填詞 填词
[tián cí]
to compose a poem (to a given tune)
⇒ 和
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
动 fill in the words to fit a given tune—compose a ci poem by choosing a tune and then writing words to it (e. g. a ci poem may be written to the tune of "Spring Floods the Garden" (沁园春) and then be known by that name) 词
动 fill in the words to fit a given tune—compose a ci poem by choosing a tune and then writing words to it (e. g. a ci poem may be written to the tune of "Spring Floods the Garden" (沁园春) and then be known by that name) 词
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
tián∥cí按照词的格律作词,因为必须严格地按照格律选字用韵,所以叫做填词。 {fill in the words to fit a given tune — compose a ci poem by choosing a tune and then writing words to it according to a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme}
tián∥cí按照词的格律作词,因为必须严格地按照格律选字用韵,所以叫做填词。 {fill in the words to fit a given tune — compose a ci poem by choosing a tune and then writing words to it according to a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 fill in words to fit a given tune; compose a ci (词)to a given tune
动 fill in words to fit a given tune; compose a ci (词)to a given tune
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典