{{#seo:| title = {{FULLPAGENAME}}_英文翻译_什么意思 - 翻译宝典| keywords = {{FULLPAGENAME}},{{FULLPAGENAME}}英文,{{FULLPAGENAME}}翻译,{{FULLPAGENAME}}是什么意思| description = {{FULLPAGENAME}},{{FULLPAGENAME}}英文,{{FULLPAGENAME}}翻译,{{FULLPAGENAME}}是什么意思,{{FULLPAGENAME}}术语含义。}}[[Category:中文]]<div class="entry"><font color=red>著 着</font><br><font color=green>[zhuó]</font><br><font color=blue>to wear (clothes)</font><br>⇒ [[佩]] [[带]] [[面带]] [[面露]] [[穿]] [[佩戴]] [[配戴]] [[佩带]] [[披挂]] [[衣]] [[身穿]] [[身着]] [[蹬]] [[掼]] [[穿破]] [[用坏]] [[消磨]] [[销蚀]] [[消蚀]] [[累]] [[磨合]] [[磨]] [[磨损]] [[蹑履]] [[戴孝]] [[穿反]] [[披麻戴孝]] [[戴表]] [[戴帽子]] [[戴有色眼镜]] [[蒙面]] [[戴套]] <br><font color=blue>to contact</font><br>⇒ [[串联]] [[接触]] [[接头]] [[联络]] [[触击]] [[洽]] [[挂钩]] [[交往]] [[打通]] [[失联]] [[鱼沉雁杳]] [[交流]] [[相处]] [[即]] [[交接]] [[锁国]] [[绝缘]] [[触]] [[打交道]] [[杜门不出]] [[搭钩]] [[对上]] [[闭关锁国]] [[沾]] [[亲炙]] [[擦边]] [[转写]] [[装神弄鬼]] [[拉关系]] [[OK镜]] <br><font color=blue>to use</font><br>⇒ [[以]] [[使出]] [[将]] [[采用]] [[凭靠]] [[运]] [[用]] [[套用]] [[利用]] [[运用]] [[庸]] [[改用]] [[使役]] [[使]] [[施用]] [[使用]] [[用于]] [[施暴]] [[掏空]] [[穷竭]] [[节省]] [[消耗]] [[来硬的]] [[作践]] [[硬来]] [[连用]] [[殚竭]] [[习用]] [[用字]] [[反]] <br><font color=blue>to apply</font><br>⇒ [[应用]] [[涂]] [[使用]] [[揞]] [[应征]] [[傅]] [[涂抹]] [[敷]] [[膏]] [[运]] [[施以]] [[套用]] [[申领]] [[擦]] [[搽]] [[予以]] [[报名]] [[涂敷]] [[施]] [[投考]] [[加以]] [[具体到]] [[付诸]] [[加]] [[搬用]] [[发力]] [[巧干]] [[外敷]] [[申办]] [[请领]] [[着色]] [[施肥]] </div><div class="source>简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT</div>[[Category:简体中文]] <div class="entry"><font color=red>著 着</font><br><font color=green>[zháo]</font><br><font color=blue>to touch</font><br>⇒ [[感]] [[联系]] [[触摸]] [[沾]] [[碰]] [[动手]] [[感动]] [[触击]] [[触]] [[触碰]] [[碰触]] [[动]] [[触及]] [[触动]] [[接触]] [[点触]] [[摸]] [[点染]] [[修整]] [[着陆]] [[点]] [[涉及]] [[盲打]] [[描]] [[摸象]] [[戳痛点]] [[未及]] [[着地]] [[落枕]] [[失散]] <br><font color=blue>to come in contact with</font><br><font color=blue>to feel</font><br>⇒ [[看]] [[觉]] [[感到]] [[感觉]] [[感觉到]] [[感知]] [[感受]] [[觉得]] [[认为]] [[感]] [[作]] [[负疚]] [[人心惶惶]] [[闹心]] [[吃了定心丸]] [[丧气]] [[起敬]] [[打鼓]] [[生畏]] [[心塞]] [[晕眩]] [[想要]] [[没有劲头]] [[抱歉]] [[扫兴]] [[麻]] [[发怵]] [[若有所失]] [[懊悔]] [[作呕]] [[自惭形秽]] <br><font color=blue>to be affected by</font><br><font color=blue>to catch fire</font><br>⇒ [[发火]] [[炟]] [[遇火]] [[着火]] [[走火]] [[起火]] [[失火]] [[走水]] <br><font color=blue>to burn</font><br>⇒ [[烫]] [[烧录]] [[烧焦]] [[灼伤]] [[烤焦]] [[焚]] [[燎]] [[辣]] [[惔]] [[烗]] [[炷]] [[燃烧]] [[烧灼]] [[炽]] [[爇]] [[热烫]] [[烧]] [[焚烧]] [[灼]] [[燃]] [[㶶]] [[烧炭]] [[付之丙丁]] [[烧煤]] [[火烧]] [[焚香]] [[烧高香]] [[焚毁]] [[烧包]] [[烧香]] [[燃香]] [[烧死]] <br><font color=blue>(coll.) to fall asleep</font><br>⇒ [[入眠]] [[睡着]] [[睡得着]] [[入睡]] <br><font color=blue>(after a verb) hitting the mark</font><br><font color=blue>succeeding in</font></div><div class="source>简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT</div>[[Category:简体中文]] <div class="entry"><font color=red>著 着</font><br><font color=green>[zhe]</font><br><font color=blue>aspect particle indicating action in progress or ongoing state</font></div><div class="source>简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT</div>[[Category:简体中文]] <div class="entry"><font color=red>著 着</font><br><font color=green>[zhāo]</font><br><font color=blue>a move in chess (Taiwan pr. [zhuó])</font><br><font color=blue>trick; tactic</font><br>⇒ [[花活]] [[撇步]] [[骗术]] [[招数]] [[诀窍]] [[玩意]] [[招]] [[伎俩]] [[花头]] [[戏]] [[名堂]] [[套子]] [[着数]] [[机关]] [[把戏]] [[手脚]] [[经络]] [[花样]] [[策谋]] [[诡计]] [[手法]] [[花招]] [[圈套]] [[手段]] [[取巧]] [[鬼把戏]] [[鬼名堂]] [[小动作]] [[涮]] [[窍门儿]] [[三连胜]] [[障眼法]] [[车轮战]] <br><font color=blue>(dialect) okay; all right</font><br>⇒ [[未尝不可]] [[好]] [[好不好]] [[喏]] [[得了]] [[中]] [[行]] [[好端端]] [[没事]] [[成]] [[不要紧]] [[船到桥头自然直]] [[车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直]] [[车到山前必有路]] [[儿孙自有儿孙福]] <br><font color=blue>(dialect) to put in; to add</font><br>⇒ [[放入]] [[进]] [[加上]] [[投]] [[置于]] [[整]] [[括]] [[收拾]] [[设]] [[施行]] [[布置]] [[归置]] [[开]] [[澄清]] [[挡]] [[措]] [[打理]] [[摒挡]] [[打点]] [[饬]] [[理]] [[关禁闭]] [[放还]] [[唅]] [[给力]] [[下毒]] [[赏光]] [[归结]] [[著录]] [[整饬]] [[笔录]] [[入殓]] [[搭]] [[增添]] [[对]] [[兑]] [[增补]] [[添]] [[归并]] [[加]] [[找补]] [[加进]] [[益]] [[添加]] [[附]] [[拢]] [[新增]] [[加添]] [[另加]] [[增]] [[统计]] [[增光]] [[少放]] [[加辣]] [[加油添醋]] [[加温]] [[加油]] [[总合]] [[推波助澜]] [[相加]] </div><div class="source>简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT</div>[[Category:简体中文]] <div class="entry"><font color=red>着</font><br><font color=green>zháo</font><br><font color=blue>动 </font><br><font color=blue>1 touch; come in contact with:</font><br>- 我手上的烫伤一着水就疼。 The burns on my hand hurt when they get wet. <br>- 孩子太小,坐在那把椅子上脚不能着地。 The child is so small that his feet don't touch the floor when he sits in that chair. <br><font color=blue>2 affected by (cold, etc. ); troubled with; suffer [[着凉]] </font><br><font color=blue>3 ignited; lit (opp. [[灭]]):</font><br>- 火着了。 The fire is lit. <br>- 炉子着得很旺。 The stove is burning strongly. <br>- 汽油一点就着。 Gasoline is highly inflammable. <br>- 天黑了,路灯都着了。 It's dark, and the street lights are all on. <br><font color=blue>4 〈方〉 fall asleep:</font><br>- 他困得很,一上床就着了。 He was so tired that he fell asleep the moment he went to bed. <br><font color=blue>5 [as a complement to another verb] hit the mark; succeed in:</font><br>- 灯点着了。 The lamp is lit. <br>- 票我买着了。 I've bought my ticket. <br>- 这回你可说着了。 This time you really hit the nail on the head. <br>- 猫逮着一只老鼠。 The cat caught a rat. <br>- 他整夜翻来覆去睡不着。 He tossed and turned all night, unable to get to sleep. <br>- 我们到处找他都找不着。 We looked everywhere, but couldn't find him. <br>- 今天真把你累着了。 You really must be worn out today. ;;</td></td></div><div class="entry"><font color=red>着 </font><br><font color=green>zhe</font><br><font color=blue>助 </font><br><font color=blue>1 [added to a verb or adjective to indicate a continued action or state, often with the particle 呢 at the end of the sentence]:</font><br>- 大门敞着。 The gate is wide open. <br>- 雪正下着呢。 It's snowing. <br>- 别站着,坐下吧。 No need to stand, please sit down. <br>- 他穿着一身新衣服。 He is wearing new clothes. <br>- 夜深了,屋里的灯却还亮着。 It was late at night, but the lights in the room were still on. <br>- 他们正谈着话呢,请你在外头等几分钟吧。 They are talking just now, please wait outside a few minutes. <br><font color=blue>2 [in sentences beginning with a place word, added to the verb to indicate a resultant state, the verb plus 着 having the force of “there is”]:</font><br>- 墙上挂着一幅山水画。 On the wall hangs a landscape painting. <br>- 桌上放着好些东西。 There are a lot of things on the table. <br><font color=blue>3 [verb plus 着 placed before another verb, indicating an accompanying action or state]</font><table border="0"><br>- <br><font color=blue>a [verb plus 着 serving as an adverbial modifier]:</font><td width="100%">他爱吃着饭看报。 