闖紅燈 闯红灯
[chuǎng hóng dēng]
to run a red light
failing to stop at a red traffic light
(slang) to have sex with a girl while she is menstruating
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
(also 抢红灯) 动
1 go (or drive) through a red light; jump a red light
2 〈口〉 break laws (or regulations); go beyond a limit
(also 抢红灯) 动
1 go (or drive) through a red light; jump a red light
2 〈口〉 break laws (or regulations); go beyond a limit
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
chuǎng hóngdēng
车辆遇红灯信号不停下来,继续行驶,叫闯红灯。 {(of a vehicle) run a red traffic light}
chuǎng hóngdēng
车辆遇红灯信号不停下来,继续行驶,叫闯红灯。 {(of a vehicle) run a red traffic light}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
chuǎnɡ hónɡdēnɡ
动 go through a red light; run/jump a red light
- 闯了几次红灯 run a few red lights
- 闯红灯的汽车 car shooting traffic lights
动 do what is forbidden; go beyond a limit
chuǎnɡ hónɡdēnɡ
动 go through a red light; run/jump a red light
- 闯了几次红灯 run a few red lights
- 闯红灯的汽车 car shooting traffic lights
动 do what is forbidden; go beyond a limit
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
jump the red light; run the red light
jump the red light; run the red light
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英法学大词典