- A horizon
- abandoned field
- aberration
- abiocoen
- abiogenesis
- abioseston
- abiotic
- absolute density
- absolute humidity
- absolute temperature
- absorptiometry
- absorption
- absorption band
- absorption coefficient
- absorption loss
- absorption spectrum
- abundance
- abyssal benthos
- abyssal fauna
- abyssal hill
- abyssal plain
- abyssal zone
- abyssopelagic zone
- acceptable daily intake
- access and benefit sharing of genetic resources
- accidental species
- acclimation
- acclimatization
- accommodation
- accumulated temperature
- acheb
- acid deposition
- acid plant
- acid rain
- acidic rock
- acidity
- acme
- acquired resistance
- actinometer
- actinometry
- activated sludge
- active acidity
- active humus
- active transport
- actual density
- acute dose
- acute toxicity
- adaptability
- adaptation
- adaptedness
- adaptive coloration
- adaptive convergence
- adaptive ecosystem management
- adaptive enzyme
- adaptive radiation
- adhesive egg
- adsere
- adsorption
- adsorption process
- adult
- aeolian deposit
- aeolian landform
- aeration
- aerenchyma
- aerial photography
- aerial root
- aerobe
- aerobic
- aerobic bacteria
- aerobic metabolism
- aerobic respiration
- aerobic treatment
- aerobiology
- aerobiosis
- aerodynamic method
- aerophyte
- aerophytobiont
- aeroplankton
- aerosol
- aerotaxis
- aerotolerant
- aerotropism
- aestatifruticeta
- aestatisilvae
- aestivation
- afforestation
- after-ripening
- aftermath
- aftershock
- age
- age class
- age composition
- age determination
- age distribution
- age group
- age structure
- age-specific fecundity
- age-specific life table
- aged
- aggregated distribution
- aggregation
- aggressive behavior
- aggressive mimicry
- aging
- agonistic behavior
- agroforestry
- agrostology
- ahermatypic coral
- air capacity
- air permeability
- air plankton
- air pollution
- alarm call
- albedo
- albinism
- albino
- alga
- algal bloom
- algicide
- algology
- alien invasive species
- alien species
- alignment
- alkali reserve
- alkali soil
- alkalinity
- alkaloid
- allele
- allelochemics
- allelomimetic behavior
- allelopathy
- Allen's rule
- allergen
- allergy
- alliance
- allogamy
- allogenic
- allometry
- allomone
- allopatric
- allopatric speciation
- allopatry
- allopolyploid
- allozyme
- alluvium
- alpha diversity
- alternate host
- alternation of generations
- altherbosa
- altimeter
- altruism
- altruistic behavior
- amensalism
- ament
- ammonification
- ammonite
- ammophilous
- amphibious
- amphiphyte
- anabolism
- anaerobe
- anaerobic
- anaerobic bacteria
- anagenesis
- analogy
- analysis of covariance
- analysis of variance
- anemochore
- anemometer
- anemophilous flower
- anemophily
- anemotaxis
- angiosperm
- angle method
- Animalia
- annual budget
- annual ring
- annulus
- antagonism
- anthropogenic
- anthropomorphism
- anthropophyte
- antibiosis
- antibody
- anticline
- antigen
- anting
- aperiodicity
- aphotic zone
- apical dominance
- apomixis
- apomorphy
- apophyte
- apoplast
- aposematic coloration
- apparent density
- apparent specific gravity