{{#seo:| title = {{FULLPAGENAME}}_英文翻译_什么意思 - 翻译宝典| keywords = {{FULLPAGENAME}},{{FULLPAGENAME}}英文,{{FULLPAGENAME}}翻译,{{FULLPAGENAME}}是什么意思| description = {{FULLPAGENAME}},{{FULLPAGENAME}}英文,{{FULLPAGENAME}}翻译,{{FULLPAGENAME}}是什么意思,{{FULLPAGENAME}}术语含义。}}[[Category:中文]]<div class="entry"><font color=red>情緒 情绪</font><br><font color=green>[qíng xù]</font><br><font color=blue>mood</font><br>⇒ [[心绪]] [[心肠]] [[情怀]] [[情调]] [[思绪]] [[语气]] [[心情]] [[情态]] [[情志]] [[心境]] [[况味]] [[兴致]] [[心思]] [[气氛]] [[劲]] [[风气]] [[闲心]] [[奋发]] [[虚拟语气]] [[逸致]] [[消沉]] [[好气]] [[气头上]] [[意境]] [[闲情逸致]] [[高高兴兴]] [[不爽]] [[高兴]] [[喜冲冲]] [[无心]] [[玩兴]] [[民情]] <br><font color=blue>state of mind</font><br>⇒ [[神魂]] [[心神]] [[心绪]] [[心肠]] [[神志]] [[神思]] [[心气]] [[心绪不宁]] [[七上八下]] [[乱]] [[恍]] <br><font color=blue>moodiness</font><br><font color=blue>CL:種|种[zhǒng]</font></div><div class="source>简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT</div>[[Category:简体中文]] <div class="entry"><font color=red>情绪</font><br><font color=green>qíngxù</font><br><font color=blue>名 </font><br><font color=blue>1 morale; feeling; mood; sentiments:</font><br>- 情绪不高 be in low spirits <br>- 情绪高涨。 Morale is high. <br><font color=blue>2 depression; moodiness; the sulks:</font><br>- 有点儿情绪 rather sulky</div><div class="source">- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典</div>[[Category:简体中文]] <div class="entry"><font color=red>情绪</font><br>【所属学科】 生理学→中枢神经系统<br><font color=blue>【英文术语】emotion</font></div><div class="source">- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语</div>[[Category:简体中文]] <div class="entry"><font color=red>情绪</font><br>【所属学科】 心理学→基础心理学→普通心理学与实验心理学<br><font color=blue>【英文术语】emotion</font></div><div class="source">- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语</div>[[Category:简体中文]] <div class="entry"><font color=red>情绪</font><br><font color=green>qíng·xù</font><br><font color=blue>1. 人从事某种活动时产生的兴奋心理状态 {emotion; feeling; frame of mind; mood; humour; sentiment; spirits; vein; morale}:</font><br>- 生产~ {enthusiasm for production}<br>- 战斗~ {fighting morale}<br>- 急躁~ {anxiety; impatience}<br>- ~高涨。 {in high spirits}</font><br><font color=blue>2. 指不愉快的情感 {moodiness; depression; sullenness}:</font><br>- 闹~ {sulk; grizzle; pout; brood}<br>- 他有点ㄦ~。 {He is in a bit of a sulk.}</font></div><div class="source">简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典</div>[[Category:简体中文]] <div class="entry"><font color=red>情绪</font><br><font color=green>qíngxù</font><br><font color=orange>名 </font><font color=blue>mood; morale; feeling; sentiment</font><br>- 安定情绪 steady/calm one's nerves<br>- 摆脱悲观情绪 rid oneself of pessimism; rid oneself of a pessimistic mood<br>- 保持高涨的情绪 keep one's spirits up<br>- 发泄不满情绪 give vent to dissatisfaction<br>- 克服/减轻/缓和/掩饰失望情绪 get over/lighten/soften/hide one's disappointment<br>- 驱散悲伤的情绪 drive away/dispel sad feeling<br>- 煽动情绪 stir/whip up/arouse emotions (of); fan/stir the flames (of)<br>- 稳定情绪 set sb's mind at rest; calm sb down<br>- 影响情绪 sway the emotion; affect sb's feeling; influence one's moods<br>- 助长不满情绪 foster discontent<br>- 滋长自满情绪 breed self-satisfaction<br>- 情绪不好 not be in a good mood; be out of humour; be in bad spirits; be in a (bad) temper<br>- 情绪低落 be in low/poor spirits; be down/low in spirits; be in the gloom of despair<br>- 情绪高涨 feelings/passions run high; morale is high; be in high/great spirits<br>- 情绪很好 be in fine/high/good/great feather; be in good humour<br>- 情绪很坏/糟 be in a bad/vile/foul mood; be in very ill humour<br>- 情绪激动 be inflamed/heated with passion; be in a flame; be overpowered with emotion; be excited<br>- 情绪消沉 get depressed/dampened<br>- 情绪抑郁 be in a very depressed state<br>- 情绪阴郁 be in a dark/gloomy mood; be in melancholic/gloomy vein<br>- 情绪波动 emotional disturbance<br>- 情绪不稳定 emotional instability<br>- 敌对情绪 hostile/antagonistic feelings; feelings of enmity/hostility/oppugnance<br>- 公众情绪 public sentiment<br>- 民族情绪 national sentiment<br>- 思乡情绪 nostalgic mood<br>- 情绪忽高忽低。 