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Without the sense of sight; sightless; also, pertaining to those without sight. 无视觉的;瞎的;盲人的。
- blind as a bat 瞎得和蝙蝠一样,比喻一点也看不见。
Unable or unwilling to understand, judge, or realize. 不能或不愿了解、判断或觉察的。
- How blind some parents are! 有些为人父母者,竟如此盲目!
Heedless; unthinking. 不留意的;不加思索的。
- blind haste 匆忙。
Without purpose or reason. 无目的或理性的。
- blind instinct 无意识之本能。
Hidden. 隐蔽的。
Closed at one end. 一端不通的。
- a blind alley 死巷。
Hard to understand. 难解的。
- a blind statement 难解之语。
Drunk. 【俚】醉酒的。
With instruments only. 【空】单凭仪器的。
blind drunk 【俚】酩酊大醉。
go blind 变盲。
go it blind 盲目行事。
(There's) none so blind as those that will not see 【谚】没有比不愿意看的人更为盲目的。
the blind leading the blind 问道于盲;盲人骑瞎马。
turn a (one's) blind eye to 对...视若无睹;不重视。
Anything which serves to hinder or obstruct vision, or hinders the passage of light, as a window shade, hinged shutter for windows, a blinker on a horse's bridle, and the like. (常用复数表单数)阻碍视线或光线之物(如窗帘、百叶窗、马眼罩等)。
- pull down the blinds 放下窗帘。
A place of concealment. 【美】(观察野生动物的)隐蔽处。
Something to mislead the eye or the understanding. 使生误解之物。
A trick; ruse. (常用单数)欺骗;藉口;诡计。
- His politeness is a blind. 他之故作殷勤,只是一种障眼法。
(过去式: blinded; 过去完成式: blinded; 现在进行式: blinding)
To deprive of sight or judgment; dazzle. 使失明;使失去判断力;使目眩。
- Fear blinded him. 害怕使他失去判断力。
- His vanity blinded him to his own faults. 使他看不到自己的缺点。
To eclipse or hide. 掩蔽;隐藏。
- The sun blinds the stars. 日出而众星隐。
blind alley (a)死巷;死胡同。(b)(事物的)困境。(c)没有前途的职业等。
blind date 【俚】陌生的男女由第三者介绍的约会。
blind flying 仅凭仪器的飞行。
blind gut 【解】盲肠。
blind side 弱点。
blind spot (a)(眼的)盲点。(b)(自己)注意不到的弱点。(c)【无线】收音感度不良区。
blind trust 盲目信托(一种财政安排,当事人将财物宜交与受信托者,并放弃对该等事务的了解或干预)。
adv. blindly.
- 英语>简体中文, 美语词典
1. (unable to see) [+ person] 失明的;盲的;瞎的
- She's blind. 她是盲人。
- Her mother groped for the back of the chair, her eyes blind with tears. 她母亲摸索着找椅子的靠背, 双眼被泪水蒙住了。
blind in one eye 一只眼睛失明的
- a woman blind in one eye 一只眼睛失明的女人
a blind person 盲人
- How would you explain colour to a blind person? 你怎样给盲人解释颜色呢?
