{{#seo:| title = {{FULLPAGENAME}}_英文翻译_什么意思 - 翻译宝典| keywords = {{FULLPAGENAME}},{{FULLPAGENAME}}英文,{{FULLPAGENAME}}翻译,{{FULLPAGENAME}}是什么意思| description = {{FULLPAGENAME}},{{FULLPAGENAME}}英文,{{FULLPAGENAME}}翻译,{{FULLPAGENAME}}是什么意思,{{FULLPAGENAME}}术语含义。}}[[Category:中文]]<div class="entry"><font color=red>所以</font><br><font color=green>[suǒ yǐ]</font><br><font color=blue>therefore</font><br>⇒ [[乃]] [[用]] [[于是乎]] [[爰]] [[是故]] [[因而]] [[故而]] [[是以]] [[故此]] [[故]] [[近便]] [[三十而立]] [[等因奉此]] [[还乡女]] <br><font color=blue>as a result</font><br>⇒ [[因此]] [[因而]] [[此际]] [[于是]] [[到头来]] [[结果]] [[由于]] [[落落寡交]] [[相沿成习]] [[碰撞造山]] [[力挫]] [[脑满肠肥]] [[跌破]] [[罚酒]] [[居功自傲]] [[追尾]] [[复读]] [[五劳七伤]] <br><font color=blue>so</font><br>⇒ [[一般般]] [[一般]] [[不温不火]] [[马马虎虎]] [[云云]] [[某某]] [[厮]] [[是故]] [[乃]] [[也就是说]] [[是以]] [[偌]] [[如斯]] [[这样]] [[这样子]] [[合着]] [[何其]] [[然]] [[好]] [[尔]] [[如此]] [[那么]] [[咁]] [[甚至]] [[甚而至于]] [[甚或]] [[那厮]] [[甚且]] [[足以]] [[甚而]] [[这厮]] [[不过尔尔]] <br><font color=blue>the reason why</font><br>⇒ [[所以然]] [[之所以]] </div><div class="source>简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT</div>[[Category:简体中文]] <div class="entry"><font color=red>所以</font><br><font color=green>suŏyĭ</font><br><font color=blue>I 连 </font><br><font color=blue>1 [introducing a clause of result, preceded by a clause of reason or cause with or without an introductory 因为 or 由于] as a result; so; therefore:</font><br>- 天太冷,所以我不去了。 It's too cold, so I'm not going. <br>- 因为熊猫是珍稀动物,所以要尽一切努力保护它。 Pandas are very rare; therefore we should do our best to protect them. <br><font color=blue>2 [between the subject and the predicate of a clause of result, followed by a clause of reason or cause introduced by 是因为 or 是由于] the reason why:</font><br>- 我们(之)所以没有去,是因为我们得到通知太晚了。 The reason why we didn't go was that we were notified too late. <br><font color=blue>3 [in the pattern 是…所以 …的原因, preceded by a clause of reason or cause] that's why:</font><br>- 我和他在一起工作过两三年,这就是我所以对他比较熟悉的原因。 He and I have worked together for a couple of years. That's why I know him pretty well. <br><font color=blue>4 〈口〉 that's just the reason; that's just the point:</font><br>- 所以呀,要不我怎么会这么说呢? That's just the point; otherwise I wouldn't have said it. <br><font color=blue>II 名 〈书〉 [in certain set phrases as the object of the verb, to refer to sth. indefinite but understood]:</font><br>- 不明所以 not know why it is so</div><div class="source">- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典</div>[[Category:简体中文]] <div class="entry"><font color=red>所以</font><br><font color=green>suǒyǐ</font><br><font color=blue>1. 表示因果关系的连词。 {[conj. indicating casuality]}<biaoqian>a)</biaoqian>用在下半句表示结果 {[used to introduce a clause of result, preceded by a clause of reason or cause]}:</font><br>- 我和他在一起工作过,~对他比较熟悉。 {I used to work with him so I know him pretty well.}<biaoqian>b)</biaoqian>用在上半句主语和谓语之间,提出需要说明原因的事情,下半句说明原因 {[used between the subject and the predicate of a clause of result, followed by a clause of reason or cause introduced by 是因为shì yīn·wèi or 是由于shì yóuyú]}:</font><br>- 我~对他比较熟悉,是因为我和他在一起工作过。 {The reason I know him so well is that we used to work together.}<biaoqian>c)</biaoqian>上半句先说明原因,下半句用‘是…所以…的原因(缘故)’ {[used in the pattern 是 shì… 所以 suǒyǐ… 的原因·de yuányīn (缘故 yuángù) preceded by a clause of reason or cause] ... is the reason; is why ...}:</font><br>- 我和他在一起工作过,这就是我~对他比较熟悉的原因。 {He and I used to work together. That's why I know him pretty well.}<biaoqian>d)</biaoqian>‘所以’单独成句,表示‘原因就在这里’ {[used as an independent unit] precisely; that is exactly the point}:</font><br>- ~呀,要不然我怎么这么说呢! {Absolutely. Otherwise I wouldn't have said it!}</font><br><font color=blue>2. 实在的情由或适宜的举动(限用于固定词组中做宾语) {[used in certain set phrases as the object of the verb, to refer to sth. indefinite but understood]}:</font><br>- 忘其~ {be carried away}<br>- 不知~。 {not know why it is so}</font></div><div class="source">简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典</div>[[Category:简体中文]] <div class="entry"><font color=red>所以</font><br><font color=green>suǒyǐ</font><br><font color=orange>连 </font><div class="sense sub"><div class="sub single"><span class="sub desc">[used to introduce a clause of result, preceded by a clause of reason/cause, often in the structure因为…所以…] so; therefore; as a result</span><br>- 他是一个恐怖分子,所以,遭到所有人的谴责。 He is a terrorist; therefore, he is condemned by all.<br>- 因为找不到你,所以我走了。 I couldn't find you so I left.<div class="sub single"><span class="sub desc">[used between the subject and the predicate of a clause of result, followed by a clause of reason/cause introduced by是因为/由于]the reason why</span><br>- 我今天上班所以迟到,是因为我的表今早停了。 The reason why I was late for work today was that my watch stopped this morning.<div class="sub single"><span class="sub desc">[used in the pattern是…所以…的原因,preceded by a clause of reason/cause] that's why</span><br>- 他在美国待了四年,这就是他所以英语讲得如此流利的原因。 He stayed in America for four years. That's why he speaks English so fluently.<div class="sub single"><span class="sub desc">[used together with such words as呀and嘛, indicating the reason/cause] that's just the reason; that's just the point</span><br>- 所以呀,要不我就不请你啦。 That's just the point. Otherwise I would have not invited you.</div><br><font color=orange>名 </font><font color=blue>real/true situation; real/true reason</font><br><font color=gray>另见:</font>[[不知所以]][[忘乎所以]]</div><div class="entry"><font color=red>所以然</font><br><font color=green>suǒyǐrán</font><br><font color=orange>名 </font><font color=blue>reason; the whys and the wherefores</font><br>- 看不出个所以然 not be able to see the whys and wherefores (of)<br>- 知其然不知其所以然 know the how but not the why; know what it is but not know why it is so<br>- 他滔滔不绝地讲了几个小时,但对主题也没说出个所以然来。 He burbled on for hours but made you none the wiser about the topic.</div><div class="source">- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典</div>[[Category:简体中文]] <div class="entry"><font color=red>所以</font><br><font color="green">/suǒyǐ/</font><br><font color=blue>forasmuch; so; so that; therefore</font></div><div class="source">简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典</div>[[Category:简体中文]] <div class="entry"><font color=red>所以</font><br><font color=green>suǒ yǐ</font><br><font color=blue>therefore,副词,是表示因果关系(causal consequence)的最为规范的用语,用来翻译汉语中的连词“所以”,而且“所以”常与前一句中的“因为”、“由于”连用,说明原因和理由。