- Abbe refractometer
- abnormality
- aborticide
- abortient
- abortifacient
- abscess
- absolute alcohol
- absolute configuration
- absorbance
- absorbent
- absorbent cotton
- absorber
- absorption
- abstinence
- abuse
- acacia
- acatalasia
- accelerator
- acceptable daily intake
- acceptance criteria
- acceptance sampling
- acceptor
- accuracy
- acetaminophen
- acetic acid
- acetic anhydride
- acetone
- acetonitrile
- acetyl
- acid
- acid value
- acid-base balance
- acidity
- acidosis
- aconite
- acquired immune deficiency syndrome
- acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
- acrolein
- acromegaly
- actin
- Actinomyces
- actinophage
- action
- action limit
- action potential
- activated carbon
- activated charcoal
- activation
- activation energy
- activator
- active center
- active ingredient
- active principle
- active site
- active substance
- active transport
- activity
- activity coefficient
- acupuncture
- acute toxicity
- addiction
- Addison's disease
- addition
- additive
- additivity
- adenosine
- adenyl cyclase
- adhesive plaster
- administration
- admixture
- adrenal
- adrenal cortex
- adrenal medulla
- adrenal steroid
- adrenalectomy
- adrenaline
- adrenergic agonist
- adrenocortical
- adrenocorticotropic hormone
- adsorbate
- adsorbent
- adsorption
- adulterant
- adverse effect
- aerosol
- affinity
- affinity chromatography
- after effect
- agar
- agaric
- agglutination
- aggregation
- aging
- agonist
- agranulocytosis
- agrimony
- aids
- air dry
- air filter
- air flow
- air lock
- air sampler
- air separation
- airlock
- akathisia
- akinesia
- alcohol
- alcohol abuse
- alcoholism
- aldose
- aldosteronism
- alfalfa
- alkalinity
- alkanol
- alkylating agent
- allantoin
- allergen
- allergy
- allosteric effect
- aloe
- alopecia
- alternative medicine
- alternatives
- alum
- alumina
- alveolar
- Alzheimer's disease
- amaranth
- amenorrhea
- Ames test
- amino acid
- amino-
- aminoacetic acid
- aminotransferase
- ammonium chloride
- amnesia
- amoebic dysentery
- amorphous
- ampholyte
- amphoteric
- amphotericin B
- ampicillin
- amplification
- ampoule
- ampul
- ampule
- amyl alcohol
- amylase
- amylopectin
- amylose
- analysis of variance
- anaphylactic shock
- anaphylaxis
- anemia
- anethole
- angina pectoris
- angiotensin
- angiotensinogen
- angle of repose
- aniline
- anion exchange membrane
- anion exchange resin
- anise
- anisotropic
- anoint
- anomer
- anorexia
- antagonism
- antagonist
- anthocyanin
- anthrone
- antibiotics
- antibody
- antidepressants
- antidiuretic hormone
- antidotes
- antimony potassium tartrate
- antioxidant
- antiseptics
- antithrombin
- antitoxin
- antivenin
- aortic
- aplastic anemia
- apothecary
- apparent viscosity
- apricot
- aqua regia
- aqueous
- argon
- arnica
- aromatherapy
- arrhythmia
- arthritis
- asbestos
- ascorbic acid
- asepsis
- aseptic