湊熱鬧 凑热闹
[còu rè nao]
to join in the fun
⇒ 逢场作戏
to get in on the action
(fig.) to butt in
⇒ 插口 打横炮 插嘴
to create more trouble
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
còu rè·nɑo(~ㄦ {còu rè·nɑor})
1. 到热闹的地方跟大家一起玩ㄦ {join in the fun; take part in the merry-making}:
- 孩子们玩得很起劲,我也去凑个热闹。 {The children are playing with such spirit that I'm going to join in the fun.}
2. 指添麻烦 {add trouble to}:
- 这里够忙的,别再来~了! {We're already busy enough, don't make more trouble for us.}
còu rè·nɑo(~ㄦ {còu rè·nɑor})
1. 到热闹的地方跟大家一起玩ㄦ {join in the fun; take part in the merry-making}:
- 孩子们玩得很起劲,我也去凑个热闹。 {The children are playing with such spirit that I'm going to join in the fun.}
2. 指添麻烦 {add trouble to}:
- 这里够忙的,别再来~了! {We're already busy enough, don't make more trouble for us.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
còu rènao
动 join in the fun; take part in the merriment
- 我来唱支歌,凑凑热闹。 Let me sing a song to add to the fun.
动 add to the trouble; give sb more trouble
- 我已经够烦了,别再凑热闹了。 I'm annoyed enough as it is; don't give me any more trouble.
còu rènao
动 join in the fun; take part in the merriment
- 我来唱支歌,凑凑热闹。 Let me sing a song to add to the fun.
动 add to the trouble; give sb more trouble
- 我已经够烦了,别再凑热闹了。 I'm annoyed enough as it is; don't give me any more trouble.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典