Emotion swells and subsides. / Mood ebbs and flows. / Feelings fluctuate.<br>- 情绪激昂。 Emotions go high.<br>- 不满情绪爆发。 Disaffection broke out.<br>- 动人的音乐使听众情绪激荡。 The stirring music acted on the emotions of the audience.<br>- 让我们抛开个人情绪吧。 Let's set aside our personal feelings.<br>- 他情绪不稳。 He is liable to abrupt swings in mood.<br>- 他的情绪时好时坏。 His moods alternated between happiness and gloom.<br>- 她的情绪好起来了。 Her spirits/heart rose.<br>- 我的情绪保持稳定。 My mind has retained its balance.<br><font color=orange>名 </font><font color=blue>depression; moodiness; sulks</font><br>- 有点儿情绪 be rather sulky/moody<br>- 他今天闹情绪了。 He's in a mood today. / He's in one of his moods/sulks today.</div><div class="source">- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典</div>[[Category:简体中文]] <div class="entry"><font color=red>情绪</font><br><font color="green">/qíngxù/</font><br><font color=blue>emotion; feeling; humour; mind; mood; spirit; vein</font></div><div class="source">简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典</div>[[Category:简体中文]] <div class="entry"><font color=red>情绪</font><br><font color=green>qíng xù</font><br><font color=blue>mood,词义广泛,可指各种心理形成的情绪,并会因此影响人的言行。</font><br>- 他一受情绪支配,工作起来就慢吞吞的。 He works leisurely, as the mood comes over him.<br>- 他情绪好的时候就会唱他喜爱的那首歌。 When he was in a good mood, he would sing his favorite song.<br>- 她的情绪最近有点怪。 Her mood has been a bit queer recently.<br>- 士兵们的革命情绪高涨。 The soldiers' revolutionary mood ran high.<br>- 足球队的情绪如何? What is the mood of the football team?<br>- 那晚她的情绪坏透了。 That evening she was in a vile mood.<br><font color=blue>feeling,泛指由各种感觉综合起来产生的情绪,单数表示某种情绪,复数则表示复杂的情绪。</font><br>- 不要忘记,个人崇拜也是一种宗教情绪。 Do not forget that personality cult is a religious feeling as well.<br>- 他的举动引起她一阵淡淡的厌恶情绪。 His deed aroused her faint feeling of disgust.<br>- 我知道你的情绪一上来,不骂人确实也难。 I knew it was really hard for you to swear when your feelings got working.<br>- 他的讲话加剧了民族主义情绪。 His speech intensified the nationalist feelings.<br><font color=blue>sentiment,指由细腻感情产生的情绪,同样也有单复数。</font><br>- 这个时候我只希望你做一件事,就是停止挑起公众的情绪来反对我。 What I do wish you to do at this time is to stop stirring up public sentiment against me.<br>- 人民的普遍情绪是反对战争。 The general sentiment of the people is against war.<br>- 有观察家指出在阿拉伯人中反美情绪激增。 Observers noted a sharp increase in anti-American sentiments among the Arabs.<br>- 今天的年轻人对他们未曾经历过的往事是不会有伤感情绪的。 Young people today have no sick sentiments for things of the past they have not experienced.<br><font color=blue>spirits,常用复数,指由各种精神产生的情绪。</font><br>- 晚饭过后她的情绪有了好转,于是她出去转转。 After supper her spirits improved and she went round.<br>- 随着假日的临近,他的情绪也高涨起来。 His spirits rose with the holidays approaching.<br>- 我们坐了下来,不过我们当中谁也没有情绪低落。 We both sat down, however, neither of us was in low spirits.<br>- 我们再次相逢时我希望你的情绪会更好。 I hope to find you in better spirits when we meet again.<br><font color=blue>“情绪”的其他译法。</font><br>- 足球队虽然输了第一场,但依然情绪高涨。 The football team was high in morale though they lost the first game.<br>- 全团战斗情绪高昂。 The whole regiment is in fine fighting fettle.<br>- 他是由于急躁情绪而犯了错误。 He committed the error out of rashness.<br>- 你说的话使大家情绪低落。 What you said cast a gloom over all of us.<br>- 只有收容难民才能安定他们的情绪。 Only by housing refugees can we set them at ease.<br>- 他在闹情绪。 He is in a fit of depression.<br>- 她有点情绪。 She was rather sulky.<br>- 我们开始时对他有不满情绪。 At the beginning we bore a grudge against him.<br>- 队员的情绪忽高忽低,这很不正常。 The team members' emotion swells and subsides; it's abnormal.</div><div class="source">- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典</div>[[Category:简体中文]]