
[qǔ xiāo]
to cancel
勾销 注销 删除 停办 作废 退订 对消 抵消 销帐 解约 销号 缴销 销户 销账
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
(also 取销) 动 cancel; call off; abolish:
- 取消禁令 lift a ban
- 取消决定 rescind a decision
- 取消会员资格 deprive sb. of his membership
- 取消一次会议 cancel (or call off) a meeting
- 被取消比赛资格 be disqualified from the contest
- 这个月奖金取消了。 There will be no bonuses this month.
- 取消主义 【史】 liquidationism
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
【所属学科】 计算机科学技术→数据库
- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语
使原有的制度、规章、资格、权利等失去效力 {abolish; nullify; cancel; annul (rules and regulations, qualifications, rights, etc.); call off (an activity)}:
- ~资格 {be deprived of one's credentials}
- ~不合理的规章制度。 {abolish unreasonable rules and regulations;}
也作 also: 取销 {qǔxiāo}。
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
cancel; abolish; annul; call off; rescind; countermand
- 取消比赛 call off a match; cancel a game/match
- 取消订单 cancel an order for goods
- 取消访问 call off/cancel a visit
- 取消关税 eliminate tariffs
- 取消航班 cancel a flight (to)
- 取消合同/协议 cancel a contract/an agreement
- 取消会谈 call off the talk (with sb)
- 取消会议 call off/cancel a meeting
- 取消会员资格 deprive sb of his membership
- 取消婚礼 call the wedding off
- 取消婚约 retract from an engagement
- 取消计划 write off a plan; annul/overset a plan
- 取消禁令 lift/cancel a ban
- 取消决定 rescind/revoke a decision
- 取消命令 countermand; annul an order
- 取消权力 remove sb's right (to do sth)
- 取消休假 cancel sb's leave
- 取消遗嘱 break a will
- 取消预订 cancel a reservation
- 取消约会 cancel an appointment
- 取消制裁 lift/withdraw a sanction
- 立即/逐步取消 immediate/gradual abolition
- 裁判员如遇比赛者犯规,可取消其比赛资格。 The referee can disqualify a competitor in the event of a foul.
- 国家已经取消了对高考考生年龄和婚姻状况的限制。 The government has banned the restrictions on the age and marital status of candidates for the national college entrance examination.
- 运动会因雨取消。 The sports meet was called off/cancelled because of rain.
<历史> liquidationism
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
cancel; derogate; disaffirm; dissolve; kill;; cancellation;cassation;demolition;derogation;disaffirmation; dissolution; retraction
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英法学大词典
abolish; abrogate; annul; call off; cancel
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
qǔ xiāo
- 建立社会主义就是要取消资本主义。 Establishing socialism means abolishing capitalism.
- 许多国家已经取消了死刑。 Capital punishment has been abolished in many countries.
- 有许多坏的风俗习惯应该取消。 There are many bad customs and habits that ought to be abolished.不过abolish一词,有时也有人用来取消实物。
- 许多小学生都会喜欢取消家庭作业的。 Many school-children would like to abolish homework.
- 你们不能单方面取消定货。 You cannot cancel the order unilaterally.
- 美国总统突然取消了对日本的访问,而且没有做出解释。 Suddenly the president of the United States canceled his visit to Japan, and with no explanation.
- 我已写信给纽约大学,取消这次讲座。 I've written to the University of New York to cancel the course of lectures.
call off,词义与cancel同,也用于取消实物,但比cancel更为口语化。
- 我们本来想举行一次舞会,但在最后一分钟决定取消。 We were going to give a dance, but decided to call it off at the last minute.
- 政府的想法是让我们取消这次罢工。 The idea of the government was to get us to call off the strike.
- 足球赛因雨取消了。 The football match was called off on account of rain.
deprive of,指剥夺式的取消。
- 俱乐部决定取消他的会员资格。 The club decided to deprive him of his membership.
- 取消公众显然需要的服务项目是错误的。 It is wrong to deprive the public of a service which they obviously want.
rescind,指撤销式的取消,如取消已定的法律、作 出的决定、谈话的协议等,故强调的是自己取消。
- 大会拒绝取消已经做出的决议。 The Congress refused to rescind the decision they have made.
- 将军被迫取消了他那道严历的命令。 The general was forced to rescind his harsh order.
- 政府取消了去西藏旅游的禁令。 The government lifted the ban on tourist visit to Tibet.
- 美国宣布对阿富汗的制裁已经取消。 The United States declared that the sanctions against Afghanistan were lifted.
disqualify from,仅限于取消资格。
- 你无权取消他服兵役的资格。 You have no right to disqualify him from military service.
- 他因屡次违反纪律而被取消了比赛资格。 He was disqualified from the contest owing to repeatedly violating disciplines.
no, 有时强调没有也有取消的意思。
- 由于你的过错,这个月的奖金取消了。 There will be no bonuses this month due to your fault.
- 两国间举行的谈判因这次边境冲突取消了。 No negotiation between the two countries will be held because of the border clash.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典