合轍 合辙
[hé zhé]
on the same track
in agreement
⇒ 一致 同调 不符 彼倡此和 彼唱此和 申根
⇒ 对联 韵诗 韵目 韵脚 律诗
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
hé∥zhé(~ㄦ {hé∥zhér})
1. 若干辆车的车轮在地上轧出来的痕迹相合。 {fit in the tracks;}〈比喻 fig.〉一致 {in agreement}:
- 两个人的想法一样,所以一说就~ㄦ。 {Since the two of them had similar ideas, the moment they started talking they found themselves in complete agreement.}
2. (戏曲、小调)押韵 {(of opera lines, ditty) rhyme}:
- 快板~ㄦ,容易记。 {The words of kuaibanr (monologue to the accompaniment of bamboo clappers) are easy to memorize because they rhyme.}
hé∥zhé(~ㄦ {hé∥zhér})
1. 若干辆车的车轮在地上轧出来的痕迹相合。 {fit in the tracks;}〈比喻 fig.〉一致 {in agreement}:
- 两个人的想法一样,所以一说就~ㄦ。 {Since the two of them had similar ideas, the moment they started talking they found themselves in complete agreement.}
2. (戏曲、小调)押韵 {(of opera lines, ditty) rhyme}:
- 快板~ㄦ,容易记。 {The words of kuaibanr (monologue to the accompaniment of bamboo clappers) are easy to memorize because they rhyme.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 be in rhyme
- 快板儿合辙,所以容易记。 Clapper talk is rhythmical, so it's easy to memorize.
动 agree
- 两人一说就合辙。 The moment they started talking they found themselves in complete agreement.
动 be in rhyme
- 快板儿合辙,所以容易记。 Clapper talk is rhythmical, so it's easy to memorize.
动 agree
- 两人一说就合辙。 The moment they started talking they found themselves in complete agreement.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典