無罪 无罪
[wú zuì]
⇒ 天真 清白 无辜 两小无猜 幼齿 纯真 天真烂漫 纯情 甜稚 憨态 滥杀无辜 楚楚可怜 伤及无辜 无猜 青梅竹马 瓜田不纳履,李下不整冠 绿茶 迁怒于人 赤子之心 各打五十大板 话里套话 大尾巴狼 绿茶婊 撇清
⇒ 愫 朴实 淳朴 心切 大奸似忠
not guilty (of crime)
⇒ 无辜 无罪抗辩 不服罪 不知者不罪 疏而不漏 天网恢恢,疏而不漏 天网恢恢 天网恢恢,疏而不失
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
形 innocent; not guilty:
- 无罪释放 declared “not guilty” and set free
- 无罪推定原则 【法】 presumption of innocence
形 innocent; not guilty:
- 无罪释放 declared “not guilty” and set free
- 无罪推定原则 【法】 presumption of innocence
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
动 be innocent; not be guilty
- 裁定无罪 bring in a verdict of not guilty
- 坚称无罪 protest one's innocence
- 声称无罪 plead not guilty
- 声明无罪 proclaim one's innocence
- 相信无罪 be convinced of sb's innocence
- 宣告无罪 acquit sb of a crime
- 证明无罪 prove sb to be innocent
- 无罪释放 acquit sb of a crime; set a person free with a verdict of not guilty; release without charge
- 在证明有罪前推定为无罪 be presumed innocent until proved guilty
- 做出无罪释放的判决 make a sentence of acquittal
- 被告无罪。 The defendant is innocent (of any crime).
- 陪审团宣布被告无罪。 The jury found the defendant not guilty. / The jury's verdict cleared the accused man.
动 be innocent; not be guilty
- 裁定无罪 bring in a verdict of not guilty
- 坚称无罪 protest one's innocence
- 声称无罪 plead not guilty
- 声明无罪 proclaim one's innocence
- 相信无罪 be convinced of sb's innocence
- 宣告无罪 acquit sb of a crime
- 证明无罪 prove sb to be innocent
- 无罪释放 acquit sb of a crime; set a person free with a verdict of not guilty; release without charge
- 在证明有罪前推定为无罪 be presumed innocent until proved guilty
- 做出无罪释放的判决 make a sentence of acquittal
- 被告无罪。 The defendant is innocent (of any crime).
- 陪审团宣布被告无罪。 The jury found the defendant not guilty. / The jury's verdict cleared the accused man.
wúzuì biànhù
名 <法律> defence of innocence
- 做无罪辩护 (of a defendant or defender) make a defence of innocence; claim innocent
wúzuì biànhù
名 <法律> defence of innocence
- 做无罪辩护 (of a defendant or defender) make a defence of innocence; claim innocent
wúzuì tuīdìng
名 <法律> presumption of innocence
wúzuì tuīdìng
名 <法律> presumption of innocence
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
impeccability; impeccance; in the clear; innocence; innocency
impeccability; impeccance; in the clear; innocence; innocency
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典