to go blind 失明;变瞎
- I started helping him run the business when he went blind. 他双目失明后我开始帮他打理生意。
2. (unaware) 不能理解的;不愿理解的;没有辨别能力的
- I must have been blind not to realize what was going on. 我没有意识到正在发生什么事, 真是瞎了眼。
to be blind to sth 意识不到某事;对···视而不见
- I realized how blind I was to his faults. 我认识到自己有多么糊涂, 对他的毛病视而不见。
- All the time I was blind to your suffering. 我一直以来都没有意识到你的痛苦。
3. (unreasoning) [+ faith, panic, trust] 盲目的;没有根据的;缺乏理性的
- her blind faith in the wisdom of the Church 她对教会智慧的盲目信仰
- They ran out in blind panic. 他们莫名惊恐地跑了出来。
4. (completely unconscious) [+ stupor] 完全不省人事的
- Percy lay on the floor in a blind stupor and could not or would not get up. 珀西完全神志昏迷躺在地板上, 根本站不起来。
5. (done unseen) [+ test, trial, sampling] 仅凭样品的;无说明材料的
- It came out top in a blind sampling of European wines. 这种酒在欧洲葡萄酒无标签样品评比中夺了冠。
6. (using instruments) [+ flying, landing] (飞行、降落)依靠仪表的
7. (closed off) [+ gallery, tunnel] 不通的;无出口的
8. (without openings) [+ wall] 无门窗的;无出口的
9. (unproductive) [+ plant] 不开花的;不结果的
10. as blind as a bat 完全看不见东西的;视力非常差的
- Can you read it to me? I'm as blind as a bat without my glasses. 你能读给我听吗?我不戴眼镜什么也看不清。
11. not to take a blind bit of notice<非正式> 完全无视;不把···当一回事;一点也不注意
- I warned her time and again but she didn't take a blind bit of notice. 我一次又一次提醒她, 但她根本不当一回事。
- The shop assistants didn't take a blind bit of notice of the queue of customers waiting to be served. 店员们无视等候服务的顾客排起的长龙。
12. there's none so blind as those that will not see 不正面事实的人才是真正的瞎子
- He's hardly been doing it behind her back, but I suppose there's none so blind as those that will not see. 他不太可能背着她做那种事, 不过我认为, 明眼人都看得很清楚。
13. to turn a blind eye 装作没看见;视而不见
- I can't turn a blind eye when someone is being robbed. 有人被抢劫时, 我不能装作看不见。
to turn a blind eye to sth or to turn a blind eye on sth 对···视而不见;对···装作看不见
- Teachers are turning a blind eye to pupils smoking at school. 学生在学校吸烟, 教师都是装作没看见。
1. (without being able to see) [taste, test +] 在眼睛看不见的情况下; [fly +] 完全依靠仪器地
- The fog was so thick that we were more or less driving blind. 雾太大, 我们几乎是两眼摸瞎地开车。
2. (without information) 在不够了解的情况下;在资料(或信息)不足的情况下;盲目地;随随便便地
- Essentially, we were being asked to make our choice blind. 基本上, 我们是被要求盲目地进行选择的。
- We went into the negotiations blind and, not surprisingly, the other side ran rings around us. 我们没怎么准备就参与谈判, 结果对方完全压过我们也就不足为奇了。
3. to bake blind 空烤(馅饼等的外皮, 以使其保持形状)
4. blind drunk 酩酊大醉;烂醉如泥
- He arrived home blind drunk and passed out in the hallway. 他回到家时酩酊大醉, 昏倒在厅堂里。
1. (make unable to see) 使变瞎;弄瞎;使暂时看不见东西
- The acid went on her face and blinded her. 酸性物质泼在她脸上, 把她眼睛弄瞎了。
- The strong sunlight blinded him. 强烈的阳光照得他看不见东西。
- I drove home blinded by tears. 我泪眼模糊地开车回了家。
2. (make unaware) 使失去理智(或判断力);蒙蔽
- I was too blinded by love to see what kind of man he really was. 我被爱情完全蒙住了眼睛, 看不出他事实上是哪一类人。
- He is not blinded by the reputations of the people he has to interview. 他不会因那些受访者的名声而失去判断力。
to blind sb to sth 令某人看不出某问题
to blind sb to sb's faults 令某人看不见某人的毛病
