錫杖 锡杖
[xī zhàng]
monk's staff (Buddhism)
⇒ 法宝
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
名 Buddhist abbot's staff
名 Buddhist abbot's staff
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
佛教的杖形法器,头部装有锡环。 {(Budd.) staff topped by a tin ring, used as a ritual object}
佛教的杖形法器,头部装有锡环。 {(Budd.) staff topped by a tin ring, used as a ritual object}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
名 <宗教> Buddhist abbot's staff; monk's cane with a tin ring or rings at the head
名 <宗教> Buddhist abbot's staff; monk's cane with a tin ring or rings at the head
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
【英】Monk Staff
又名声杖、鸣杖、智杖、德杖,佛教法器之一。实物为木质,高齐肩(一作高与眉)杖头有两股(或四股)铁卷和六环,杖尾包铁纂。僧人外出乞食化缘 ,摇振作响,以替叩门呼唤,并借之防身。
Monk Staff: also known as the sounding staff, staff of wisdom (or virtue), or tin staff (xizhang in Chinese); a Buddhist implement often made of wood. With its top reaching to a person’s shoulders (or eyebrows), the staff usually has six rings hanging on two or four iron loops at the top, and its end is coated with iron. The jingling of the staff's rings can inform the faithful that there is a monk within earshot in need of alms, and the staff is also a weapon used to defend oneself.
【英】Monk Staff
又名声杖、鸣杖、智杖、德杖,佛教法器之一。实物为木质,高齐肩(一作高与眉)杖头有两股(或四股)铁卷和六环,杖尾包铁纂。僧人外出乞食化缘 ,摇振作响,以替叩门呼唤,并借之防身。
Monk Staff: also known as the sounding staff, staff of wisdom (or virtue), or tin staff (xizhang in Chinese); a Buddhist implement often made of wood. With its top reaching to a person’s shoulders (or eyebrows), the staff usually has six rings hanging on two or four iron loops at the top, and its end is coated with iron. The jingling of the staff's rings can inform the faithful that there is a monk within earshot in need of alms, and the staff is also a weapon used to defend oneself.
- 简体中文>英语, 敦煌文化汉英术语库