律詩 律诗
[lǜ shī]
regular verse
strict poetic form with eight lines of 5, 6 or 7 syllables and even lines rhyming
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
名 【文】 regulated verse (poem of eight lines of five or seven characters or syllables—each line set down in accordance with a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme—with parallel structure in the middle, or second and third, couplets):
- 七言律诗 heptasyllabic (or seven-syllable) regulated verse
- 五言律诗 pentasyllabic (or five-syllable) regulated verse
名 【文】 regulated verse (poem of eight lines of five or seven characters or syllables—each line set down in accordance with a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme—with parallel structure in the middle, or second and third, couplets):
- 七言律诗 heptasyllabic (or seven-syllable) regulated verse
- 五言律诗 pentasyllabic (or five-syllable) regulated verse
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
旧诗体裁之一,形成于唐初。格律较严,每首八句,二、四、六、八句要押韵,三四两句、五六两句要对偶,字的平仄有定规。每句五个字的叫五言律诗,七个字的叫七言律诗。 {regulated verse in classical Chinese; poem of eight lines, each having five or seven characters set down in accordance with a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme. The 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th lines must rhyme; the 3rd and 4th lines, the 5th and 6th lines must form a pair of couplets respectively; the rise or fall of the tone of each character must follow a certain pattern. A poem composed in this pattern with five characters in each line is called five-character verse; one with seven characters in each line seven-character verse.}
旧诗体裁之一,形成于唐初。格律较严,每首八句,二、四、六、八句要押韵,三四两句、五六两句要对偶,字的平仄有定规。每句五个字的叫五言律诗,七个字的叫七言律诗。 {regulated verse in classical Chinese; poem of eight lines, each having five or seven characters set down in accordance with a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme. The 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th lines must rhyme; the 3rd and 4th lines, the 5th and 6th lines must form a pair of couplets respectively; the rise or fall of the tone of each character must follow a certain pattern. A poem composed in this pattern with five characters in each line is called five-character verse; one with seven characters in each line seven-character verse.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
名 lüshi [poem of eight lines, each containing five or seven characters with a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme]
- 七言律诗 heptasyllabic regulated verse
- 五言律诗 pentasyllabic regulated verse
名 lüshi [poem of eight lines, each containing five or seven characters with a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme]
- 七言律诗 heptasyllabic regulated verse
- 五言律诗 pentasyllabic regulated verse
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典