探驪得珠 探骊得珠
[tàn lí dé zhū]
to pluck a pearl from the black dragon (idiom, from Zhuangzi); fig. to pick out the salient points (from a tangled situation)
to see through to the nub
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
〈成〉 (in writing) focused; tightly argued; without digression
〈成〉 (in writing) focused; tightly argued; without digression
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
tàn lí dé zhū
- ‘这样珍贵的珠子,一定是在万丈深渊的黑龙下巴底下取得,而且是在它睡时取得的。’后来用‘探骊得珠’比喻做文章扣紧主题,抓住要领 {According to Zhuangzi·Lie Yukou, when a man dived into the depth of the Yellow River and obtained a priceless pearl, his father commented, ‘This kind of valuable pearl must have been obtained from underneath the jaw of the black dragon residing in a bottomless hole while the dragon was asleep.’(fig.) probe deep and grasp the point of a theme; to the point}(骊 {li}:
- 黑龙 {black dragon})。
tàn lí dé zhū
- ‘这样珍贵的珠子,一定是在万丈深渊的黑龙下巴底下取得,而且是在它睡时取得的。’后来用‘探骊得珠’比喻做文章扣紧主题,抓住要领 {According to Zhuangzi·Lie Yukou, when a man dived into the depth of the Yellow River and obtained a priceless pearl, his father commented, ‘This kind of valuable pearl must have been obtained from underneath the jaw of the black dragon residing in a bottomless hole while the dragon was asleep.’(fig.) probe deep and grasp the point of a theme; to the point}(骊 {li}:
- 黑龙 {black dragon})。
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
<熟> (of writing) bring out the important points from a mass of facts; grasp the theme
<熟> (of writing) bring out the important points from a mass of facts; grasp the theme
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典