He likes to read the newspaper while eating. <br>- 他老低着头走路。 He always walks with his head bent. <br>- 他正忙着准备考试。 He is busy preparing for the examination. <br>- 孩子们急着要出去玩儿。 The children are in a hurry to go outside and play. <br>- 路不远,咱们走着去吧。 It's quite near, let's go on foot. <br>- 探险队冒着大雪上山。 The expedition climbed the mountain in spite of the heavy snow. </td><table border="0"><br>- <br><font color=blue>b [verb plus 着 repeated, indicating that while one action is in progress another is expected]:</font><td width="100%">她想着想着笑了起来。 She thought for a while and then burst out laughing. <br>- 走着走着天色暗了下来。 As we walked along, it began to grow dark. </td><br><font color=blue>4 [in imperative sentences, used after verbs or adjectives for emphasis, often with 点儿 added]:</font><br>- 等着! Wait! <br>- 慢着! Hold it! <br>- 快着点儿。 Hurry! <br>- 你听着。 Listen! <br>- 过马路看着点儿。 Mind when you cross the street. <br>- 这事你记着点儿。 Be sure to remember this. or Don't forget! <br><font color=blue>5 [in forming a preposition]:</font><br>- 向着 towards <br>- 沿着马路 along the road ;;</td></td></div><div class="entry"><font color=red>着</font><sup>1</font> </font><br><font color=green>zhuó</sup><td><br><font color=blue>I 动 </font><br><font color=blue>1 wear (clothes):</font><br>- 吃着不尽 have as much food and clothing as one wants; lack for nothing<br><font color=blue>2 touch; come into contact with:</font><br>- 附着 adhere to; stick to <br><font color=blue>3 apply; use [[着墨]] </font><br><font color=blue>II 名 〈书〉 whereabouts:</font><br>- 无着 nowhere</td></td></div><div class="entry"><font color=red>着</font><sup>2</sup><td><br><font color=green>zhāo</font><br><font color=blue>〈方〉 </font><br><font color=blue>I 动 put in; add:</font><br>- 着点儿盐 add a pinch of salt<br><font color=blue>II 叹 all right; OK:</font><br>- 着,咱们就这么办。 OK, that's what we'll do then. ;;</td></td></div><div class="entry"><font color=red>着</font><sup>2</font> </td><td><br><font color=green>zhuó</sup><td><br><font color=blue>动 </font><br><font color=blue>1 send:</font><br>- 请着人前来领取。 Please send someone here for it. <br><font color=blue>2 〈书〉 [in official documents, expressing a peremptory tone] order; commend:</font><br>- 以上规定,着即施行。 The above regulations are to be enforced immediately. <br>- ;;</div><div class="source">- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典</div>[[Category:简体中文]] <div class="entry"><font color=red>着<sup>1</sup></font><br><font color=green>zhuó</font><br><font color=blue>1. 穿(衣) {wear (clothes); dress}:</font><br>- 穿~ {dress; apparel}<br>- 吃~不尽。 {have more than enough food and clothing}</font><br><font color=blue>2. 接触;挨上 {touch; contact}:</font><br>- 附~ {adhere to}<br>- ~陆 {land; touch down}<br>- 不~边际。 {irrelevant; wide of the mark; not to the point; neither here nor there}</font><br><font color=blue>3. 使接触别的事物;使附着在别的物体上 {apply; attach; contact or touch another thing; adhere to another object}:</font><br>- ~笔 {set pen to paper; begin to write or paint}<br>- ~眼 {view or see from the angle of; have sth. in mind; consider a certain aspect; take as the basis}<br>- ~手 {begin; set about; proceed to}<br>- ~色 {colour; apply colour}<br>- ~墨 {paint; ink in; describe in writing}<br>- 不~痕迹。 {leave no trace}</font><br><font color=blue>4. 