- He never allowed his love of Australia to blind him to his countrymen's faults. 他绝不会因热爱澳大利亚而看不见同胞们的毛病。
3. (confuse) 使眼花缭乱;使晕头转向
to blind sb with sth 用···将某人弄得眼花缭乱(或晕头转向)
- He will try to blind us with statistics, but don't lose sight of the main point. 他会用数字来弄得我们头昏眼花, 但大家可不能忽视要点。
to blind sb with science 用科学知识使某人晕头转向
1. <英,俚> (drive fast) 开快车
- blinding along in the fast lane 在快车道上开快车
2. (curse) 用粗话骂人
to eff and blind 骂人;咒骂
- Lorraine used to eff and blind with the best of us. 洛兰过去常常把我们大多数人都骂过一个遍
1. (for window) (通常固定在滚轴上的)窗帘;卷帘;百叶窗
- She slammed the window down and pulled the blind. 她猛力把窗户关上, 把窗帘拉下。
2. (baffle) 遮蔽物;掩蔽物;遮光物;屏障
3. (to conceal the truth) 幌子;障眼法;掩饰;借口
- He had told his colleagues that he was going to a conference, but that was just a blind. 他告诉同事他要去开会, 但那只是一个借口。
- Perhaps this is a blind to make us think that the American embassy is the target. 也许这只是个幌子, 要让我们以为美国大使馆就是攻击目标。
4. (proxy) 代理人;代替者;替身
5. <美,加拿大> (hide) (打猎者射猎鸟兽时的)埋伏处, 隐蔽处, 隐身处
6. <英,俚> (binge) 纵酒狂欢;狂饮作乐
- I went out on a blind last night. 我昨晚外出纵酒狂欢。
7. 【牌】 (in poker) (扑克牌戏中在看牌前下的)注, 赌注
8. 【军】 (defective round/charge) 瞎炮;哑炮;哑炸药包
1. the blind
(people) (统称)盲人
- What do you think of the help that's given to the blind? 你觉得对盲人的帮助怎么样?
2. the blind leading the blind 瞎子给瞎子引路(典出《圣经•新约》中的《马太福音》);无知者指导无知者;外行领导外行
- Paul said he knew how to do the job and offered to show Tom, but it ended up as the blind leading the blind. 保罗说这活儿他会做, 还主动说要做给汤姆看, 但结果却像瞎子给瞎子引路。
[+ school] 盲人的
- The only local blind school was on the other side of Sheffield. 当地唯一的盲人学校在谢菲尔德的另一边。
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉大词典
v. blinds, blinding, blinded
- 英语>简体中文, 高中课标词汇
n. 失明的,盲,瞎子
- 英语>简体中文, 中医大词典
adj.(形容词), blind.est
1. Sightless. 看不见的
2. Having a maximal visual acuity of the better eye, after correction by refractive lenses, of one-tenth normal vision or less (20/200 or less on the Snellen test). 瞎的,失明的:通过折射矫正后,最好眼最大视力敏感度为正常视力的1/10或少于1/10的(斯奈伦测试20/200)或更低
3. Of, relating to, or for sightless persons. 盲人的:盲人的,有关盲人的或为了盲人的
4. Performed or made without the benefit of background information that might prejudice the outcome or result: 不知情的:在没有能够使结果产生偏见的背景知识的情况下进行的或制造的:
- blind taste tests used in marketing studies. 用于市场调查的事先毫不知情的口味测试
5. Performed without preparation, experience, or knowledge: 盲目的:没有准备、经验或知识的情况下进行的:
- made a blind stab at answering the question. 盲目回答了这个问题
6. Performed by instruments and without the use of sight: 利用仪器操作而不利用视力的:
- blind navigation. 无人驾驶
7. Unable or unwilling to perceive or understand: 视而不见的,不能或不愿去理解的:
- blind to a lover's faults. 对情人的错误视而不见
8. Not based on reason or evidence; unquestioning: 盲目的,轻率的:不建立在理智或证据的基础上的;不提出疑问的:
- put blind faith in their leaders. 对他们的领袖盲目崇拜
9. Slang Drunk. 【俚语】 喝醉的
10. Independent of human control: 无法控制的:对人为控制无信心的:
- blind fate. 天命
11. Difficult to comprehend or see; illegible. 难以理解的:难以理解或看清的;难认的
12. Incompletely or illegibly addressed: 地址不详的:地址不全或难以辨认的:
- blind mail. 地址不详的邮件
13. Hidden from sight: 隐蔽的:挡住看不见的:
- a blind seam. 暗针脚
