
Shaw讨论 | 贡献2024年8月12日 (一) 12:21的版本 (CSV导入)
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[kàn tòu]
to understand thoroughly
心领神会 心领神悟 清楚 融解
to see beyond the facade
to see through (sb)
拆穿 识破 看破 识破机关 探骊得珠 动真格 一眼看穿 管中窥豹 目无全牛 看破红尘
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT

1   understand thoroughly; penetrate:
- 这一着棋我看不透。 I don't quite understand this move.
- 她总能看透我的心思。 She could always penetrate what I was thinking.
2   see through:
- 这个人我看透了,没什么真才实学。 I've seen through him; he's not a man of real learning.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 透彻地了解(对手的计策、用意等) {gain an insight into (sb.'s trick, intention, etc.)}:
- 这一着棋我看不透。 {I don't quite understand this move.}
2. 透彻地认识(对方的缺点或事物的没有价值、没有意义) {see through (sb.'s shortcoming or sth.'s lack of value or meaning)}:
- 这个人我~了,没有什么真才实学。 {I've seen through him. He's not a man of real learning.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
understand thoroughly; figure out
- 敌人的这一招我没看透。 I failed to figure out that the enemy would take this move. / I didn't quite understand why the enemy had taken this move.
- 他这个人我看不透。 I cannot figure him out.
see through
- 我把一切世事都看透了。 I've seen through the world.
- 我看透了他。 I've seen through him.
- 他看透了我的心思。 He saw what was on my mind. / He gained an insight into my mind. / He has read my mind.
see through
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
kàn tòu
see through,指看穿。
- 他这个人我看透了,没有什么真才实学。 I've seen through him, he's not a man of real learning.
- 我看透那个骗子了,不想跟他打什么交道。 I saw through the swindler and refused to have any dealing with him.
find out,指发现坏事。
- 我总算把你看透了,你这个骗子! I've found you out at last, you cheat!
- 他一连造了几个月的假账,我怎么没把他看透呢? How could I fail to find him out when he had been falsifying accounts for months?
understand thoroughly,指透彻了解。
- 蒋介石没有看透红军四渡赤水的用意。 Chiang Kai-shek failed to understand thoroughly the intention of the Red Army's crossing the Chi Shui River four times.
- 这着棋我没看透。 I don't quite understand thoroughly this move.
resign oneself to,指接受既成事实。
- 好心反成恶意,所以我还是看透一点的好。 My good intentions were interpreted as a sign of ill will, so I had better resign myself to it.
- 对种种挫折和失败,我都看透了。 I have resigned myself to all setbacks and failures.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典