- abnormal tide
- abrasion
- absolute acceleration
- absolute motion
- absolute pressure
- absolute temperature
- absolute velocity
- absolute viscosity
- absolute zero
- absorptance
- absorption
- absorption coefficient
- absorption factor
- absorption line
- absorption rate
- absorption spectrum
- absorptivity
- accelerated motion
- acceleration
- acceleration of gravity
- accelerometer
- accommodation coefficient
- acoustic admittance
- acoustic emission
- acoustic filter
- acoustic impedance
- acoustic intensity
- acoustic power
- acoustic pressure
- acoustic reactance
- acoustic resistance
- acoustic velocity
- acoustic wave
- acoustics
- activated complex
- activation energy
- active center
- active fault
- active transport
- activity
- activity coefficient
- actual gas
- actual stress
- actual velocity
- added mass
- adhesion
- adhesive force
- adiabatic change
- adiabatic compression
- adiabatic cooling
- adiabatic flame temperature
- adiabatic flow
- adiabatic invariant
- adiabatic process
- adiabatic saturation temperature
- adjoint
- adjoint operator
- admissibility
- adsorption
- advection
- aeration
- aerator
- aeroacoustics
- aerodynamic center
- aerodynamic coefficient
- aerodynamic force
- aerodynamic heating
- aerodynamic moment
- aerodynamics
- aeroelasticity
- aeronautics
- aerosol
- affine transformation
- affluent
- afflux
- afloat
- agglomeration
- aggradation
- aggrading stream
- aggregation
- agitation
- agitator
- aground
- air column
- air current
- air cushion
- air cylinder
- air duct
- air entrainment
- air heater
- air inlet
- air jet
- air load
- air manometer
- air nozzle
- air pressure
- air speed
- airfoil
- Alfven wave
- alignment
- allowable bearing capacity
- allowable load
- allowable stress
- alluvial cone
- alternating stress
- altimeter
- ambipolar diffusion
- amplitude
- amplitude coefficient
- amplitude modulation
- amplitude ratio
- amplitude spectrum
- analog simulation
- analytic function
- analytic solution
- analytical method
- analyzer
- anechoic chamber
- anemometer
- anemoscope
- aneroid
- angle
- angle factor
- angle of attack
- angle of bank
- angle of deflection
- angle of deviation
- angle of heel
- angle of incidence
- angle of inclination
- angle of obliquity
- angle of pitch
- angle of repose
- angle of roll
- angle of sideslip
- angle of twist
- angle of yaw
- angular acceleration
- angular coordinate
- angular harmonic motion
- angular impulse
- angular momentum
- angular motion
- angular speed
- angular velocity
- anharmonic oscillation
- anharmonic vibration
- anisotropic material
- anisotropic medium
- anisotropy
- annealing
- annular flow
- anomaly
- antecedent precipitation index
- antidune
- antiknock
- antilinear
- antinode
- antisymmetric tensor
- antisymmetry
- aperiodic motion
- aphelion
- apoapsis
- apogee
- apolune
- aposelenium
- apparent density
- apparent force
- apparent mass
- apparent specific gravity
- apparent velocity
- apparent viscosity
- apparent weight
- applied mechanics
- approach velocity
- approximate integration
- approximate solution
- apsidal angle
- apsis
- aqueduct
- aquiclude
- aquifer
- aquifuge
- aquitard
- arc length
- arch
- architectural acoustics
- area method
- areal velocity
- argument
- argument of latitude
- argument of periapsis
- artesian
- artesian aquifer
- artesian water
- artesian well
- artificial recharge
- artificial satellite
- artificial ventilation
- artificial viscosity