14. Screened from the view of oncoming motorists: 看不见的:避开迎面而来的驾驶员的视线的:
- a blind driveway. 隐蔽的车道
15. Secret or otherwise undisclosed: 秘密的,隐蔽的:
- a blind item in a military budget. 军事预算中秘密的一项
16. Closed at one end: 封死的:一端不通的:
- a blind socket; a blind passage. 封死的孔;死路
17. Having no opening: 没有开口的:
- a blind wall. 无门的墙
18. Botany Failing to produce flowers or fruits: 【植物学】 不开花或不结果的:
- a blind bud. 不开花的芽
1. Something, such as a window shade or a Venetian blind, that hinders vision or shuts out light. 遮光物:如窗帘或软百叶窗等能遮挡视线或挡住阳光的物体
2. A shelter for concealing hunters, especially duck hunters. 埋伏处:猎人,尤指猎鸭人的藏身的隐蔽处
3. Something intended to conceal the true nature, especially of an activity; a subterfuge. 挡箭牌:企图掩盖本质,尤指某活动的真实性质的事物;狡猾的逃避手段
1. Without seeing; blindly. 看不见地;盲目地
2. Without the aid of visual reference: 盲目地:没有视觉帮助地:
- flew blind through the fog. 在雾中盲目地飞行
3. Without forethought or provision; unawares: 毫不知情地:没有事先想好或事先准备好地;冷不防地:
- entered into the scheme blind. 毫不知情地走入了陷阱
4. Informal Into a stupor: 【非正式用语】 不省人事地:
- drank themselves blind. 他们喝得烂醉如泥
5. Used as an intensive: 用于加强语气:
- Thieves in the bazaar robbed us blind. 集市上的小偷洗劫了我们的钱财及物动词) blind.ed,, blinds
1. To deprive of sight: 使失明:
- was blinded in an industrial accident. 在一次工业事故中失明
2. To dazzle: 使晕眩:
- skiers temporarily blinded by sunlight on snow. 滑雪者有时被雪反射的阳光照得头晕目眩
3. To deprive of perception or insight: 缺乏眼光:使失去眼光或洞察力:
- prejudice that blinded them to the merits of the proposal. 他们因偏见而对计划的优点视而不见
4. To withhold light from: 遮住光线:从…阻挡光线:
- Thick shrubs blinded our downstairs windows. 浓密的灌木遮蔽了楼下的窗户
- 英语>简体中文, 美国传统词典
- 英语>简体中文, 计算机词典
adj. 瞎的,封闭的,隐蔽的,缺乏眼光的;n. 隐蔽,填塞,盲目,帘
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉化学大词典
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉计算机词汇
- 英语>简体中文, 英中医学辞海
- 英语>简体中文, 计算机电子速查小字典
To make a device nonreceptive to unwanted data, through recognition of field definition characters in the received data.
- 英语>简体中文, 计算机英汉双解词典
n. 挡板,防护板
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉机械大词典
n. 遮阳板,窗帘,百页窗,挡板,防护板,屏风
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉汽车词典
失明的, 瞎眼的
- He is a man blind from birth. 他生来就盲。
- He is totally blind. 他全瞎。
视而不见的, 盲目的
- Blind worship must be ended. 盲目崇拜必须停止。
- The explosion blinded him in the right eye. 那次爆炸事故使他右眼失明。
- Money blinded him. 钱财把他迷住了。
窗帘, 百叶窗
- 英语>简体中文, 简明英汉词典
(adjective 形容词)
WORDS TO DESCRIBE PEOPLE WITH IMPAIREDVISION 形容人视觉损伤的词语:astigmatic, blinded,boss-eyed, colour-blind, cross-eyed, eyeless,long-sighted, myopic, near-sighted, shortsighted,sightless, suffering from cataract orglaucoma, unseeing, visually handicapped.
blind devotion. 盲目的信仰。
blind to his faults. 不知道他的过错。
SYNONYM 同义词:blinkered,heedless, ignorant, inattentive, indifferent,insensible, insensitive, mindless, oblivious,prejudiced, unaware, unobservant.
OPPOSITES: SEE 反义词参阅aware.
(noun 名词)
Close the blind. 把窗帘放下来。
SYNONYM 同义词:cover, curtain, screen,shade, shutters.
(verb 动词)
to blind someone with a bright light. 用灿烂的光把某人的眼弄花。
SEE参阅 dazzle.
