on something, they all decide to accept or do something. 达成一致意见
- The warring sides have agreed on an unconditional ceasefire. 交战各方已经对无条件停火达成了一致意见。
3. 相互动词 In grammar, if a word agrees with a noun or pronoun, it has a form that is appropriate to the number or gender of the noun or pronoun. For example, in "He hates it," the singular verb agrees with the singular pronoun "he." 一致 [V 'with' n, pl-n V]
4. 及物动词/不及物动词 If you agree to do something, you say that you will do it. If you agree to a proposal, you accept it. 答应; 接受
- He agreed to pay me for the drawings. 她答应为这些画付给我钱。
5. 不及物动词 If you agree with an action or suggestion, you approve of it. 赞同
- You didn't want to ask anybody whether they agreed with what you were doing. 你不想问任何人他们是否赞同你在做的事情。
6. 相互动词 If one account of an event or one set of figures agrees with another, the two accounts or sets of figures are the same or are consistent with each other. 一致
- His second statement agrees with facts as stated by the other witnesses. 他的第二项陈述和其他证人所陈述的事实一致。
7. 习语 If two people who are arguing about something agree to disagree or agree to differ, they decide to stop arguing because neither of them is going to change their opinion. 同意各自保留意见 (以停止争论)
- You and I are going to have to agree to disagree then. 那么你和我将同意各自保留意见。
8. → see also agreed
(agreeing, agreed,agrees)
1. 相互动词 If people agree with each other about something, they have the same opinion about it or say that they have the same opinion. 同意
- Both have agreed on the need for the money. 双方都同意需要那笔钱。
- So we both agree there's a problem? 那么我们两个人都同意是有一个问题啦?
- I agree with you that the open system is by far the best. 我同意你的观点,开放的系统是目前最好的。
- "It's appalling."—"It is. I agree." “这糟透了。”—“对。我同意。”
- I agree with every word you've just said. 我同意你刚刚说的每个字。
2. 相互动词 If people agree on something, they all decide to accept or do something. 达成一致意见
- The warring sides have agreed on an unconditional ceasefire. 交战各方已经对无条件停火达成了一致意见。
3. 相互动词 In grammar, if a word agrees with a noun or pronoun, it has a form that is appropriate to the number or gender of the noun or pronoun. For example, in "He hates it," the singular verb agrees with the singular pronoun "he." 一致 [V 'with' n, pl-n V]
4. 及物动词/不及物动词 If you agree to do something, you say that you will do it. If you agree to a proposal, you accept it. 答应; 接受
- He agreed to pay me for the drawings. 她答应为这些画付给我钱。
5. 不及物动词 If you agree with an action or suggestion, you approve of it. 赞同
- You didn't want to ask anybody whether they agreed with what you were doing. 你不想问任何人他们是否赞同你在做的事情。
6. 相互动词 If one account of an event or one set of figures agrees with another, the two accounts or sets of figures are the same or are consistent with each other. 一致
- His second statement agrees with facts as stated by the other witnesses. 他的第二项陈述和其他证人所陈述的事实一致。
7. 习语 If two people who are arguing about something agree to disagree or agree to differ, they decide to stop arguing because neither of them is going to change their opinion. 同意各自保留意见 (以停止争论)
- You and I are going to have to agree to disagree then. 那么你和我将同意各自保留意见。
8. → see also agreed
英语>简体中文, 高级英汉双解词典
agree, accord, coincide, conform, correspond
agree → 侧重指经过比较后的所有主要部分均和谐一致,无冲突和矛盾。
accord → 着重指性格、精神、语气或质量等方面的完全一致。
coincide → 多用于指观点、判断、愿望、利益或兴趣的一致或相符。偶尔用于人,强调意见或观点完全相同。
conform → 强调在形状、性格以及主要特点等方面的相似或一致。
correspond → 指在进行比较时,两个事物在某一个重要方面或细节上互相匹配、一致。
agree → 侧重指经过比较后的所有主要部分均和谐一致,无冲突和矛盾。
accord → 着重指性格、精神、语气或质量等方面的完全一致。
coincide → 多用于指观点、判断、愿望、利益或兴趣的一致或相符。偶尔用于人,强调意见或观点完全相同。
conform → 强调在形状、性格以及主要特点等方面的相似或一致。
correspond → 指在进行比较时,两个事物在某一个重要方面或细节上互相匹配、一致。
英语>简体中文, 同义词辨析词典
agree, consent, approve, comply, subscribe
agree → 普通用词,侧重指对某事同其它人有相同的意见或想法。
consent → 指同意别人的请求、建议或满足他人的愿望,着重意愿或感情,常和to连用。
approve → 侧重对认为正确或满意的事表示赞同或批准。作不及物动词用时,常与of连用。
comply → 指答应某人已经提出或可能要求做的某事,与with连用。
subscribe → 指完全地赞成已阐明的立场。多用于比较愿意支持一种立场或为一种立场所辨护的情况。
agree → 普通用词,侧重指对某事同其它人有相同的意见或想法。
consent → 指同意别人的请求、建议或满足他人的愿望,着重意愿或感情,常和to连用。
approve → 侧重对认为正确或满意的事表示赞同或批准。作不及物动词用时,常与of连用。
comply → 指答应某人已经提出或可能要求做的某事,与with连用。
subscribe → 指完全地赞成已阐明的立场。多用于比较愿意支持一种立场或为一种立场所辨护的情况。
英语>简体中文, 同义词辨析词典
agree, accord, coincide, conform, correspond
agree → 侧重指经过比较后的所有主要部分均和谐一致,无冲突和矛盾。
accord → 着重指性格、精神、语气或质量等方面的完全一致。
coincide → 多用于指观点、判断、愿望、利益或兴趣的一致或相符。偶尔用于人,强调意见或观点完全相同。
conform → 强调在形状、性格以及主要特点等方面的相似或一致。
correspond → 指在进行比较时,两个事物在某一个重要方面或细节上互相匹配、一致。
agree → 侧重指经过比较后的所有主要部分均和谐一致,无冲突和矛盾。
accord → 着重指性格、精神、语气或质量等方面的完全一致。
coincide → 多用于指观点、判断、愿望、利益或兴趣的一致或相符。偶尔用于人,强调意见或观点完全相同。
conform → 强调在形状、性格以及主要特点等方面的相似或一致。
correspond → 指在进行比较时,两个事物在某一个重要方面或细节上互相匹配、一致。
英语>简体中文, 英语同义词辨析词典
agree, consent, approve, comply, subscribe
agree → 普通用词,侧重指对某事同其他人有相同的意见或想法。
consent → 指同意别人的请求、建议或满足他人的愿望,着重意愿或感情,常和to连用。
approve → 侧重对认为正确或满意的事表示赞同或批准。作不及物动词用时,常与of连用。
comply → 指答应某人已经提出或可能要求做的某事,与with连用。
subscribe → 指完全地赞成已阐明的立场。多用于比较愿意支持一种立场或为一种立场所辨护的情况。
agree → 普通用词,侧重指对某事同其他人有相同的意见或想法。
consent → 指同意别人的请求、建议或满足他人的愿望,着重意愿或感情,常和to连用。
approve → 侧重对认为正确或满意的事表示赞同或批准。作不及物动词用时,常与of连用。
comply → 指答应某人已经提出或可能要求做的某事,与with连用。
subscribe → 指完全地赞成已阐明的立场。多用于比较愿意支持一种立场或为一种立场所辨护的情况。
英语>简体中文, 英语同义词辨析词典