着落 {whereabouts}:</font><br>- 寻找无~。 {cannot find the whereabouts; nowhere to be found}</font></div><div class="source">简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典</div>[[Category:简体中文]] <div class="entry"><font color=red>着(招)</font><br><font color=green>zhāo</font><br><font color=blue>1. (~ㄦ {zhāor})下棋时下一子或走一步叫一着 {move in a chess game}:</font><br>- 高~ㄦ {clever move}<br>- 别支~ㄦ。 {Don't tell about it. or Don't reveal the move.}</font><br><font color=blue>2. (~ㄦ {zhāor})<font color=orange>〈比喻 fig.〉</font>计策或手段 {trick; device; move}:</font><br>- 使花~ {play tricks}<br>- 我没~ㄦ了 {I am at my wits' end.}<br>- 这一~厉害。 {That was really a stroke of brilliance.}</font><br><font color=blue>3. <font color=orange>〈方 dial.〉</font>放;搁进去 {put in; add}:</font><br>- ~点ㄦ盐。 {put some salt in}</font><br><font color=blue>4. <font color=orange>〈方 dial.〉</font>用于应答,表示同意 {all right; OK}:</font><br>- 这话~哇! {That says it all!}<br>- ~,咱们就这么办! {OK, that's what we'll do then.}<BR>⇒着zháo</font></div><div class="source">简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典</div>[[Category:简体中文]] <div class="entry"><font color=red>着</font><br><font color=green>·<br><font color=green>zhe</font></font><br><font color=blue>1. 表示动作的持续 {[indicating the continuation of an action] be doing}:</font><br>- 他打~红旗在前面走 {He is holding a red flag and walking in the front.}<br>- 他们正谈~话呢。 {They are having a talk.}</font><br><font color=blue>2. 表示状态的持续 {[indicating the continuation of a state]}:</font><br>- 大门敞~ {The gate is wide open.}<br>- 茶几上放~一瓶花。 {A vase of flowers is placed on the tea table.}</font><br><font color=blue>3. 用在动词或表示程度的形容词后面,加强命令或嘱咐的语气 {[used after a verb or an adjective to strengthen the tone of an order or exhortation]}:</font><br>- 你听~ {Just listen.}<br>- 步子大~点ㄦ {Quicken your steps, please.}<br>- 快~点ㄦ写 {Write quickly.}<br>- 手可要轻~点ㄦ。 {Handle it gently.}</font><br><font color=blue>4. 加在某些动词后面,使变成介词 {[used after certain verbs to form a preposition]}:</font><br>- 顺~ {along}<br>- 沿~ {alongside}<br>- 朝~ {towards}<br>- 照~ {follow the example}<br>- 为~。 {for (the sake of)}<BR>⇒着zhāo</font></div><div class="source">简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典</div>[[Category:简体中文]] <div class="entry"><font color=red>着<sup>2</sup></font><br><font color=green>zhuó</font><br><font color=blue>1. 派遣 {send; dispatch}:</font><br>- ~人前来领取。 {send someone over to fetch it}</font><br><font color=blue>2. 公文用语,表示命令的口气 {[used in official documents, to indicate an imperative tone]}:</font><br>- ~即施行。 {to be enforced immediately}<BR>⇒着zhāo</font></div><div class="source">简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典</div>[[Category:简体中文]] <div class="entry"><font color=red>着</font><br><font color=green>zháo</font><br><font color=blue>1. 接触;挨上 {touch; contact}:</font><br>- 上不~天,下不~地。 {touch neither the sky nor the earth}</font><br><font color=blue>2. 感受;受到 {feel; suffer}:</font><br>- ~风 {be chilled by the wind; become unwell through being in a draught}<br>- ~凉。 {catch cold; catch a chill}</font><br><font color=blue>3. 燃烧,也指灯发光(跟‘灭’相对 as opposed to ‘extinguished’}</span>) {burn; be ignited; be lit}:</font><br>- 炉子~得很旺。 {The stove is burning briskly.}<br>- 天黑了,路灯都~了。 {It's dark and the streetlights are all on.}</font><br><font color=blue>4. 