[informal日常用语] 使摸不着头脑
to blind someone with science. 炫示科技知识使人摸不着头脑。
SEE参阅 deceive.
- 英语>简体中文, 英语同义词词典
a ,blind 'alley
a course of action which has no useful result in the end 死胡同;行不通的方法:
Our first experiment was a blind alley, but the second one gave us very promising results. 我们的第一次试验毫无结果,不过第二次试验取得了十分可喜的结果。
(as) blind as a 'bat (humorous)
not able to see well 视力不佳;看不清;看不见:
I’m as blind as a bat without my glasses. 不戴眼镜我简直跟瞎子一样。
a ,blind 'date
a social meeting between two people who have never met before, often arranged by friends, in the hope that it may lead to a love affair 盲约;﹙由第三方安排的﹚男女之间初次约会:
A friend of mine set up a blind date for me with his girlfriend’s sister. 我的一个朋友给我和他女朋友的妹妹安排了相识约会。
blind 'drunk (informal)
extremely drunk 烂醉如泥:
I’m not surprised he can’t remember what happened—he was blind drunk! 他不记得发生了什么事情, 这我并不奇怪—他当时烂醉如泥。
the ,blind leading the 'blind (saying)
(an example of) a person with as little ability or knowledge as the person they are trying to help or teach 瞎子给瞎子引路;外行指导外行:
I don’t know why she asked me to show her how the computer works when I’ve hardly used it myself. It would be a case of the blind leading the blind!我自己没怎么用过电脑,我不知道她为什么要我教她怎么用。这可真是瞎子给瞎子引路。
a/sb’s 'blind spot
a small part of a subject that sb does not understand or know anything about 盲区;不理解﹙或一窍不通﹚的部份:
I’m a real music lover but I have to say that modern jazz is a bit of a blind spot with me. 我确实很喜欢音乐,可是我得说现代爵士乐是我的“盲区”。
,blind sb with 'science
deliberately confuse sb with your special knowledge,especially by using difficult or technical words which they do not understand 用专业知识﹙尤指科技词汇﹚使某人摸不着头脑:
Every time I ask her a simple question, she tries to blind me with science. 每次我问她一个简单的问题,她总是拿出一套术语,搞得我煳里煳涂。
not a 'blind bit of notice, difference, etc.(BrE, spoken)
no notice, difference, etc. at all 丝毫没有注意﹙或区别等﹚:
She didn’t take a blind bit of notice when I asked her to stop. She walked straight past me.我叫她停下来,可她根本就不理睬,迳直从我面前走过。
love is blind 另见love
rob sb blind 另见rob
swear blind (that ) … 另见swear
turn a blind eye (to sth) 另见turn
英语>简体中文, 英语习语词典
瞎的, 盲人的
缺乏判断力的; 单凭仪表操纵的
不加思考的; 轻率的; 鲁莽的
看不见的; 隐蔽的
愚昧的; 无知的
闭塞的; 堵死的; 一端不通的
无结果的; (植物)不开花的
别人代为安排的, 盲从的
盲目的; 不理智的
空的, 未占用的
【刷】素装的a blind alley 死胡洞
- He is blind to his own faults. 他看不到自己的过失。
- She has a blind faith in his honesty. 她盲目相信他诚实。
使瞎; 使看不见
蒙蔽; 隐蔽; 使相形之下暗淡失色
- He has been blinded in the war. 他在战争中 瞎了眼。
- The thick fog blinds us. 大雾使我们看不见。
- The sun blinds the stars. 太阳遮蔽了星星。
- His resentment blinds his good sense. 愤怒使他失去理智。
障蔽物; 窗帘; 百叶窗
借口; 掩饰
塞子, 螺旋帽, 膜片, 尽端
- Do you mind if I draw up the blinds? 我卷起窗帘你不反对吧?
- This was done for the blinds. 这是为盲人而做的。
盲目地, 胡乱地
- I drank myself blind. 我喝得不省人事。

Among the blind the one-eyed man is king.
