[wén wù]
cultural relic
historical relic
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
名 cultural relic; historical relic:
- 保护文物 preserve cultural relics; protect historical relics
- 历史文物 historical relic
- 文物保护法 law on the protection of cultural relics
- (重点)文物保护单位 (major) historical and cultural sites under state protection
名 cultural relic; historical relic:
- 保护文物 preserve cultural relics; protect historical relics
- 历史文物 historical relic
- 文物保护法 law on the protection of cultural relics
- (重点)文物保护单位 (major) historical and cultural sites under state protection
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
历代遗留下来的在文化发展史上有价值的东西,如建筑、碑刻、工具、武器、生活器皿和各种艺术品等 {cultural relic; artifact; valuable objects in the history of cultural development, such as buildings, stone inscriptions, tools, weapons, household utensils, and work of arts}:
- 出土~ {uncovered relics}
- 革命~。 {revolutionary relics}
历代遗留下来的在文化发展史上有价值的东西,如建筑、碑刻、工具、武器、生活器皿和各种艺术品等 {cultural relic; artifact; valuable objects in the history of cultural development, such as buildings, stone inscriptions, tools, weapons, household utensils, and work of arts}:
- 出土~ {uncovered relics}
- 革命~。 {revolutionary relics}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
名 cultural relic; historical relic
- 保护出土文物 protect unearthed cultural relics
- 盗卖文物 steal and sell cultural relics
- 恢复/走私文物 restore/smuggle relics
- 破坏文物 vandalize cultural relics
- 文物发掘 excavation of historical relics
- 文物征集 collection of cultural relics
- 历史文物 historical relics
- 唐代文物 cultural relics of the Tang Dynasty
- 鉴定文物的年代 determine the date of historical relics
- 从事文物研究工作 be engaged in historical and antiquarian research
名 cultural relic; historical relic
- 保护出土文物 protect unearthed cultural relics
- 盗卖文物 steal and sell cultural relics
- 恢复/走私文物 restore/smuggle relics
- 破坏文物 vandalize cultural relics
- 文物发掘 excavation of historical relics
- 文物征集 collection of cultural relics
- 历史文物 historical relics
- 唐代文物 cultural relics of the Tang Dynasty
- 鉴定文物的年代 determine the date of historical relics
- 从事文物研究工作 be engaged in historical and antiquarian research
wénwù bǎohù
名 preservation of cultural relics; protection of historical relics
- 文物保护法 law on the protection of cultural relics
- 文物保护区 historical reservation
- 国家重点文物保护单位 major historical and cultural sites placed under state protection
wénwù bǎohù
名 preservation of cultural relics; protection of historical relics
- 文物保护法 law on the protection of cultural relics
- 文物保护区 historical reservation
- 国家重点文物保护单位 major historical and cultural sites placed under state protection
wénwù gǔjì
名 cultural relics and historical sites
wénwù gǔjì
名 cultural relics and historical sites
wénwù jìàndìng
名 determination/identification of cultural relics
wénwù jìàndìng
名 determination/identification of cultural relics
wénwù shōucáng
名 cultural relic collection
wénwù shōucáng
名 cultural relic collection
wénwù xiūzhěng
名 restoration of cultural relics
wénwù xiūzhěng
名 restoration of cultural relics
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
cultural relics; historical relics; objets d'art
cultural relics; historical relics; objets d'art
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英法学大词典