用在动词后,表示已经达到目的或有了结果 {[used after a verb to indicate having reached the goal or got the result]}:</font><br>- 睡~了 {fall asleep}<br>- 打~了 {hit the target}<br>- 猜~了 {guess right}<br>- 灯点~了。 {The lamp is lit.}</font><br><font color=blue>5. <font color=orange>〈方 dial.〉</font>入睡 {fall asleep}:</font><br>- 一上床就~了。 {He fell asleep the moment he got into bed.}<BR>⇒着zhāo</font></div><div class="source">简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典</div>[[Category:简体中文]] <div class="entry"><font color=red>着</font><br><font color=green>zhāo</font><br><font color=orange>动 </font><i><font color=blue><方> </font></i><font color=blue>put in; add</font><br>- 给汤里着点儿盐 put some salt in the soup<br><font color=gray>另见:</font><span class="ref single">zháo</span><span class="ref single">zhe</span><span class="ref single">zhuó</span><br><font color=orange>名 </font><font color=blue>move in chess</font><br>- 走错一着 make a false move; take a wrong step<br>- 高着儿 clever move<br>- 观棋不语,你可别支着儿。 Those who watch chess must not speak. So don't try to assist with any moves/don't cue him.<br><font color=gray>另见:</font>[[一着不慎,满盘皆输]]<br><font color=orange>名 </font><font color=blue>trick; device; move</font><br>- 我没着儿了。 I'm at the end of my tether. / I'm at my wits'end.<br>- 这一着厉害。 That's an astute/shrewd move.<br><font color=gray>另见:</font>[[花着]]<br><font color=orange>动 </font><i><font color=blue><方> </font></i><font color=blue>okey; OK</font><br>- 着,我们星期天去看那部电影。 OK, we'll go and see the film this Sunday.<br>- 你这话着哇! You've hit the nail on the head.<br><font color=gray>另见:</font><span class="ref single">zháo</span><span class="ref single">zhe</span><span class="ref single">zhuó</span></div><div class="entry"><font color=red>着</font><br><font color=green>zháo</font><br><font color=orange>动 </font><i><font color=blue><书> </font></i><font color=blue>attach</font><br><font color=gray>另见:</font><span class="ref single">zhāo</span><span class="ref single">zhe</span><span class="ref single">zhuó</span><br><font color=orange>动 </font><font color=blue>touch; come in contact with</font><br><font color=gray>另见:</font><span class="ref single">zhāo</span><span class="ref single">zhe</span><span class="ref single">zhuó</span><br><font color=orange>动 </font><font color=blue>be affected (by sth); be troubled with; suffer</font><br><font color=gray>另见:</font>[[着风]][[着凉]][[着迷]]<br><font color=orange>动 </font><font color=blue>be ignited; be lit; burn</font><br><font color=gray>另见:</font><span class="ref single">zhāo</span><span class="ref single">zhe</span><span class="ref single">zhuó</span><br><font color=orange>动 </font><i><font color=blue><方> </font></i><font color=blue>fall asleep</font><br><font color=gray>另见:</font><span class="ref single">zhāo</span><span class="ref single">zhe</span><span class="ref single">zhuó</span><br><font color=orange>动 </font><font color=blue>[used after a verb to indicate accomplishment or result] hit the mark; succeed in doing sth</font><br><font color=gray>另见:</font><span class="ref single">zhāo</span><span class="ref single">zhe</span><span class="ref single">zhuó</span></div><div class="entry"><font color=red>着</font><br><font color=green>zhe</font><br><font color=orange>助 </font><font color=blue>[used after a verb or an adjective to indicate the continuation of an action or a state]</font><br>- 打着一把伞 hold an umbrella<br>- 饭还热着呢。 