[gù yì]
deliberately; on purpose
⇒ 专意 成心 有心 存心 刻意 故弄玄虚 讨俏 听而不闻 刻意为之 无理取闹 违拗 泡汤 横生枝节 刁难 颠倒黑白 付之一炬
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
副 intentionally; wilfully; deliberately; on purpose:
- 故意刁难 place obstacles in sb. 's way; make things difficult; obstructionist
- 对不起,我不是故意的。 I'm sorry, it was unintentional. or I'm sorry, I didn't mean it.
- 故意犯规 【体】 intentional foul
- 故意犯罪 intentional crime (or offence); calculated crime
- 故意过失 intentional (or active) negligence
- 故意侵权 intentional (or wilful) tort
- 故意杀人 intentional homicide (or killing)
- 故意伤害 intentional injury
- 故意踢人 【体】 intentional kicking
副 intentionally; wilfully; deliberately; on purpose:
- 故意刁难 place obstacles in sb. 's way; make things difficult; obstructionist
- 对不起,我不是故意的。 I'm sorry, it was unintentional. or I'm sorry, I didn't mean it.
- 故意犯规 【体】 intentional foul
- 故意犯罪 intentional crime (or offence); calculated crime
- 故意过失 intentional (or active) negligence
- 故意侵权 intentional (or wilful) tort
- 故意杀人 intentional homicide (or killing)
- 故意伤害 intentional injury
- 故意踢人 【体】 intentional kicking
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
有意识地(那样做) {consciously; intentionally; deliberately; on purpose}:
- 他~把声音提高,好引起大家的注意 {He raised his voice with a purpose to draw everybody's attention.}
- 他不是~不理你,是没看见你。 {It's not that he paid no heed to you on purpose, but that he didn't see you.}
有意识地(那样做) {consciously; intentionally; deliberately; on purpose}:
- 他~把声音提高,好引起大家的注意 {He raised his voice with a purpose to draw everybody's attention.}
- 他不是~不理你,是没看见你。 {It's not that he paid no heed to you on purpose, but that he didn't see you.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
副 intentionally; deliberately; knowingly; purposely
- 故意刁难 place obstacles in sb's way
- 故意夸大 exaggerate purposely
- 故意缺席 be purposely absent
- 故意逃避责任 knowingly evade one's duties
- 故意歪曲真理 deliberately/purposely distort the truth
- 他是故意那样做的。 He did it deliberately/by intention/on purpose.
- 我不是故意伤害你的。 I didn't mean/intend to hurt you. / I didn't knowingly/deliberately hurt you.
名 intention
- 伤害当事人的故意 intention to hurt the victim
副 intentionally; deliberately; knowingly; purposely
- 故意刁难 place obstacles in sb's way
- 故意夸大 exaggerate purposely
- 故意缺席 be purposely absent
- 故意逃避责任 knowingly evade one's duties
- 故意歪曲真理 deliberately/purposely distort the truth
- 他是故意那样做的。 He did it deliberately/by intention/on purpose.
- 我不是故意伤害你的。 I didn't mean/intend to hurt you. / I didn't knowingly/deliberately hurt you.
名 intention
- 伤害当事人的故意 intention to hurt the victim
ɡùyì fànzuì
名 calculated crime; intentional offence
ɡùyì fànzuì
名 calculated crime; intentional offence
ɡùyì shārén
名 intentional homicide/killing
- 故意杀人罪 offence of intentional killing
ɡùyì shārén
名 intentional homicide/killing
- 故意杀人罪 offence of intentional killing
ɡùyì shānɡhài
名 intentional injury; wounding with intent
- 故意伤害罪 crime of intentional injury
ɡùyì shānɡhài
名 intentional injury; wounding with intent
- 故意伤害罪 crime of intentional injury
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
aforethought;intention;;calculated;deliberate; deliberately; intentionally
aforethought;intention;;calculated;deliberate; deliberately; intentionally
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英法学大词典
go out of the way; intent; on purpose
go out of the way; intent; on purpose
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
gù yì
purposely, on purpose,侧重在有目的的故意。
- 他说这是一次事故,但我们都知道他是故意干的。 He said it was an accident, but we all know he did it purposely.
- 我是故意不回答他的。 I purposely did not give him a reply.
- 他故意咳嗽以引起注意。 He coughed on purpose to attract attention.
- 你是故意把她派到这里来的。 You sent her here on purpose.
- 无论我干什么,他对我总是故意刁难。 Whatever I do, he deliberately places obstacles in my way.
- 我相信房子是有人故意纵火的。 I believe the house was deliberately set fire to.
- 他在故意侮辱你,他要伤害你的感情。 He was intentionally insulting you; he wanted to hurt your feelings.
- 为了使你生气,她是故意晚来的。 To make you angry, she was intentionally coming late.
- 报道故意歪曲事实。 The report willfully distorted the facts.
- 他们故意没有向有关部门登记。 They willfully failed to register with the proper authorities.
- 请原谅我说的话,我不是故意要侮辱你。 I'm sorry for what I said, I didn't mean to insult you.
- 对不起,我不是故意想粗暴无礼的。 I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude.
- 请原谅,这事我不是故意的。 Forgive me please. I didn't mean it.
gù yì
purposely, on purpose,侧重在有目的的故意。
- 他说这是一次事故,但我们都知道他是故意干的。 He said it was an accident, but we all know he did it purposely.
- 我是故意不回答他的。 I purposely did not give him a reply.
- 他故意咳嗽以引起注意。 He coughed on purpose to attract attention.
- 你是故意把她派到这里来的。 You sent her here on purpose.
- 无论我干什么,他对我总是故意刁难。 Whatever I do, he deliberately places obstacles in my way.
- 我相信房子是有人故意纵火的。 I believe the house was deliberately set fire to.
- 他在故意侮辱你,他要伤害你的感情。 He was intentionally insulting you; he wanted to hurt your feelings.
- 为了使你生气,她是故意晚来的。 To make you angry, she was intentionally coming late.
- 报道故意歪曲事实。 The report willfully distorted the facts.
- 他们故意没有向有关部门登记。 They willfully failed to register with the proper authorities.
- 请原谅我说的话,我不是故意要侮辱你。 I'm sorry for what I said, I didn't mean to insult you.
- 对不起,我不是故意想粗暴无礼的。 I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude.
- 请原谅,这事我不是故意的。 Forgive me please. I didn't mean it.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典