比價 比价
to compare prices; to compare offers
price ratio; price parity; rate of exchange
⇒ 市净率
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
I 名 price relations; parity; rate of exchange:
- 粮棉比价 price ratios between grain and cotton
- 工农业产品比价 price parities between industrial and agricultural products
- 英镑和美元的比价 the exchange rate between the pound sterling and the US dollar
II 动 (-//-) compare costs (as in a bidding)
I 名 price relations; parity; rate of exchange:
- 粮棉比价 price ratios between grain and cotton
- 工农业产品比价 price parities between industrial and agricultural products
- 英镑和美元的比价 the exchange rate between the pound sterling and the US dollar
II 动 (-//-) compare costs (as in a bidding)
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
不同商品的价格比率或不同货币兑换的比率,如棉粮比价、外汇比价。 {parity; rate of exchange; price ratios of various products or rates of exchange of different currencies, e.g. price ratios between cotton and grains, and foreign exchange rate}
不同商品的价格比率或不同货币兑换的比率,如棉粮比价、外汇比价。 {parity; rate of exchange; price ratios of various products or rates of exchange of different currencies, e.g. price ratios between cotton and grains, and foreign exchange rate}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
bǐ∥jià发包工程、器材或变卖产业、货物时,比较承包人或买主用书面形式提出的价格 {price ratio or price comparison; comparing the prices put forward by the contractors or purchasers in written form when contracting for a project and equipment, or selling off one's properties or goods}:
- ~单。 {price ratio or price comparison list}
bǐ∥jià发包工程、器材或变卖产业、货物时,比较承包人或买主用书面形式提出的价格 {price ratio or price comparison; comparing the prices put forward by the contractors or purchasers in written form when contracting for a project and equipment, or selling off one's properties or goods}:
- ~单。 {price ratio or price comparison list}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 compare bids/prices
- 进出口比价 terms of trade
名 exchange rate; price ratio; parity
- 粮棉比价 price ratios between grain and cotton
- 美元与欧元的比价 exchange rate of euro against US dollar
动 compare bids/prices
- 进出口比价 terms of trade
名 exchange rate; price ratio; parity
- 粮棉比价 price ratios between grain and cotton
- 美元与欧元的比价 exchange rate of euro against US dollar
bǐjià ɡuānxì
名 price relations
bǐjià ɡuānxì
名 price relations
bǐjià zhǐshù
名 price parity index
bǐjià zhǐshù
名 price parity index
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
comparative price; price parity; price relations; rate of exchange
comparative price; price parity; price relations; rate of exchange
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英法学大词典
parity; price relations; rate of exchange
parity; price relations; rate of exchange
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典