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(Islam) Eid al-Fitr, festival that marks the end of Ramadan
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
Kāizhāi Jié
伊斯兰教的节日。伊斯兰教历九月封斋后的第二十九天黄昏时,如果望见新月,第二天就过开斋节,否则就推迟一天。 {(Islam) 'Id al-Fitr; Lesser Bairam. It falls on the day immediately after the 29th day of Ramadan (in September), if the crescent moon is observed at dusk on the 29th; otherwise it is postponed for a day.}
Kāizhāi Jié
伊斯兰教的节日。伊斯兰教历九月封斋后的第二十九天黄昏时,如果望见新月,第二天就过开斋节,否则就推迟一天。 {(Islam) 'Id al-Fitr; Lesser Bairam. It falls on the day immediately after the 29th day of Ramadan (in September), if the crescent moon is observed at dusk on the 29th; otherwise it is postponed for a day.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
Id al Fitr; Lasser Bairam
Id al Fitr; Lasser Bairam
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英法学大词典