[bā zhèng dào]
the Eight-fold Noble Way (Buddhism)
⇒ 苦集灭道 四谛
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
【英】The Noble Eightfold Path (Āryamārga)
The eight right or correct ways for an arhat (enlightened person) to reach nirvana. The eight practices are: (1) samyag-dṛṣṭi, “right views” about the Four Axioms, and freedom from common delusions; (2) samyak-saṁkalpa, “right resolve”; (3) samyag-vāc, “right speech”, or avoiding gossip; (4) samyak-karmānta, “right conduct”, or avoiding improper actions; (5) smnyag-ājīva, “right livelihood”, avoiding immoral occupations; (6) samyag-vyāyāma, “right effort”, to make uninterrupted progress towards nirvāṇa; (7) samyak-smṛti, “right mindfulness”, retaining that which is true and discarding that which is false; and (8) samyak-samadhi, “right samadhi”, or correct meditation practice.
【英】The Noble Eightfold Path (Āryamārga)
The eight right or correct ways for an arhat (enlightened person) to reach nirvana. The eight practices are: (1) samyag-dṛṣṭi, “right views” about the Four Axioms, and freedom from common delusions; (2) samyak-saṁkalpa, “right resolve”; (3) samyag-vāc, “right speech”, or avoiding gossip; (4) samyak-karmānta, “right conduct”, or avoiding improper actions; (5) smnyag-ājīva, “right livelihood”, avoiding immoral occupations; (6) samyag-vyāyāma, “right effort”, to make uninterrupted progress towards nirvāṇa; (7) samyak-smṛti, “right mindfulness”, retaining that which is true and discarding that which is false; and (8) samyak-samadhi, “right samadhi”, or correct meditation practice.
- 简体中文>英语, 敦煌文化汉英术语库