與人為善 与人为善
[yǔ rén wéi shàn]
to be of service to others
to help others
⇒ 热心肠 乐于助人 急人之难 求助于人 解囊 从井救人
⇒ 煦煦 善 仁慈 仁惠 慈祥 慈善 仁政 仁德 德政 善举 王道 不仁 光风霁月 父慈子孝 为富不仁,为仁不富 贤淑仁慈 仁心仁术 仁者见仁,智者见智 恩比天大 为仁不富
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
〈成〉 well-intentioned; have good intentions towards others:
- 与人为善的批评 well-meaning criticism
- 采取与人为善的态度 take a sympathetic and friendly attitude
〈成〉 well-intentioned; have good intentions towards others:
- 与人为善的批评 well-meaning criticism
- 采取与人为善的态度 take a sympathetic and friendly attitude
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
yǔ rén wéi shàn
原指赞助人学好,现多指善意帮助别人。 {well-intentioned; well-meaning; originally meaning to help others learn from good examples, now meaning to help others out of good faith}�
yǔ rén wéi shàn
原指赞助人学好,现多指善意帮助别人。 {well-intentioned; well-meaning; originally meaning to help others learn from good examples, now meaning to help others out of good faith}�
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
<熟> aim at helping others out of good will
- 采取与人为善的态度 take a sympathetic and friendly attitude
- 君子莫大乎与人为善。 The greatest virtue of a gentleman is to have good intentions towards others.
- 我们倡导与人为善的批评。 We advocate the criticism aiming at helping those criticized.
<熟> aim at helping others out of good will
- 采取与人为善的态度 take a sympathetic and friendly attitude
- 君子莫大乎与人为善。 The greatest virtue of a gentleman is to have good intentions towards others.
- 我们倡导与人为善的批评。 We advocate the criticism aiming at helping those criticized.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典