[谚]盲人国里, 独眼称王; 山中无虎猴称王。
as blind as a bat
视力非常坏, 瞎得厉害
as blind as a beetle
视力非常坏, 瞎得厉害
as blind as a brickbat
视力非常坏, 瞎得厉害
as blind as a mole
视力非常坏, 瞎得厉害
as blind as an owl]
视力非常坏, 瞎得厉害
be blind with
go blind
go it blind
盲目乱搞; 鲁莽从事, 蛮干; 碰运气
go on a blind
[俚]喝闹酒, 狂饮狂闹一番
If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
[谚]盲人领瞎子, 两个人都要掉在沟里; 一盲领众人, 相将入火坑。
None so blind as he who will not see.
None so blind as those who won't .see.
not a blind(bit of)
Persian blinds
ride blind
瞎搞, 乱干, 鲁莽从事
strike me blind
如果... 就叫我不得好死(咒语)
the blind leading the blind
瞎子给瞎子引路; 外行指导外行; 问道于盲
blind to
看不见...; 对 ... 熟视无睹
英语>简体中文, 现代英汉综合大辞典
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 电机工程名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 电力工程名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 电子计算机名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 动物学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 工业工程名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 海洋科学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 机械工程名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 教育学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 兽医学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 资料科学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 医学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 造船工程名词
(blinding, blinded,blinds)
1. 形容词 Someone who is blind is unable to see because their eyes are damaged. 失明的
- I started helping him run the business when he went blind. 他失明以后,我就开始帮他打理生意。
2. 复数型名词The blind are people who are blind. 盲人
- He was a teacher of the blind. 他过去是位教盲人的老师。
3. blindness 不可数名词 失明
- Early diagnosis and treatment can usually prevent blindness. 早期诊断和治疗通常可以防止失明。
4. 及物动词 If something blinds you, it makes you unable to see, either for a short time or permanently. 使看不见; 使失明
- The sun hit the windshield, momentarily blinding him. 阳光射在挡风玻璃上,使他一时看不见。
5. 形容词 If you are blind with something such as tears or a bright light, you are unable to see for a short time because of the tears or light. 因 (眼泪或强光) 而暂时看不见的 [v-link ADJ, usu ADJ 'with' n]
- Her mother groped for the back of the chair, her eyes blind with tears. 她妈妈摸索着椅背,她的眼睛被眼泪遮住了视线。
6. blindly 副词 暂时看不见地
- Lettie groped blindly for the glass. 莱蒂瞎子似地摸索着找杯子。
7. 形容词 If you say that someone is blind to a fact or a situation, you mean that they ignore it or are unaware of it, although you think that they should take notice of it or be aware of it. 视而不见的; 没有觉察到的 [v-link ADJ 'to' n][表不满]
- David's good looks and impeccable manners had always made her blind to his faults. 大卫俊朗的外表和完美的风度总是令她对他的缺点视而不见。
8. blindness 不可数名词 忽视
- ...blindness in government policy to the very existence of the unemployed. …政府政策中对失业人员的存在这一事实的忽视。
9. 及物动词 If something blinds you to the real situation, it prevents you from realizing that it exists or from understanding it properly. 使觉察不到; 使理解不当
- He never allowed his love of Australia to blind him to his countrymen's faults. 他从来不因自己对澳大利亚的热爱而无视同胞的过错。
10. 形容词 You can describe someone's beliefs or actions as blind when you think that they seem to take no notice of important facts or behave in an unreasonable way. 盲目的 [表不满]
- ...her blind faith in the wisdom of the church. …她对教会箴言的盲目信仰。
11. 可数名词 A blind is a roll of cloth or paper which you can pull down over a window as a covering. 窗帘; 百叶窗帘
- Pulling the blinds up, she let some of the bright sunlight in. 她拉起窗帘,让一些明媚的阳光照进来。
12. → see also blinding, blindly
13. 习语 If you say that someone is turning a blind eye to something bad or illegal that is happening, you mean that you think they are pretending not to notice that it is happening so that they will not have to do anything about it. 视而不见 [表不满]
- Teachers are turning a blind eye to pupils smoking at school, a report reveals today. 今天的一篇报道称,教师对学生在校抽烟视而不见。
英语>简体中文, 高级英汉双解词典