要注意用“所以”的是主句,而从句中的“因为”可以不译。</font><br>- 因为熊猫是稀有动物,所以要尽一切努力去保护。 Pandas are a very rare animal and therefore we should do our best to protect them.<br>- 由于老板不在,所以她把钱交给了我。 The boss was absent and therefore she gave the money to me.<span class="note">正因为前一句中的“因为”、“由于”只起呼应作用,可以不译。故在现代汉语中大都很少使用。</span><br>- 他的腿断了,所以没有打比赛。 He broke his leg and therefore he didn't play in the game.<br>- 瞧窗外那些人!他们都打起了雨伞,所以一定是下雨了。 Look at those people outside the window! They have their umbrellas up and therefore it must be raining.<span class="note">但有时为了强调原因,可以译初“因为”(because),而不译“所以”(therefore),这时的because应重读。</span><br>- 因为他干活很仔细,所以连续6年不出废品。 Because he works very carefully, he has not produced a reject in the last six years.<br><font color=blue>so,跟therefore不同,是一个表示因果关系的连词,而且没有那么严密的推理,常用于简洁的日常会话。</font><br>- 因为我急着要走,所以来不及通知你了。 I was in a hurry to leave, so I didn't let you know.<br>- 因为我突然想起你是要给我出主意的人,所以我急着来找你了。 It occurred to me that you were the man to advise me, so I have hurried to you now.<br>- 他要我干,所以我干了。 He wanted me to do it, so I did it.<br>- 你不听,所以我不说了。 You aren't listening, so I'll shut up.<br><font color=blue>accordingly, consequently,与therefore 样,都是表示因果关系的副词,但一般都用在散文、论文、叙述文中,有“顺理成章”的意思。</font><br>- 他病得不能再呆在学校了,所以我们把他送回了家。 He was too sick at school, accordingly we sent him home.<br>- 我被告知要讲得简短,所以我草草结束了讲话。 I was told to speak briefly, accordingly I cut short my remarks.<br>- 雨很大,所以田地都被淹了。 The rain was heavy, consequently the land was flooded.<br>- 他是个很受欢迎的候选人,所以肯定会当选。 He is the popular candidate, consequently he is sure to be elected.<br><font color=blue>the reason why…that,以上几个词都是先说原因,后说结果。但这个词却是先说结果,后说理由以突出原因。可与汉语“…之所以…是因为…”的格式对应,往往用于书面。</font><br>- 我们之所以没有去是因为我们得到通知太晚了。 The reason why we didn't go was that we were notified too late.<br>- 我之所以对他比较熟悉,是因为我和他在一起工作过两年。 The reason why I know him pretty well is that he and I have worked together for a couple of years.<br>- 中国革命之所以取得胜利,主要是因为有正确的理论指导。 The reason why the Chinese revolution was successful was that it was guided by a correct theory.<br><font color=blue>“之所以”除了先说结果,后说理由之外,还可用来推理。这时一般都用It诫一that,一这样的句型。</font><br>- 诗之所以为诗,在乎意境,不在乎辞藻。 It is the mood and atmosphere, not poetic diction, that makes poetry what it is.<br>- 大学之所以为大学,不在大楼,而在大师也。 It is the great masters, not tall buildings, that make a university real.<br><font color=blue>“所以”除了用作虚词外,还可用作实词。</font><br>- 所以呀,要不我怎么会这么说呢? That's just the point. Otherwise I wouldn't have said it.<br>- 不要因为胜利而忘乎所以。 Don't get swollen-headed because of victory.<br>- 你是忘乎所以了吧? Are you forgetting yourself?<br>- 他高兴得忘乎所以了。 He became delirious with joy.<br>- 他被自己的成就弄得忘乎所以了。 He was carried away by his achievements.<br>- 收到他的绝命书,我们简直不知所以了。 Having received his suicide note, we simply did not know why it was so.</div><div class="source">- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典</div>[[Category:简体中文]]