The rice is still warm.<br>- 大门敞着。 The gate is left wide open.<br>- 瞧,屋里的灯还亮着。 Look, the lights in the room are still on.<br>- 他们正谈着话呢。 They are having a talk now.<br>- 大门口站着两个警卫。 Two guards were standing at the gate.<br>- 桌子上放着一瓶花。 On the table stands a vase of flowers.<br><font color=gray>另见:</font><span class="ref single">zhāo</span><span class="ref single">zháo</span><span class="ref single">zhuó</span><br><font color=orange>助 </font><font color=blue>[used between two verbs to indicate an accompanying action or a state]</font><br>- 别想着事儿过马路,小心车辆。 Don't cross the street with your mind on other things. Heed the traffic.<br>- 她读着读着哭了起来。 As she read on, she burst into tears.<br>- 咱们走着去吧。 Let's go there on foot.<br><font color=gray>另见:</font><span class="ref single">zhāo</span><span class="ref single">zháo</span><span class="ref single">zhuó</span><br><font color=orange>助 </font><font color=blue>[used after a verb to indicate a continuing action]</font><br>- 会议正在进行着。 The meeting is now in full swing.<br>- 她跳着唱着。 She sang while she danced.<br><font color=gray>另见:</font><span class="ref single">zhāo</span><span class="ref single">zháo</span><span class="ref single">zhuó</span><br><font color=orange>助 </font><font color=blue>[used for emphasis after a verb or an adjective in imperative sentences]</font><br>- 等着! Wait!<br>- 慢着! Hold it!<br>- 你听着。 You just listen.<br>- 快着点儿! Hurry up!<br>- 步子大着点儿。 Could you quicken your pace a little?<br><font color=gray>另见:</font><span class="ref single">zhāo</span><span class="ref single">zháo</span><span class="ref single">zhuó</span></div><div class="entry"><font color=red>着</font><br><font color=green>zhuó</font><br><font color=orange>动 </font><font color=blue>touch; contact; come into contact with</font><br><font color=gray>另见:</font>[[着陆]][[不着边际]][[附着]]<br><font color=orange>动 </font><font color=blue>apply; use</font><br><font color=gray>另见:</font>[[着笔]][[着墨]][[着手]][[着眼]]<br><font color=orange>名 </font><font color=blue>whereabouts</font><br><font color=gray>另见:</font>[[着落]]<br><font color=orange>动 </font><font color=blue>wear (clothes); be dressed in</font><br><font color=gray>另见:</font>[[着装]]</div><div class="entry"><font color=red>着</font><br><font color=green>zhuó</font><br><font color=orange>动 </font><font color=blue>send; assign; dispatch</font><br>- 着人领取 send someone here to fetch it<br>- 着人去请 send for sb<br>- 着一名干部前来洽谈 assign an official here for discussion<br><font color=gray>另见:</font><span class="ref single">zhāo</span><span class="ref single">zháo</span><span class="ref single">zhe</span><br><font color=orange>动 </font><font color=blue>order [used in official documents, expressing peremptory tone]</font><br>- 着即施行 must be enforced immediately<br>- 着即悉数上缴。 All is to be handed in immediately.<br><font color=gray>另见:</font><span class="ref single">zhāo</span><span class="ref single">zháo</span><span class="ref single">zhe</span></div><div class="source">- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典</div>[[Category:简体中文]] <div class="entry"><font color=red>着</font><br><font color="green">/zhuó/</font><br><font color=blue>apply; burn; device; send; touch; trick; wear; whereabouts</font></div><div class="source">简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典</div>[[Category:简体中文]]